
159 lines
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// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __PART_H__
#define __PART_H__
#include "mscore.h"
#include "instrument.h"
#include "text.h"
namespace Ms {
class XmlWriter;
class Staff;
class Score;
class InstrumentTemplate;
// @@ Part
// @P endTrack int (read only)
// @P harmonyCount int (read only)
// @P hasDrumStaff bool (read only)
// @P hasPitchedStaff bool (read only)
// @P hasTabStaff bool (read only)
// @P instrumentId string (read only)
// @P longName string
// @P lyricCount int (read only)
// @P midiChannel int (read only)
// @P midiProgram int (read only)
// @P mute bool
// @P partName string name of the part, used in the mixer
// @P shortName string
// @P show bool check/set whether or not a part is shown
// @P startTrack int (read only)
// @P volume int
class Part : public ScoreElement {
Q_PROPERTY(int endTrack READ endTrack)
Q_PROPERTY(int harmonyCount READ harmonyCount)
Q_PROPERTY(bool hasDrumStaff READ hasDrumStaff)
Q_PROPERTY(bool hasPitchedStaff READ hasPitchedStaff)
Q_PROPERTY(bool hasTabStaff READ hasTabStaff)
Q_PROPERTY(QString instrumentId READ instrumentId)
Q_PROPERTY(QString longName READ longName WRITE setLongName)
Q_PROPERTY(int lyricCount READ lyricCount)
Q_PROPERTY(int midiChannel READ midiChannel)
Q_PROPERTY(int midiProgram READ midiProgram)
Q_PROPERTY(bool mute READ mute WRITE setMute)
Q_PROPERTY(QString partName READ partName WRITE setPartName)
Q_PROPERTY(QString shortName READ shortName WRITE setShortName)
Q_PROPERTY(bool show READ show WRITE setShow)
Q_PROPERTY(int startTrack READ startTrack)
Q_PROPERTY(int volume READ volume WRITE setVolume)
QString _partName; ///< used in tracklist (mixer)
InstrumentList _instruments;
QList<Staff*> _staves;
QString _id; ///< used for MusicXml import
bool _show; ///< show part in partitur if true
Part(Score* = 0);
void initFromInstrTemplate(const InstrumentTemplate*);
virtual ElementType type() const override { return ElementType::PART; }
void read(XmlReader&);
bool readProperties(XmlReader&);
void write(XmlWriter& xml) const;
int nstaves() const { return _staves.size(); }
QList<Staff*>* staves() { return &_staves; }
const QList<Staff*>* staves() const { return &_staves; }
Staff* staff(int idx) const;
void setId(const QString& s) { _id = s; }
QString id() const { return _id; }
int startTrack() const;
int endTrack() const;
QString longName(int tick = -1) const;
QString shortName(int tick = -1) const;
QString instrumentName(int tick = -1) const;
QString instrumentId(int tick = -1) const;
const QList<StaffName>& longNames(int tick = -1) const { return instrument(tick)->longNames(); }
const QList<StaffName>& shortNames(int tick = -1) const { return instrument(tick)->shortNames(); }
void setLongNames(QList<StaffName>& s, int tick = -1);
void setShortNames(QList<StaffName>& s, int tick = -1);
void setLongName(const QString& s);
void setShortName(const QString& s);
void setPlainLongName(const QString& s);
void setPlainShortName(const QString& s);
void setStaves(int);
int volume() const;
void setVolume(int volume);
bool mute() const;
void setMute(bool mute);
int reverb() const;
void setReverb(int);
int chorus() const;
void setChorus(int);
int pan() const;
void setPan(int pan);
int midiProgram() const;
void setMidiProgram(int, int bank = 0);
int midiChannel() const;
int midiPort() const;
void setMidiChannel(int ch, int port = -1, int tick = -1); // tick != -1 for InstrumentChange
void insertStaff(Staff*, int idx);
void removeStaff(Staff*);
bool show() const { return _show; }
void setShow(bool val) { _show = val; }
Instrument* instrument(int tick = -1);
const Instrument* instrument(int tick = -1) const;
void setInstrument(Instrument*, int tick = -1); // transfer ownership
void setInstrument(const Instrument&&, int tick = -1);
void setInstrument(const Instrument&, int tick = -1);
void removeInstrument(int tick);
const InstrumentList* instruments() const { return &_instruments; }
void insertTime(int tick, int len);
QString partName() const { return _partName; }
void setPartName(const QString& s) { _partName = s; }
QVariant getProperty(P_ID) const override;
bool setProperty(P_ID, const QVariant&) override;
int lyricCount();
int harmonyCount();
bool hasPitchedStaff();
bool hasTabStaff();
bool hasDrumStaff();
} // namespace Ms