
684 lines
22 KiB

// MusE Score
// Linux Music Score Editor
// Copyright (C) 2009 Werner Schweer and others
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "pianolevels.h"
#include "pianoruler.h"
#include "pianokeyboard.h"
#include "pianoview.h"
#include "pianolevelsfilter.h"
#include "preferences.h"
#include "libmscore/segment.h"
#include "libmscore/score.h"
#include "libmscore/staff.h"
#include "libmscore/chord.h"
#include "libmscore/rest.h"
#include "libmscore/note.h"
#include "libmscore/slur.h"
#include "libmscore/tie.h"
#include "libmscore/tuplet.h"
#include "libmscore/noteevent.h"
namespace Ms {
// PianoLevels
PianoLevels::PianoLevels(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
_xpos = 0;
_tuplet = 1;
_subdiv = 0;
_levelsIndex = 0;
minBeatGap = 20;
vMargin = 10;
levelLen = 20;
mouseDown = false;
dragging = false;
// ~PianoLevels
// setScore
void PianoLevels::setScore(Score* s, Pos* lc)
_score = s;
_locator = lc;
if (_score)
_cursor.setContext(_score->tempomap(), _score->sigmap());
setEnabled(_score != 0);
// setXpos
void PianoLevels::setXpos(int val)
_xpos = val;
// pixelXToTick
int PianoLevels::pixelXToTick(int pixX) {
return (int)((pixX + _xpos) / _xZoom) - MAP_OFFSET;
// tickToPixelX
int PianoLevels::tickToPixelX(int tick) {
return (int)(tick + MAP_OFFSET) * _xZoom - _xpos;
// paintEvent
void PianoLevels::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* e)
QPainter p(this);
QColor colPianoBg;
QColor noteDeselected;
QColor noteSelected;
QColor colGridLine;
QColor colText;
switch (preferences.globalStyle()) {
case MuseScoreStyleType::DARK_FUSION:
colPianoBg = QColor(preferences.getColor(PREF_UI_PIANOROLL_DARK_BG_BASE_COLOR));
noteDeselected = QColor(preferences.getColor(PREF_UI_PIANOROLL_DARK_NOTE_UNSEL_COLOR));
noteSelected = QColor(preferences.getColor(PREF_UI_PIANOROLL_DARK_NOTE_SEL_COLOR));
colGridLine = QColor(preferences.getColor(PREF_UI_PIANOROLL_DARK_BG_GRIDLINE_COLOR));
colText = QColor(preferences.getColor(PREF_UI_PIANOROLL_DARK_BG_TEXT_COLOR));
colPianoBg = QColor(preferences.getColor(PREF_UI_PIANOROLL_LIGHT_BG_BASE_COLOR));
noteDeselected = QColor(preferences.getColor(PREF_UI_PIANOROLL_LIGHT_NOTE_UNSEL_COLOR));
noteSelected = QColor(preferences.getColor(PREF_UI_PIANOROLL_LIGHT_NOTE_SEL_COLOR));
colGridLine = QColor(preferences.getColor(PREF_UI_PIANOROLL_LIGHT_BG_GRIDLINE_COLOR));
colText = QColor(preferences.getColor(PREF_UI_PIANOROLL_LIGHT_BG_TEXT_COLOR));
const QPen penLineMajor = QPen(colGridLine, 2.0, Qt::SolidLine);
const QPen penLineMinor = QPen(colGridLine, 1.0, Qt::SolidLine);
const QPen penLineSub = QPen(colGridLine, 1.0, Qt::DotLine);
const QRect& r = e->rect();
p.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform | QPainter::TextAntialiasing);
p.drawRect(0, 0, width(), height());
if (!_score)
Pos pos1(_score->tempomap(), _score->sigmap(), qMax(pixelXToTick(r.x()), 0), TType::TICKS);
Pos pos2(_score->tempomap(), _score->sigmap(), qMax(pixelXToTick(r.x() + r.width()), 0), TType::TICKS);
//draw vert lines
int bar1, bar2, beat, tick;
pos1.mbt(&bar1, &beat, &tick);
pos2.mbt(&bar2, &beat, &tick);
//Estimate bar width since changing time signatures can make this inconsistent.
// Assuming 480 ticks per beat, 4 beats per bar
qreal pixPerBar = MScore::division * 4 * _xZoom;
qreal pixPerBeat = MScore::division * _xZoom;
int barSkip = ceil(minBeatGap / pixPerBar);
barSkip = (int)pow(2, ceil(log(barSkip)/log(2)));
int beatSkip = ceil(minBeatGap / pixPerBeat);
beatSkip = (int)pow(2, ceil(log(beatSkip)/log(2)));
//Round down to first bar to be a multiple of barSkip
bar1 = (bar1 / barSkip) * barSkip;
// int subExp = qMin((int)floor(log2(pixPerBeat / minBeatGap)), _subBeats);
// int numSubBeats = pow(2, subExp);
for (int bar = bar1; bar <= bar2; bar += barSkip) {
Pos stick(_score->tempomap(), _score->sigmap(), bar, 0, 0);
SigEvent sig = stick.timesig();
int z = sig.timesig().numerator();
for (int beat1 = 0; beat1 < z; beat1 += beatSkip) {
Pos beatPos(_score->tempomap(), _score->sigmap(), bar, beat1, 0);
double xp = tickToPixelX(beatPos.time(TType::TICKS));
if (xp < 0)
if (beat1 == 0) {
else {
p.drawLine(xp, 0, xp, height());
int subbeats = _tuplet * (1 << _subdiv);
for (int sub = 1; sub < subbeats; ++sub) {
Pos subBeatPos(_score->tempomap(), _score->sigmap(), bar, beat1, sub * MScore::division / subbeats);
xp = tickToPixelX(subBeatPos.time(TType::TICKS));
p.drawLine(xp, 0, xp, height());
//draw horiz lines
PianoLevelsFilter* filter = PianoLevelsFilter::FILTER_LIST[_levelsIndex];
QFont f("FreeSans", 7);
int div = filter->divisionGap();
int minGuide = (int)floor(filter->minRange() / (qreal)div);
int maxGuide = (int)ceil(filter->maxRange() / (qreal)div);
for (int i = minGuide; i <= maxGuide; ++i) {
p.setPen(i == 0 || i == minGuide || i == maxGuide ? penLineMajor : penLineMinor);
int y = valToPixelY(i * div);
p.drawLine(0, y, width(), y);
QRectF textRect(2, y - 12, width() - 2, 12);
Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, QString::number(i * div));
//Note lines
int pix0 = valToPixelY(0);
for (int i = 0; i < noteList.size(); ++i) {
Note* note = noteList[i];
if (filter->isPerEvent()) {
for (NoteEvent& ne : note->playEvents()) {
int x = tickToPixelX(noteStartTick(note, &ne));
int val = filter->value(_staff, note, &ne);
p.setPen(QPen(note->selected() ? noteSelected : noteDeselected, 2));
int pixY = valToPixelY(val);
p.drawLine(x, pix0, x, pixY);
p.setPen(QPen(note->selected() ? noteSelected : noteDeselected, 2));
p.drawLine(x, pixY, x + levelLen, pixY);
p.drawEllipse(x - 1, pixY - 1, 3, 3);
else {
int x = tickToPixelX(noteStartTick(note, 0));
int val = filter->value(_staff, note, 0);
p.setPen(QPen(note->selected() ? noteSelected : noteDeselected, 2));
int pixY = valToPixelY(val);
p.drawLine(x, pix0, x, pixY);
p.setPen(QPen(note->selected() ? noteSelected : noteDeselected, 2));
p.drawLine(x, pixY, x + levelLen, pixY);
p.drawEllipse(x - 1, pixY - 1, 3, 3);
// noteStartTick
int PianoLevels::noteStartTick(Note* note, NoteEvent* evt)
Chord* chord = note->chord();
int ticks = chord->ticks().ticks();
return note->chord()->tick().ticks() + (evt ? evt->ontime() * ticks / 1000 : 0);
// valToPixelY
int PianoLevels::valToPixelY(int value) {
PianoLevelsFilter* filter = PianoLevelsFilter::FILTER_LIST[_levelsIndex];
int range = filter->maxRange() - filter->minRange();
qreal frac = (value - filter->minRange()) / (qreal)range;
return (int)(height() - vMargin * 2) * (1 - frac) + vMargin;
// pixelYToVal
int PianoLevels::pixelYToVal(int pix) {
qreal frac = 1 - (pix - vMargin) / (qreal)(height() - vMargin * 2);
PianoLevelsFilter* filter = PianoLevelsFilter::FILTER_LIST[_levelsIndex];
int range = filter->maxRange() - filter->minRange();
return (int)(frac * range + filter->minRange());
// pickNoteEvent
bool PianoLevels::pickNoteEvent(int x, int y, bool selectedOnly, Note*& pickedNote, NoteEvent*& pickedNoteEvent)
PianoLevelsFilter* filter = PianoLevelsFilter::FILTER_LIST[_levelsIndex];
for (int i = 0; i < noteList.size(); ++i) {
Note* note = noteList[i];
if (selectedOnly && !note->selected())
if (filter->isPerEvent()) {
for (NoteEvent& e : note->playEvents()) {
int noteX = tickToPixelX(noteStartTick(note, &e));
int noteY = valToPixelY(filter->value(_staff, note, &e));
int dx = noteX - x;
int dy = noteY - y;
if (dx * dx + dy * dy < pickRadius * pickRadius) {
pickedNote = note;
pickedNoteEvent = &e;
return true;
else {
int noteX = tickToPixelX(noteStartTick(note, nullptr));
int noteY = valToPixelY(filter->value(_staff, note, nullptr));
int dx = noteX - x;
int dy = noteY - y;
if (dx * dx + dy * dy < pickRadius * pickRadius) {
pickedNote = note;
pickedNoteEvent = nullptr;
return true;
pickedNote = nullptr;
pickedNoteEvent = nullptr;
return false;
// adjustLevelLerp
void PianoLevels::adjustLevel(Note* note, NoteEvent* noteEvt, int value)
PianoLevelsFilter* filter = PianoLevelsFilter::FILTER_LIST[_levelsIndex];
filter->setValue(_staff, note, noteEvt, value);
emit noteLevelsChanged();
// adjustLevelLerp
// For all points between tick0 and tick1, linearly interploate between value0 and value1 and
// use it to set the value of the level.
void PianoLevels::adjustLevelLerp(int tick0, int value0, int tick1, int value1, bool selectedOnly)
if (tick1 < tick0) {
std::swap(tick0, tick1);
std::swap(value0, value1);
PianoLevelsFilter* filter = PianoLevelsFilter::FILTER_LIST[_levelsIndex];
bool hitNote = false;
for (int i = 0; i < noteList.size(); ++i) {
Note* note = noteList[i];
if (selectedOnly && !note->selected())
if (filter->isPerEvent()) {
for (NoteEvent& e : note->playEvents()) {
int tick = noteStartTick(note, &e);
if (tick0 <= tick && tick <= tick1) {
int value = tick0 == tick1 ? value0
: (value1 - value0) * (tick - tick0) / (tick1 - tick0) + value0;
filter->setValue(_staff, note, &e, value);
hitNote = true;
else {
int tick = noteStartTick(note, 0);
if (tick0 <= tick && tick <= tick1) {
int value = tick0 == tick1 ? value0
: (value1 - value0) * (tick - tick0) / (tick1 - tick0) + value0;
filter->setValue(_staff, note, 0, value);
hitNote = true;
if (hitNote) {
emit noteLevelsChanged();
// mousePressEvent
void PianoLevels::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
mouseDown = true;
mouseDownPos = e->pos();
lastMousePos = mouseDownPos;
if (pickNoteEvent(mouseDownPos.x(), mouseDownPos.y(), true, singleNoteDrag, singleNoteEventDrag)) {
dragStyle = DragStyle::OFFSET;
else {
dragStyle = DragStyle::LERP;
// mouseReleaseEvent
void PianoLevels::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
if (!dragging) {
//Handle click
lastMousePos = e->pos();
int tick0 = pixelXToTick(lastMousePos.x() - 4);
int tick1 = pixelXToTick(lastMousePos.x() + 4);
int val = pixelYToVal(lastMousePos.y());
adjustLevelLerp(tick0, val, tick1, val);
mouseDown = false;
dragging = false;
// mouseMoveEvent
void PianoLevels::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
int modifiers = QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers();
bool bnShift = modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier;
if (mouseDown) {
if (!dragging) {
int dx = e->x() - mouseDownPos.x();
int dy = e->y() - mouseDownPos.y();
if (dx * dx + dy * dy > pickRadius * pickRadius) {
//Start dragging
dragging = true;
if (dragging) {
if (dragStyle == DragStyle::OFFSET) {
int val = pixelYToVal(lastMousePos.y());
adjustLevel(singleNoteDrag, singleNoteEventDrag, val);
else {
int tick0 = pixelXToTick(lastMousePos.x());
int tick1 = pixelXToTick(e->x());
int val0;
int val1;
if (bnShift) {
//If shift is held, set to value at mousedown
val0 = pixelYToVal(mouseDownPos.y());
val1 = pixelYToVal(mouseDownPos.y());
else {
val0 = pixelYToVal(lastMousePos.y());
val1 = pixelYToVal(e->y());
adjustLevelLerp(tick0, val0, tick1, val1);
lastMousePos = e->pos();
// moveLocator
void PianoLevels::moveLocator(QMouseEvent* e)
Pos pos(_score->tempomap(), _score->sigmap(), qMax(pixelXToTick(e->pos().x()), 0), TType::TICKS);
if (e->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)
emit locatorMoved(0, pos);
else if (e->buttons() & Qt::MidButton)
emit locatorMoved(1, pos);
else if (e->buttons() & Qt::RightButton)
emit locatorMoved(2, pos);
// leaveEvent
void PianoLevels::leaveEvent(QEvent*)
emit posChanged(_cursor);
// setPos
void PianoLevels::setPos(const Pos& pos)
if (_cursor != pos) {
_cursor = pos;
// setXZoom
void PianoLevels::setXZoom(qreal xZoom)
_xZoom = xZoom;
// setStaff
void PianoLevels::setStaff(Staff* s, Pos* l)
_locator = l;
if (_staff == s)
_staff = s;
// addChord
void PianoLevels::addChord(Chord* chord, int voice)
for (Chord* c : chord->graceNotes())
addChord(c, voice);
for (Note* note : chord->notes()) {
if (note->tieBack())
// updateNotes
void PianoLevels::updateNotes()
if (!_staff) {
int staffIdx = _staff->idx();
if (staffIdx == -1)
SegmentType st = SegmentType::ChordRest;
for (Segment* s = _staff->score()->firstSegment(st); s; s = s->next1(st)) {
for (int voice = 0; voice < VOICES; ++voice) {
int track = voice + staffIdx * VOICES;
Element* e = s->element(track);
if (e && e->isChord())
addChord(toChord(e), voice);
// clearNoteData
void PianoLevels::clearNoteData()
// setTuplet
void PianoLevels::setTuplet(int value)
if (_tuplet != value) {
_tuplet = value;
emit tupletChanged(_tuplet);
// setSubdiv
void PianoLevels::setSubdiv(int value)
if (_subdiv != value) {
_subdiv = value;
emit subdivChanged(_subdiv);
// setLevelsIndex
void PianoLevels::setLevelsIndex(int index)
if (_levelsIndex != index) {
_levelsIndex = index;
emit levelsIndexChanged(_levelsIndex);