2021-06-29 11:32:39 +02:00

129 lines
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* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
* MuseScore-CLA-applies
* MuseScore
* Music Composition & Notation
* Copyright (C) 2021 MuseScore BVBA and others
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "val.h"
#include "async/channel.h"
#include "io/path.h"
#include "modularity/ioc.h"
#include "multiinstances/imultiinstancesprovider.h"
//! NOTE We are gradually abandoning Qt in non-GUI classes.
//! This settings interface is almost independent of Qt,
//! QSettings are used only in the implementation for compatibility with current settings.
//! Perhaps in the future this will be changed.
class QSettings;
namespace mu::framework {
class Settings
INJECT(framework, mi::IMultiInstancesProvider, multiInstancesProvider)
static Settings* instance();
struct Key
std::string moduleName;
std::string key;
Key() = default;
Key(std::string moduleName, std::string key);
bool isNull() const;
bool operator==(const Key& k) const;
bool operator<(const Key& k) const;
struct Item
Key key;
Val value;
Val defaultValue;
bool canBeMannualyEdited = false;
bool isNull() const { return key.isNull(); }
using Items = std::map<Key, Item>;
const Items& items() const;
void reload();
void load();
void reset(bool keepDefaultSettings = false);
Val value(const Key& key) const;
Val defaultValue(const Key& key) const;
//! NOTE Will be write to global config and sync between all instances
void setSharedValue(const Key& key, const Val& value);
//! NOTE Will be write to global config and NOT sync between instances
void setLocalValue(const Key& key, const Val& value);
void setDefaultValue(const Key& key, const Val& value);
void setCanBeMannualyEdited(const Settings::Key& key, bool canBeMannualyEdited);
void beginTransaction(bool notifyToOtherInstances = true);
void commitTransaction(bool notifyToOtherInstances = true);
void rollbackTransaction(bool notifyToOtherInstances = true);
async::Channel<Val> valueChanged(const Key& key) const;
io::path filePath() const;
Item& findItem(const Key& key) const;
async::Channel<Val>& findChannel(const Key& key) const;
void insertNewItem(const Key& key, const Val& value);
Items readItems() const;
void writeValue(const Key& key, const Val& value);
QString dataPath() const;
QSettings* m_settings = nullptr;
mutable Items m_items;
mutable Items m_localSettings;
mutable bool m_isTransactionStarted = false;
mutable std::map<Key, async::Channel<Val> > m_channels;
inline Settings* settings()
return Settings::instance();