Maurizio M. Gavioli c69d2a9262 Lyrics multi-system melisma and dashes
Implements melisma and dash lines for lyrics spanning several systems.

The melisma and dash line is based on the `SLine` class and its segments on the `LineSegment` class. Both the whole line and its segments are not selectable, marked as generated and not saved in the score file, which is not changed in any way.

For very wide dash segments, several dashes are drawn; the distance between the dashes is not configurable.

Lyrics layout code in `Measure` class and in `layout.cpp` file has been commented out as the lyrics line layout is all contained in the lyrics.cpp file

The line is registered with the `Score` (to have its layout delayed until all elements are positioned) with a mechanism similar to other `Spanner`'s, but in a different container (`_unmanagedSpanner`), as the owning `Lyrics` should decide when create, register, unregister and delete its line.

The line segments are registered with the `System` they belong to (to have them drawn), in the same way as other `Spanner`'s.

There is code for using the dash metrics of the lyrics font, but it is turned off via a conditional directive, as there does not seem to be a reliable way to determine the dash metrics; conventional values (determined by trials and errors and based on my taste!) are used when the conditional directive is off.
2015-01-11 10:16:19 +01:00

196 lines
6.8 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __SYSTEM_H__
#define __SYSTEM_H__
Definition of classes SysStaff and System
#include "element.h"
#include "spatium.h"
namespace Ms {
class Staff;
class StaffLines;
class Clef;
class Page;
class Bracket;
class Lyrics;
class Segment;
class MeasureBase;
class Text;
class InstrumentName;
class SpannerSegment;
class VBox;
class BarLine;
// SysStaff
/// One staff of a System.
class SysStaff {
QRectF _bbox; ///< Bbox of StaffLines.
qreal _distanceUp; ///< distance to previous staff
qreal _distanceDown; ///< distance to next staff
bool _show; ///< derived from Staff or false if empty
///< staff is hidden
int idx;
QList<InstrumentName*> instrumentNames;
const QRectF& bbox() const { return _bbox; }
QRectF& bbox() { return _bbox; }
QRectF& rbb() { return _bbox; }
qreal y() const { return _bbox.y(); }
qreal right() const { return _bbox.right(); }
void setbbox(const QRectF& r) { _bbox = r; }
qreal distanceUp() const { return _distanceUp; }
void setDistanceUp(qreal v) { _distanceUp = v; }
qreal distanceDown() const { return _distanceDown; }
void setDistanceDown(qreal v) { _distanceDown = v; }
bool show() const { return _show; }
void setShow(bool v) { _show = v; }
// @@ System
/// One row of measures for all instruments;
/// a complete piece of the timeline.
class System : public Element {
QList<MeasureBase*> ml;
QList<SysStaff*> _staves;
QList<Bracket*> _brackets;
QList<SpannerSegment*> _spannerSegments;
BarLine* _barLine; ///< Left hand bar, connects staves in system.
qreal _leftMargin; ///< left margin for instrument name, brackets etc.
qreal _stretchDistance;
qreal _distance;
bool _pageBreak;
bool _firstSystem; ///< used to decide between long and short instrument
///< names; set by score()->doLayout()
bool _vbox; ///< contains only one VBox in ml
bool _sameLine;
bool _addStretch;
void setDistanceUp(int n, qreal v) { _staves[n]->setDistanceUp(v); }
void setDistanceDown(int n, qreal v) { _staves[n]->setDistanceDown(v); }
virtual System* clone() const { return new System(*this); }
virtual Element::Type type() const { return Element::Type::SYSTEM; }
virtual void add(Element*);
virtual void remove(Element*);
virtual void change(Element* o, Element* n);
virtual void write(Xml&) const;
virtual void read(XmlReader&);
virtual void scanElements(void* data, void (*func)(void*, Element*), bool all=true);
Page* page() const { return (Page*)parent(); }
virtual void layout(qreal xoffset);
void layout2(); ///< Called after Measure layout.
void clear(); ///< Clear measure list.
QRectF bboxStaff(int staff) const { return _staves[staff]->bbox(); }
QList<SysStaff*>* staves() { return &_staves; }
const QList<SysStaff*>* staves() const { return &_staves; }
qreal staffYpage(int staffIdx) const;
#ifdef NDEBUG
SysStaff* staff(int staffIdx) const { return _staves[staffIdx]; }
SysStaff* staff(int staffIdx) const {
if (staffIdx >= _staves.size()) {
qDebug("System::staff(): bad index %d", staffIdx);
staffIdx = _staves.size() - 1;
// abort();
return _staves[staffIdx];
qreal distanceUp(int idx) const { return _staves[idx]->distanceUp(); }
qreal distanceDown(int idx) const { return _staves[idx]->distanceDown(); }
bool pageBreak() const { return _pageBreak; }
void setPageBreak(bool val) { _pageBreak = val; }
SysStaff* insertStaff(int);
void removeStaff(int);
BarLine* barLine() const { return _barLine; }
int y2staff(qreal y) const;
void setInstrumentNames(bool longName);
int snap(int tick, const QPointF p) const;
int snapNote(int tick, const QPointF p, int staff) const;
QList<MeasureBase*>& measures() { return ml; }
MeasureBase* measure(int idx) { return ml[idx]; }
Measure* firstMeasure() const;
Measure* lastMeasure() const;
MeasureBase* prevMeasure(const MeasureBase*) const;
MeasureBase* nextMeasure(const MeasureBase*) const;
qreal leftMargin() const { return _leftMargin; }
void setFirstSystem(bool v) { _firstSystem = v; }
bool isVbox() const { return _vbox; }
VBox* vbox() const { return (VBox*)ml[0]; }
void setVbox(bool v) { _vbox = v; }
// void layoutLyrics(Lyrics*, Segment*, int staffIdx);
bool addStretch() const { return _addStretch; }
void setAddStretch(bool v) { _addStretch = v; }
bool sameLine() const { return _sameLine; }
void setSameLine(bool v) { _sameLine = v; }
qreal stretchDistance() const { return _stretchDistance; }
void setStretchDistance(qreal val) { _stretchDistance = val; }
void addStretchDistance(qreal val) { _stretchDistance += val; }
qreal distance() const { return _distance; }
void setDistance(qreal val) { _distance = val; }
QList<Bracket*>& brackets() { return _brackets; }
QList<SpannerSegment*>& spannerSegments() { return _spannerSegments; }
const QList<SpannerSegment*>& spannerSegments() const { return _spannerSegments; }
virtual Element* nextElement() override;
virtual Element* prevElement() override;
typedef QList<System*>::iterator iSystem;
typedef QList<System*>::const_iterator ciSystem;
} // namespace Ms