
237 lines
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// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 Werner Schweer and others
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "importxmlfirstpass.h"
namespace Ms {
// TODO: move somewhere else
MusicXmlPart::MusicXmlPart(QString id, QString name)
: id(id), name(name)
void MusicXmlPart::addMeasureNumberAndDuration(QString measureNumber, Fraction measureDuration)
void MusicXmlPart::setMaxStaff(const int staff)
if (staff > _maxStaff)
_maxStaff = staff;
Fraction MusicXmlPart::measureDuration(int i) const
if (i >= 0 && i < measureDurations.size())
return Fraction(0, 0); // return invalid fraction
QString MusicXmlPart::toString() const
auto res = QString("part id '%1' name '%2' print %3 abbr '%4' print %5 maxStaff %6\n")
for (VoiceList::const_iterator i = voicelist.constBegin(); i != voicelist.constEnd(); ++i) {
res += QString("voice %1 map staff data %2\n")
.arg(i.key() + 1)
for (int i = 0; i < measureNumbers.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0)
res += "\n";
res += QString("measure %1 duration %2 (%3)")
return res;
int MusicXmlPart::octaveShift(const int staff, const Fraction f) const
if (staff < 0 || MAX_STAVES <= staff)
return 0;
if (f < Fraction(0, 1))
return 0;
return octaveShifts[staff].octaveShift(f);
void MusicXmlPart::addOctaveShift(const int staff, const int shift, const Fraction f)
if (staff < 0 || MAX_STAVES <= staff)
if (f < Fraction(0, 1))
octaveShifts[staff].addOctaveShift(shift, f);
void MusicXmlPart::calcOctaveShifts()
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STAVES; ++i) {
// instrument
const QString MusicXmlInstrList::instrument(const Fraction f) const
if (empty())
return "";
auto i = upper_bound(f);
if (i == begin())
return "";
return i->second;
// setInstrument
void MusicXmlInstrList::setInstrument(const QString instr, const Fraction f)
// TODO determine how to handle multiple instrument changes at the same time
// current implementation keeps the first one
if (!insert({ f, instr }).second)
qDebug("instr '%s', tick %s (%d): element already exists",
qPrintable(instr), qPrintable(f.print()), f.ticks());
//(*this)[f] = instr;
int MusicXmlOctaveShiftList::octaveShift(const Fraction f) const
if (empty())
return 0;
auto i = upper_bound(f);
if (i == begin())
return 0;
return i->second;
void MusicXmlOctaveShiftList::addOctaveShift(const int shift, const Fraction f)
Q_ASSERT(Fraction(0, 1) <= f);
//qDebug("addOctaveShift(shift %d f %s)", shift, qPrintable(f.print()));
auto i = find(f);
if (i == end()) {
//qDebug("addOctaveShift: not found, inserting");
insert({ f, shift });
else {
//qDebug("addOctaveShift: found %d, adding", (*this)[f]);
(*this)[f] += shift;
//qDebug("addOctaveShift: res %d", (*this)[f]);
void MusicXmlOctaveShiftList::calcOctaveShiftShifts()
for (auto i = cbegin(); i != cend(); ++i)
qDebug(" [%s : %d]", qPrintable((*i).first.print()), (*i).second);
// to each MusicXmlOctaveShiftList entry, add the sum of all previous ones
int currentShift = 0;
for (auto i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) {
currentShift += i->second;
i->second = currentShift;
for (auto i = cbegin(); i != cend(); ++i)
qDebug(" [%s : %d]", qPrintable((*i).first.print()), (*i).second);
// LyricNumberHandler
// collect lyric numbering information and determine order
// MusicXML lyrics may contain name and number attributes,
// plus position information (typically default-y).
// Name and number are simply tokens with no specified usage.
// Default-y cannot easily be used to determine the lyrics
// line, as it tends to differ per system depending on the
// actual notes present.
// Simply collecting all possible lyric number attributes
// within a MusicXML part and assigning lyrics position
// based on alphabetically sorting works well for all
// common MusicXML files.
// addNumber
void LyricNumberHandler::addNumber(const QString number)
if (_numberToNo.find(number) == _numberToNo.end())
_numberToNo[number] = -1; // unassiged
// toString
QString LyricNumberHandler::toString() const
QString res;
for (const auto& p : _numberToNo) {
if (!res.isEmpty())
res += " ";
res += QString("%1:%2").arg(p.first).arg(p.second);
return res;
// getLyricNo
int LyricNumberHandler::getLyricNo(const QString& number) const
const auto it = _numberToNo.find(number);
return it == _numberToNo.end() ? 0 : it->second;
// determineLyricNos
void LyricNumberHandler::determineLyricNos()
int i = 0;
for (auto& p : _numberToNo) {
p.second = i;