Recent improvements to beaming broke the Cross-measure values flag, causing chord duration corruption if turned ON. Fixed by saving and restoring more duration data while processing beaming data. Also, added a test about turning this flag on and about undoing.
181 lines
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181 lines
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// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __CHORDREST_H__
#define __CHORDREST_H__
#include "symbol.h"
#include "duration.h"
#include "beam.h"
#include "segment.h"
namespace Ms {
enum class CrossMeasure : signed char {
NONE = 0,
class Score;
class Measure;
class Tuplet;
class Segment;
class Slur;
class Articulation;
class Lyrics;
class TabDurationSymbol;
class Spanner;
// @@ ChordRest
/// Virtual base class. Chords and rests can be part of a beam
// @P durationType int
// @P beamMode Ms::Beam::Mode (AUTO, BEGIN, MID, END, NONE, BEGIN32, BEGIN64, INVALID)
// @P small bool small chord/rest
class ChordRest : public DurationElement {
Q_PROPERTY(int durationType READ durationTypeTicks WRITE setDurationType)
Q_PROPERTY(Ms::Beam::Mode beamMode READ beamMode WRITE undoSetBeamMode)
Q_PROPERTY(bool small READ small WRITE undoSetSmall)
TDuration _durationType;
int _staffMove; // -1, 0, +1, used for crossbeaming
QList<Articulation*> _articulations;
Beam* _beam;
QList<Lyrics*> _lyricsList;
TabDurationSymbol* _tabDur; // stores a duration symbol in tablature staves
Beam::Mode _beamMode;
bool _up; // actual stem direction
bool _small;
// CrossMeasure: combine 2 tied notes if across a bar line and can be combined in a single duration
CrossMeasure _crossMeasure; ///< 0: no cross-measure modification; 1: 1st note of a mod.; -1: 2nd note
TDuration _crossMeasureTDur; ///< the total Duration type of the combined notes
Space _space; // cached value from layout
ChordRest(const ChordRest&, bool link = false);
ChordRest &operator=(const ChordRest&) = delete;
virtual Element::Type type() const = 0;
virtual Element* drop(const DropData&) override;
virtual void undoUnlink() override;
virtual Segment* segment() const { return (Segment*)parent(); }
virtual Measure* measure() const = 0;
virtual void writeProperties(Xml& xml) const;
virtual bool readProperties(XmlReader&);
virtual void scanElements(void* data, void (*func)(void*, Element*), bool all=true);
void setBeamMode(Beam::Mode m) { _beamMode = m; }
void undoSetBeamMode(Beam::Mode m);
Beam::Mode beamMode() const { return _beamMode; }
void setBeam(Beam* b);
virtual Beam* beam() const { return _beam; }
int beams() const { return _durationType.hooks(); }
virtual qreal upPos() const = 0;
virtual qreal downPos() const = 0;
virtual qreal centerX() const = 0;
int line(bool up) const { return up ? upLine() : downLine(); }
int line() const { return _up ? upLine() : downLine(); }
virtual int upLine() const = 0;
virtual int downLine() const = 0;
virtual QPointF stemPos() const = 0;
virtual qreal stemPosX() const = 0;
virtual QPointF stemPosBeam() const = 0;
bool up() const { return _up; }
void setUp(bool val) { _up = val; }
QList<Articulation*>& articulations() { return _articulations; }
const QList<Articulation*>& articulations() const { return _articulations; }
Articulation* hasArticulation(const Articulation*);
bool small() const { return _small; }
void setSmall(bool val);
void undoSetSmall(bool val);
int staffMove() const { return _staffMove; }
void setStaffMove(int val) { _staffMove = val; }
void layoutArticulations();
const TDuration durationType() const { return _crossMeasure == CrossMeasure::FIRST ?
_crossMeasureTDur : _durationType; }
const TDuration actualDurationType() const { return _durationType; }
void setDurationType(TDuration::DurationType t);
void setDurationType(const QString& s);
void setDurationType(int ticks);
void setDurationType(TDuration v);
void setDots(int n) { _durationType.setDots(n); }
int dots() const { return _crossMeasure == CrossMeasure::FIRST ? _crossMeasureTDur.dots()
: (_crossMeasure == CrossMeasure::SECOND ? 0 : _durationType.dots()); }
int actualDots() const { return _durationType.dots(); }
int durationTypeTicks() { return _crossMeasure == CrossMeasure::FIRST ? _crossMeasureTDur.ticks()
: _durationType.ticks(); }
QString durationUserName();
virtual void setTrack(int val);
virtual int tick() const;
virtual int rtick() const;
virtual Space space() const { return _space; }
const QList<Lyrics*>& lyricsList() const { return _lyricsList; }
QList<Lyrics*>& lyricsList() { return _lyricsList; }
Lyrics* lyrics(int no) { return _lyricsList.value(no); }
virtual void add(Element*);
virtual void remove(Element*);
void removeDeleteBeam(bool beamed = false);
CrossMeasure crossMeasure() const { return _crossMeasure; }
void setCrossMeasure(CrossMeasure val) { _crossMeasure = val; }
virtual void crossMeasureSetup(bool /*on*/) { }
// the following two functions should not be used, unless absolutely necessary;
// the cross-measure duration is best managed through setDuration() and crossMeasureSetup()
TDuration crossMeasureDurationType() const { return _crossMeasureTDur; }
void setCrossMeasureDurationType(TDuration v) { _crossMeasureTDur = v; }
virtual QVariant getProperty(P_ID propertyId) const override;
virtual bool setProperty(P_ID propertyId, const QVariant&) override;
virtual QVariant propertyDefault(P_ID) const override;
bool isGrace() const;
bool isGraceBefore() const;
bool isGraceAfter() const;
void writeBeam(Xml& xml);
Segment* nextSegmentAfterCR(Segment::Type types) const;
virtual Element* nextElement() override;
virtual Element* prevElement() override;
virtual QString accessibleExtraInfo() override;
} // namespace Ms