2013-05-13 19:43:59 +02:00

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// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __CHORDVIEW_H__
#define __CHORDVIEW_H__
#include "libmscore/pos.h"
namespace Ms {
class Staff;
class Chord;
class Note;
class NoteEvent;
class ChordItem;
class ChordView;
enum { GripTypeItem = QGraphicsItem::UserType, ChordTypeItem };
// GripItem
class GripItem : public QGraphicsRectItem {
ChordItem* _event;
int _gripType; // 0 - start grip 1 - end grip
ChordView* _view;
virtual void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget = 0);
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*);
GripItem(int gripType, ChordView*);
virtual int type() const { return GripTypeItem; }
ChordItem* event() const { return _event; }
void setEvent(ChordItem* e) { _event = e; }
// ChordItem
class ChordItem : public QGraphicsRectItem {
ChordView* _view;
Note* _note;
NoteEvent* _event;
bool _current;
virtual void paint(QPainter*, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*, QWidget* = 0);
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*);
ChordItem(ChordView*, Note*, NoteEvent*);
virtual int type() const { return ChordTypeItem; }
NoteEvent* event() const { return _event; }
Note* note() const { return _note; }
bool current() const { return _current; }
void setCurrent(bool v);
// ChordView
class ChordView : public QGraphicsView {
Chord* chord;
Note* _curNote;
int _locator;
int _pos;
QGraphicsLineItem* locatorLine;
int ticks;
int magStep;
GripItem* lg;
GripItem* rg;
ChordItem* curEvent;
bool _evenGrid;
bool _dirty;
virtual void drawBackground(QPainter*, const QRectF& rect);
virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent*);
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*);
virtual void leaveEvent(QEvent*);
virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*);
void magChanged(double, double);
void xposChanged(int);
void pitchChanged(int);
void posChanged(int);
protected slots:
void deleteItem();
public slots:
void moveLocator();
void selectionChanged();
void setChord(Chord*);
void ensureVisible(int tick);
QList<QGraphicsItem*> items() { return scene()->selectedItems(); }
bool evenGrid() const { return _evenGrid; }
void setEvenGrid(bool val) { _evenGrid = val; }
GripItem* rightGrip() const { return rg; }
void setCurItem(ChordItem*);
bool dirty() const { return _dirty; }
void setDirty(bool b) { _dirty = b; }
Note* curNote() const { return _curNote; }
static int pos2pix(int pos);
static int pix2pos(int pix);
static int y2pitch(int pix);
static int pitch2y(int pitch);
} // namespace Ms