Maurizio M. Gavioli b12132258d Fix #49126 Glissando and the Inspector / Fix #49141 - Glissando dragging
**Common part**: Both issues stemmed by the fact that clicking a glissando sometime selected the whole `Glissando` and sometime one of its segments.

It depended on the order in which element types appear in `element.h` enum: for all other spanners the segment type is listed **before** the whole element type, while for `GLISSANDO` and `GLISSANDO_SEGMENT` it is opposite.

Changing the order ensures that the segment is always selected rather than the whole `Glissando` element.

**Inspector**: adding property management to `GlissandoSegment` routing whole `Glissando` properties from the segment to the `Glissando` fixes `Glissando` access in Inspector once one of its segment(s) is selected.

This is parallel to how other spanners are currently managed (see for instance, `TextLine` and `TextLineSegment`).

**Dragging** and Saving: fixed by treating glissando segment user offset as user offset rather as position component (parallel to how VOLTA is managed).
2015-02-28 12:15:56 +01:00

127 lines
4.6 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __GLISSANDO_H__
#define __GLISSANDO_H__
#include "element.h"
#include "line.h"
namespace Ms {
// the amount of white space to leave before a system-initial chord with glissando
static const qreal GLISS_STARTOFSYSTEM_WIDTH = 4; // in sp
class Glissando;
class Note;
// @@ GlissandoSegment
class GlissandoSegment : public LineSegment {
// make glissando segment non-editable, until proper support is added for
// anchor selection
virtual bool isEditable() const override { return false; }
GlissandoSegment(Score* s) : LineSegment(s) {}
Glissando* glissando() const { return (Glissando*)spanner(); }
virtual Element::Type type() const override { return Element::Type::GLISSANDO_SEGMENT; }
virtual GlissandoSegment* clone() const override { return new GlissandoSegment(*this); }
virtual void draw(QPainter*) const override;
virtual void layout() override;
virtual QVariant getProperty(P_ID id) const override;
virtual bool setProperty(P_ID propertyId, const QVariant&) override;
virtual QVariant propertyDefault(P_ID id) const override;
// @@ Glissando
// @P glissandoType Ms::Glissando::Type (STRAIGHT, WAVY)
// @P text QString
// @P showText bool
class Glissando : public SLine {
Q_PROPERTY(Ms::Glissando::Type glissandoType READ glissandoType WRITE undoSetGlissandoType)
Q_PROPERTY(QString text READ text WRITE undoSetText)
Q_PROPERTY(bool showText READ showText WRITE undoSetShowText)
enum class Type : char {
Type _glissandoType;
QString _text;
bool _showText;
// make glissando non-editable, until proper support is added for anchor selection
// (in some occasions, trying to edit a single-segment glissando, redirects into
// editing the whole glissando)
virtual bool isEditable() const override { return false; }
Glissando(Score* s);
Glissando(const Glissando&);
static Note* guessInitialNote(Chord* chord);
static Note* guessFinalNote(Chord* chord);
// overriden inherited methods
virtual Glissando* clone() const override { return new Glissando(*this); }
virtual Element::Type type() const override { return Element::Type::GLISSANDO; }
virtual LineSegment* createLineSegment() override;
virtual void scanElements(void* data, void (*func)(void*, Element*), bool all=true) override;
virtual Space space() const override;
// virtual void draw(QPainter*) const override;
virtual void layout() override;
virtual void write(Xml&) const override;
virtual void read(XmlReader&) override;
// Glissando specific methods
Type glissandoType() const { return _glissandoType;}
void setGlissandoType(Type v) { _glissandoType = v; }
QString text() const { return _text; }
void setText(const QString& t) { _text = t; }
bool showText() const { return _showText; }
void setShowText(bool v) { _showText = v; }
// void setSize(const QSizeF&); // was used for palette; no longer used?
void undoSetGlissandoType(Type);
void undoSetText(const QString&);
void undoSetShowText(bool);
// property methods
virtual QVariant getProperty(P_ID propertyId) const override;
virtual bool setProperty(P_ID propertyId, const QVariant&) override;
virtual QVariant propertyDefault(P_ID) const override;
} // namespace Ms