2016-09-14 12:06:40 +02:00

692 lines
23 KiB

// Zerberos
// Zample player
// Copyright (C) 2013 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QStringList>
#include <sndfile.h>
#include "libmscore/xml.h"
#include "instrument.h"
#include "zone.h"
#include "sample.h"
#include "zerberus.h"
// SfzControl
struct SfzControl {
QString defaultPath;
int octave_offset;
int note_offset;
int set_cc[128];
std::map<QString, QString> defines;
void init();
void SfzControl::init()
octave_offset = 0;
note_offset = 0;
// SfzRegion
struct SfzRegion {
QString path;
double amp_veltrack;
// amp envelope all in seconds
// but the level ones
// they are in percent
double ampeg_delay;
double ampeg_start; // level
double ampeg_attack;
double ampeg_hold;
double ampeg_decay;
double ampeg_sustain; // level
double ampeg_release;
double rt_decay;
double ampeg_vel2delay;
double ampeg_vel2attack;
double ampeg_vel2hold;
double ampeg_vel2decay;
double ampeg_vel2sustain;
double ampeg_vel2release;
QString sample;
int lochan, hichan;
int lokey, hikey, lovel, hivel, pitch_keycenter;
double hirand, lorand;
int on_locc[128];
int on_hicc[128];
int locc[128];
int hicc[128];
bool use_cc;
int off_by;
int group;
int seq_length, seq_position;
double volume;
int octave_offset, note_offset;
int tune, transpose;
double pitch_keytrack;
int loopStart, loopEnd;
Trigger trigger;
LoopMode loop_mode;
OffMode off_mode;
std::map<int, double> gain_oncc;
void init(const QString&);
bool isEmpty() const { return sample.isEmpty(); }
int readKey(const QString&, SfzControl c) const;
void readOp(const QString& token, const QString& data, SfzControl& c);
void setZone(Zone*) const;
// init
void SfzRegion::init(const QString& _path)
path = _path;
lochan = 1;
hichan = 16;
amp_veltrack = 100;
ampeg_delay = 0.0;
ampeg_start = 0.0; //percent
ampeg_attack = 0.001;
ampeg_hold = 0.0;
ampeg_decay = 0.0;
ampeg_sustain = 100.0; // percent
ampeg_release = 0.200; // in sec
ampeg_vel2delay = 0.0;
ampeg_vel2attack = 0.0;
ampeg_vel2hold = 0.0;
ampeg_vel2decay = 0.0;
ampeg_vel2sustain = 0.0;
ampeg_vel2release = 0.0;
rt_decay = 0.0; // dB /sec
lokey = 0;
hikey = 127;
lovel = 0;
hivel = 127;
pitch_keycenter = 60;
sample = "";
lorand = 0.0;
hirand = 1.0;
group = 0;
off_by = 0;
volume = 1.0;
seq_length = 1;
seq_position = 1;
trigger = Trigger::ATTACK;
loop_mode = LoopMode::CONTINUOUS;
tune = 0;
transpose = 0;
pitch_keytrack = 100.0;
loopStart = -1;
loopEnd = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
on_locc[i] = -1;
on_hicc[i] = -1;
locc[i] = 0;
hicc[i] = 127;
use_cc = false;
off_mode = OffMode::FAST;
// setZone
// set Zone from sfzRegion
void SfzRegion::setZone(Zone* z) const
z->keyLo = lokey;
z->keyHi = hikey;
z->veloLo = lovel;
z->veloHi = hivel;
z->keyBase = pitch_keycenter;
z->offset = 0;
z->volume = pow(10.0, volume / 20.0);
z->ampVeltrack = amp_veltrack;
z->ampegAttack = ampeg_attack * 1000;
z->ampegDelay = ampeg_delay * 1000;
z->ampegStart = ampeg_start / 100.0;
z->ampegHold = ampeg_hold * 1000;
z->ampegDecay = ampeg_decay * 1000;
z->ampegSustain = ampeg_sustain / 100.0;
z->ampegRelease = ampeg_release * 1000;
// all vel2* but vel2sustain are time values in seconds
z->ampegVel2Delay = ampeg_vel2delay * 1000;
z->ampegVel2Attack = ampeg_vel2attack * 1000;
z->ampegVel2Hold = ampeg_vel2hold * 1000;
z->ampegVel2Decay = ampeg_vel2decay * 1000;
z->ampegVel2Sustain = ampeg_vel2sustain / 100; // level in percent
z->ampegVel2Release = ampeg_vel2release * 1000;
z->seqPos = seq_position - 1;
z->seqLen = seq_length - 1;
z->seq = 0;
z->trigger = trigger;
z->loopMode = loop_mode;
z->tune = tune + transpose * 100;
z->pitchKeytrack = pitch_keytrack / (double) 100.0;
z->rtDecay = rt_decay;
for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
z->onLocc[i] = on_locc[i];
z->onHicc[i] = on_hicc[i];
z->locc[i] = locc[i];
z->hicc[i] = hicc[i];
z->useCC = use_cc;
z->offMode = off_mode;
z->offBy = off_by;
z->loRand = lorand;
z->hiRand = hirand;
z->group = group;
z->loopEnd = loopEnd;
z->loopStart = loopStart;
z->gainOnCC = gain_oncc;
// readKey
int SfzRegion::readKey(const QString& s, SfzControl c) const
bool ok;
int i = s.toInt(&ok);
if (ok) {
i += c.octave_offset * 12;
i += c.note_offset;
return i;
switch (s[0].toLower().toLatin1()) {
case 'c': i = 0; break;
case 'd': i = 2; break;
case 'e': i = 4; break;
case 'f': i = 5; break;
case 'g': i = 7; break;
case 'a': i = 9; break;
case 'b': i = 11; break;
qDebug("SfzRegion: Not a note: %s", qPrintable(s));
return 0;
int idx = 1;
if (s[idx].toLatin1() == '#') {
else if (s[idx].toLower().toLatin1() == 'b') {
int octave = s.mid(idx).toInt(&ok);
if (!ok) {
qDebug("SfzRegion: Not a note: %s", qPrintable(s));
return 0;
i += (octave + 1) * 12;
i += c.octave_offset * 12;
i += c.note_offset;
return i;
// addRegion
void ZInstrument::addRegion(SfzRegion& r)
for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
if (r.on_locc[i] != -1 || r.on_hicc[i] != -1) {
r.trigger = Trigger::CC;
Zone* z = new Zone;
z->sample = readSample(r.sample, 0);
if (z->sample) {
qDebug("Sample Loop - start %d, end %d, mode %d", z->sample->loopStart(), z->sample->loopEnd(), z->sample->loopMode());
// if there is no opcode defining loop ranges, use sample definitions as fallback (according to spec)
if (r.loopStart == -1)
r.loopStart = z->sample->loopStart();
if (r.loopEnd == -1)
r.loopEnd = z->sample->loopEnd();
if (z->sample)
// readDouble
static void readDouble(const QString& data, double* val)
bool ok;
double d = data.toDouble(&ok);
if (ok)
*val = d;
// readInt
static void readInt(const QString& data, int* val)
bool ok;
int i = data.toInt(&ok);
if (ok)
*val = i;
// readOp
void SfzRegion::readOp(const QString& b, const QString& data, SfzControl &c)
QString opcode = QString(b);
QString opcode_data_full = QString(data);
for(auto define : c.defines) {
opcode.replace(define.first, define.second);
opcode_data_full.replace(define.first, define.second);
QStringList splitData = opcode_data_full.split(" "); // no spaces in opcode values except for sample definition
QString opcode_data = splitData[0];
int i = opcode_data.toInt();
if (opcode == "amp_veltrack")
readDouble(opcode_data, &amp_veltrack);
else if (opcode == "ampeg_delay")
readDouble(opcode_data, &ampeg_delay);
else if (opcode == "ampeg_start")
readDouble(opcode_data, &ampeg_start);
else if (opcode == "ampeg_attack")
readDouble(opcode_data, &ampeg_attack);
else if (opcode == "ampeg_hold")
readDouble(opcode_data, &ampeg_hold);
else if (opcode == "ampeg_decay")
readDouble(opcode_data, &ampeg_decay);
else if (opcode == "ampeg_sustain")
readDouble(opcode_data, &ampeg_sustain);
else if (opcode == "ampeg_release")
readDouble(opcode_data, &ampeg_release);
else if (opcode == "ampeg_vel2delay")
readDouble(opcode_data, &ampeg_vel2delay);
else if (opcode == "ampeg_vel2attack")
readDouble(opcode_data, &ampeg_vel2attack);
else if (opcode == "ampeg_vel2hold")
readDouble(opcode_data, &ampeg_vel2hold);
else if (opcode == "ampeg_vel2decay")
readDouble(opcode_data, &ampeg_vel2decay);
else if (opcode == "ampeg_vel2sustain")
readDouble(opcode_data, &ampeg_vel2sustain);
else if (opcode == "ampeg_vel2release")
readDouble(opcode_data, &ampeg_vel2release);
else if (opcode == "sample") {
sample = path + "/" + c.defaultPath + "/" + opcode_data_full; // spaces are allowed
sample.replace("\\", "/");
else if (opcode == "default_path") {
c.defaultPath = opcode_data_full;
else if (opcode == "key") {
lokey = readKey(opcode_data, c);
hikey = lokey;
pitch_keycenter = lokey;
else if (opcode == "pitch_keytrack")
readDouble(opcode_data, &pitch_keytrack);
else if (opcode == "trigger") {
if (opcode_data == "attack")
trigger = Trigger::ATTACK;
else if (opcode_data == "release")
trigger = Trigger::RELEASE;
else if (opcode_data == "first")
trigger = Trigger::FIRST;
else if (opcode_data == "legato")
trigger = Trigger::LEGATO;
qDebug("SfzRegion: bad trigger value: %s", qPrintable(opcode_data));
else if (opcode == "loop_mode") {
if (opcode_data == "no_loop")
loop_mode = LoopMode::NO_LOOP;
else if (opcode_data == "one_shot")
loop_mode = LoopMode::ONE_SHOT;
else if (opcode_data == "loop_continuous")
loop_mode = LoopMode::CONTINUOUS;
else if (opcode_data == "loop_sustain")
loop_mode = LoopMode::SUSTAIN;
if (loop_mode != LoopMode::ONE_SHOT)
qDebug("SfzRegion: loop_mode <%s>", qPrintable(opcode_data));
else if(opcode == "loop_start")
readInt(opcode_data, &loopStart);
else if(opcode == "loop_end")
readInt(opcode_data, &loopEnd);
else if (opcode.startsWith("on_locc")) {
int idx = b.mid(7).toInt();
if (idx >= 0 && idx < 128)
on_locc[idx] = i;
else if (opcode.startsWith("on_hicc")) {
int idx = b.mid(7).toInt();
if (idx >= 0 && idx < 128)
on_hicc[idx] = i;
else if (opcode.startsWith("locc")) {
int idx = b.mid(4).toInt();
if (!use_cc)
use_cc = i != 0;
if (idx >= 0 && idx < 128)
locc[idx] = i;
else if (opcode.startsWith("hicc")) {
int idx = b.mid(4).toInt();
if (!use_cc)
use_cc = i != 127;
if (idx >= 0 && idx < 128)
hicc[idx] = i;
else if (opcode.startsWith("set_cc")) {
int idx = b.mid(6).toInt();
if (idx >= 0 && idx < 128)
c.set_cc[idx] = i;
else if (opcode == "off_mode") {
if (opcode_data == "fast")
off_mode = OffMode::FAST;
else if (opcode_data == "normal")
off_mode = OffMode::NORMAL;
else if (opcode.startsWith("gain_cc")) {
int idx = b.mid(7).toInt();
double v;
if (idx >= 0 && idx < 128) {
readDouble(opcode_data, &v);
gain_oncc.insert(std::pair<int, double>(idx, v));
else if (opcode.startsWith("gain_oncc")) {
int idx = b.mid(9).toInt();
double v;
if (idx >= 0 && idx < 128) {
readDouble(opcode_data, &v);
gain_oncc.insert(std::pair<int, double>(idx, v));
else if (opcode == "tune")
tune = i;
else if (opcode == "rt_decay")
readDouble(opcode_data, &rt_decay);
else if (opcode == "hirand")
readDouble(opcode_data, &hirand);
else if (opcode == "lorand")
readDouble(opcode_data, &lorand);
else if (opcode == "volume")
readDouble(opcode_data, &volume);
else if (opcode == "pitch_keycenter")
pitch_keycenter = readKey(opcode_data ,c);
else if (opcode == "lokey")
lokey = readKey(opcode_data, c);
else if (opcode == "hikey")
hikey = readKey(opcode_data, c);
else if (opcode == "lovel")
lovel = i;
else if (opcode == "hivel")
hivel = i;
else if (opcode == "off_by")
off_by = i;
else if (opcode == "group")
group = i;
else if (opcode == "lochan")
lochan = i;
else if (opcode == "hichan")
hichan = i;
else if (opcode == "note_offset")
c.note_offset = i;
else if (opcode == "octave_offset")
c.octave_offset = i;
else if (opcode == "seq_length")
seq_length = i;
else if (opcode == "seq_position")
seq_position = i;
else if (opcode == "transpose")
transpose = i;
qDebug("SfzRegion: unknown opcode <%s>", qPrintable(opcode));
QStringList readFile(QString const fn)
QFile f(fn);
QStringList list;
if (! {
qDebug("ZInstrument: cannot load %s", qPrintable(fn));
return list;
while (!f.atEnd())
return list;
// loadSfz
bool ZInstrument::loadSfz(const QString& s)
_program = 0;
QFileInfo fi(s);
QString path = fi.absolutePath();
QStringList fileContents = readFile(s);
if (fileContents.empty()) {
return false;
SfzControl c;
for (int i = 0;i < 128; i++)
c.set_cc[i] = -1;
int idx = 0;
bool inBlockComment = false;
// preprocessor
while(idx < fileContents.size()) {
QRegularExpression findWithSpaces("\"(.+)\"");
QRegularExpression comment("//.*$");
QRegularExpression trailingSpacesOrTab("^[\\s\\t]*");
QRegularExpressionMatch foundWithSpaces;
QString curLine = fileContents[idx];
QString curLineCopy = curLine;
bool nextIsImportant = false;
int idxBlockComment = 0;
int from = 0;
for (QChar chr : curLineCopy) {
bool terminated = false;
if (nextIsImportant) {
nextIsImportant = false;
if (inBlockComment && chr == '/') { // found block end
inBlockComment = false;
terminated = true;
curLine.remove(from, idxBlockComment - from + 1);
idxBlockComment = from - 1;
else if (!inBlockComment && chr == '*') { // found block start
inBlockComment = true;
terminated = true;
from = idxBlockComment - 1;
if (!terminated && inBlockComment && chr == '*')
nextIsImportant = true;
else if (!terminated && !inBlockComment && chr == '/')
nextIsImportant = true;
if (inBlockComment)
curLine.remove(from, curLine.size() - from);
curLine = curLine.remove(comment);
fileContents[idx] = curLine;
if (curLine.startsWith("#define")) {
QStringList define = curLine.split(" ");
foundWithSpaces = findWithSpaces.match(curLine);
if (define.size() == 3)
c.defines.insert(std::pair<QString, QString>(define[1], define[2]));
else if(foundWithSpaces.hasMatch())
c.defines.insert(std::pair<QString, QString>(define[1], foundWithSpaces.captured(1)));
else if (curLine.startsWith("#include")) {
foundWithSpaces = findWithSpaces.match(curLine);
if (foundWithSpaces.hasMatch()) {
QString newFilename = foundWithSpaces.captured(1);
for(auto define : c.defines) {
newFilename.replace(define.first, define.second);
QStringList newFileContents = readFile(path + "/" + newFilename);
if (newFileContents.empty())
return false;
int offset = 1;
for (QString newFileLine : newFileContents) {
fileContents.insert(idx+offset, newFileLine);
else if (curLine.isEmpty())
int total = fileContents.size();
SfzRegion r;
SfzRegion g; // group
SfzRegion glob;
bool groupMode = false;
bool globMode = false;
for (int idx = 0; idx < fileContents.size(); idx++) {
QString curLine = fileContents[idx];
zerberus->setLoadProgress(((qreal) idx * 100) / (qreal) total);
if (zerberus->loadWasCanceled())
return false;
if (curLine.startsWith("<global>")) {
if (!globMode && !groupMode && !r.isEmpty())
g.init(path); // global also resets group
globMode = true;
if (curLine.startsWith("<group>")) {
if (!groupMode && !globMode && !r.isEmpty())
if (globMode) {
glob = r;
globMode = false;
else {
r = glob; // initalize group with global values
groupMode = true;
curLine = curLine.mid(7);
else if (curLine.startsWith("<region>")) {
if (groupMode) {
g = r;
groupMode = false;
else if (globMode) {
glob = r;
g = glob;
globMode = false;
else {
if (!r.isEmpty())
r = g; // initialize next region with group values
curLine = curLine.mid(8);
else if (curLine.startsWith("<control>"))
QRegularExpression re("\\s?([\\w\\$]+)="); // defines often use the $-sign
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator i = re.globalMatch(curLine);
while (i.hasNext()) {
QRegularExpressionMatch match =;
int si = match.capturedEnd();
int ei;
if (i.hasNext()) {
QRegularExpressionMatch nextMatch = i.peekNext();
ei = nextMatch.capturedStart();
ei = curLine.size();
QString s = curLine.mid(si, ei-si);
r.readOp(match.captured(1), s, c);
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
_setcc[i] = c.set_cc[i];
if (!groupMode && !globMode && !r.isEmpty())
return true;