Andres Fernandez de Prado 3acc363498 Solved all compilation errors on MSVC
This commit contains changes required for MuseScore to compile under MSVC with no errors.

There are several general categories of problems that resulted in errors with the compilation. Main issues:
- Variable Length Arrays (VLA). This is a non-standard extension to C++, supported by clang toolchains, but not by MSVC. The initial workaround is to use std::vector<> instead of VLAs, eventually (if needed) with the original variable pointing to the beginning of the allocated array. More efficient alternatives are possible if profiling shows any code using VLAs to be timing-critical.
- Floating-point constants not suffixed with "f" are doubles by default; in some instances, this leads to narrowing conversion errors (in other instances, just warnings).
- MSVC does not support "or"/"and"/"not" in lieu of "||"/"&&"/"!". Changed unconditionally to use standard C++ symbols.
- MSVC does not support the "__builtin_unreachable()" compiler hint. A similar, albeit not exactly equal, alternative is "__assume(0)", which is MSVC-specific.
- MSVC does not support ranges in case statements. Replaced with list of cases instead of range (non-conditionally)

Detailed changes, with per-file comments:

- all.h: opt-in to deprecated features, include <io.h> and <process.h> instead of POSIX <unistd.h>, undefine "STRING_NONE" and "small", which Microsoft defines as macros, which result in compilation errors.
- effects/compressor/zita.cpp: eliminated narrowing conversion error by appending "f" to float constants.
- fluid/voice.cpp: appended "f" to float constants to eliminate narrowing conversion errors/warnings
- libmscore/beam.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/edit.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/element.cpp: appended "f" to float constant
- libmscore/fret.cpp: changed or -> ||
- libmscore/layout.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/mscore.cpp: conditionally replaced "__builtin_unreachable()" with "__assume(0)" for MSVC
- libmscore/scorefile.coo: use correct char representation conversion for MSVC
- libmscore/stringdata.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/system.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscroe/text.cpp: replaced range in case statement.
- manual/genManual.cpp: use getopt() replacement.
- midi/midifile.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. This does not use the default replacement.
- mscore/bb.cpp: replaced range in case statement.
- mscore/capella.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. Changed and -> &&
- mscore/driver:cpp: preclude errors due to macro redefinitions.
- mscore/editstyle.cpp: conditionally replaced "__builtin_unreachable()" with "__assume(0)" for MSVC
- mscore/importgtp-gp6.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/instrwidget.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/jackaudio.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. Preclude errors due to macro redefinitions.
- mscore/jackweakapi.cpp: Preclude errors due to macro redefinitions. Replacement for __atribute__((constructor)) through static object construction for MSVC. Force use of LoadLibraryA instead of LoadLibrary.
- mscore/mididriver.h: Changed not -> !
- mscore/musescore.cpp: Changed not -> !. Conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/resourceManager.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/timeline.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- omr/omrpage.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- synthesizer/msynthesizer.cpp: replaced UNIX sleep(1) method with MSVC Sleep(1000) (equivalent, but in ms instead of seconds)
- synthesizer/msynthsizer.h: appended "f" to float constant
- thirdparty/poppler/config.h: set defines for MSVC to preclude the use of inexistent libraries.
- thirdparty/poppler/poppler/poppler-config.h: set defines for MSVC to preclude the use of inexistent libraries. Eliminated #defines for fmin and fmax which where causing problems.
- thirdparty/poppler/poppler/ added #include <algorithm> for  std::min() and std::max(). Note this is required per-C++ standard.
- thirdparty/portmidi/pm_win/pmwinmm.c: undefined UNICODE to use char-based library functions.
- thirdparty/qzip/qzip.cpp: changed or -> ||
- thirdparty/rtf2html/rtf_keyword.h: file format changed from Apple to UNIX, as MSVC does not supported the former.

(NOT error related, just improvement on previous commit; manual/getopt/ added link to source article)
2018-08-03 09:15:42 +02:00

505 lines
19 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "stringdata.h"
#include "chord.h"
#include "note.h"
#include "part.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "undo.h"
#include "segment.h"
namespace Ms {
// StringData
bool StringData::bFretting = false;
StringData::StringData(int numFrets, int numStrings, int strings[])
instrString strg = { 0, false};
_frets = numFrets;
for (int i = 0; i < numStrings; i++) {
strg.pitch = strings[i];
StringData::StringData(int numFrets, QList<instrString>& strings)
_frets = numFrets;
foreach(instrString i, strings)
// read
void StringData::read(XmlReader& e)
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "frets")
_frets = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "string") {
instrString strg; = e.intAttribute("open", 0);
strg.pitch = e.readInt();
// write
void StringData::write(XmlWriter& xml) const
xml.tag("frets", _frets);
foreach(instrString strg, stringTable) {
if (
xml.tag("string open=\"1\"", strg.pitch);
xml.tag("string", strg.pitch);
// convertPitch
// Finds string and fret for a note.
// Fills *string and *fret with suitable values for pitch at given tick of given staff,
// using the highest possible string.
// If note cannot be fretted, uses fret 0 on nearest string and returns false
// Note: Strings are stored internally from lowest (0) to highest (strings()-1),
// but the returned *string value references strings in reversed, 'visual', order:
// from highest (0) to lowest (strings()-1)
bool StringData::convertPitch(int pitch, Staff* staff, int tick, int* string, int* fret) const
return convertPitch(pitch, pitchOffsetAt(staff, tick), string, fret);
// getPitch
// Returns the pitch corresponding to the string / fret combination
// at given tick of given staff.
// Returns INVALID_PITCH if not possible
// Note: frets above max fret are accepted.
int StringData::getPitch(int string, int fret, Staff* staff, int tick) const
return getPitch(string, fret, pitchOffsetAt(staff, tick));
// fret
// Returns the fret corresponding to the pitch / string combination
// at given tick of given staff.
// Returns FRET_NONE if not possible
int StringData::fret(int pitch, int string, Staff* staff, int tick) const
return fret(pitch, string, pitchOffsetAt(staff, tick));
// fretChords
// Assigns fretting to all the notes of each chord in the same segment of chord
// re-using existing fretting wherever possible
// Minimizes fret conflicts (multiple notes on the same string)
// but marks as fretConflict notes which cannot be fretted
// (outside tablature range) or which cannot be assigned
// a separate string
void StringData::fretChords(Chord * chord) const
int nFret, minFret, maxFret, nNewFret, nTempFret;
int nString, nNewString, nTempString;
bFretting = true;
// we need to keep track of string allocation
#if (!defined (_MSCVER) && !defined (_MSC_VER))
int bUsed[strings()]; // initially all strings are available
// MSVC does not support VLA. Replace with std::vector. If profiling determines that the
// heap allocation is slow, an optimization might be used.
std::vector<int> bUsed(strings());
for(nString=0; nString<strings(); nString++)
bUsed[nString] = 0;
// we also need the notes sorted in order of string (from highest to lowest) and then pitch
QMap<int, Note *> sortedNotes;
int count = 0;
// store staff pitch offset at this tick, to speed up actual note pitch calculations
// (ottavas not implemented yet)
int transp = chord->staff() ? chord->part()->instrument()->transpose().chromatic : 0; // TODO: tick?
int pitchOffset = /*chord->staff()->pitchOffset(chord->segment()->tick())*/ - transp;
// if chord parent is not a segment, the chord is special (usually a grace chord):
// fret it by itself, ignoring the segment
if (chord->parent()->type() != ElementType::SEGMENT)
sortChordNotes(sortedNotes, chord, pitchOffset, &count);
else {
// scan each chord of seg from same staff as 'chord', inserting each of its notes in sortedNotes
Segment* seg = chord->segment();
int trk;
int trkFrom = (chord->track() / VOICES) * VOICES;
int trkTo = trkFrom + VOICES;
for(trk = trkFrom; trk < trkTo; ++trk) {
Element* ch = seg->elist().at(trk);
if (ch && ch->type() == ElementType::CHORD)
sortChordNotes(sortedNotes, toChord(ch), pitchOffset, &count);
// determine used range of frets
minFret = INT32_MAX;
maxFret = INT32_MIN;
foreach(Note* note, sortedNotes) {
if (note->string() != STRING_NONE)
if (note->fret() != FRET_NONE && note->fret() < minFret)
minFret = note->fret();
if (note->fret() != FRET_NONE && note->fret() > maxFret)
maxFret = note->fret();
// scan chord notes from highest, matching with strings from the highest
foreach(Note * note, sortedNotes) {
nString = nNewString = note->string();
nFret = nNewFret = note->fret();
note->setFretConflict(false); // assume no conflicts on this note
// if no fretting (any invalid fretting has been erased by sortChordNotes() )
if (nString == STRING_NONE /*|| nFret == FRET_NONE || getPitch(nString, nFret) != note->pitch()*/) {
// get a new fretting
if (!convertPitch(note->pitch(), pitchOffset, &nNewString, &nNewFret) ) {
// no way to fit this note in this tab:
// mark as fretting conflict
// store fretting change without affecting chord context
if (nFret != nNewFret)
note->undoChangeProperty(Pid::FRET, nNewFret);
if (nString != nNewString)
note->undoChangeProperty(Pid::STRING, nNewString);
// note can be fretted: use string
else {
// if the note string (either original or newly assigned) is also used by another note
if (bUsed[nNewString] > 1) {
// attempt to find a suitable string, from topmost
for (nTempString=0; nTempString < strings(); nTempString++) {
if (bUsed[nTempString] < 1
&& (nTempFret=fret(note->pitch(), nTempString, pitchOffset)) != FRET_NONE) {
bUsed[nNewString]--; // free previous string
bUsed[nTempString]++; // and occupy new string
nNewFret = nTempFret;
nNewString = nTempString;
// TODO : try to optimize used fret range, avoiding eccessively open positions
// if fretting did change, store as a fret change
if (nFret != nNewFret)
note->undoChangeProperty(Pid::FRET, nNewFret);
if (nString != nNewString)
note->undoChangeProperty(Pid::STRING, nNewString);
// check for any remaining fret conflict
foreach(Note * note, sortedNotes)
if (bUsed[note->string()] > 1)
bFretting = false;
// frettedStrings
// Returns the number of fretted strings.
int StringData::frettedStrings() const
int num = 0;
for (auto s : stringTable)
if (!
return num;
// pitchOffsetAt
// Computes the pitch offset relevant for string data calculation at the given point.
// For string data calculations, pitch offset may depend on transposition, capos and, possibly, ottavas.
int StringData::pitchOffsetAt(Staff* staff, int /*tick*/)
int transp = staff ? staff->part()->instrument()->transpose().chromatic : 0; // TODO: tick?
return (/*staff->pitchOffset(tick)*/ - transp);
// convertPitch
// Finds string and fret for a note.
// Fills *string and *fret with suitable values for pitch / pitchOffset,
// using the highest possible string.
// If note cannot be fretted, uses fret 0 on nearest string and returns false
// Note: Strings are stored internally from lowest (0) to highest (strings()-1),
// but the returned *string value references strings in reversed, 'visual', order:
// from highest (0) to lowest (strings()-1)
bool StringData::convertPitch(int pitch, int pitchOffset, int* string, int* fret) const
int strings = stringTable.size();
if (strings < 1)
return false;
pitch += pitchOffset;
// if above max fret on highest string, fret on first string, but return failure
if(pitch > + _frets) {
*string = 0;
*fret = 0;
return false;
// look for a suitable string, starting from the highest
// NOTE: this assumes there are always enough frets to fill
// the interval between any fretted string and the next
for (int i = strings-1; i >=0; i--) {
instrString strg =;
if(pitch >= strg.pitch) {
if (pitch == strg.pitch || !
*string = strings - i - 1;
*fret = pitch - strg.pitch;
return true;
// if no string found, pitch is below lowest string:
// fret on last string, but return failure
*string = strings-1;
*fret = 0;
return false;
// getPitch
// Returns the pitch corresponding to the string / fret / pitchOffset combination.
// Returns INVALID_PITCH if not possible
// Note: frets above max fret are accepted.
int StringData::getPitch(int string, int fret, int pitchOffset) const
int strings = stringTable.size();
if (string < 0 || string >= strings)
instrString strg = - string - 1);
return strg.pitch - pitchOffset + ( ? 0 : fret);
// fret
// Returns the fret corresponding to the pitch / string / pitchOffset combination.
// returns FRET_NONE if not possible
int StringData::fret(int pitch, int string, int pitchOffset) const
int strings = stringTable.size();
if (strings < 1) // no strings at all!
return FRET_NONE;
if (string < 0 || string >= strings) // no such a string
return FRET_NONE;
pitch += pitchOffset;
int fret = pitch - stringTable[strings - string - 1].pitch;
// fret number is invalid or string cannot be fretted
if (fret < 0 || fret >= _frets || (fret > 0 && stringTable[strings - string - 1].open))
return FRET_NONE;
return fret;
// sortChordNotes
// Adds to sortedNotes the notes of Chord in string/pitch order
// Note: notes are sorted first by string (top string being 0),
// then by negated pitch (higher pitches resulting in lower key),
// then by order of submission to disambiguate notes with the same pitch.
// Everything else being equal, this makes notes in higher-numbered voices
// to be sorted after notes in lower-numbered voices (voice 2 after voice 1 and so on)
// Notes without a string assigned yet, are sorted according to the lowest string which can accommodate them.
void StringData::sortChordNotes(QMap<int, Note *>& sortedNotes, const Chord *chord, int pitchOffset, int* count) const
int key, string, fret;
foreach(Note * note, chord->notes()) {
string = note->string();
fret = note->fret();
// if note not fretted yet or current fretting no longer valid,
// use most convenient string as key
if (string <= STRING_NONE || fret <= FRET_NONE
|| getPitch(string, fret, pitchOffset) != note->pitch()) {
convertPitch(note->pitch(), pitchOffset, &string, &fret);
key = string * 100000;
key += -(note->pitch()+pitchOffset) * 100 + *count; // disambiguate notes of equal pitch
sortedNotes.insert(key, note);
#if 0
// MusicXMLStepAltOct2Pitch
Convert MusicXML \a step / \a alter / \a octave to midi pitch.
Note: similar to (part of) xmlSetPitch in mscore/importxml.cpp.
TODO: combine ?
static int MusicXMLStepAltOct2Pitch(char step, int alter, int octave)
int istep = step - 'A';
// a b c d e f g
static int table[7] = { 9, 11, 0, 2, 4, 5, 7 };
if (istep < 0 || istep > 6) {
qDebug("MusicXMLStepAltOct2Pitch: illegal step %d, <%c>", istep, step);
return -1;
int pitch = table[istep] + alter + (octave+1) * 12;
if (pitch < 0)
pitch = -1;
if (pitch > 127)
pitch = -1;
return pitch;
// Read MusicXML
void StringData::readMusicXML(XmlReader& e)
_frets = 25;
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "staff-lines") {
int val = e.readInt();
if (val > 0) {
// resize the string table and init with zeroes
stringTable = QVector<int>(val).toList();
qDebug("StringData::readMusicXML: illegal staff-lines %d", val);
else if (tag == "staff-tuning") {
int line = e.intAttribute("line");
QString step;
int alter = 0;
int octave = 0;
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "tuning-alter")
alter = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "tuning-octave")
octave = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "tuning-step")
step = e.readElementText();
if (0 < line && line <= stringTable.size()) {
int pitch = MusicXMLStepAltOct2Pitch(step[0].toLatin1(), alter, octave);
if (pitch >= 0)
stringTable[line - 1] = pitch;
qDebug("StringData::readMusicXML invalid string %d tuning step/alter/oct %s/%d/%d",
line, qPrintable(step), alter, octave);
else if (tag == "capo") {
; // not supported: silently ignored
else {
; // others silently ignored
// Write MusicXML
void StringData::writeMusicXML(XmlWriter& /*xml*/) const