2014-05-26 19:19:29 +02:00

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// MusE Score
// Linux Music Score Editor
// $Id: musicxml.h 5595 2012-04-29 15:30:32Z lvinken $
// Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Werner Schweer and others
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef __MUSICXML_H__
#define __MUSICXML_H__
Definition of class MusicXML
#include "libmscore/fraction.h"
#include "libmscore/mscore.h"
#include "libmscore/pitchspelling.h"
#include "importxmlfirstpass.h"
#include "musicxmlsupport.h"
namespace Ms {
class Instrument;
class Measure;
class Tuplet;
class Tie;
class Slur;
class Part;
class Score;
class Note;
class Ottava;
class Trill;
class Pedal;
class Volta;
class TextLine;
class Chord;
class Harmony;
class Hairpin;
class Spanner;
class Lyrics;
class ChordRest;
class Beam;
class FiguredBass;
enum class StaffTypes : char;
// MusicXmlWedge
struct MusicXmlWedge {
int number;
int startTick;
int subType;
qreal rx;
qreal ry;
bool above;
bool hasYoffset;
qreal yoffset;
// MusicXmlPartGroup
struct MusicXmlPartGroup {
int span;
int start;
BracketType type;
bool barlineSpan;
const int MAX_LYRICS = 16;
const int MAX_PART_GROUPS = 8;
const int MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL = 6; // maximum number of overlapping MusicXML objects
const int MAX_BRACKETS = 9; // 8;
const int MAX_DASHES = 8;
// CreditWords
// a single parsed MusicXML credit-words element
struct CreditWords {
double defaultX;
double defaultY;
QString justify;
QString hAlign;
QString vAlign;
QString words;
CreditWords(double a, double b, QString c, QString d, QString e, QString f)
defaultX = a;
defaultY = b;
justify = c;
hAlign = d;
vAlign = e;
words = f;
typedef QList<CreditWords*> CreditWordsList;
typedef CreditWordsList::iterator iCreditWords;
typedef CreditWordsList::const_iterator ciCreditWords;
// JumpMarkerDesc
The description of Jumps and Markers to be added later
class JumpMarkerDesc {
Element* _el;
const Measure* _meas;
JumpMarkerDesc(Element* el, const Measure* meas) : _el(el), _meas(meas) {}
Element* el() const { return _el; }
const Measure* meas() const { return _meas; }
typedef QList<JumpMarkerDesc> JumpMarkerDescList;
// MusicXml
typedef std::vector<MusicXmlPartGroup*> MusicXmlPartGroupList;
The MusicXML importer.
class MusicXml {
Score* score;
QMap<QString, VoiceDesc> voicelist;
QVector<Fraction> measureLength; ///< Length of each measure as Fraction
QVector<int> measureStart; ///< Start tick of each measure
Fraction fractionTSig; ///< Current timesig as fraction
TextLine* bracket[MAX_BRACKETS];
TextLine* dashes[MAX_DASHES];
Tie* tie;
Volta* lastVolta;
QDomDocument* doc;
MxmlReaderFirstPass const& pass1;
int tick; ///< Current position in MuseScore time
int maxtick; ///< Maxtick of a measure, used to calculate measure len
int prevtick; ///< Previous notes tick (used to insert additional notes to chord)
int lastMeasureLen;
int multiMeasureRestCount; ///< Remaining measures in a multi measure rest
bool startMultiMeasureRest; ///< Multi measure rest started in this measure
int divisions; ///< Current MusicXML divisions
QVector<Tuplet*> tuplets; ///< Current tuplet for each track in the current part
CreditWordsList credits;
JumpMarkerDescList jumpsMarkers;
MusicXmlPartGroupList partGroupList;
QMap<Spanner*, QPair<int, int> > spanners;
Ottava* ottava; ///< Current ottava
Trill* trill; ///< Current trill
Pedal* pedal; ///< Current pedal
Harmony* harmony; ///< Current harmony
Hairpin* hairpin; ///< Current hairpin (obsoletes wedgelist)
Chord* tremStart; ///< Starting chord for current tremolo
FiguredBass* figBass; ///< Current figured bass element (to attach to next note)
bool figBassExtend; ///< Current figured bass extend
BeamMode beamMode; ///< Current beam mode
int pageWidth; ///< Page width read from defaults
int pageHeight; ///< Page height read from defaults
QMap<QString, MusicXMLDrumset> drumsets; ///< Drumset for each part
void doCredits();
void direction(Measure* measure, int staff, QDomElement node);
void scorePartwise(QDomElement);
void xmlPartList(QDomElement);
void xmlPart(QDomElement, QString id);
void xmlScorePart(QDomElement node, QString id, int& parts);
Measure* xmlMeasure(Part*, QDomElement, int, Fraction measureLen, KeySig*);
void xmlAttributes(Measure*, int stave, QDomElement node, KeySig*);
void xmlLyric(int trk, QDomElement e,
QMap<int, Lyrics*>& numbrdLyrics,
QMap<int, Lyrics*>& defyLyrics,
QList<Lyrics*>& unNumbrdLyrics);
void xmlNotations(Note* note, ChordRest* cr, int trk, int ticks, QDomElement node);
Note* xmlNote(Measure*, int stave, const QString& partId, Beam*& beam, QString& currentVoice, QDomElement node, QList<Chord*>& graceNotes, int& alt);
void xmlHarmony(QDomElement node, int tick, Measure* m, int staff);
StaffTypes xmlClef(QDomElement, int staffIdx, Measure*);
void readPageFormat(PageFormat* pf, QDomElement de, qreal conversion);
QList<QDomElement> findSlurElements(QDomElement);
void addGraceNoteAfter(Chord*, Segment*);
MusicXml(QDomDocument* d, MxmlReaderFirstPass const& p1);
void import(Score*);
// XmlChordExtension
struct XmlChordExtension {
int idx;
const char* xmlName;
enum {
NoSystem = 0,
TopSystem = 1,
NewSystem = 2,
NewPage = 3
extern const XmlChordExtension chordExtensions[];
} // namespace Ms