2017-03-08 13:12:26 +01:00

1733 lines
76 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
render score into event list
#include <set>
#include "score.h"
#include "volta.h"
#include "note.h"
#include "glissando.h"
#include "instrument.h"
#include "part.h"
#include "chord.h"
#include "trill.h"
#include "style.h"
#include "slur.h"
#include "tie.h"
#include "stafftext.h"
#include "repeat.h"
#include "articulation.h"
#include "arpeggio.h"
#include "durationtype.h"
#include "measure.h"
#include "tempo.h"
#include "repeatlist.h"
#include "velo.h"
#include "dynamic.h"
#include "navigate.h"
#include "pedal.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "hairpin.h"
#include "bend.h"
#include "tremolo.h"
#include "noteevent.h"
#include "synthesizer/event.h"
#include "segment.h"
#include "undo.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "sym.h"
namespace Ms {
//int printNoteEventLists(NoteEventList el, int prefix, int j){
// int k=0;
// for (NoteEvent event : el) {
// qDebug("%d: %d: %d pitch=%d ontime=%d duration=%d",prefix, j, k, event.pitch(), event.ontime(), event.len());
// k++;
// }
// return 0;
//int printNoteEventLists(QList<NoteEventList> ell, int prefix){
// int j=0;
// for (NoteEventList el : ell) {
// printNoteEventLists(el,prefix,j);
// j++;
// }
// return 0;
bool graceNotesMerged(Chord *chord);
// updateSwing
void Score::updateSwing()
for (Staff* s : _staves) {
Measure* fm = firstMeasure();
if (!fm)
for (Segment* s = fm->first(SegmentType::ChordRest); s; s = s->next1(SegmentType::ChordRest)) {
for (const Element* e : s->annotations()) {
if (!e->isStaffText())
const StaffText* st = toStaffText(e);
if (st->xmlText().isEmpty())
Staff* staff = st->staff();
if (!st->swing())
SwingParameters sp;
sp.swingRatio = st->swingParameters()->swingRatio;
sp.swingUnit = st->swingParameters()->swingUnit;
if (st->systemFlag()) {
for (Staff* sta : _staves) {
// updateChannel
void MasterScore::updateChannel()
for (Staff* s : staves()) {
for (int i = 0; i < VOICES; ++i)
Measure* fm = firstMeasure();
if (!fm)
for (Segment* s = fm->first(SegmentType::ChordRest); s; s = s->next1(SegmentType::ChordRest)) {
for (const Element* e : s->annotations()) {
if (e->isInstrumentChange()) {
Staff* staff = Score::staff(e->staffIdx());
for (int voice = 0; voice < VOICES; ++voice)
staff->channelList(voice)->insert(s->tick(), 0);
if (!e->isStaffText())
const StaffText* st = toStaffText(e);
for (int voice = 0; voice < VOICES; ++voice) {
QString an(st->channelName(voice));
if (an.isEmpty())
Staff* staff = Score::staff(st->staffIdx());
int a = staff->part()->instrument(s->tick())->channelIdx(an);
if (a != -1)
staff->channelList(voice)->insert(s->tick(), a);
for (Segment* s = fm->first(SegmentType::ChordRest); s; s = s->next1(SegmentType::ChordRest)) {
for (Staff* st : staves()) {
int strack = st->idx() * VOICES;
int etrack = strack + VOICES;
for (int track = strack; track < etrack; ++track) {
if (!s->element(track))
Element* e = s->element(track);
if (e->type() != ElementType::CHORD)
Chord* c = static_cast<Chord*>(e);
int channel = st->channel(c->tick(), c->voice());
Instrument* instr = c->part()->instrument(c->tick());
if (channel >= instr->channel().size()) {
qDebug() << "Channel " << channel << " too high. Max " << instr->channel().size();
channel = 0;
for (Note* note : c->notes()) {
if (note->hidden())
if (note->tieBack())
// playNote
static void playNote(EventMap* events, const Note* note, int channel, int pitch,
int velo, int onTime, int offTime)
if (!note->play())
velo = note->customizeVelocity(velo);
NPlayEvent ev(ME_NOTEON, channel, pitch, velo);
events->insert(std::pair<int, NPlayEvent>(onTime, ev));
events->insert(std::pair<int, NPlayEvent>(offTime, ev));
// collectNote
static void collectNote(EventMap* events, int channel, const Note* note, int velo, int tickOffset)
if (!note->play() || note->hidden()) // do not play overlapping notes
int pitch = note->ppitch();
Chord* chord = note->chord();
int ticks;
int tieLen = 0;
if (chord->isGrace()) {
Q_ASSERT( !graceNotesMerged(chord)); // this function should not be called on a grace note if grace notes are merged
chord = static_cast<Chord*>(chord->parent());
ticks = chord->actualTicks(); // ticks of the parent note
tieLen = 0;
else {
ticks = chord->actualTicks(); // ticks of the actual note
// calculate additional length due to ties forward
// taking NoteEvent length adjustments into account
// but stopping at any note with multiple NoteEvents
// and processing those notes recursively
if (note->tieFor()) {
Note* n = note->tieFor()->endNote();
while (n) {
NoteEventList nel = n->playEvents();
if (nel.size() == 1) {
// add value of this note to main note
// if we wish to suppress first note of ornament,
// then do this regardless of number of NoteEvents
tieLen += (n->chord()->actualTicks() * (nel[0].len())) / 1000;
else {
// recurse
collectNote(events, channel, n, velo, tickOffset);
if (n->tieFor() && n != n->tieFor()->endNote())
n = n->tieFor()->endNote();
int tick1 = chord->tick() + tickOffset;
bool tieFor = note->tieFor();
bool tieBack = note->tieBack();
NoteEventList nel = note->playEvents();
int nels = nel.size();
for (int i = 0; i < nels; ++i) {
const NoteEvent& e = nel[i]; // we make an explict const ref, not a const copy. no need to copy as we won't change the original object.
// skip if note has a tie into it and only one NoteEvent
// its length was already added to previous note
// if we wish to suppress first note of ornament
// then change "nels == 1" to "i == 0", and change "break" to "continue"
if (tieBack && nels == 1)
int p = pitch + e.pitch();
if (p < 0)
p = 0;
else if (p > 127)
p = 127;
int on = tick1 + (ticks * e.ontime())/1000;
int off = on + (ticks * e.len())/1000 - 1;
if (tieFor && i == nels - 1)
off += tieLen;
playNote(events, note, channel, p, velo, on, off);
// Bends
for (Element* e : note->el()) {
if (e == 0 || e->type() != ElementType::BEND)
Bend* bend = static_cast<Bend*>(e);
if (!bend->playBend())
const QList<PitchValue>& points = bend->points();
int pitchSize = points.size();
double noteLen = note->playTicks();
int lastPointTick = tick1;
for (int pitchIndex = 0; pitchIndex < pitchSize-1; pitchIndex++) {
PitchValue pitchValue = points[pitchIndex];
PitchValue nextPitch = points[pitchIndex+1];
int nextPointTick = tick1 + nextPitch.time / 60.0 * noteLen;
int pitch = pitchValue.pitch;
if (pitchIndex == 0 && (pitch == nextPitch.pitch)) {
int midiPitch = (pitch * 16384) / 1200 + 8192;
int msb = midiPitch / 128;
int lsb = midiPitch % 128;
NPlayEvent ev(ME_PITCHBEND, channel, lsb, msb);
events->insert(std::pair<int, NPlayEvent>(lastPointTick, ev));
lastPointTick = nextPointTick;
if (pitch == nextPitch.pitch && !(pitchIndex == 0 && pitch != 0)) {
lastPointTick = nextPointTick;
double pitchDelta = nextPitch.pitch - pitch;
double tickDelta = nextPitch.time - pitchValue.time;
/* B
/. pitch is 1/100 semitones
bend / . pitchDelta time is in noteDuration/60
/ . midi pitch is 12/16384 semitones
tickDelta */
for (int i = lastPointTick; i <= nextPointTick; i += 16) {
double dx = ((i-lastPointTick) * 60) / noteLen;
int p = pitch + dx * pitchDelta / tickDelta;
// We don't support negative pitch, but Midi does. Let's center by adding 8192.
int midiPitch = (p * 16384) / 1200 + 8192;
// Representing pitch as two bytes
int msb = midiPitch / 128;
int lsb = midiPitch % 128;
NPlayEvent ev(ME_PITCHBEND, channel, lsb, msb);
events->insert(std::pair<int, NPlayEvent>(i, ev));
lastPointTick = nextPointTick;
NPlayEvent ev(ME_PITCHBEND, channel, 0, 64); // 0:64 is 8192 - no pitch bend
events->insert(std::pair<int, NPlayEvent>(tick1+noteLen, ev));
// aeolusSetStop
static void aeolusSetStop(int tick, int channel, int i, int k, bool val, EventMap* events)
NPlayEvent event;
if (val)
event.setValue(0x40 + 0x20 + i);
event.setValue(0x40 + 0x10 + i);
events->insert(std::pair<int,NPlayEvent>(tick, event));
events->insert(std::pair<int,NPlayEvent>(tick, event));
// event.setValue(0x40 + i);
// events->insert(std::pair<int,NPlayEvent>(tick, event));
// collectMeasureEvents
static void collectMeasureEvents(EventMap* events, Measure* m, Staff* staff, int tickOffset)
int firstStaffIdx = staff->idx();
int nextStaffIdx = firstStaffIdx + 1;
SegmentType st = SegmentType::ChordRest;
int strack = firstStaffIdx * VOICES;
int etrack = nextStaffIdx * VOICES;
for (Segment* seg = m->first(st); seg; seg = seg->next(st)) {
int tick = seg->tick();
for (int track = strack; track < etrack; ++track) {
// skip linked staves, except primary
if (!m->score()->staff(track / VOICES)->primaryStaff()) {
track += VOICES-1;
Element* cr = seg->element(track);
if (cr == 0 || cr->type() != ElementType::CHORD)
Chord* chord = static_cast<Chord*>(cr);
Staff* staff = chord->staff();
int velocity = staff->velocities().velo(seg->tick());
Instrument* instr = chord->part()->instrument(tick);
int channel = instr->channel(chord->upNote()->subchannel())->channel;
for (Articulation* a : chord->articulations())
instr->updateVelocity(&velocity,channel, a->articulationName());
if ( !graceNotesMerged(chord))
for (Chord* c : chord->graceNotesBefore())
for (const Note* note : c->notes())
collectNote(events, channel, note, velocity, tickOffset);
for (const Note* note : chord->notes())
collectNote(events, channel, note, velocity, tickOffset);
if ( !graceNotesMerged(chord))
for (Chord* c : chord->graceNotesAfter())
for (const Note* note : c->notes())
collectNote(events, channel, note, velocity, tickOffset);
// collect program changes and controller
for (Segment* s = m->first(SegmentType::ChordRest); s; s = s->next(SegmentType::ChordRest)) {
// int tick = s->tick();
for (Element* e : s->annotations()) {
if (e->type() != ElementType::STAFF_TEXT
|| e->staffIdx() < firstStaffIdx
|| e->staffIdx() >= nextStaffIdx)
const StaffText* st = static_cast<const StaffText*>(e);
int tick = s->tick() + tickOffset;
Instrument* instr = e->part()->instrument(tick);
for (const ChannelActions& ca : *st->channelActions()) {
int channel = instr->channel().at(>channel;
for (const QString& ma : ca.midiActionNames) {
NamedEventList* nel = instr->midiAction(ma,;
if (!nel)
for (MidiCoreEvent event : nel->events) {
NPlayEvent e(event);
if (e.dataA() == CTRL_PROGRAM)
events->insert(std::pair<int, NPlayEvent>(tick-1, e));
events->insert(std::pair<int, NPlayEvent>(tick, e));
if (st->setAeolusStops()) {
Staff* staff = st->staff();
int voice = 0;
int channel = staff->channel(tick, voice);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
static int num[4] = { 12, 13, 16, 16 };
for (int k = 0; k < num[i]; ++k)
aeolusSetStop(tick, channel, i, k, st->getAeolusStop(i, k), events);
// updateRepeatList
void Score::updateRepeatList(bool expandRepeats)
if (!expandRepeats) {
for (RepeatSegment* s : *repeatList())
delete s;
Measure* m = lastMeasure();
if (m == 0)
RepeatSegment* s = new RepeatSegment;
s->tick = 0;
s->len = m->tick() + m->ticks();
s->utick = 0;
s->utime = 0.0;
s->timeOffset = 0.0;
if (MScore::debugMode)
// updateHairpin
void Score::updateHairpin(Hairpin* h)
Staff* st = h->staff();
int tick = h->tick();
int velo = st->velocities().velo(tick);
int incr = h->veloChange();
int tick2 = h->tick2();
// If velocity increase/decrease is zero, then assume
// the end velocity is taken from the next velocity
// event (the next dynamics symbol after the hairpin).
int endVelo = velo;
if (h->hairpinType() == HairpinType::CRESC_HAIRPIN || h->hairpinType() == HairpinType::CRESC_LINE) {
if (incr == 0 && velo < st->velocities().nextVelo(tick2-1))
endVelo = st->velocities().nextVelo(tick2-1);
endVelo += incr;
else {
if (incr == 0 && velo > st->velocities().nextVelo(tick2-1))
endVelo = st->velocities().nextVelo(tick2-1);
endVelo -= incr;
if (endVelo > 127)
endVelo = 127;
else if (endVelo < 1)
endVelo = 1;
switch (h->dynRange()) {
case Dynamic::Range::STAFF:
st->velocities().setVelo(tick, VeloEvent(VeloType::RAMP, velo));
st->velocities().setVelo(tick2-1, VeloEvent(VeloType::FIX, endVelo));
case Dynamic::Range::PART:
for (Staff* s : *st->part()->staves()) {
s->velocities().setVelo(tick, VeloEvent(VeloType::RAMP, velo));
s->velocities().setVelo(tick2-1, VeloEvent(VeloType::FIX, endVelo));
case Dynamic::Range::SYSTEM:
for (Staff* s : _staves) {
s->velocities().setVelo(tick, VeloEvent(VeloType::RAMP, velo));
s->velocities().setVelo(tick2-1, VeloEvent(VeloType::FIX, endVelo));
// removeHairpin
void Score::removeHairpin(Hairpin* h)
Staff* st = h->staff();
int tick = h->tick();
int tick2 = h->tick2() - 1;
switch(h->dynRange()) {
case Dynamic::Range::STAFF:
case Dynamic::Range::PART:
for (Staff* s : *st->part()->staves()) {
case Dynamic::Range::SYSTEM:
for (Staff* s : _staves) {
// updateVelo
// calculate velocity for all notes
void Score::updateVelo()
// collect Dynamics
if (!firstMeasure())
for (Staff* st : _staves) {
VeloList& velo = st->velocities();
velo.setVelo(0, 80);
for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < nstaves(); ++staffIdx) {
Staff* st = staff(staffIdx);
VeloList& velo = st->velocities();
Part* prt = st->part();
int partStaves = prt->nstaves();
int partStaff = Score::staffIdx(prt);
for (Segment* s = firstMeasure()->first(); s; s = s->next1()) {
int tick = s->tick();
for (const Element* e : s->annotations()) {
if (e->staffIdx() != staffIdx)
if (e->type() != ElementType::DYNAMIC)
const Dynamic* d = static_cast<const Dynamic*>(e);
int v = d->velocity();
if (v < 1) // illegal value
int dStaffIdx = d->staffIdx();
switch(d->dynRange()) {
case Dynamic::Range::STAFF:
if (dStaffIdx == staffIdx)
velo.setVelo(tick, v);
case Dynamic::Range::PART:
if (dStaffIdx >= partStaff && dStaffIdx < partStaff+partStaves) {
for (int i = partStaff; i < partStaff+partStaves; ++i)
staff(i)->velocities().setVelo(tick, v);
case Dynamic::Range::SYSTEM:
for (int i = 0; i < nstaves(); ++i)
staff(i)->velocities().setVelo(tick, v);
for (const auto& sp : {
Spanner* s = sp.second;
if (s->type() != ElementType::HAIRPIN || sp.second->staffIdx() != staffIdx)
Hairpin* h = static_cast<Hairpin*>(s);
// renderStaff
void Score::renderStaff(EventMap* events, Staff* staff)
Measure* lastMeasure = 0;
for (const RepeatSegment* rs : *repeatList()) {
int startTick = rs->tick;
int endTick = startTick + rs->len;
int tickOffset = rs->utick - rs->tick;
for (Measure* m = tick2measure(startTick); m; m = m->nextMeasure()) {
if (lastMeasure && m->isRepeatMeasure(staff)) {
int offset = m->tick() - lastMeasure->tick();
collectMeasureEvents(events, lastMeasure, staff, tickOffset + offset);
else {
lastMeasure = m;
collectMeasureEvents(events, lastMeasure, staff, tickOffset);
if (m->tick() + m->ticks() >= endTick)
// renderSpanners
void Score::renderSpanners(EventMap* events, int staffIdx)
for (const RepeatSegment* rs : *repeatList()) {
int tickOffset = rs->utick - rs->tick;
int utick1 = rs->utick;
int tick1 = repeatList()->utick2tick(utick1);
int tick2 = tick1 + rs->len;
std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, bool>>> channelPedalEvents = std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, bool>>>();
for (const auto& sp : {
Spanner* s = sp.second;
if (s->type() != ElementType::PEDAL || (staffIdx != -1 && s->staffIdx() != staffIdx))
int idx = s->staff()->channel(s->tick(), 0);
int channel = s->part()->instrument(s->tick())->channel(idx)->channel;
channelPedalEvents.insert({channel, std::vector<std::pair<int, bool>>()});
std::vector<std::pair<int, bool>> pedalEventList =;
std::pair<int, bool> lastEvent;
if (!pedalEventList.empty())
lastEvent = pedalEventList.back();
lastEvent = std::pair<int, bool>(0, true);
if (s->tick() >= tick1 && s->tick() < tick2) {
// Handle "overlapping" pedal segments (usual case for connected pedal line)
if (lastEvent.second == false && lastEvent.first >= (s->tick() + tickOffset + 2)) {;<int, bool>(s->tick() + tickOffset + 1, false));
}<int, bool>(s->tick() + tickOffset + 2, true));
if (s->tick2() >= tick1 && s->tick2() <= tick2) {
int t = s->tick2() + tickOffset + 1;
if (t > repeatList()->last()->utick + repeatList()->last()->len)
t = repeatList()->last()->utick + repeatList()->last()->len;<int, bool>(t, false));
for (const auto& pedalEvents : channelPedalEvents) {
int channel = pedalEvents.first;
for (const auto& pe : pedalEvents.second) {
NPlayEvent event;
if (pe.second == true)
event = NPlayEvent(ME_CONTROLLER, channel, CTRL_SUSTAIN, 127);
event = NPlayEvent(ME_CONTROLLER, channel, CTRL_SUSTAIN, 0);
events->insert(std::pair<int,NPlayEvent>(pe.first, event));
// swingAdjustParams
void Score::swingAdjustParams(Chord* chord, int& gateTime, int& ontime, int swingUnit, int swingRatio)
int tick = chord->rtick();
// adjust for anacrusis
Measure* cm = chord->measure();
MeasureBase* pm = cm->prev();
ElementType pt = pm ? pm->type() : ElementType::INVALID;
if (!pm || pm->lineBreak() || pm->pageBreak() || pm->sectionBreak()
|| pt == ElementType::VBOX || pt == ElementType::HBOX
|| pt == ElementType::FBOX || pt == ElementType::TBOX) {
int offset = (cm->timesig() - cm->len()).ticks();
if (offset > 0)
tick += offset;
int swingBeat = swingUnit * 2;
qreal ticksDuration = (qreal)chord->actualTicks();
qreal swingTickAdjust = ((qreal)swingBeat) * (((qreal)(swingRatio-50))/100.0);
qreal swingActualAdjust = (swingTickAdjust/ticksDuration) * 1000.0;
ChordRest *ncr = nextChordRest(chord);
//Check the position of the chord to apply changes accordingly
if (tick % swingBeat == swingUnit) {
if (!isSubdivided(chord,swingUnit)) {
ontime = ontime + swingActualAdjust;
int endTick = tick + ticksDuration;
if ((endTick % swingBeat == swingUnit) && (!isSubdivided(ncr,swingUnit))) {
gateTime = gateTime + (swingActualAdjust/10);
// isSubdivided
// Check for subdivided beat
bool Score::isSubdivided(ChordRest* chord, int swingUnit)
if (!chord)
return false;
ChordRest* prev = prevChordRest(chord);
if (chord->actualTicks() < swingUnit || (prev && prev->actualTicks() < swingUnit))
return true;
return false;
// renderTremolo
void renderTremolo(Chord *chord, QList<NoteEventList> & ell)
Segment* seg = chord->segment();
Tremolo* tremolo = chord->tremolo();
int notes = chord->notes().size();
//int n = 1 << tremolo->lines();
//int l = 1000 / n;
if (chord->tremoloChordType() == TremoloChordType::TremoloFirstNote) {
int t = MScore::division / (1 << (tremolo->lines() + chord->durationType().hooks()));
SegmentType st = SegmentType::ChordRest;
Segment* seg2 = seg->next(st);
int track = chord->track();
while (seg2 && !seg2->element(track))
seg2 = seg2->next(st);
Chord* c2 = seg2 ? static_cast<Chord*>(seg2->element(track)) : 0;
if (c2 && c2->type() == ElementType::CHORD) {
int notes2 = c2->notes().size();
int tnotes = qMax(notes, notes2);
int tticks = chord->actualTicks() * 2; // use twice the size
int n = tticks / t;
n /= 2;
int l = 2000 * t / tticks;
for (int k = 0; k < tnotes; ++k) {
NoteEventList* events;
if (k < notes) {
// first chord has note
events = &ell[k];
else {
// otherwise reuse note 0
events = &ell[0];
if (k < notes && k < notes2) {
// both chords have note
int p1 = chord->notes()[k]->pitch();
int p2 = c2->notes()[k]->pitch();
int dpitch = p2 - p1;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
events->append(NoteEvent(0, l * i * 2, l));
events->append(NoteEvent(dpitch, l * i * 2 + l, l));
else if (k < notes) {
// only first chord has note
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
events->append(NoteEvent(0, l * i * 2, l));
else {
// only second chord has note
// reuse note 0 of first chord
int p1 = chord->notes()[0]->pitch();
int p2 = c2->notes()[k]->pitch();
int dpitch = p2-p1;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
events->append(NoteEvent(dpitch, l * i * 2 + l, l));
qDebug("Chord::renderTremolo: cannot find 2. chord");
else if (chord->tremoloChordType() == TremoloChordType::TremoloSecondNote) {
for (int k = 0; k < notes; ++k) {
NoteEventList* events = &(ell)[k];
else if (chord->tremoloChordType() == TremoloChordType::TremoloSingle) {
int t = MScore::division / (1 << (tremolo->lines() + chord->durationType().hooks()));
if (t == 0) // avoid crash on very short tremolo
t = 1;
int n = chord->duration().ticks() / t;
int l = 1000 / n;
for (int k = 0; k < notes; ++k) {
NoteEventList* events = &(ell)[k];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
events->append(NoteEvent(0, l * i, l));
// renderArpeggio
void renderArpeggio(Chord *chord, QList<NoteEventList> & ell)
int notes = chord->notes().size();
int l = 64;
while (l * notes > chord->upNote()->playTicks())
l = 2*l / 3;
int start, end, step;
bool up = chord->arpeggio()->arpeggioType() != ArpeggioType::DOWN && chord->arpeggio()->arpeggioType() != ArpeggioType::DOWN_STRAIGHT;
if (up) {
start = 0;
end = notes;
step = 1;
else {
start = notes - 1;
end = -1;
step = -1;
int j = 0;
for (int i = start; i != end; i += step) {
NoteEventList* events = &(ell)[i];
int ot = (l * j * 1000) / chord->upNote()->playTicks();
events->append(NoteEvent(0, ot, 1000 - ot));
// convertLine
// find the line in clefF corresponding to lineL2 in clefR
int convertLine (int lineL2, ClefType clefL, ClefType clefR) {
int lineR2 = lineL2;
int goalpitch = line2pitch(lineL2, clefL, Key::C);
while ( line2pitch(lineR2, clefR, Key::C) > goalpitch )
while ( line2pitch(lineR2, clefR, Key::C) < goalpitch )
return lineR2;
// convertLine
// find the line in clef for NoteL corresponding to lineL2 in clef for noteR
// for example middle C is line 10 in Treble clef, but is line -2 in Bass clef.
int convertLine(int lineL2, Note *noteL, Note *noteR)
return convertLine(lineL2,
// articulationExcursion -- an articulation such as a trill, or modant consists of several notes
// played in succession. The pitch offsets of each such note in the sequence can be represented either
// as a number of steps in the diatonic scale, or in half steps as on a piano keyboard.
// this function, articulationExcursion, takes deltastep indicating the number of steps in the
// diatonic scale, and calculates (and returns) the number of half steps, taking several things into account.
// E.g., the key signature, a trill from e to f, is to be understood as a trill between E and F# if we are
// in the key of G.
// E.g., if previously (looking backward in time) in the same measure there is another note on the same
// staff line/space, and that note has an accidental (sharp,flat,natural,etc), then we want to match that
// tone exactly.
// E.g., If there are multiple notes on the same line/space, then we only consider the most
// recent one, but avoid looking forward in time after the current note.
// E.g., Also if there is an accidental // on a note one (or more) octaves above or below we
// observe its accidental as well.
// E.g., Still another case is that if two staffs are involved (such as a glissando between two
// notes on different staffs) then we have to search both staffs for the most recent accidental.
// noteL is the note to measure the deltastep from, i.e., ornaments are w.r.t. this note
// noteR is the note to search backward from to find accidentals.
// for ornament calculation noteL and noteR are the same, but for glissando they are
// the start end end note of glissando.
// deltastep is the desired number of diatonic steps between the base note and this articulation step.
int articulationExcursion(Note *noteL, Note *noteR, int deltastep)
if (0 == deltastep)
return 0;
Chord *chordL = noteL->chord();
Chord *chordR = noteR->chord();
int pitchL = noteL->pitch();
int tickL = chordL->tick();
// we canot use staffL = chord->staff() because that won't correspond to the noteL->line()
// in the case the user has pressed Shift-Cmd->Up or Shift-Cmd-Down.
// Therefore we have to take staffMove() into account using vStaffIdx().
Staff * staffL = noteL->score()->staff(chordL->vStaffIdx());
ClefType clefL = staffL->clef(tickL);
// line represents the ledger line of the staff. 0 is the top line, 1, is the space between the top 2 lines,
// ... 8 is the bottom line.
int lineL = noteL->line();
// we use line - deltastep, because lines are oriented from top to bottom, while step is oriented from bottom to top.
int lineL2 = lineL - deltastep;
Measure* measureR = chordR->segment()->measure();
Segment* segment = noteL->chord()->segment();
int lineR2 = convertLine(lineL2, noteL, noteR);
// is there another note in this segment on the same line?
// if so, use its pitch exactly.
int halfsteps = 0;
int staffIdx = noteL->chord()->staff()->idx(); // cannot use staffL->idx() because of staffMove()
int startTrack = staffIdx * VOICES;
int endTrack = startTrack + VOICES;
bool done = false;
for (int track = startTrack; track < endTrack; ++track) {
Element *e = segment->element(track);
if (!e || e->type() != ElementType::CHORD)
Chord* chord = static_cast<Chord*>(e);
for (Note* note : chord->notes()) {
if (note->tieBack())
int pc = (note->line() + 700) % 7;
int pc2 = (lineL2 + 700) % 7;
if (pc2 == pc) {
// e.g., if there is an F# note at this staff/tick, then force every F to be F#.
int octaves = (note->line() - lineL2) / 7;
halfsteps = note->pitch() + 12 * octaves - pitchL;
done = true;
if (!done) {
if (staffL->isPitchedStaff(segment->tick())) {
bool error = false;
AccidentalVal acciv2 = measureR->findAccidental(chordR->segment(), chordR->staff()->idx(), lineR2, error);
int acci2 = int(acciv2);
// we have to add ( noteL->ppitch() - noteL->epitch() ) which is the delta for transposing instruments.
halfsteps = line2pitch(lineL-deltastep, clefL, Key::C) + noteL->ppitch() - noteL->epitch() + acci2 - pitchL;
else {
// cannot rely on accidentals or key signatures
halfsteps = deltastep;
return halfsteps;
// totalTiedNoteTicks
// return the total of the actualTicks of the given note plus
// the chain of zero or more notes tied to it to the right.
int totalTiedNoteTicks(Note* note)
int total = note->chord()->actualTicks();
while (note->tieFor() && note->tieFor()->endNote() && (note->chord()->tick() < note->tieFor()->endNote()->chord()->tick())) {
note = note->tieFor()->endNote();
total += note->chord()->actualTicks();
return total;
// renderNoteArticulation
// prefix, vector of int, normally something like {0,-1,0,1} modeling the prefix of tremblement relative to the base note
// body, vector of int, normally something like {0,-1,0,1} modeling the possibly repeated tremblement relative to the base note
// tickspernote, number of ticks, either _16h or _32nd, i.e., MScore::division/4 or MScore::division/8
// repeatp, true means repeat the body as many times as possible to fill the time slice.
// sustainp, true means the last note of the body is sustained to fill remaining time slice
bool renderNoteArticulation(NoteEventList* events, Note* note, bool chromatic, int requestedTicksPerNote,
const vector<int>& prefix, const vector<int>& body,
bool repeatp, bool sustainp, const vector<int>& suffix,
int fastestFreq=16, int slowestFreq=8 // 16 Hz and 8 Hz
Chord *chord = note->chord();
int maxticks = totalTiedNoteTicks(note);
int space = 1000 * maxticks;
int numrepeat = 1;
int sustain = 0;
int ontime = 0;
int gnb = note->chord()->graceNotesBefore().size();
int p = prefix.size();
int b = body.size();
int s = suffix.size();
int gna = note->chord()->graceNotesAfter().size();
int ticksPerNote = 0;
if (gnb + p + b + s + gna <= 0 )
return false;
int tick = chord->tick();
qreal tempo = chord->score()->tempo(tick);
int ticksPerSecond = tempo * MScore::division;
int minTicksPerNote = int(ticksPerSecond / fastestFreq);
int maxTicksPerNote = (0 == slowestFreq) ? 0 : int(ticksPerSecond / slowestFreq);
// for fast tempos, we have to slow down the tremblement frequency, i.e., increase the ticks per note
if (requestedTicksPerNote >= minTicksPerNote)
else { // try to divide the requested frequency by a power of 2 if possible, if not, use the maximum frequency, ie., minTicksPerNote
ticksPerNote = requestedTicksPerNote;
while (ticksPerNote < minTicksPerNote) {
ticksPerNote *= 2; // decrease the tremblement frequency
if (ticksPerNote > maxTicksPerNote)
ticksPerNote = minTicksPerNote;
ticksPerNote = max(requestedTicksPerNote, minTicksPerNote);
if (slowestFreq <= 0) // no slowest freq given such as something silly like glissando with 4 notes over 8 counts.
else if (ticksPerNote <= maxTicksPerNote) // in a good range, so we don't need to adjust ticksPerNote
else {
// for slow tempos, such as adagio, we may need to speed up the tremblement freqency, i.e., decrease the ticks per note, to make it sound reasonable.
ticksPerNote = requestedTicksPerNote ;
while (ticksPerNote > maxTicksPerNote) {
ticksPerNote /= 2;
if (ticksPerNote < minTicksPerNote)
ticksPerNote = minTicksPerNote;
// calculate whether to shorten the duration value.
if ( ticksPerNote*(gnb + p + b + s + gna) <= maxticks )
; // plenty of space to play the notes without changing the requested trill note duration
else if ( ticksPerNote == minTicksPerNote )
return false; // the ornament is impossible to implement respecting the minimum duration and all the notes it contains
else {
ticksPerNote = maxticks / (gnb + p + b + s + gna); // integer division ignoring remainder
if ( slowestFreq <= 0 )
else if ( ticksPerNote < minTicksPerNote )
return false;
int millespernote = space * ticksPerNote / maxticks; // rescale duration into per mille
// local function:
// look ahead in the given vector to see if the current note is the same pitch as the next note or next several notes.
// If so, increment the duration by the appropriate note duration, and increment the index, j, to the next note index
// of a different pitch.
// The total duration of the tied note is returned, and the index is modified.
auto tieForward = [millespernote] (int & j, const vector<int> & vec) {
int size = vec.size();
int duration = millespernote;
while ( j < size-1 && vec[j] == vec[j+1] ) {
duration += millespernote;
return duration;
// local function:
// append a NoteEvent either by calculating an articulationExcursion or by
// the given chromatic relative pitch.
// RETURNS the new ontime value. The caller is expected to assign this value.
auto makeEvent = [note,chord,chromatic,events] (int pitch, int ontime, int duration) {
events->append( NoteEvent(chromatic ? pitch : articulationExcursion(note,note,pitch),
return ontime + duration;
// local function:
// Given a chord from a grace note, (normally the chord contains a single note) and create
// a NoteEvent as if the grace note were part of the articulation (such as trill). This
// local function works for the graceNotesBefore() and also graceNotesAfter().
// If the grace note has play=false, then it will sound as a rest, but the other grace
// notes will still play. This means graceExtend simply omits the call to append( NoteEvent(...))
// but still updates ontime +=millespernote.
// RETURNS the new value of ontime, so caller must make an assignment to the return value.
auto graceExtend = [millespernote,chord,events] (int notePitch, QVector<Chord*> graceNotes, int ontime) {
for (Chord* c : graceNotes) {
for (Note* n : c->notes()) {
// NoteEvent takes relative pitch as first argument.
// The pitch is relative to the pitch of the note, the event is rendering
if (n->play())
events->append( NoteEvent(n->pitch() - notePitch,
ontime += millespernote;
return ontime;
// calculate the number of times to repeat the body, and sustain the last note of the body
// 1000 = P + numrepeat*B+sustain + S
if (repeatp)
numrepeat = (space - millespernote*(gnb + p + s + gna)) / (millespernote * b);
if (sustainp)
sustain = space - millespernote*(gnb + p + numrepeat * b + s + gna);
// render the graceNotesBefore
ontime = graceExtend(note->pitch(),note->chord()->graceNotesBefore(), ontime);
// render the prefix
for (int j=0; j < p; j++)
ontime = makeEvent(prefix[j], ontime, tieForward(j,prefix));
if (b > 0) {
// render the body, but not the final repetion
for (int r = 0; r < numrepeat-1; r++) {
for (int j=0; j < b; j++)
ontime = makeEvent(body[j], ontime, millespernote);
// render the final repetion of body, but not the final note of the repition
for (int j = 0; j < b - 1; j++)
ontime = makeEvent(body[j], ontime, millespernote);
// render the final note of the final repeat of body
ontime = makeEvent(body[b-1], ontime, millespernote+sustain);
// render the suffix
for (int j = 0; j < s; j++)
ontime = makeEvent(suffix[j], ontime, tieForward(j,suffix));
// render graceNotesAfter
ontime = graceExtend(note->pitch(), note->chord()->graceNotesAfter(), ontime);
return true;
// This struct specifies how to render an articulation.
// atype - the articulation type to implement, such as SymId::ornamentTurn
// ostyles - the actual ornament has a property called ornamentStyle whose value is
// a value of type MScore::OrnamentStyle. This ostyles field indicates the
// the set of ornamentStyles which apply to this rendition.
// duration - the default duration for each note in the rendition, the final duration
// rendered might be less than this if an articulation is attached to a note of
// short duration.
// prefix - vector of integers. indicating which notes to play at the beginning of rendering the
// articulation. 0 represents the principle note, 1==> the note diatonically 1 above
// -1 ==> the note diatonically 1 below. E.g., in the key of G, if a turn articulation
// occures above the note F#, then 0==>F#, 1==>G, -1==>E.
// These integers indicate which notes actual notes to play when rendering the ornamented
// note. However, if the same integer appears several times adjacently such as {0,0,0,1}
// That means play the notes tied. e.g., F# followed by G, but the duration of F# is 3x the
// duration of the G.
// body - notes to play comprising the body of the rendered ornament.
// The body differs from the prefix and suffix in several ways.
// * body does not support tied notes: {0,0,0,1} means play 4 distinct notes (not tied).
// * if there is sufficient duration in the principle note, AND repeatep is true, then body
// will be rendered multiple times, as the duration allows.
// * to avoid a time gap (or rest) in rendering the articulation, if sustainp is true,
// then the final note of the body will be sustained to fill the left-over time.
// suffix - similar to prefix but played once at the end of the rendered ornament.
// repeatp - whether the body is repeatable in its entirety.
// sustainp - whether the final note of the body should be sustained to fill the remaining duration.
struct OrnamentExcursion {
SymId atype;
set<MScore::OrnamentStyle> ostyles;
int duration;
vector<int> prefix;
vector<int> body;
bool repeatp;
bool sustainp;
vector<int> suffix;
set<MScore::OrnamentStyle> baroque = {MScore::OrnamentStyle::BAROQUE};
set<MScore::OrnamentStyle> defstyle = {MScore::OrnamentStyle::DEFAULT};
set<MScore::OrnamentStyle> any; // empty set has the special meaning of any-style, rather than no-styles.
int _16th = MScore::division / 4;
int _32nd = _16th / 2;
vector<OrnamentExcursion> excursions = {
// articulation type set of duration body repeatp suffix
// styles prefix sustainp
{ SymId::ornamentTurn, any, _32nd, {}, {1,0,-1,0}, false, true, {}}
,{SymId::ornamentTurnInverted, any, _32nd, {}, {-1,0,1,0}, false, true, {}}
,{SymId::ornamentTrill, baroque, _32nd, {1,0}, {1,0}, true, true, {}}
,{SymId::ornamentTrill, defstyle, _32nd, {0,1}, {0,1}, true, true, {}}
,{SymId::brassMuteClosed, baroque, _32nd, {0,-1},{0, -1}, true, true, {}}
,{SymId::ornamentMordentInverted, any, _32nd, {}, {0,-1,0}, false, true, {}}
,{SymId::ornamentMordent, defstyle, _32nd, {}, {0,1,0}, false, true, {}} // inverted mordent
,{SymId::ornamentMordent, baroque, _32nd, {1,0,1},{0}, false, true, {}} // short trill
,{SymId::ornamentTremblement, any, _32nd, {1,0}, {1,0}, false, true, {}}
,{SymId::ornamentPrallMordent, any, _32nd, {}, {1,0,-1,0}, false, true, {}}
,{SymId::ornamentLinePrall, any, _32nd, {2,2,2},{1,0}, true, true, {}}
,{SymId::ornamentUpPrall, any, _16th, {-1,0},{1,0}, true, true, {1,0}} // p 144 Ex 152 [1]
,{SymId::ornamentUpMordent, any, _16th, {-1,0},{1,0}, true, true, {-1,0}} // p 144 Ex 152 [1]
,{SymId::ornamentDownPrall, any, _16th, {1,1,1,0}, {1,0}, true, true, {}} // p136 Cadence Appuyee [1] [2]
,{SymId::ornamentDownMordent, any, _16th, {1,1,1,0}, {1,0}, true, true, {-1, 0}} // p136 Cadence Appuyee + mordent [1] [2]
,{SymId::ornamentPrallUp, any, _16th, {1,0}, {1,0}, true, true, {-1,0}} // p136 Double Cadence [1]
,{SymId::ornamentPrallDown, any, _16th, {1,0}, {1,0}, true, true, {-1,0,0,0}} // p144 ex 153 [1]
,{SymId::ornamentPrecompSlide, any, _32nd, {}, {0}, false, true, {}}
// [1] Some of the articulations/ornaments in the excursions table above come from
// Baroque Music, Style and Performance A Handbook, by Robert Donington,(c) 1982
// ISBN 0-393-30052-8, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
// [2] In some cases, the example from [1] does not preserve the timing.
// For example, illustrates 2+1/4 counts per half note.
// renderNoteArticulation
bool renderNoteArticulation(NoteEventList* events, Note * note, bool chromatic, SymId articulationType, MScore::OrnamentStyle ornamentStyle)
if (!note->staff()->isPitchedStaff(note->tick())) // not enough info in tab staff
return false;
vector<int> emptypattern = {};
for (auto& oe : excursions) {
if (oe.atype == articulationType && ( 0 == oe.ostyles.size()
|| oe.ostyles.end() != oe.ostyles.find(ornamentStyle))) {
return renderNoteArticulation(events, note, chromatic, oe.duration,
oe.prefix, oe.body, oe.repeatp, oe.sustainp, oe.suffix);
return false;
// renderNoteArticulation
bool renderNoteArticulation(NoteEventList* events, Note * note, bool chromatic, Trill::Type trillType, MScore::OrnamentStyle ornamentStyle)
map<Trill::Type,SymId> articulationMap = {
{Trill::Type::TRILL_LINE, SymId::ornamentTrill }
,{Trill::Type::UPPRALL_LINE, SymId::ornamentUpPrall }
,{Trill::Type::DOWNPRALL_LINE, SymId::ornamentDownPrall }
,{Trill::Type::PRALLPRALL_LINE, SymId::ornamentTrill }
auto it = articulationMap.find(trillType);
if (it == articulationMap.cend() )
return false;
return renderNoteArticulation(events, note, chromatic, it->second, ornamentStyle);
// noteHasGlissando
// true if note is the end of a glissando
bool noteHasGlissando(Note *note)
for (Spanner* spanner : note->spannerFor()) {
if ((spanner->type() == ElementType::GLISSANDO)
&& spanner->endElement()
&& (ElementType::NOTE == spanner->endElement()->type()))
return true;
return false;
// renderGlissando
void renderGlissando(NoteEventList* events, Note *notestart)
vector<int> empty = {};
int Cnote = 60; // pitch of middle C
int pitchstart = notestart->ppitch();
int linestart = notestart->line();
set<int> blacknotes = { 1, 3, 6, 8, 10};
set<int> whitenotes = {0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11};
for (Spanner* spanner : notestart->spannerFor()) {
if (spanner->type() == ElementType::GLISSANDO) {
Glissando *glissando = static_cast<Glissando *>(spanner);
MScore::GlissandoStyle glissandoStyle = glissando->glissandoStyle();
Element* ee = spanner->endElement();
// only consider glissando connnected to NOTE.
if (glissando->playGlissando() && ElementType::NOTE == ee->type()) {
vector<int> body;
Note *noteend = static_cast<Note *>(ee);
int pitchend = noteend->ppitch();
bool direction= pitchend > pitchstart;
if (pitchend == pitchstart)
continue; // next spanner
if (glissandoStyle == MScore::GlissandoStyle::DIATONIC) { // scale obeying accidentals
int line;
int p = pitchstart;
// iterate as long as we haven't past the pitchend.
for (line = linestart; (direction) ? (p<pitchend) : (p>pitchend);
(direction) ? line-- : line++) {
int halfsteps = articulationExcursion(notestart, noteend, linestart - line);
p = pitchstart + halfsteps;
if (direction ? p < pitchend : p > pitchend)
else {
for (int p = pitchstart; direction ? p < pitchend : p > pitchend; p += (direction ? 1 : -1)) {
bool choose = false;
int mod = ((p - Cnote) + 1200) % 12;
switch (glissandoStyle) {
case MScore::GlissandoStyle::CHROMATIC:
choose = true;
case MScore::GlissandoStyle::WHITE_KEYS: // white note
choose = (whitenotes.find(mod) != whitenotes.end());
case MScore::GlissandoStyle::BLACK_KEYS: // black note
choose = (blacknotes.find(mod) != blacknotes.end());
choose = false;
if (choose)
body.push_back(p - pitchstart);
renderNoteArticulation(events, notestart, true, MScore::division, empty, body, false, true, empty, 16, 0);
// findFirstTrill
// search the spanners in the score, finding the first one
// which overlaps this chord and is of type ElementType::TRILL
Trill* findFirstTrill(Chord *chord) {
auto spanners = chord->score()->spannerMap().findOverlapping(1+chord->tick(), chord->tick() + chord->actualTicks() - 1);
for (auto i : spanners) {
if (i.value->type() != ElementType::TRILL)
if (i.value->track() != chord->track())
Trill *trill = static_cast<Trill *>(i.value);
if (trill->playArticulation() == false)
return trill;
return nullptr;
// In the case that graceNotesBefore or graceNotesAfter are attached to a note
// with an articulation such as a trill, then the grace notes are/will-be/have-been
// already merged into the articulation.
// So this predicate, graceNotesMerged, checks for this condition to avoid calling
// functions which would re-emit the grace notes by a different algorithm.
bool graceNotesMerged(Chord* chord)
if (findFirstTrill(chord))
return true;
for (Articulation* a : chord->articulations())
for (auto& oe : excursions)
if ( oe.atype == a->symId() )
return true;
return false;
// renderChordArticulation
void renderChordArticulation(Chord* chord, QList<NoteEventList> & ell, int & gateTime)
Segment* seg = chord->segment();
Instrument* instr = chord->part()->instrument(seg->tick());
int channel = 0; // note->subchannel();
for (unsigned k = 0; k < chord->notes().size(); ++k) {
NoteEventList* events = &ell[k];
Note *note = chord->notes()[k];
Trill *trill;
if (noteHasGlissando(note))
renderGlissando(events, note);
else if (chord->staff()->isPitchedStaff(chord->tick()) && (trill = findFirstTrill(chord)) != nullptr) {
renderNoteArticulation(events, note, false, trill->trillType(), trill->ornamentStyle());
else {
for (Articulation* a : chord->articulations()) {
if (!a->playArticulation())
if (!renderNoteArticulation(events, note, false, a->symId(), a->ornamentStyle()))
instr->updateGateTime(&gateTime, channel, a->articulationName());
// renderChord
// ontime and trailtime in 1/1000 of duration
// ontime signifies how much gap to leave, i.e., how late the note should start because of graceNotesBefore which have already been rendered
// trailtime signifies how much gap to leave after the note to allow for graceNotesAfter to be rendered
static QList<NoteEventList> renderChord(Chord* chord, int gateTime, int ontime, int trailtime)
QList<NoteEventList> ell;
if (chord->notes().empty())
return ell;
int notes = chord->notes().size();
for (int i = 0; i < notes; ++i)
if (chord->tremolo()) {
renderTremolo(chord, ell);
else if (chord->arpeggio() && chord->arpeggio()->playArpeggio()) {
renderArpeggio(chord, ell);
return ell; // dont apply gateTime to arpeggio events
renderChordArticulation(chord, ell, gateTime);
// apply gateTime
for (int i = 0; i < notes; ++i) {
NoteEventList* el = &ell[i];
if (el->size() == 0 && chord->tremoloChordType() != TremoloChordType::TremoloSecondNote) {
el->append(NoteEvent(0, ontime, 1000-ontime-trailtime));
if (0==trailtime) // if trailtime is non-zero that means we have graceNotesAfter, so we don't need additional gate time.
for ( NoteEvent& e : ell[i])
e.setLen(e.len() * gateTime / 100);
return ell;
// createGraceNotesPlayEvent
// as a side effect of createGraceNotesPlayEvents, ontime and trailtime (passed by ref)
// are modified. ontime reflects the time needed to play the grace-notes-before, and
// trailtime reflects the time for the grace-notes-after. These are used by the caller
// to effect the on/off time of the main note
void Score::createGraceNotesPlayEvents(int tick, Chord* chord, int &ontime, int &trailtime)
QVector<Chord*> gnb= chord->graceNotesBefore();
QVector<Chord*> gna= chord->graceNotesAfter();
int nb = gnb.size();
int na = gna.size();
if (0 == nb+na){
return; // return immediately if no grace notes to deal with
// return immediately if the chord has a trill or articulation which effectively plays the graces notes.
if (graceNotesMerged(chord)) {
// if there are graceNotesBefore and also graceNotesAfter, and the before grace notes are
// not ACCIACCATURA, then the total time of all of them will be 50% of the time of the main note.
// if the before grace notes are ACCIACCATURA then the grace notes after (if there are any).
// get 50% of the time of the main note.
// this is achieved by the two floating point weights: weighta and weightb whose total is 1.0
// assuring that all the grace notes get the same duration, and their total is 50%.
// exception is if the note is dotted or double-dotted; see below.
float weighta = float(na) / (nb+na);
float weightb = float(nb) / (nb+na);
if (nb) {
// render grace notes:
// simplified implementation:
// - grace notes start on the beat of the main note
// - duration: appoggiatura: 0.5 * duration of main note (2/3 for dotted notes, 4/7 for double-dotted)
// acciacatura: min of 0.5 * duration or 65ms fixed (independent of duration or tempo)
// - for appoggiaturas, the duration is divided by the number of grace notes
// - the grace note duration as notated does not matter
Chord* graceChordB = gnb[0];
if (graceChordB->noteType() == NoteType::ACCIACCATURA) {
qreal ticksPerSecond = tempo(tick) * MScore::division;
int graceTimeMS = 65 * nb; // value determined empirically (TODO: make instrument-specific, like articulations)
// 1000 occurs below for two different reasons:
// number of milliseconds per second, also unit for ontime
qreal chordTimeMS = (chord->actualTicks() / ticksPerSecond) * 1000;
ontime = qMin(500, static_cast<int>((graceTimeMS / chordTimeMS) * 1000));
else if (chord->dots() == 1)
ontime = floor(667*weightb);
else if (chord->dots() == 2)
ontime = floor(571*weightb);
ontime = floor(500*weightb);
int graceDuration = ontime / nb;
int on = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
QList<NoteEventList> el;
Chord* gc =;
int nn = gc->notes().size();
for (int ii = 0; ii < nn; ++ii) {
NoteEventList nel;
nel.append(NoteEvent(0, on, graceDuration)); // NoteEvent(pitch,ontime,len)
if (gc->playEventType() == PlayEventType::InvalidUser)
gc->score()->undo(new ChangeEventList(gc, el));
else if (gc->playEventType() == PlayEventType::Auto) {
for (int ii = 0; ii < nn; ++ii)
on += graceDuration;
if (na) {
if (chord->dots() == 1)
trailtime = floor(667*weighta);
else if (chord->dots() == 2)
trailtime = floor(571*weighta);
trailtime = floor(500*weighta);
int graceDuration = trailtime / na;
int on = 1000 - trailtime;
for (int i = 0; i < na; ++i) {
QList<NoteEventList> el;
Chord* gc =;
int nn = gc->notes().size();
for (int ii = 0; ii < nn; ++ii) {
NoteEventList nel;
nel.append(NoteEvent(0, on, graceDuration)); // NoteEvent(pitch,ontime,len)
if (gc->playEventType() == PlayEventType::InvalidUser)
gc->score()->undo(new ChangeEventList(gc, el));
else if (gc->playEventType() == PlayEventType::Auto) {
for (int ii = 0; ii < nn; ++ii)
on += graceDuration;
// createPlayEvents
// create default play events
void Score::createPlayEvents(Chord* chord)
int gateTime = 100;
int tick = chord->tick();
Slur* slur = 0;
for (auto sp : {
if (sp.second->type() != ElementType::SLUR || sp.second->staffIdx() != chord->staffIdx())
Slur* s = static_cast<Slur*>(sp.second);
if (tick >= s->tick() && tick < s->tick2()) {
slur = s;
// gateTime is 100% for slured notes
if (!slur) {
Instrument* instr = chord->part()->instrument(tick);
instr->updateGateTime(&gateTime, 0, "");
int ontime = 0;
int trailtime = 0;
createGraceNotesPlayEvents(tick, chord, ontime, trailtime); // ontime and trailtime are modified by this call depending on grace notes before and after
SwingParameters st = chord->staff()->swing(tick);
int unit = st.swingUnit;
int ratio = st.swingRatio;
// Check if swing needs to be applied
if (unit && !chord->tuplet()) {
swingAdjustParams(chord, gateTime, ontime, unit, ratio);
// render normal (and articulated) chords
QList<NoteEventList> el = renderChord(chord, gateTime, ontime, trailtime);
if (chord->playEventType() == PlayEventType::InvalidUser) {
chord->score()->undo(new ChangeEventList(chord, el));
else if (chord->playEventType() == PlayEventType::Auto) {
int n = chord->notes().size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
// dont change event list if type is PlayEventType::User
void Score::createPlayEvents()
int etrack = nstaves() * VOICES;
for (int track = 0; track < etrack; ++track) {
for (Measure* m = firstMeasure(); m; m = m->nextMeasure()) {
// skip linked staves, except primary
if (!m->score()->staff(track / VOICES)->primaryStaff())
const SegmentType st = SegmentType::ChordRest;
for (Segment* seg = m->first(st); seg; seg = seg->next(st)) {
Chord* chord = static_cast<Chord*>(seg->element(track));
if (chord == 0 || chord->type() != ElementType::CHORD)
// renderMetronome
void Score::renderMetronome(EventMap* events, Measure* m, int tickOffset)
int msrTick = m->tick();
qreal tempo = tempomap()->tempo(msrTick);
TimeSigFrac timeSig = sigmap()->timesig(msrTick).nominal();
int clickTicks = timeSig.isBeatedCompound(tempo) ? timeSig.beatTicks() : timeSig.dUnitTicks();
int endTick = m->endTick();
int rtick;
if (m->isAnacrusis()) {
int rem = m->ticks() % clickTicks;
msrTick += rem;
rtick = rem + timeSig.ticksPerMeasure() - m->ticks();
rtick = 0;
for (int tick = msrTick; tick < endTick; tick += clickTicks, rtick+=clickTicks)
events->insert(std::pair<int,NPlayEvent>(tick + tickOffset, NPlayEvent(timeSig.rtick2beatType(rtick))));
// renderMidi
// export score to event list
void Score::renderMidi(EventMap* events)
_foundPlayPosAfterRepeats = false;
// create note & other events
for (Staff* part : _staves)
renderStaff(events, part);
// create sustain pedal events
renderSpanners(events, -1);
// add metronome ticks
for (const RepeatSegment* rs : *repeatList()) {
int startTick = rs->tick;
int endTick = startTick + rs->len;
int tickOffset = rs->utick - rs->tick;
// add metronome tick events
for (Measure* m = tick2measure(startTick); m; m = m->nextMeasure()) {
renderMetronome(events, m, tickOffset);
if (m->tick() + m->ticks() >= endTick)