916 lines
24 KiB
916 lines
24 KiB
// BWW to MusicXML converter
// Part of MusE Score
// Linux Music Score Editor
// $Id: parser.cpp 4873 2011-10-19 19:33:04Z lvinken $
// Copyright (C) 2010 Werner Schweer and others
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
A simple parser for bww files. The file header is handled one line at a time,
until a line starting with "&" is found. The parser then builds measures from
uinterrupted sequences of notes.
#include <iostream>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QtCore/QtDebug>
#include <QtCore/QMap>
#include "lexer.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "writer.h"
// Duration of a whole measure in ticks
static const int WHOLE_MEASURE_DURATION = 192;
Determine if symbol is part of a note sequence
static bool isNote(Bww::Symbol sym)
return (sym == Bww::NOTE
|| sym == Bww::TIE
|| sym == Bww::TRIPLET
|| sym == Bww::GRACE);
Determine if symbol is part of a non-note sequence
static bool isNonNote(Bww::Symbol sym)
return (sym == Bww::CLEF
|| sym == Bww::KEY
|| sym == Bww::TSIG
|| sym == Bww::PART
|| sym == Bww::BAR);
Dump beams
static void dumpBeams(QList<Bww::MeasureDescription> const& measures)
for (int j = 0; j < measures.size(); ++j)
QString beams;
QString beamStates;
QVector<QString> beamList(3);
for (int i = 0; i < measures.at(j).notes.size(); ++i)
QString beam = measures.at(j).notes.at(i).beam;
if (beam == "")
beam = " ";
beams += beam;
switch (measures.at(j).notes.at(i).beamState)
case Bww::ST_NONE: beamStates += " "; break;
case Bww::ST_START: beamStates += "["; break;
case Bww::ST_CONTINUE: beamStates += "_"; break;
case Bww::ST_STOP: beamStates += "]"; break;
default: beamStates += " ";
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
switch (measures.at(j).notes.at(i).beamList.at(k))
case Bww::BM_NONE: beamList[k] += " "; break;
case Bww::BM_BEGIN: beamList[k] += "b"; break;
case Bww::BM_CONTINUE: beamList[k] += "c"; break;
case Bww::BM_END: beamList[k] += "e"; break;
case Bww::BM_FORWARD_HOOK: beamList[k] += ">"; break;
case Bww::BM_BACKWARD_HOOK: beamList[k] += "<"; break;
default: beamList[k] += "?";
qDebug() << "beams measure #" << j + 1 << beams;
qDebug() << "beams measure #" << j + 1 << beamStates;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
qDebug() << "beams measure #" << j + 1 << beamList.at(k);
Dump measure contents
static void dumpMeasures(QList<Bww::MeasureDescription> const& measures)
qDebug() << "dumpMeasures #measures" << measures.size()
for (int j = 0; j < measures.size(); ++j)
qDebug() << "measure #" << j + 1;
qDebug() << "Measure contents:";
qDebug() << "mbf:"
<< "repeatBegin" << measures.at(j).mbf.repeatBegin
<< "endingFirst" << measures.at(j).mbf.endingFirst
<< "endingSecond" << measures.at(j).mbf.endingSecond
<< "firstOfSystem" << measures.at(j).mbf.firstOfSystem
<< "irregular" << measures.at(j).mbf.irregular
for (int i = 0; i < measures.at(j).notes.size(); ++i)
<< measures.at(j).notes.at(i).pitch
<< measures.at(j).notes.at(i).beam
<< measures.at(j).notes.at(i).type
<< measures.at(j).notes.at(i).dots
<< measures.at(j).notes.at(i).tieStart
<< measures.at(j).notes.at(i).tieStop
<< measures.at(j).notes.at(i).triplet
<< measures.at(j).notes.at(i).grace
qDebug() << "mef:"
<< "repeatEnd" << measures.at(j).mef.repeatEnd
<< "endingEnd" << measures.at(j).mef.endingEnd
<< "lastOfSystem" << measures.at(j).mef.lastOfSystem
<< "lastOfPart" << measures.at(j).mef.lastOfPart
qDebug() << "duration:" << measures.at(j).duration;
Calculate measure durations
static void calculateMeasureDurations(QList<Bww::MeasureDescription> & measures)
for (int j = 0; j < measures.size(); ++j)
int measureDuration = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < measures.at(j).notes.size(); ++i)
int ticks = WHOLE_MEASURE_DURATION / measures.at(j).notes.at(i).type.toInt();
if (measures.at(j).notes.at(i).dots) ticks = 3 * ticks / 2;
if (measures.at(j).notes.at(i).triplet != Bww::ST_NONE) ticks = 2 * ticks / 3;
if (measures.at(j).notes.at(i).grace) ticks = 0; // grace notes don't count
measureDuration += ticks;
<< measures.at(j).notes.at(i).pitch
<< measures.at(j).notes.at(i).beam
<< measures.at(j).notes.at(i).type
<< measures.at(j).notes.at(i).dots
<< measures.at(j).notes.at(i).tieStart
<< measures.at(j).notes.at(i).tieStop
<< measures.at(j).notes.at(i).triplet
<< measures.at(j).notes.at(i).grace
<< "->" << ticks
qDebug() << "measureDuration:" << measureDuration;
measures[j].duration = measureDuration;
Determine time signature
static void determineTimesig(QList<Bww::MeasureDescription> const& measures, int & beats, int & beat)
QMap<int, int> map;
for (int j = 0; j < measures.size(); ++j)
int dur = measures[j].duration;
if (map.contains(dur))
map.insert(dur, 1);
// determine most common duration
int commonDur = 0;
int max = 0;
QMap<int, int>::const_iterator i = map.constBegin();
while (i != map.constEnd())
qDebug() << "measureDurations:" << i.key() << i.value() << endl;
if (i.value() > max)
commonDur = i.key();
max = i.value();
qDebug() << "measureDuration commonDur:" << commonDur << "max:" << max;
// determine time signature
beat = 4;
beats = 0;
int divisor = WHOLE_MEASURE_DURATION / 4;
for (; beat < 64; beat *= 2, divisor /= 2)
if ((commonDur % divisor) == 0)
beats = commonDur / divisor;
<< "measureDuration found beat:" << beat
<< "beats:" << beats
<< "divisor:" << divisor
// could not determine time signature, set default
beat = 4;
beats = 4;
Find irregular measures
static void findIrregularMeasures(QList<Bww::MeasureDescription> & measures, int beats, int beat)
qDebug() << "findIrregularMeasures" << measures.size()
<< "beats" << beats
<< "beat" << beat
int normalDuration = WHOLE_MEASURE_DURATION * beats / beat;
// need at least one measure
if (measures.size() == 0) return;
// if the first measure is shorter that normal, it is irregular
if (measures.at(0).duration < normalDuration) measures[0].mbf.irregular = true;
for (int j = 1; j < measures.size(); ++j)
// the second measure of a pair where the sum of their duration adds up
// to the normal duration is also irregular
const int d1 = measures.at(j - 1).duration;
const int d2 = measures.at(j).duration;
if (d1 > 0 && d2 > 0 && (d1 + d2) == normalDuration)
measures[j].mbf.irregular = true;
Set mef.lastOfPart flag on last measure
static void setLastOfPart(QList<Bww::MeasureDescription> & measures)
qDebug() << "dumpMeasures #measures" << measures.size()
// need at least one measure
if (measures.size() == 0) return;
// set lastOfPart flag on last measure
int j = measures.size() - 1;
measures[j].mef.lastOfPart = true;
static QString findNextNextNoteBeam(QList<Bww::MeasureDescription> const& measures, int measureNr, int noteNr)
for (int i = noteNr + 1; i < measures.at(measureNr).notes.size(); ++i)
if (measures.at(measureNr).notes.at(i).grace)
// ignore grace notes
return measures.at(measureNr).notes.at(i).beam;
return " "; // no next non-grace note found
static int type2beams(QString type)
if (type == "8") return 1;
else if (type == "16") return 2;
else if (type == "32") return 3;
else return 0;
static void calculateHigherBeamStates(Bww::MeasureDescription & m)
qDebug() << "calculateHigherBeamStates";
for (int i = 0; i < m.notes.size(); ++i)
<< m.notes.at(i).pitch
<< m.notes.at(i).beam
<< m.notes.at(i).type
<< m.notes.at(i).dots
<< m.notes.at(i).tieStart
<< m.notes.at(i).tieStop
<< m.notes.at(i).triplet
<< m.notes.at(i).grace
if (m.notes.at(i).grace)
// just copy beamList[0] into beamList[1] and beamList[2]
m.notes[i].beamList[1] = m.notes.at(i).beamList[0];
m.notes[i].beamList[2] = m.notes.at(i).beamList[0];
int blp = -1; // beam level previous chord
int blc = -1; // beam level current chord
int bln = -1; // beam level next chord
// find beam level current note
blc = type2beams(m.notes.at(i).type);
if (blc == 0)
continue; // note does not have a beam
// find beam level previous note
if (m.notes.at(i).beamList[0] == Bww::BM_CONTINUE
|| m.notes.at(i).beamList[0] == Bww::BM_END)
for (int j = i - 1; blp == -1 && j >= 0; --j)
if (m.notes.at(j).grace)
continue; // ignore grace notes
blp = type2beams(m.notes.at(j).type);
// find beam level next note
if (m.notes.at(i).beamList[0] == Bww::BM_BEGIN
|| m.notes.at(i).beamList[0] == Bww::BM_CONTINUE)
for (int j = i + 1; bln == -1 && j < m.notes.size(); ++j)
if (m.notes.at(j).grace)
continue; // ignore grace notes
bln = type2beams(m.notes.at(j).type);
<< "blp" << blp
<< "blc" << blc
<< "bln" << bln;
for (int j = 2; j <= blc; ++j)
Bww::BeamType bt = Bww::BM_NONE;
if (blp < j && bln >= j) bt = Bww::BM_BEGIN;
else if (blp < j && bln < j) {
if (bln > 0) bt = Bww::BM_FORWARD_HOOK;
else if (blp > 0) bt = Bww::BM_BACKWARD_HOOK;
else if (blp >= j && bln < j) bt = Bww::BM_END;
else if (blp >= j && bln >= j) bt = Bww::BM_CONTINUE;
m.notes[i].beamList[j - 1] = bt;
qDebug() << "beamList" << j - 1 << "=" << bt;
} // else
} // for (int i = 0; i < m.notes.size(); ++i)
Determine all beam states.
First for normal notes convert "r" and "l" in notes.beam into BM_BEGIN,
BM_CONTINUE and BM_END in notes.beamList[0]. For grace notes "b", "c" and
"e" can be directly converted into the corresponding beam states in
Then calculate the higher level beams.
static void determineBeamStates(QList<Bww::MeasureDescription> & measures)
enum State { NONE, LEFT, RIGHT };
for (int j = 0; j < measures.size(); ++j)
State state = NONE;
for (int i = 0; i < measures.at(j).notes.size(); ++i)
QString beam = measures.at(j).notes.at(i).beam;
// handle normal notes
if (beam == "")
measures[j].notes[i].beamState = Bww::ST_NONE;
measures[j].notes[i].beamList[0] = Bww::BM_NONE;
state = NONE;
else if (beam == "r")
if (state == NONE)
measures[j].notes[i].beamState = Bww::ST_START;
measures[j].notes[i].beamList[0] = Bww::BM_BEGIN;
state = LEFT; // now in left part of beam
else if (state == LEFT)
measures[j].notes[i].beamState = Bww::ST_CONTINUE;
measures[j].notes[i].beamList[0] = Bww::BM_CONTINUE;
else if (state == RIGHT)
// shouldn't happen TODO report (internal?) error
else if (beam == "l")
if (state == NONE)
// shouldn't happen TODO report error
else if (state == LEFT || state == RIGHT)
// if the beam does not end here (next note has beam "l")
// then beamState is CONTINUE else STOP
if (findNextNextNoteBeam(measures, j, i) == "l")
measures[j].notes[i].beamState = Bww::ST_CONTINUE;
measures[j].notes[i].beamList[0] = Bww::BM_CONTINUE;
state = RIGHT; // now in right part of beam
measures[j].notes[i].beamState = Bww::ST_STOP;
measures[j].notes[i].beamList[0] = Bww::BM_END;
state = NONE; // now in right part of beam
// handle grace notes
else if (beam == "b") measures[j].notes[i].beamList[0] = Bww::BM_BEGIN;
else if (beam == "c") measures[j].notes[i].beamList[0] = Bww::BM_CONTINUE;
else if (beam == "e") measures[j].notes[i].beamList[0] = Bww::BM_END;
namespace Bww {
Parser constructor, using Lexer \a l and Writer \a w.
Parser::Parser(Lexer& l, Writer& w)
: lex(l),
qDebug() << "Parser::Parser()";
Parse the input stream and write result.
void Parser::parse()
// read the header, handling only strings and tune tempo
while (lex.symType() == COMMENT
|| lex.symType() == STRING
|| lex.symType() == TEMPO)
if (lex.symType() == STRING)
else if (lex.symType() == TEMPO)
else if (lex.symType() == COMMENT)
qDebug() << "Parser::parse()"
<< "title:" << title
<< "type:" << type
<< "composer:" << composer
<< "footer:" << footer
wrt.header(title, type, composer, footer, tempo);
// read the actual music
if (lex.symType() != CLEF)
errorHandler("clef ('&') expected");
while (lex.symType() != NONE)
if (isNonNote(lex.symType()))
else if (isNote(lex.symType()))
else if (lex.symType() == UNKNOWN)
errorHandler("unknown symbol '" + lex.symValue() + "'");
; // others not implemented yet: silently ignored
qDebug() << "Parser::parse() finished, #measures" << measures.size()
if (!tsigFound)
determineTimesig(measures, beats, beat);
wrt.tsig(beats, beat);
findIrregularMeasures(measures, beats, beat);
for (int j = 0; j < measures.size(); ++j)
for (int i = 0; i < measures.at(j).notes.size(); ++i)
// trailer
Display error \a s.
void Parser::errorHandler(QString s)
std::cerr << "Parse error line "
<< lex.symLineNumber() + 1
<< ": "
<< qPrintable(s)
<< std::endl;
Parse a bww bar symbol.
void Parser::parseBar(Bww::MeasureEndFlags& mef)
qDebug() << "Parser::parseBar() value:" << qPrintable(lex.symValue());
if (lex.symValue() == "!!t") mef.doubleBarLine = true;
Parse a bww note.
void Parser::parseNote()
qDebug() << "Parser::parseNote() value:" << qPrintable(lex.symValue());
QRegExp rNotes("(LG|LA|[B-F]|HG|HA)([lr]?)_(1|2|4|8|16|32)");
QStringList caps;
if (rNotes.exactMatch(lex.symValue()))
caps = rNotes.capturedTexts();
qDebug() << " match" << caps.size();
if (caps.size() == 4)
<< "caps[1]" << caps.at(1)
<< "caps[2]" << caps.at(2)
<< "caps[3]" << caps.at(3)
int dots = 0;
bool tieStop = false;
if (tieStart) inTie = true;
bool tripletStop = false;
if (tripletStart) inTriplet = true;
if (lex.symType() == DOT)
qDebug() << " dot" << qPrintable(lex.symValue());
else if (lex.symType() == TIE)
qDebug() << " tie" << qPrintable(lex.symValue());
if (lex.symValue() == "^ts")
if (inTie) errorHandler("tie start ('^ts') unexpected");
if (!inTie) errorHandler("tie end ('^te') unexpected");
tieStop = true;
inTie = false;
else if (lex.symType() == TRIPLET)
qDebug() << " triplet" << qPrintable(lex.symValue());
if (lex.symValue() == "^3s")
if (inTriplet) errorHandler("triplet start ('^3s') unexpected");
if (!inTriplet) errorHandler("triplet end ('^3e') unexpected");
tripletStop = true;
StartStop triplet = ST_NONE;
if (inTriplet)
if (tripletStart) triplet = ST_START;
else if (tripletStop) triplet = ST_STOP;
else triplet = ST_CONTINUE;
qDebug() << " tie start" << tieStart << " tie stop" << tieStop;
qDebug() << " triplet start" << tripletStart << " triplet stop" << tripletStop;
NoteDescription noteDesc(caps[1], caps[2], caps[3], dots, tieStart, tieStop, triplet);
if (measures.isEmpty())
errorHandler("cannot append note: no measure");
tieStart = false;
tripletStart = false;
if (tripletStop)
inTriplet = false;
tripletStop = false;
Determine beam for grace note \a index in a group of \a size grace notes.
static QString graceBeam(const int size, const int index)
if (size <= 1) return " "; // no beam
if (index < 0) return " "; // no beam (but should not happen)
if (index == 0) return "b"; // begin
else if (index == (size - 1)) return "e"; // end
else if (index >= size) return " "; // no beam (but should not happen)
else return "c"; // continue
Parse a bww embellishment.
void Parser::parseGraces()
qDebug() << "Parser::parseGraces() value:" << qPrintable(lex.symValue());
const QString type = "32";
const int dots = 0;
QStringList graces = lex.symValue().split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < graces.size(); ++i)
const QString beam = graceBeam(graces.size(), i);
NoteDescription noteDesc(graces.at(i), beam, type, dots, false, false, ST_NONE, true);
if (measures.isEmpty())
errorHandler("cannot append note: no measure");
Parse a bww part symbol.
void Parser::parsePart(Bww::MeasureBeginFlags& mbf, Bww::MeasureEndFlags& mef)
qDebug() << "Parser::parsePart() value:" << qPrintable(lex.symValue());
if (lex.symValue() == "I!''")
mbf.repeatBegin = true;
else if (lex.symValue() == "'1")
mbf.endingFirst = true;
else if (lex.symValue() == "'2")
mbf.endingSecond = true;
else if (lex.symValue() == "''!I")
mef.repeatEnd = true;
else if (lex.symValue() == "_'")
mef.endingEnd = true;
; // other silently ignored
Parse a sequence of non-notes.
void Parser::parseSeqNonNotes()
qDebug() << "Parser::parseSeqNonNotes() value:" << qPrintable(lex.symValue());
MeasureBeginFlags mbfl;
MeasureEndFlags mefl;
while (isNonNote(lex.symType()))
if (lex.symType() == CLEF)
mbfl.firstOfSystem = true;
mefl.lastOfSystem = true;
else if (lex.symType() == KEY)
lex.getSym(); // ignore
else if (lex.symType() == TSIG)
else if (lex.symType() == PART)
parsePart(mbfl, mefl);
else if (lex.symType() == BAR)
// First end the previous measure
if (!measures.isEmpty())
measures.last().mef = mefl;
// Then start a new measure, if necessary
if (isNote(lex.symType()))
MeasureDescription md;
md.mbf = mbfl;
Parse a sequence of notes.
Includes handling ties and triplets, but without extensive error checking.
May break on invalid input.
void Parser::parseSeqNotes()
qDebug() << "Parser::parseSeqNotes() value:" << qPrintable(lex.symValue());
while (lex.symType() == GRACE || lex.symType() == NOTE || lex.symType() == TIE || lex.symType() == TRIPLET)
if (lex.symType() == GRACE) parseGraces();
else if (lex.symType() == NOTE) parseNote();
else if (lex.symType() == TIE)
if (lex.symValue() == "^ts")
if (inTie) errorHandler("tie start ('^ts') unexpected");
else tieStart = true;
errorHandler("tie end ('^te') unexpected");
else if (lex.symType() == TRIPLET)
if (lex.symValue() == "^3s")
if (inTriplet) errorHandler("triplet start ('^3s') unexpected");
else tripletStart = true;
errorHandler("triplet end ('^3e') unexpected");
Parse a bww string. Extract text and type.
Example: "Air",(Y,C,0,0,Times New Roman,14,400,0,0,18,0,0,0)
void Parser::parseString()
qDebug() << "Parser::parseString() value:" << qPrintable(lex.symValue());
QRegExp rString("\\\"(.*)\\\",\\(([A-Z]),.*\\)");
if (rString.exactMatch(lex.symValue()))
QStringList caps = rString.capturedTexts();
if (caps.size() == 3)
if (caps.at(2) == "T") title = caps.at(1);
if (caps.at(2) == "Y") type = caps.at(1);
if (caps.at(2) == "M") composer = caps.at(1);
if (caps.at(2) == "F") footer = caps.at(1);
Parse a bww tempo symbol.
void Parser::parseTempo()
qDebug() << "Parser::parseTempo() value:" << qPrintable(lex.symValue());
QRegExp rTempo("^TuneTempo,(\\d+)");
if (rTempo.exactMatch(lex.symValue()))
QStringList caps = rTempo.capturedTexts();
if (caps.size() == 2)
tempo = caps.at(1).toInt();
Parse a bww tsig symbol.
void Parser::parseTSig()
qDebug() << "Parser::parseTSig() value:" << qPrintable(lex.symValue());
QRegExp rTSig("(\\d+)_(1|2|4|8|16|32)");
if (rTSig.exactMatch(lex.symValue()))
QStringList caps = rTSig.capturedTexts();
if (caps.size() == 3)
beats = caps.at(1).toInt();
beat = caps.at(2).toInt();
tsigFound = true;
wrt.tsig(beats, beat);
} // namespace Bww