2013-05-16 16:58:46 +02:00

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// MuseScore
// Linux Music Score Editor
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 2010 Werner Schweer and others
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef __HELPER_H__
#define __HELPER_H__
#include "tileset.h"
#include "colorscheme.h"
#include "animationmodes.h"
#include "cache.h"
typedef BaseCache<QColor> ColorCache;
typedef BaseCache<TileSet> TileSetCache;
typedef BaseCache<QPixmap> PixmapCache;
typedef QMap<quint32, bool> ColorMap;
// StyleHelper
class StyleHelper {
mutable ColorCache m_midColorCache;
mutable ColorCache m_backgroundColorCache;
mutable ColorCache m_backgroundTopColorCache;
mutable ColorCache m_backgroundBottomColorCache;
mutable ColorCache m_decoColorCache;
mutable ColorCache m_lightColorCache;
mutable ColorCache m_darkColorCache;
mutable ColorCache m_shadowColorCache;
mutable ColorCache m_backgroundRadialColorCache;
mutable TileSetCache m_cornerCache;
mutable TileSetCache m_slabSunkenCache;
mutable TileSetCache m_slabInvertedCache;
mutable TileSetCache m_holeCache;
mutable TileSetCache m_holeFlatCache;
mutable TileSetCache m_slopeCache;
mutable TileSetCache m_grooveCache;
mutable TileSetCache m_slitCache;
mutable TileSetCache m_dockFrameCache;
mutable TileSetCache m_scrollHoleCache;
mutable TileSetCache m_selectionCache;
mutable Cache<QPixmap> m_dialSlabCache;
mutable Cache<QPixmap> m_roundSlabCache;
mutable Cache<TileSet> m_holeFocusedCache;
mutable Cache<TileSet> m_slabCache;
mutable PixmapCache m_backgroundCache;
mutable PixmapCache m_progressBarCache;
mutable PixmapCache m_windecoButtonCache;
mutable PixmapCache m_windecoButtonGlowCache;
mutable PixmapCache m_dotCache;
qreal _bgcontrast;
qreal _contrast;
static const qreal _shadowGain;
static const qreal _glowBias;
static const qreal _slabThickness;
StatefulBrush _viewHoverBrush;
StatefulBrush _viewFocusBrush;
StatefulBrush _viewNegativeTextBrush;
mutable ColorMap m_highThreshold;
mutable ColorMap m_lowThreshold;
void drawHole(QPainter&, const QColor&, qreal shade, int r = 7) const;
StatefulBrush viewHoverBrush() const {
return _viewHoverBrush;
StatefulBrush viewFocusBrush() const {
return _viewFocusBrush;
TileSet* hole(const QColor& color, qreal shade, int size, bool outline) const;
TileSet* holeFlat(const QColor&, qreal shade, int size = 7) const;
void fillHole(QPainter&, const QRect&, int size = 7) const;
//! generic hole
void renderHole(QPainter* p, const QColor& color, const QRect& r, bool focus = false, bool hover = false,
TileSet::Tiles posFlags = TileSet::Ring, bool outline = false) const {
renderHole(p, color, r, focus, hover, -1, AnimationNone, posFlags, outline);
//! generic hole (with animated glow)
void renderHole(QPainter* p, const QColor&, const QRect& r,
bool focus, bool hover, qreal opacity, AnimationMode animationMode,
TileSet::Tiles posFlags = TileSet::Ring, bool outline = false) const;
TileSet* holeFocused(const QColor&, const QColor& glowColor, qreal shade, int size = 7, bool outline = false) const;
inline const QColor& calcMidColor(const QColor& color) const;
const QWidget* checkAutoFillBackground( const QWidget* ) const;
//! returns menu background color matching position in a top level widget of given height
const QColor& backgroundColor(const QColor& color, int height, int y) const {
return backgroundColor(color, qMin(qreal(1.0), qreal(y) / qMin(300, 3 * height / 4)));
const QColor& backgroundColor(const QColor&, qreal ratio) const;
const QColor& backgroundColor(const QColor& color, const QWidget* w, const QPoint& point) const {
if (!(w && w->window()) || checkAutoFillBackground(w))
return color;
return backgroundColor(color, w->window()->height(), w->mapTo(w->window(), point).y());
const QColor& backgroundRadialColor(const QColor& color) const;
const QColor& backgroundTopColor(const QColor& color) const;
const QColor& backgroundBottomColor(const QColor& color) const;
bool lowThreshold(const QColor& color) const;
bool highThreshold(const QColor& color) const;
static QColor alphaColor(QColor color, qreal alpha);
const QColor& calcLightColor(const QColor& color) const;
const QColor& calcDarkColor(const QColor& color) const;
void drawInverseShadow(QPainter&, const QColor&, int pad, int size, qreal fuzz) const;
void drawInverseGlow(QPainter&, const QColor&, int pad, int size, int rsize) const;
const QColor& calcShadowColor(const QColor& color) const;
void renderMenuBackground(QPainter* p, const QRect& clipRect, const QWidget* widget, const QPalette& pal) const {
renderMenuBackground(p, clipRect, widget, pal.color(widget->window()->backgroundRole()));
// render menu background
void renderMenuBackground(QPainter*, const QRect&, const QWidget*, const QColor&) const;
QPixmap verticalGradient(const QColor& color, int height, int offset = 0) const;
QPixmap radialGradient(const QColor& color, int width, int height = 64) const;
inline bool hasAlphaChannel(const QWidget*) const;
bool compositingActive() const {
return false; // return KWindowSystem::compositingActive();
void renderWindowBackground(QPainter* p, const QRect& clipRect, const QWidget* widget,
const QPalette& pal, int y_shift = -23, int gradientHeight = 64) const {
renderWindowBackground( p, clipRect, widget, pal.color( widget->window()->backgroundRole() ), y_shift, gradientHeight );
y_shift: shift the background gradient upwards, to fit with the windec
gradientHeight: the height of the generated gradient.
for different heights, the gradient is translated so that it is always at the same position from the bottom
void renderWindowBackground(QPainter* p, const QRect& clipRect, const QWidget* widget,
const QWidget* window, const QPalette& pal, int y_shift = -23, int gradientHeight = 64) const {
renderWindowBackground( p, clipRect, widget, window, pal.color( window->backgroundRole() ), y_shift, gradientHeight );
//! render window background using a given color as a reference
void renderWindowBackground(QPainter* p, const QRect& clipRect, const QWidget* widget,
const QColor& color, int y_shift = -23, int gradientHeight = 64) const {
renderWindowBackground( p, clipRect, widget, widget->window(), color, y_shift, gradientHeight );
//! render window background using a given color as a reference
void renderWindowBackground(QPainter* p, const QRect& clipRect, const QWidget* widget,
const QWidget* window, const QColor& color, int y_shift = -23, int gradientHeight = 64) const;
void renderDot(QPainter*, const QPoint&, const QColor&) const;
void drawSeparator(QPainter* p, const QRect& r, const QColor& color, Qt::Orientation orientation) const;
const QColor& decoColor(const QColor& background, const QColor& color) const;
//! returns a region matching given rect, with rounded corners, based on the multipliers
/*! setting any of the multipliers to zero will result in no corners shown on the corresponding side */
QRegion roundedMask( const QRect&, int left = 1, int right = 1, int top = 1, int bottom = 1 ) const;
//!@name slabs
void fillSlab(QPainter&, const QRect&, int size = 7) const;
// progressbar
QPixmap progressBarIndicator(const QPalette&, const QRect&) const;
QPixmap dialSlab(const QColor&, qreal shade, int size = 7) const;
QPixmap dialSlabFocused(const QColor&, const QColor&, qreal shade, int size = 7) const;
QPixmap roundSlab(const QColor&, qreal shade, int size = 7) const;
QPixmap roundSlabFocused(const QColor&, const QColor& glowColor, qreal shade, int size = 7) const;
TileSet* slabFocused(const QColor&, const QColor& glowColor, qreal shade, int size = 7) const;
TileSet* slabSunken(const QColor&, qreal shade, int size = 7) const;
TileSet* slabInverted(const QColor&, qreal shade, int size = 7) const;
TileSet* slab(const QColor&, qreal shade, int size = 7) const;
//! draw frame that mimics some sort of shadows around a panel
/*! it is used for menus, detached dock panels and toolbar, as well as window decoration when compositing is disabled */
void drawFloatFrame(
QPainter* p, const QRect r, const QColor& color,
bool drawUglyShadow = true, bool isActive = false,
const QColor& frameColor = QColor(),
TileSet::Tiles tiles = TileSet::Ring) const;
TileSet* scrollHole(const QColor&, Qt::Orientation orientation, bool smallShadow = false) const;
//! round corners (used for Menus, combobox drop-down, detached toolbars and dockwidgets
TileSet* roundCorner(const QColor&, int size = 5) const;
//! groupbox background
TileSet* slope(const QColor&, qreal shade, int size = 7) const;
TileSet* selection( const QColor&, int height, bool custom) const;
//! focus rect for flat toolbuttons
TileSet* slitFocused(const QColor&) const;
void drawSlab(QPainter&, const QColor&, qreal shade) const;
void drawShadow(QPainter&, const QColor&, int size) const;
void drawOuterGlow(QPainter&, const QColor&, int size) const;
void drawRoundSlab( QPainter&, const QColor&, qreal ) const;
//! returns menu background color matching position in a given menu widget
const QColor& menuBackgroundColor(const QColor& color, const QWidget* w, const QPoint& point) const {
if ( !( w && w->window() ) || checkAutoFillBackground( w ) )
return color;
return menuBackgroundColor( color, w->window()->height(), w->mapTo( w->window(), point ).y() );
//! returns menu background color matching position in a menu widget of given height
const QColor& menuBackgroundColor(const QColor& color, int height, int y) const {
return backgroundColor( color, qMin(qreal(1.0), qreal(y) / qMin(200, 3 * height / 4) ) );
//! scrollbar groove
TileSet* groove(const QColor&, qreal shade, int size = 7) const;
QPalette mergePalettes( const QPalette&, qreal ratio ) const;
TileSet* dockFrame(const QColor&, int size);
QPixmap windecoButton(const QColor& color, bool pressed, int size = 21) const;
//! negative text brush (used for close button hover)
const StatefulBrush& viewNegativeTextBrush( void ) const {
return _viewNegativeTextBrush;
void invalidateCaches();
void setMaxCacheSize(int value);
void reloadConfig();
// calcMidColor
const QColor& StyleHelper::calcMidColor(const QColor& color) const {
const quint64 key(color.rgba());
QColor* out = m_midColorCache.object(key);
if (!out) {
out = new QColor(ColorScheme::shade(color, ColorScheme::MidShade, _contrast - 1.0));
m_midColorCache.insert(key, out);
return *out;
// hasAlphaChannel
bool StyleHelper::hasAlphaChannel( const QWidget* widget ) const {
#if 0
//#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
if (compositingActive()) {
if (widget)
return widget->x11Info().depth() == 32;
return QX11Info().appDepth() == 32;
return false;
return compositingActive();