471 lines
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471 lines
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// MusE Score
// Linux Music Score Editor
// $Id: scoreview.h 5599 2012-04-30 08:25:44Z lasconic $
// Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Werner Schweer and others
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef __SCANVAS_H__
#define __SCANVAS_H__
#include "globals.h"
#include "libmscore/element.h"
#include "libmscore/durationtype.h"
#include "libmscore/mscore.h"
#include "libmscore/mscoreview.h"
#include "libmscore/pos.h"
namespace Ms {
class ChordRest;
class Rest;
class Element;
class Page;
class Xml;
class Note;
class Lasso;
class ShadowNote;
class Segment;
class Measure;
class System;
class Score;
class ScoreView;
class Text;
class MeasureBase;
class Staff;
class OmrView;
class PositionCursor;
class ContinuousPanel;
class Tuplet;
class FretDiagram;
class Bend;
class TremoloBar;
enum class Grip : signed char;
enum class POS : char;
enum class MagIdx : char;
enum class TEXT : char {
// CommandTransition
class CommandTransition : public QAbstractTransition
QString val;
virtual bool eventTest(QEvent* e);
virtual void onTransition(QEvent*) {}
CommandTransition(const QString& cmd, QState* target) : val(cmd) {
// ScoreViewDragTransition
class ScoreViewDragTransition : public QMouseEventTransition
ScoreView* canvas;
virtual bool eventTest(QEvent* event);
ScoreViewDragTransition(ScoreView* c, QState* target);
// CommandEvent
struct CommandEvent : public QEvent
QString value;
CommandEvent(const QString& c)
: QEvent(QEvent::Type(QEvent::User+1)), value(c) {}
// ScoreView
class ScoreView : public QWidget, public MuseScoreView {
OmrView* _omrView;
// the next elements are used during dragMove to give some visual
// feedback:
// dropTarget: if valid, the element is drawn in a different color
// to mark it as a valid drop target
// dropRectangle: if valid, the rectangle is filled with a
// color to visualize a valid drop area
// dropAnchor: if valid the line is drawn from the current
// cursor position to the current anchor point
// Note:
// only one of the elements is active during drag
const Element* dropTarget; ///< current drop target during dragMove
QRectF dropRectangle; ///< current drop rectangle during dragMove
QLineF dropAnchor; ///< line to current anchor point during dragMove
QTransform _matrix, imatrix;
MagIdx _magIdx;
QStateMachine* sm;
QState* states[STATES];
bool addSelect;
QFocusFrame* focusFrame;
Element* dragElement; // valid in state DRAG_OBJECT
Staff* dragStaff;
qreal staffUserDist; // valid while dragging a staff
EditData data;
Element* curElement; // current item at mouse press
QPoint startMoveI;
QPointF dragOffset;
// editing mode
QVector<QRectF> grip; // edit "grips"
Grip curGrip;
int grips; // number of used grips
Grip defaultGrip; // grip to start editing
Element* editObject; ///< Valid in edit mode
//--input state:
PositionCursor* _cursor;
ShadowNote* shadowNote;
// Loop In/Out marks in the score
PositionCursor* _curLoopIn;
PositionCursor* _curLoopOut;
// Continuous panel
ContinuousPanel* _continuousPanel;
Lasso* lasso; ///< temporarily drawn lasso selection
Lasso* _foto;
QColor _bgColor;
QColor _fgColor;
QPixmap* _bgPixmap;
QPixmap* _fgPixmap;
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent*);
void paint(const QRect&, QPainter&);
void objectPopup(const QPoint&, Element*);
void measurePopup(const QPoint&, Measure*);
void saveChord(Xml&);
virtual bool event(QEvent* event);
virtual bool gestureEvent(QGestureEvent*);
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*);
virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent*);
virtual void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent*);
virtual void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent*);
virtual void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent*);
virtual void dropEvent(QDropEvent*);
virtual void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*);
virtual void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*);
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*);
void constraintCanvas(int *dxx, int *dyy);
void contextItem(Element*);
void lassoSelect();
void setShadowNote(const QPointF&);
void drawElements(QPainter& p,const QList<Element*>& el);
void dragTimeAnchorElement(const QPointF& pos);
void dragSymbol(const QPointF& pos);
bool dragMeasureAnchorElement(const QPointF& pos);
void updateGrips();
virtual void lyricsTab(bool back, bool end, bool moveOnly) override;
virtual void lyricsReturn() override;
virtual void lyricsEndEdit() override;
virtual void lyricsUpDown(bool up, bool end) override;
virtual void lyricsMinus() override;
virtual void lyricsUnderscore() override;
void harmonyEndEdit();
void harmonyTab(bool back);
void harmonyBeatsTab(bool noterest, bool back);
void harmonyTicksTab(int ticks);
void figuredBassTab(bool meas, bool back);
void figuredBassTicksTab(int ticks);
void figuredBassEndEdit();
void cmdInsertNote(int note);
void cmdAddPitch(int note, bool addFlag);
void cmdAddFret(int fret);
void cmdAddChordName();
void cmdAddText(TEXT style);
void cmdEnterRest(const TDuration&);
void cmdEnterRest();
void cmdTuplet(int n, ChordRest*);
void cmdTuplet(int);
void cmdCreateTuplet(ChordRest* cr, Tuplet* tuplet);
void cmdRepeatSelection();
void cmdChangeEnharmonic(bool);
void setupFotoMode();
MeasureBase* insertMeasure(Element::Type, MeasureBase*);
MeasureBase* checkSelectionStateForInsertMeasure();
void appendMeasures(int, Element::Type);
MeasureBase* appendMeasure(Element::Type);
void cmdInsertMeasure(Element::Type);
void createElementPropertyMenu(Element* e, QMenu*);
void genPropertyMenu1(Element* e, QMenu* popup);
void genPropertyMenuText(Element* e, QMenu* popup);
void elementPropertyAction(const QString&, Element* e);
void paintPageBorder(QPainter& p, Page* page);
bool dropCanvas(Element*);
void editCmd(const QString&);
void setLoopCursor(PositionCursor* curLoop, int tick, bool isInPos);
void cmdMoveCR(bool left);
void cmdGotoElement(Element*);
bool checkCopyOrCut();
private slots:
void enterState();
void exitState();
void startFotomode();
void stopFotomode();
void startFotoDrag();
void endFotoDrag();
void endFotoDragEdit();
void posChanged(POS pos, unsigned tick);
void loopToggled(bool);
public slots:
void setViewRect(const QRectF&);
virtual void startEdit();
void endEdit();
void endStartEdit() { endEdit(); startEdit(); }
void startDrag();
void endDrag();
void endDragEdit();
void startNoteEntry();
void endNoteEntry();
void endLasso();
void deselectAll();
void editCopy();
void editCut();
void editPaste();
void normalCut();
void normalCopy();
void fotoModeCopy();
void normalPaste();
void cloneElement(Element* e);
void doFotoDragEdit(QMouseEvent* ev);
void updateContinuousPanel();
void viewRectChanged();
void scaleChanged(double);
void offsetChanged(double, double);
ScoreView(QWidget* parent = 0);
QPixmap* fgPixmap() { return _fgPixmap; }
virtual void startEdit(Element*, Grip);
void startEdit(Element*);
void moveCursor(int tick);
int cursorTick() const;
void setCursorOn(bool);
void setBackground(QPixmap*);
void setBackground(const QColor&);
void setForeground(QPixmap*);
void setForeground(const QColor&);
Page* addPage();
void modifyElement(Element* obj);
virtual void setScore(Score* s);
virtual void removeScore() { _score = 0; }
void setMag(qreal m);
bool navigatorVisible() const;
void cmd(const QAction* a);
void startUndoRedo();
void zoomStep(qreal step, const QPoint& pos);
void zoom(qreal _mag, const QPointF& pos);
void contextPopup(QContextMenuEvent* ev);
void editKey(QKeyEvent*);
bool editKeyLyrics(QKeyEvent*);
void dragScoreView(QMouseEvent* ev);
void dragNoteEntry(QMouseEvent* ev);
void noteEntryButton(QMouseEvent* ev);
void doDragElement(QMouseEvent* ev);
void doDragLasso(QMouseEvent* ev);
void doDragFoto(QMouseEvent* ev);
void doDragEdit(QMouseEvent* ev);
void select(QMouseEvent*);
bool mousePress(QMouseEvent* ev);
bool testElementDragTransition(QMouseEvent* ev);
bool editElementDragTransition(QMouseEvent* ev);
bool fotoEditElementDragTransition(QMouseEvent* ev);
bool editScoreViewDragTransition(QMouseEvent* e);
bool editSelectTransition(QMouseEvent* me);
void cmdAddSlur();
void cmdAddHairpin(bool);
void cmdAddNoteLine();
virtual void cmdAddSlur(Note* firstNote, Note* lastNote);
bool noteEntryMode() const;
bool editMode() const;
bool fotoMode() const;
void editInputTransition(QInputMethodEvent* ie);
void onEditPasteTransition(QMouseEvent* ev);
virtual void setDropRectangle(const QRectF&);
virtual void setDropTarget(const Element*) override;
void setDropAnchor(const QLineF&);
const QTransform& matrix() const { return _matrix; }
qreal mag() const;
qreal lmag() const;
MagIdx magIdx() const { return _magIdx; }
void setMag(MagIdx idx, double mag);
qreal xoffset() const;
qreal yoffset() const;
void setOffset(qreal x, qreal y);
QSizeF fsize() const;
void pageNext();
void pagePrev();
void pageTop();
void pageEnd();
QPointF toLogical(const QPoint& p) const { return imatrix.map(QPointF(p)); }
QRectF toLogical(const QRectF& r) const { return imatrix.mapRect(r); }
QRect toPhysical(const QRectF& r) const { return _matrix.mapRect(r).toRect(); }
bool searchMeasure(int i);
bool searchPage(int i);
bool searchRehearsalMark(const QString& s);
void gotoMeasure(Measure*);
void selectMeasure(int m);
void postCmd(const char* cmd) { sm->postEvent(new CommandEvent(cmd)); }
void setFocusRect();
Element* getDragElement() const { return dragElement; }
void changeVoice(int voice);
virtual void drawBackground(QPainter* p, const QRectF& r) const;
bool fotoScoreViewDragTest(QMouseEvent*);
bool fotoScoreViewDragRectTest(QMouseEvent*);
void doDragFotoRect(QMouseEvent*);
void fotoContextPopup(QContextMenuEvent*);
bool fotoRectHit(const QPoint& p);
void paintRect(bool printMode, QPainter& p, const QRectF& r, double mag);
bool saveFotoAs(bool printMode, const QRectF&);
void fotoDragDrop(QMouseEvent*);
const QRectF& getGrip(Grip n) const { return grip[int(n)]; }
int gripCount() const { return grips; } // number of used grips
void changeEditElement(Element*);
void cmdAppendMeasures(int, Element::Type);
void cmdInsertMeasures(int, Element::Type);
void cmdAddRemoveBreaks();
void cmdCopyLyricsToClipboard();
ScoreState mscoreState() const;
void setCursorVisible(bool v);
void showOmr(bool flag);
Element* getCurElement() const { return curElement; } // current item at mouse press
void midiNoteReceived(int pitch, bool chord, int velocity);
void setEditPos(const QPointF&);
virtual void moveCursor() override;
virtual void layoutChanged();
virtual void dataChanged(const QRectF&);
virtual void updateAll() { update(); }
virtual void adjustCanvasPosition(const Element* el, bool playBack);
virtual void setCursor(const QCursor& c) { QWidget::setCursor(c); }
virtual QCursor cursor() const { return QWidget::cursor(); }
void loopUpdate(bool val) { loopToggled(val); }
OmrView* omrView() const { return _omrView; }
void setOmrView(OmrView* v) { _omrView = v; }
Lasso* fotoLasso() const { return _foto; }
Element* getEditObject() { return editObject; }
void setEditObject(Element* e) { editObject = e; }
virtual Element* elementNear(QPointF);
void editFretDiagram(FretDiagram*);
void editBendProperties(Bend*);
void editTremoloBarProperties(TremoloBar*);
// DragTransition
class DragTransition : public QEventTransition
ScoreView* canvas;
virtual void onTransition(QEvent* e);
DragTransition(ScoreView* c)
: QEventTransition(c, QEvent::MouseMove), canvas(c) {}
extern int searchStaff(const Element* element);
} // namespace Ms