2012-05-26 14:49:10 +02:00

159 lines
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/* FluidSynth - A Software Synthesizer
* Copyright (C) 2003 Peter Hanappe and others.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA
#ifndef _FLUID_REV_H
#define _FLUID_REV_H
namespace FluidS {
static const int numcombs = 8;
static const int numallpasses = 4;
// Allpass
class Allpass {
float feedback;
float *buffer;
int bufsize;
int bufidx;
void setbuffer(int size);
void init();
void setfeedback(float val) { feedback = val; }
float getfeedback() const { return feedback; }
float process(float _input) {
float bufout = buffer[bufidx];
float output = bufout - _input;
buffer[bufidx] = _input + (bufout * feedback);
if (++bufidx >= bufsize)
bufidx = 0;
return output;
// Comb
class Comb {
float feedback;
float filterstore;
float damp1;
float damp2;
float *buffer;
int bufsize;
int bufidx;
void setbuffer(int size);
void init();
void setdamp(float val);
float getdamp() const { return damp1; }
void setfeedback(float val) { feedback = val; }
float getfeedback() const { return feedback; }
float process(float input) {
float tmp = buffer[bufidx];
filterstore = (tmp * damp2) + (filterstore * damp1);
buffer[bufidx] = input + (filterstore * feedback);
if (++bufidx >= bufsize)
bufidx = 0;
return tmp;
static const float scaleroom = 0.28f;
static const float offsetroom = 0.7f;
static const float scalewet = 3.0f;
static const float scaledamp = 0.4f;
// Reverb
class Reverb {
void init();
void update();
float roomsize;
float damp;
float width;
float gain;
float wet, wet1, wet2;
float newRoomsize;
float newDamp;
float newWidth;
float newGain;
bool parameterChanged;
The following are all declared inline
to remove the need for dynamic allocation
with its subsequent error-checking messiness
Comb combL[numcombs];
Comb combR[numcombs];
Allpass allpassL[numallpasses];
Allpass allpassR[numallpasses];
void process(int n, float* in, float* left_out, float* right_out);
void reset() { init(); }
void setroomsize(float value) { roomsize = (value * scaleroom) + offsetroom; }
void setdamp(float value) { damp = value * scaledamp; }
void setlevel(float value) { wet = value * scalewet; }
void setLevel(float value) { setlevel(value); update(); }
void setwidth(float value) { width = value; }
void setmode(float value);
float getroomsize() const { return (roomsize - offsetroom) / scaleroom; }
float getdamp() const { return damp / scaledamp; }
float getlevel() const { return wet / scalewet; }
float getwidth() { return width; }
void setParameter(int parameter, double value);
double parameter(int idx) const;
bool setPreset(int);
// ReverbPreset
struct ReverbPreset {
const char* name;
float roomsize;
float damp;
float width;
float level;
#endif /* _FLUID_REV_H */