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182 lines
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// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Werner Schweer and others
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENSE.GPL
#ifndef __SHORTCUT_H__
#define __SHORTCUT_H__
The Shortcut class describes the basic configurable shortcut element.
'Real' data are contained in 2 static member variables:
1) sc[], an array of Shortcut: contains the default, built-in data for each shortcut
except the key sequences; it is initialized at startup (code at the begining of
2) _shortcuts, a QMap using the shortcut xml tag name as hash value: is initialized from
data in sc via a call to Shortcut::init() in program main() (mscore/musescore.cpp).
This also load actual key sequences either from an external, hard-coded, file with
user customizations or from a resource (<= mscore/data/shortcuts.xml), if there are
no customizations.
Later during startup, QAction's are derived from each of its elements and pooled
in a single QActionGroup during MuseScore::MuseScore() costructor (mscore/musescore.cpp)
To be documented
State flags:
Defined in mscore/global.h (ScoreState enum): each shortcut is ignored if its _flags mask
does not include the current score state. This is different from (and additional to)
QAction processing performed by the Qt framework and happens only after the action has
been forwarded to the application (the action must be enabled).
The STATE_NEVER requires an explanation. It has been introduced to mark shortcuts
which need to be recorded (and possibly customized) but are never used directly.
Currently, this applies to a number of shortcuts which:
- have been split between a common and a TAB-specific variant AND
- are linked to tool bar buttons or menu items
If QAction's are created for both, Qt blocks either as duplicate; in addition, the button
or menu item may become disabled on state change. The currently implemented solution is
to create a QAction only for one of them (the common one) and swap the key sequences when
entering or leaving the relevant state.
Swapping is implemented in MuseScore::changeState() (mscore/musescore.cpp).
QAction creation for the 'other' shortcut is blocked in Shortcut::action() (mscore/shortcut.cpp).
This means that Shortcut::action() may return 0. When scanning the whole
shortcuts[] array, this has to be taken into account; currently it happens in two
- in MuseScore::MuseScore() constructor (mscore/musescore.cpp)
- in MuseScore::changeState() method (mscore/musescore.cpp)
Shortcuts marked with the STATE_NEVER state should NEVER used directly as shortcuts!
#include "icons.h"
#include "globals.h"
namespace Ms {
class XmlWriter;
class XmlReader;
// ShortcutFlags
enum class ShortcutFlags : char {
NONE = 0,
A_SCORE = 1,
A_CMD = 1 << 1,
A_CHECKABLE = 1 << 2,
A_CHECKED = 1 << 3
constexpr ShortcutFlags operator| (ShortcutFlags t1, ShortcutFlags t2) {
return static_cast<ShortcutFlags>(static_cast<int>(t1) | static_cast<int>(t2));
constexpr bool operator& (ShortcutFlags t1, ShortcutFlags t2) {
return static_cast<int>(t1) & static_cast<int>(t2);
static const int KEYSEQ_SIZE = 4;
// Shortcut
// hold the basic values for configurable shortcuts
class Shortcut {
MsWidget _assignedWidget; //! the widget where the action will be assigned
int _state { 0 }; //! shortcut is valid in this Mscore state
QByteArray _key; //! xml tag name for configuration file
QByteArray _descr; //! descriptor, shown in editor
QByteArray _text; //! text as shown on buttons or menus
QByteArray _help; //! ballon help
//! (or'd list of states)
Icons _icon { Icons::Invalid_ICON };
Qt::ShortcutContext _context { Qt::WindowShortcut };
ShortcutFlags _flags { ShortcutFlags::NONE };
QList<QKeySequence> _keys; //! shortcut list
QKeySequence::StandardKey _standardKey { QKeySequence::UnknownKey };
mutable QAction* _action { 0 }; //! cached action
static Shortcut _sc[];
static QHash<QByteArray, Shortcut*> _shortcuts;
void translateAction(QAction* action) const;
Shortcut() {}
Ms::MsWidget assignedWidget,
int state,
const char* key,
const char* d = 0,
const char* txt = 0,
const char* h = 0,
Icons i = Icons::Invalid_ICON,
Qt::ShortcutContext cont = Qt::WindowShortcut,
ShortcutFlags f = ShortcutFlags::NONE
QAction* action() const;
const QByteArray& key() const { return _key; }
QString descr() const;
QString text() const;
QString help() const;
MsWidget assignedWidget() const { return _assignedWidget; }
void clear(); //! remove shortcuts
void reset(); //! reset to buildin
void addShortcut(const QKeySequence&);
int state() const { return _state; }
void setState(int v) { _state = v; }
bool needsScore() const { return _flags & ShortcutFlags::A_SCORE; }
bool isCmd() const { return _flags & ShortcutFlags::A_CMD; }
bool isCheckable() const { return _flags & ShortcutFlags::A_CHECKABLE; }
bool isChecked() const { return _flags & ShortcutFlags::A_CHECKED; }
Icons icon() const { return _icon; }
const QList<QKeySequence>& keys() const { return _keys; }
QKeySequence::StandardKey standardKey() const { return _standardKey; }
void setStandardKey(QKeySequence::StandardKey k) { _standardKey = k; }
void setKeys(const QList<QKeySequence>& ks);
bool compareKeys(const Shortcut&) const;
QString keysToString() const;
static QString getMenuShortcutString(const QMenu* menu);
void write(Ms::XmlWriter&) const;
void read(Ms::XmlReader&);
static void init();
static void retranslate();
static void load();
static void save();
static void resetToDefault();
static bool dirty;
static Shortcut* getShortcut(const char* key);
static const QHash<QByteArray, Shortcut*>& shortcuts() { return _shortcuts; }
static QActionGroup* getActionGroupForWidget(MsWidget w);
static QActionGroup* getActionGroupForWidget(MsWidget w, Qt::ShortcutContext newShortcutContext);
static QString keySeqToString(const QKeySequence& keySeq, QKeySequence::SequenceFormat fmt);
static QKeySequence keySeqFromString(const QString& str, QKeySequence::SequenceFormat fmt);
} // namespace Ms