Maurizio M. Gavioli c69d2a9262 Lyrics multi-system melisma and dashes
Implements melisma and dash lines for lyrics spanning several systems.

The melisma and dash line is based on the `SLine` class and its segments on the `LineSegment` class. Both the whole line and its segments are not selectable, marked as generated and not saved in the score file, which is not changed in any way.

For very wide dash segments, several dashes are drawn; the distance between the dashes is not configurable.

Lyrics layout code in `Measure` class and in `layout.cpp` file has been commented out as the lyrics line layout is all contained in the lyrics.cpp file

The line is registered with the `Score` (to have its layout delayed until all elements are positioned) with a mechanism similar to other `Spanner`'s, but in a different container (`_unmanagedSpanner`), as the owning `Lyrics` should decide when create, register, unregister and delete its line.

The line segments are registered with the `System` they belong to (to have them drawn), in the same way as other `Spanner`'s.

There is code for using the dash metrics of the lyrics font, but it is turned off via a conditional directive, as there does not seem to be a reliable way to determine the dash metrics; conventional values (determined by trials and errors and based on my taste!) are used when the conditional directive is off.
2015-01-11 10:16:19 +01:00

173 lines
6.1 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __LYRICS_H__
#define __LYRICS_H__
#include "line.h"
#include "text.h"
// uncomment the following line to use the actual metrics of
// the font used by each lyrics rather than conventional values
// NOTE: CURRENTLY DOES NOT WORK (Font::tightBoundingBox() returns unusable values for glyphs not on base line)
// the following line is used to turn the single font dash thickness value on or off
// when the other font dash parameters are on;
// the rationale is that the dash thickness is the most unreliable of the dash parameters
// retrievable from font metrics and it may make sense to use the other values but ignore this one.
//class QPainter;
namespace Ms {
// @@ Lyrics
// @P syllabic Ms::Lyrics::Syllabic (SINGLE, BEGIN, END, MIDDLE)
class LyricsLine;
class Lyrics : public Text {
Q_PROPERTY(Ms::Lyrics::Syllabic syllabic READ syllabic WRITE setSyllabic)
enum class Syllabic : char { SINGLE, BEGIN, END, MIDDLE };
int _ticks; ///< if > 0 then draw an underline to tick() + _ticks
///< (melisma)
Syllabic _syllabic;
LyricsLine* _separator;
int _no; ///< row index
qreal _dashY; // dash dimensions for lyrics line dashes
qreal _dashLength;
qreal _dashThickness;
Lyrics(Score* = 0);
Lyrics(const Lyrics&);
virtual Lyrics* clone() const override { return new Lyrics(*this); }
virtual Element::Type type() const override { return Element::Type::LYRICS; }
virtual void scanElements(void* data, void (*func)(void*, Element*), bool all=true) override;
virtual bool acceptDrop(const DropData&) const override;
virtual Element* drop(const DropData&) override;
Segment* segment() const { return (Segment*)parent()->parent(); }
Measure* measure() const { return (Measure*)parent()->parent()->parent(); }
ChordRest* chordRest() const { return (ChordRest*)parent(); }
virtual void layout() override;
virtual void layout1() override;
virtual void write(Xml& xml) const override;
virtual void read(XmlReader&) override;
virtual int subtype() const override { return _no; }
virtual QString subtypeName() const override { return tr("Verse %1").arg(_no + 1); }
void setNo(int n);
int no() const { return _no; }
void setSyllabic(Syllabic s) { _syllabic = s; }
Syllabic syllabic() const { return _syllabic; }
virtual void add(Element*) override;
virtual void remove(Element*) override;
// virtual void draw(QPainter*) const override;
virtual void endEdit() override;
int ticks() const { return _ticks; }
void setTicks(int tick) { _ticks = tick; }
int endTick() const;
bool isMelisma() const;
void removeFromScore();
qreal dashLength() const { return _dashLength; }
qreal dashY() const { return _dashY; }
qreal dashThickness() const { return _dashThickness; }
using Text::paste;
void paste(MuseScoreView * scoreview);
virtual QVariant getProperty(P_ID propertyId) const override;
virtual bool setProperty(P_ID propertyId, const QVariant&) override;
virtual QVariant propertyDefault(P_ID id) const override;
// LyricsLine
class LyricsLine : public SLine {
Lyrics* _nextLyrics;
LyricsLine(Score* s);
LyricsLine(const LyricsLine&);
virtual LyricsLine* clone() const override { return new LyricsLine(*this); }
virtual Element::Type type() const override { return Element::Type::LYRICSLINE; }
virtual void layout();
virtual LineSegment* createLineSegment() override;
Lyrics* lyrics() const { return (Lyrics*)parent(); }
Lyrics* nextLyrics() const { return _nextLyrics; }
void unchain();
// LyricsLineSegment
class LyricsLineSegment : public LineSegment {
int _numOfDashes;
qreal _dashLength;
LyricsLineSegment(Score* s);
virtual LyricsLineSegment* clone() const override { return new LyricsLineSegment(*this); }
virtual Element::Type type() const override { return Element::Type::LYRICSLINE_SEGMENT; }
LyricsLine* lyricsLine() const { return (LyricsLine*)spanner(); }
virtual void draw(QPainter*) const override;
virtual void layout() override;
} // namespace Ms