2019-07-12 10:53:42 +02:00

492 lines
16 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2018 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "connector.h"
#include "element.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "scoreElement.h"
#include "xml.h"
namespace Ms {
// ConnectorInfo
ConnectorInfo::ConnectorInfo(const Element* current, int track, Fraction frac)
: _current(current), _score(current->score()), _currentLoc(Location::absolute())
if (!current)
qFatal("ConnectorInfo::ConnectorInfo(): invalid argument: %p", current);
// It is not always possible to determine the track number correctly from
// the current element (for example, in case of a Segment).
// If the caller does not know the track number and passes -1
// it may be corrected later.
if (track >= 0)
if (frac >= Fraction(0,1))
// ConnectorInfo
ConnectorInfo::ConnectorInfo(const Score* score, const Location& currentLocation)
: _score(score), _currentLoc(currentLocation)
// ConnectorInfo::updateLocation
void ConnectorInfo::updateLocation(const Element* e, Location& l, bool clipboardmode)
l.fillForElement(e, clipboardmode);
// ConnectorInfo::updateCurrentInfo
void ConnectorInfo::updateCurrentInfo(bool clipboardmode)
if (!currentUpdated() && _current)
updateLocation(_current, _currentLoc, clipboardmode);
// ConnectorInfo::connect
bool ConnectorInfo::connect(ConnectorInfo* other)
if (!other || (this == other))
return false;
if (_type != other->_type || _score != other->_score)
return false;
if (hasPrevious() && _prev == nullptr
&& other->hasNext() && other->_next == nullptr
) {
if ((_prevLoc == other->_currentLoc)
&& (_currentLoc == other->_nextLoc)
) {
_prev = other;
other->_next = this;
return true;
if (hasNext() && _next == nullptr
&& other->hasPrevious() && other->_prev == nullptr
) {
if ((_nextLoc == other->_currentLoc)
&& (_currentLoc == other->_prevLoc)
) {
_next = other;
other->_prev = this;
return true;
return false;
// ConnectorInfo::forceConnect
void ConnectorInfo::forceConnect(ConnectorInfo* other)
if (!other || (this == other))
_next = other;
other->_prev = this;
// distance
static int distance(const Location& l1, const Location& l2)
constexpr int commonDenominator = 1000;
Fraction dfrac = (l2.frac() - l1.frac()).absValue();
int dpos = dfrac.numerator() * commonDenominator / dfrac.denominator();
dpos += 10000 * qAbs(l2.measure() - l1.measure());
return 1000 * dpos + 100 * qAbs(l2.track() - l1.track()) + 10 * qAbs(l2.note() - l1.note()) + qAbs(l2.graceIndex() - l1.graceIndex());
// ConnectorInfo::orderedConnectionDistance
int ConnectorInfo::orderedConnectionDistance(const ConnectorInfo& c1, const ConnectorInfo& c2)
Location c1Next = c1._nextLoc;
Location c2Prev = c2._currentLoc; // inversed order to get equal signs
if (c1Next == c2Prev)
return distance(c1._nextLoc, c2._currentLoc);
return INT_MAX;
// ConnectorInfo::connectionDistance
// Returns a "distance" representing a likelihood of
// that the checked connectors should be connected.
// Returns 0 if can be readily connected via connect(),
// < 0 if other is likely to be the first,
// INT_MAX if cannot be connected
int ConnectorInfo::connectionDistance(const ConnectorInfo& other) const
if (_type != other._type || _score != other._score)
return INT_MAX;
int distThisOther = INT_MAX;
int distOtherThis = INT_MAX;
if (hasNext() && _next == nullptr
&& other.hasPrevious() && other._prev == nullptr)
distThisOther = orderedConnectionDistance(*this, other);
if (hasPrevious() && _prev == nullptr
&& other.hasNext() && other._next == nullptr)
distOtherThis = orderedConnectionDistance(other, *this);
if (distOtherThis < distThisOther)
return -distOtherThis;
return distThisOther;
// ConnectorInfo::findFirst
ConnectorInfo* ConnectorInfo::findFirst()
ConnectorInfo* i = this;
while (i->_prev) {
i = i->_prev;
if (i == this) {
qWarning("ConnectorInfo::findFirst: circular connector %p", this);
return nullptr;
return i;
// ConnectorInfo::findFirst
const ConnectorInfo* ConnectorInfo::findFirst() const
return const_cast<ConnectorInfo*>(this)->findFirst();
// ConnectorInfo::findLast
ConnectorInfo* ConnectorInfo::findLast()
ConnectorInfo* i = this;
while (i->_next) {
i = i->_next;
if (i == this) {
qWarning("ConnectorInfo::findLast: circular connector %p", this);
return nullptr;
return i;
// ConnectorInfo::findLast
const ConnectorInfo* ConnectorInfo::findLast() const
return const_cast<ConnectorInfo*>(this)->findLast();
// ConnectorInfo::finished
bool ConnectorInfo::finished() const
return (finishedLeft() && finishedRight());
// ConnectorInfo::finishedLeft
bool ConnectorInfo::finishedLeft() const
const ConnectorInfo* i = findFirst();
return (i && !i->hasPrevious());
// ConnectorInfo::finishedRight
bool ConnectorInfo::finishedRight() const
const ConnectorInfo* i = findLast();
return (i && !i->hasNext());
// ConnectorInfo::start
ConnectorInfo* ConnectorInfo::start()
ConnectorInfo* i = findFirst();
if (i && i->hasPrevious())
return nullptr;
return i;
// ConnectorInfo::end
ConnectorInfo* ConnectorInfo::end()
ConnectorInfo* i = findLast();
if (i && i->hasNext())
return nullptr;
return i;
// ConnectorInfoReader
ConnectorInfoReader::ConnectorInfoReader(XmlReader& e, Element* current, int track)
: ConnectorInfo(current, track), _reader(&e), _connector(nullptr), _connectorReceiver(current)
// readPositionInfo
static Location readPositionInfo(const XmlReader& e, int track) {
Location info = e.location();
return info;
// ConnectorInfoReader
ConnectorInfoReader::ConnectorInfoReader(XmlReader& e, Score* current, int track)
: ConnectorInfo(current, readPositionInfo(e, track)), _reader(&e), _connector(nullptr), _connectorReceiver(current)
// ConnectorInfoWriter
ConnectorInfoWriter::ConnectorInfoWriter(XmlWriter& xml, const Element* current, const Element* connector, int track, Fraction frac)
: ConnectorInfo(current, track, frac), _xml(&xml), _connector(connector)
if (!connector) {
qFatal("ConnectorInfoWriter::ConnectorInfoWriter(): invalid arguments: %p, %p", connector, current);
_type = connector->type();
// ConnectorInfoWriter::write
void ConnectorInfoWriter::write()
XmlWriter& xml = *_xml;
if (!xml.canWrite(_connector))
xml.stag(QString("%1 type=\"%2\"").arg(tagName()).arg(_connector->name()));
if (isStart())
if (hasPrevious()) {
if (hasNext()) {
// ConnectorInfoReader::read
bool ConnectorInfoReader::read()
XmlReader& e = *_reader;
const QString name(e.attribute("type"));
_type = ScoreElement::name2type(&name);
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "prev")
else if (tag == "next")
else {
if (tag == name)
_connector = Element::name2Element(tag, _connectorReceiver->score());
qWarning("ConnectorInfoReader::read: element tag (%s) does not match connector type (%s). Is the file corrupted?", tag.toLatin1().constData(), name.toLatin1().constData());
if (!_connector) {
return false;
return true;
// ConnectorInfoReader::readEndpointLocation
void ConnectorInfoReader::readEndpointLocation(Location& l)
XmlReader& e = *_reader;
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "location") {
l = Location::relative();;
// ConnectorInfoReader::update
void ConnectorInfoReader::update()
if (!currentUpdated())
if (hasPrevious())
if (hasNext())
// ConnectorInfoReader::addToScore
void ConnectorInfoReader::addToScore(bool pasteMode)
ConnectorInfoReader* r = this;
while (r->prev())
r = r->prev();
while (r) {
r->_connectorReceiver->readAddConnector(r, pasteMode);
r = r->next();
// ConnectorInfoReader::readConnector
void ConnectorInfoReader::readConnector(std::unique_ptr<ConnectorInfoReader> info, XmlReader& e)
if (!info->read()) {
// ConnectorInfoReader::connector
Element* ConnectorInfoReader::connector()
// connector should be contained in the first node normally.
ConnectorInfo* i = findFirst();
if (i)
return static_cast<ConnectorInfoReader*>(i)->_connector;
return nullptr;
// ConnectorInfoReader::connector
const Element* ConnectorInfoReader::connector() const
return const_cast<ConnectorInfoReader*>(this)->connector();
// ConnectorInfoReader::releaseConnector
Element* ConnectorInfoReader::releaseConnector()
ConnectorInfoReader* i = static_cast<ConnectorInfoReader*>(findFirst());
if (!i) {
// circular connector?
ConnectorInfoReader* ii = this;
Element* c = nullptr;
while (ii->prev()) {
if (ii->_connector) {
c = ii->_connector;
ii->_connector = nullptr;
ii = ii->prev();
if (ii == this)
return c;
Element* c = i->_connector;
i->_connector = nullptr;
return c;