Joachim Schmitz 632f830f5f Fix #275218: fix MSVC compiler warnings
* Warnings C4304, C4804 and C4838.
* Warnings C4065 and most C4702 (all but two).
* Warnings C4701.
* Warnings C4244.
* Warnings C4457.
* Warnings C4459.
* Some warnings C4456, due to nested `foreach` loops.
2018-08-14 10:03:49 +02:00

5992 lines
230 KiB

// MuseScore
// Linux Music Score Editor
// Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Schweer and others
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "libmscore/arpeggio.h"
#include "libmscore/accidental.h"
#include "libmscore/breath.h"
#include "libmscore/chord.h"
#include "libmscore/chordline.h"
#include "libmscore/chordlist.h"
#include "libmscore/chordrest.h"
#include "libmscore/drumset.h"
#include "libmscore/dynamic.h"
#include "libmscore/figuredbass.h"
#include "libmscore/fingering.h"
#include "libmscore/fret.h"
#include "libmscore/glissando.h"
#include "libmscore/hairpin.h"
#include "libmscore/harmony.h"
#include "libmscore/instrchange.h"
#include "libmscore/instrtemplate.h"
#include "libmscore/interval.h"
#include "libmscore/jump.h"
#include "libmscore/keysig.h"
#include "libmscore/lyrics.h"
#include "libmscore/marker.h"
#include "libmscore/measure.h"
#include "libmscore/mscore.h"
#include "libmscore/note.h"
#include "libmscore/part.h"
#include "libmscore/pedal.h"
#include "libmscore/rest.h"
#include "libmscore/slur.h"
#include "libmscore/staff.h"
#include "libmscore/stafftext.h"
#include "libmscore/sym.h"
#include "libmscore/tempotext.h"
#include "libmscore/tie.h"
#include "libmscore/timesig.h"
#include "libmscore/tremolo.h"
#include "libmscore/trill.h"
#include "libmscore/utils.h"
#include "libmscore/volta.h"
#include "libmscore/textline.h"
#include "libmscore/barline.h"
#include "libmscore/articulation.h"
#include "libmscore/ottava.h"
#include "libmscore/rehearsalmark.h"
#include "libmscore/fermata.h"
#include "importmxmllogger.h"
#include "importmxmlnoteduration.h"
#include "importmxmlnotepitch.h"
#include "importmxmlpass2.h"
#include "musicxmlfonthandler.h"
#include "musicxmlsupport.h"
#include "preferences.h"
namespace Ms {
// local defines for debug output
//#define DEBUG_VOICE_MAPPER true
// support enums / structs / classes
// MusicXmlTupletDesc
: type(MxmlStartStop::NONE), placement(Placement::BELOW),
bracket(TupletBracketType::AUTO_BRACKET), shownumber(TupletNumberType::SHOW_NUMBER)
// nothing
// MusicXmlLyricsExtend
// init
void MusicXmlLyricsExtend::init()
// addLyric
// add a single lyric to be extended later
// called when lyric with "extend" or "extend type=start" is found
void MusicXmlLyricsExtend::addLyric(Lyrics* const lyric)
// lastChordTicks
// find the duration of the chord starting at or after s in track and ending at tick
static int lastChordTicks(const Segment* s, const int track, const int tick)
while (s && s->tick() < tick) {
Element* el = s->element(track);
if (el && el->isChordRest()) {
ChordRest* cr = static_cast<ChordRest*>(el);
if (cr->tick() + cr->actualTicks() == tick)
return cr->actualTicks();
s = s->nextCR(track, true);
return 0;
// setExtend
// set extend for lyric no in track to end at tick
// called when lyric (with or without "extend") or note with "extend type=stop" is found
// note that no == -1 means all lyrics in this track
void MusicXmlLyricsExtend::setExtend(const int no, const int track, const int tick)
QList<Lyrics*> list;
foreach(Lyrics* l, _lyrics) {
Element* const el = l->parent();
if (el->type() == ElementType::CHORD) { // TODO: rest also possible ?
ChordRest* const par = static_cast<ChordRest*>(el);
if (par->track() == track && (no == -1 || l->no() == no)) {
int lct = lastChordTicks(l->segment(), track, tick);
if (lct > 0) {
// set lyric tick to the total length fron the lyric note
// plus all notes covered by the melisma minus the last note length
l->setTicks(tick - par->tick() - lct);
// cleanup
foreach(Lyrics* l, list) {
// MusicXMLStepAltOct2Pitch
Convert MusicXML \a step (0=C, 1=D, etc.) / \a alter / \a octave to midi pitch.
Note: same code is in pass 1 and in pass 2.
TODO: combine
static int MusicXMLStepAltOct2Pitch(int step, int alter, int octave)
// c d e f g a b
static int table[7] = { 0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 };
if (step < 0 || step > 6) {
qDebug("MusicXMLStepAltOct2Pitch: illegal step %d", step);
return -1;
int pitch = table[step] + alter + (octave+1) * 12;
if (pitch < 0)
pitch = -1;
if (pitch > 127)
pitch = -1;
return pitch;
// xmlSetPitch
Convert MusicXML \a step / \a alter / \a octave to midi pitch,
set pitch and tpc.
Note that n's staff and track have not been set yet
static void xmlSetPitch(Note* n, int step, int alter, int octave, const int octaveShift, const Instrument* instr)
//qDebug("xmlSetPitch(n=%p, step=%d, alter=%d, octave=%d, octaveShift=%d)",
// n, step, alter, octave, octaveShift);
//const Staff* staff = n->score()->staff(track / VOICES);
//const Instrument* instr = staff->part()->instr();
const Interval intval = instr->transpose(); // TODO: tick
//qDebug(" staff=%p instr=%p dia=%d chro=%d",
// staff, instr, (int) intval.diatonic, (int) intval.chromatic);
int pitch = MusicXMLStepAltOct2Pitch(step, alter, octave);
pitch += intval.chromatic; // assume not in concert pitch
pitch += 12 * octaveShift; // correct for octave shift
// ensure sane values
pitch = limit(pitch, 0, 127);
int tpc2 = step2tpc(step, AccidentalVal(alter));
int tpc1 = Ms::transposeTpc(tpc2, intval, true);
n->setPitch(pitch, tpc1, tpc2);
//qDebug(" pitch=%d tpc1=%d tpc2=%d", n->pitch(), n->tpc1(), n->tpc2());
// fillGap
Fill one gap (tstart - tend) in this track in this measure with rest(s).
static void fillGap(Measure* measure, int track, int tstart, int tend)
int ctick = tstart;
int restLen = tend - tstart;
// qDebug("\nfillGIFV fillGap(measure %p track %d tstart %d tend %d) restLen %d len",
// measure, track, tstart, tend, restLen);
// note: as MScore::division (#ticks in a quarter note) equals 480
// MScore::division / 64 (#ticks in a 256th note) uequals 7.5 but is rounded down to 7
while (restLen > MScore::division / 64) {
int len = restLen;
TDuration d(TDuration::DurationType::V_INVALID);
if (measure->ticks() == restLen)
Rest* rest = new Rest(measure->score(), d);
Segment* s = measure->getSegment(SegmentType::ChordRest, tstart);
len = rest->globalDuration().ticks();
// qDebug(" %d", len);
ctick += len;
restLen -= len;
// fillGapsInFirstVoices
Fill gaps in first voice of every staff in this measure for this part with rest(s).
static void fillGapsInFirstVoices(Measure* measure, Part* part)
int measTick = measure->tick();
int measLen = measure->ticks();
int nextMeasTick = measTick + measLen;
int staffIdx = part->score()->staffIdx(part);
qDebug("fillGIFV measure %p part %p idx %d nstaves %d tick %d - %d (len %d)",
measure, part, staffIdx, part->nstaves(),
measTick, nextMeasTick, measLen);
for (int st = 0; st < part->nstaves(); ++st) {
int track = (staffIdx + st) * VOICES;
int endOfLastCR = measTick;
for (Segment* s = measure->first(); s; s = s->next()) {
// qDebug("fillGIFV segment %p tp %s", s, s->subTypeName());
Element* el = s->element(track);
if (el) {
// qDebug(" el[%d] %p", track, el);
if (s->isChordRestType()) {
ChordRest* cr = static_cast<ChordRest*>(el);
int crTick = cr->tick();
int crLen = cr->globalDuration().ticks();
int nextCrTick = crTick + crLen;
qDebug(" chord/rest tick %d - %d (len %d)",
crTick, nextCrTick, crLen);
if (crTick > endOfLastCR) {
qDebug(" GAP: track %d tick %d - %d",
track, endOfLastCR, crTick);
fillGap(measure, track, endOfLastCR, crTick);
endOfLastCR = nextCrTick;
if (nextMeasTick > endOfLastCR) {
qDebug("fillGIFV measure end GAP: track %d tick %d - %d",
track, endOfLastCR, nextMeasTick);
fillGap(measure, track, endOfLastCR, nextMeasTick);
// hasDrumset
Determine if \a mxmlDrumset contains a valid drumset.
This is the case if any instrument has a midi-unpitched element,
(which stored in the MusicXMLDrumInstrument pitch field).
static bool hasDrumset(const MusicXMLDrumset& mxmlDrumset)
bool res = false;
MusicXMLDrumsetIterator ii(mxmlDrumset);
while (ii.hasNext()) {;
// debug: dump the drumset
//qDebug("hasDrumset: instrument: %s %s", qPrintable(ii.key()), qPrintable(ii.value().toString()));
int pitch = ii.value().pitch;
if (0 <= pitch && pitch <= 127) {
res = true;
for (const auto& instr : mxmlDrumset) {
// MusicXML elements instrument-name, midi-program, instrument-sound, virtual-library, virtual-name
// in a shell script use "mscore ... 2>&1 | grep GREP_ME | cut -d' ' -f3-" to extract
qDebug("GREP_ME '%s',%d,'%s','%s','%s'",
instr.midiProgram + 1,
return res;
// initDrumset
Initialize drumset \a drumset.
// determine if the part contains a drumset
// this is the case if any instrument has a midi-unpitched element,
// (which stored in the MusicXMLDrumInstrument pitch field)
// if the part contains a drumset, Drumset drumset is initialized
static void initDrumset(Drumset* drumset, const MusicXMLDrumset& mxmlDrumset)
MusicXMLDrumsetIterator ii(mxmlDrumset);
while (ii.hasNext()) {;
// debug: also dump the drumset for this part
//qDebug("initDrumset: instrument: %s %s", qPrintable(ii.key()), qPrintable(ii.value().toString()));
int pitch = ii.value().pitch;
if (0 <= pitch && pitch <= 127) {
= DrumInstrument(ii.value().name.toLatin1().constData(),
ii.value().notehead, ii.value().line, ii.value().stemDirection);
// createInstrument
Create an Instrument based on the information in \a mxmlInstr.
static Instrument createInstrument(const MusicXMLDrumInstrument& mxmlInstr)
Instrument instr;
InstrumentTemplate* it {};
if (!mxmlInstr.sound.isEmpty()) {
it = Ms::searchTemplateForMusicXmlId(mxmlInstr.sound);
qDebug("sound '%s' it %p trackname '%s' program %d",
qPrintable(mxmlInstr.sound), it,
it ? qPrintable(it->trackName) : "",
if (it) {
// initialize from template with matching MusicXmlId
instr = Instrument::fromTemplate(it);
// reset transpose, as it is determined later from MusicXML data
else {
// set articulations to default (global articulations)
// set default program>program = mxmlInstr.midiProgram >= 0 ? mxmlInstr.midiProgram : 0;
// add / overrule with values read from MusicXML>pan = mxmlInstr.midiPan;>volume = mxmlInstr.midiVolume;
return instr;
// setFirstInstrument
Set first instrument for Part \a part
static void setFirstInstrument(MxmlLogger* logger, const QXmlStreamReader* const xmlreader,
Part* part, const QString& partId,
const QString& instrId, const MusicXMLDrumset& mxmlDrumset)
if (mxmlDrumset.size() > 0) {
//qDebug("setFirstInstrument: initial instrument '%s'", qPrintable(instrId));
MusicXMLDrumInstrument mxmlInstr;
if (instrId == "")
mxmlInstr = mxmlDrumset.first();
else if (mxmlDrumset.contains(instrId))
mxmlInstr = mxmlDrumset.value(instrId);
else {
logger->logError(QString("initial instrument '%1' not found in part '%2'")
.arg(instrId).arg(partId), xmlreader);
mxmlInstr = mxmlDrumset.first();
Instrument instr = createInstrument(mxmlInstr);
if (mxmlInstr.midiChannel >= 0) part->setMidiChannel(mxmlInstr.midiChannel, mxmlInstr.midiPort);
// note: setMidiProgram() does more than simply setting the MIDI program
if (mxmlInstr.midiProgram >= 0) part->setMidiProgram(mxmlInstr.midiProgram);
logger->logError(QString("no instrument found for part '%1'")
.arg(partId), xmlreader);
// setStaffTypePercussion
Set staff type to percussion
static void setStaffTypePercussion(Part* part, Drumset* drumset)
for (int j = 0; j < part->nstaves(); ++j)
if (part->staff(j)->lines(0) == 5 && !part->staff(j)->isDrumStaff(0))
part->staff(j)->setStaffType(0, StaffType::preset(StaffTypes::PERC_DEFAULT));
// set drumset for instrument
part->instrument()->channel(0)->bank = 128;
// findDeleteStaffText
Find a non-empty staff text in \a s at \a track (which originates as MusicXML <words>).
If found, delete it and return its text.
static QString findDeleteStaffText(Segment* s, int track)
//qDebug("findDeleteWords(s %p track %d)", s, track);
foreach (Element* e, s->annotations()) {
//qDebug("findDeleteWords e %p type %hhd track %d", e, e->type(), e->track());
if (e->type() != ElementType::STAFF_TEXT || e->track() < track || e->track() >= track+VOICES)
Text* t = static_cast<Text*>(e);
//qDebug("findDeleteWords t %p text '%s'", t, qPrintable(t->text()));
QString res = t->xmlText();
if (res != "") {
return res;
return "";
// setPartInstruments
static void setPartInstruments(MxmlLogger* logger, const QXmlStreamReader* const xmlreader,
Part* part, const QString& partId,
Score* score, const MusicXmlInstrList& il, const MusicXMLDrumset& mxmlDrumset)
QString prevInstrId;
for (auto it = il.cbegin(); it != il.cend(); ++it) {
Fraction f = (*it).first;
if (f == Fraction(0, 1))
prevInstrId = (*it).second; // instrument id at t = 0
else if (f > Fraction(0, 1)) {
auto instrId = (*it).second;
bool mustInsert = instrId != prevInstrId;
qDebug("f %s previd %s id %s mustInsert %d",
if (mustInsert) {
const int staff = score->staffIdx(part);
const int track = staff * VOICES;
const int tick = f.ticks();
//qDebug("instrument change: tick %s (%d) track %d instr '%s'",
// qPrintable(f.print()), tick, track, qPrintable(instrId));
auto segment = score->tick2segment(tick, true, SegmentType::ChordRest, true);
if (!segment)
logger->logError(QString("segment for instrument change at tick %1 not found")
.arg(tick), xmlreader);
else if (!mxmlDrumset.contains(instrId))
logger->logError(QString("changed instrument '%1' at tick %2 not found in part '%3'")
.arg(instrId).arg(tick).arg(partId), xmlreader);
else {
MusicXMLDrumInstrument mxmlInstr = mxmlDrumset.value(instrId);
Instrument instr = createInstrument(mxmlInstr);
//qDebug("instr %p", &instr);
InstrumentChange* ic = new InstrumentChange(instr, score);
// if there is already a staff text at this tick / track,
// delete it and use its text here instead of "Instrument change"
QString text = findDeleteStaffText(segment, track);
ic->setXmlText(text.isEmpty() ? "Instrument change" : text);
segment->add(ic); // note: includes part::setInstrument(instr);
// setMidiChannel() depends on setInstrument() already been done
if (mxmlInstr.midiChannel >= 0) part->setMidiChannel(mxmlInstr.midiChannel, mxmlInstr.midiPort, tick);
prevInstrId = instrId;
// text2syms
Convert SMuFL code points to MuseScore <sym>...</sym>
static QString text2syms(const QString& t)
//QTime time;
// first create a map from symbol (Unicode) text to symId
// note that this takes about 1 msec on a Core i5,
// caching does not gain much
ScoreFont* sf = ScoreFont::fallbackFont();
QMap<QString, SymId> map;
int maxStringSize = 0; // maximum string size found
for (int i = int(SymId::noSym); i < int(SymId::lastSym); ++i) {
SymId id((SymId(i)));
QString string(sf->toString(id));
// insert all syms except space to prevent matching all regular spaces
if (id != SymId::space)
map.insert(string, id);
if (string.size() > maxStringSize)
maxStringSize = string.size();
//qDebug("text2syms map count %d maxsz %d filling time elapsed: %d ms",
// map.size(), maxStringSize, time.elapsed());
// then look for matches
QString in = t;
QString res;
while (in != "") {
// try to find the largest match possible
int maxMatch = qMin(in.size(), maxStringSize);
QString sym;
while (maxMatch > 0) {
QString toBeMatched = in.left(maxMatch);
if (map.contains(toBeMatched)) {
sym = Sym::id2name(map.value(toBeMatched));
if (maxMatch > 0) {
// found a match, add sym to res and remove match from string in
res += "<sym>";
res += sym;
res += "</sym>";
in.remove(0, maxMatch);
else {
// not found, move one char from res to in
res += in.left(1);
in.remove(0, 1);
//qDebug("text2syms total time elapsed: %d ms, res '%s'", time.elapsed(), qPrintable(res));
return res;
// decodeEntities
Decode &#...; in string \a src into UNICODE (utf8) character.
static QString decodeEntities( const QString& src )
QString ret(src);
QRegExp re("&#([0-9]+);");
int pos = 0;
while ( (pos = re.indexIn(src, pos)) != -1 ) {
ret = ret.replace(re.cap(0), QChar(re.cap(1).toInt(0,10)));
pos += re.matchedLength();
return ret;
// nextPartOfFormattedString
// TODO: probably should be shared between pass 1 and 2
Read the next part of a MusicXML formatted string and convert to MuseScore internal encoding.
static QString nextPartOfFormattedString(QXmlStreamReader& e)
//QString lang = e.attribute(QString("xml:lang"), "it");
QString fontWeight = e.attributes().value("font-weight").toString();
QString fontSize = e.attributes().value("font-size").toString();
QString fontStyle = e.attributes().value("font-style").toString();
QString underline = e.attributes().value("underline").toString();
QString fontFamily = e.attributes().value("font-family").toString();
// TODO: color, enclosure, yoffset in only part of the text, ...
QString txt = e.readElementText();
// replace HTML entities
txt = decodeEntities(txt);
QString syms = text2syms(txt);
QString importedtext;
if (!fontSize.isEmpty()) {
bool ok = true;
float size = fontSize.toFloat(&ok);
if (ok)
importedtext += QString("<font size=\"%1\"/>").arg(size);
if (!fontFamily.isEmpty() && txt == syms) {
// add font family only if no <sym> replacement made
importedtext += QString("<font face=\"%1\"/>").arg(fontFamily);
if (fontWeight == "bold")
importedtext += "<b>";
if (fontStyle == "italic")
importedtext += "<i>";
if (!underline.isEmpty()) {
bool ok = true;
int lines = underline.toInt(&ok);
if (ok && (lines > 0)) // 1,2, or 3 underlines are imported as single underline
importedtext += "<u>";
underline = "";
if (txt == syms) {
txt.replace(QString("\r"), QString("")); // convert Windows line break \r\n -> \n
importedtext += txt.toHtmlEscaped();
else {
// <sym> replacement made, should be no need for line break or other conversions
importedtext += syms;
if (underline != "")
importedtext += "</u>";
if (fontStyle == "italic")
importedtext += "</i>";
if (fontWeight == "bold")
importedtext += "</b>";
//qDebug("importedtext '%s'", qPrintable(importedtext));
return importedtext;
// addLyric
Add a single lyric to the score or delete it (if number too high)
static void addLyric(MxmlLogger* logger, const QXmlStreamReader* const xmlreader,
ChordRest* cr, Lyrics* l, int lyricNo, MusicXmlLyricsExtend& extendedLyrics)
if (lyricNo > MAX_LYRICS) {
logger->logError(QString("too much lyrics (>%1)")
.arg(MAX_LYRICS), xmlreader);
delete l;
else {
extendedLyrics.setExtend(lyricNo, cr->track(), cr->tick());
// addLyrics
Add a notes lyrics to the score
static void addLyrics(MxmlLogger* logger, const QXmlStreamReader* const xmlreader,
ChordRest* cr,
QMap<int, Lyrics*>& numbrdLyrics,
QSet<Lyrics*>& extLyrics,
MusicXmlLyricsExtend& extendedLyrics)
int lyricNo = -1;
for (QMap<int, Lyrics*>::const_iterator i = numbrdLyrics.constBegin(); i != numbrdLyrics.constEnd(); ++i) {
lyricNo = i.key();
Lyrics* l = i.value();
addLyric(logger, xmlreader, cr, l, lyricNo, extendedLyrics);
if (extLyrics.contains(l))
// addElemOffset
static void addElemOffset(Element* el, int track, const QString& placement, Measure* measure, int tick)
qDebug("addElem el %p track %d placement %s tick %d",
el, track, qPrintable(placement), tick);
#if 0 // ws: use placement for symbols
// move to correct position
// TODO: handle rx, ry
if (el->isSymbol()) {
qreal y = 0;
// calc y offset assuming five line staff and default style
// note that required y offset is element type dependent
const qreal stafflines = 5; // assume five line staff, but works OK-ish for other sizes too
qreal offsAbove = 0;
qreal offsBelow = 0;
offsAbove = -2;
offsBelow = 4 + (stafflines - 1);
if (placement == "above")
y += offsAbove;
if (placement == "below")
y += offsBelow;
//qDebug(" y = %g", y);
y *= el->score()->spatium();
el->setUserOff(QPoint(0, y));
else {
el->setPlacement(placement == "above" ? Placement::ABOVE : Placement::BELOW);
el->setPlacement(placement == "above" ? Placement::ABOVE : Placement::BELOW);
Segment* s = measure->getSegment(SegmentType::ChordRest, tick);
// tupletAssert -- check assertions for tuplet handling
Check assertions for tuplet handling. If this fails, MusicXML
import will almost certainly break in non-obvious ways.
Should never happen, thus it is OK to quit the application.
#if 0
static void tupletAssert()
if (!(int(TDuration::DurationType::V_BREVE) == int(TDuration::DurationType::V_LONG) + 1
&& int(TDuration::DurationType::V_WHOLE) == int(TDuration::DurationType::V_BREVE) + 1
&& int(TDuration::DurationType::V_HALF) == int(TDuration::DurationType::V_WHOLE) + 1
&& int(TDuration::DurationType::V_QUARTER) == int(TDuration::DurationType::V_HALF) + 1
&& int(TDuration::DurationType::V_EIGHTH) == int(TDuration::DurationType::V_QUARTER) + 1
&& int(TDuration::DurationType::V_16TH) == int(TDuration::DurationType::V_EIGHTH) + 1
&& int(TDuration::DurationType::V_32ND) == int(TDuration::DurationType::V_16TH) + 1
&& int(TDuration::DurationType::V_64TH) == int(TDuration::DurationType::V_32ND) + 1
&& int(TDuration::DurationType::V_128TH) == int(TDuration::DurationType::V_64TH) + 1
&& int(TDuration::DurationType::V_256TH) == int(TDuration::DurationType::V_128TH) + 1
)) {
qFatal("tupletAssert() failed");
// smallestTypeAndCount
Determine the smallest note type and the number of those
present in a ChordRest.
For a note without dots the type equals the note type
and count is one.
For a single dotted note the type equals half the note type
and count is three.
A double dotted note is similar.
Note: code assumes when duration().type() is incremented,
the note length is divided by two, checked by tupletAssert().
static void smallestTypeAndCount(ChordRest const* const cr, int& type, int& count)
type = int(cr->durationType().type());
count = 1;
switch (cr->durationType().dots()) {
case 0:
// nothing to do
case 1:
type += 1; // next-smaller type
count = 3;
case 2:
type += 2; // next-next-smaller type
count = 7;
qDebug("smallestTypeAndCount() does not support more than 2 dots");
// matchTypeAndCount
Given two note types and counts, if the types are not equal,
make them equal by successively doubling the count of the
largest type.
static void matchTypeAndCount(int& type1, int& count1, int& type2, int& count2)
while (type1 < type2) {
count1 *= 2;
while (type2 < type1) {
count2 *= 2;
// determineTupletTypeAndCount
Determine type and number of smallest notes in the tuplet
static void determineTupletTypeAndCount(Tuplet* t, int& tupletType, int& tupletCount)
int elemCount = 0; // number of tuplet elements handled
foreach (DurationElement* de, t->elements()) {
if (de->type() == ElementType::CHORD || de->type() == ElementType::REST) {
ChordRest* cr = static_cast<ChordRest*>(de);
if (elemCount == 0) {
// first note: init variables
smallestTypeAndCount(cr, tupletType, tupletCount);
else {
int noteType = 0;
int noteCount = 0;
smallestTypeAndCount(cr, noteType, noteCount);
// match the types
matchTypeAndCount(tupletType, tupletCount, noteType, noteCount);
tupletCount += noteCount;
// determineTupletBaseLen
Determine tuplet baseLen as determined by the tuplet ratio,
and type and number of smallest notes in the tuplet.
Example: baselen of a 3:2 tuplet with 1/16, 1/8, 1/8 and 1/16
is 1/8. For this tuplet smallest note is 1/16, count is 6.
// TODO: this is defined twice, remove one
static TDuration determineTupletBaseLen(Tuplet* t)
int tupletType = 0; // smallest note type in the tuplet
int tupletCount = 0; // number of smallest notes in the tuplet
// first determine type and number of smallest notes in the tuplet
determineTupletTypeAndCount(t, tupletType, tupletCount);
// sanity check:
// for a 3:2 tuplet, count must be a multiple of 3
if (tupletCount % t->ratio().numerator()) {
qDebug("determineTupletBaseLen(%p) cannot divide count %d by %d", t, tupletCount, t->ratio().numerator());
return TDuration();
// calculate baselen in smallest notes
tupletCount /= t->ratio().numerator();
// normalize
while (tupletCount > 1 && (tupletCount % 2) == 0) {
tupletCount /= 2;
tupletType -= 1;
return TDuration(TDuration::DurationType(tupletType));
// isTupletFilled
Determine if the tuplet contains the required number of notes,
either (1) of the specified normal type
or (2) the amount of the smallest notes in the tuplet equals
actual notes.
Example (1): a 3:2 tuplet with a 1/4 and a 1/8 note is filled
if normal type is 1/8, it is not filled if normal
type is 1/4.
Example (2): a 3:2 tuplet with a 1/4 and a 1/8 note is filled.
Use note types instead of duration to prevent errors due to rounding.
// TODO: this is defined twice, remove one
static bool isTupletFilled(Tuplet* t, TDuration normalType)
if (!t) return false;
int tupletType = 0; // smallest note type in the tuplet
int tupletCount = 0; // number of smallest notes in the tuplet
// first determine type and number of smallest notes in the tuplet
determineTupletTypeAndCount(t, tupletType, tupletCount);
// then compare ...
if (normalType.isValid()) {
int matchedNormalType = int(normalType.type());
int matchedNormalCount = t->ratio().numerator();
// match the types
matchTypeAndCount(tupletType, tupletCount, matchedNormalType, matchedNormalCount);
// ... result scenario (1)
return tupletCount >= matchedNormalCount;
else {
// ... result scenario (2)
return tupletCount >= t->ratio().numerator();
// addTupletToChord
Handle tuplet(s) using parse result tupletDesc
Tuplets with <actual-notes> and <normal-notes> but without <tuplet>
are handled correctly.
TODO Nested tuplets are not (yet) supported.
Note that cr must be initialized: fields measure, score, tick
and track are used.
void addTupletToChord(ChordRest* cr, Tuplet*& tuplet, bool& tuplImpl,
const Fraction& timeMod, const MusicXmlTupletDesc& tupletDesc,
const TDuration normalType)
int actualNotes = timeMod.denominator();
int normalNotes = timeMod.numerator();
// check for obvious errors
if (tupletDesc.type == MxmlStartStop::START && tuplet) {
qDebug("tuplet already started"); // TODO
// TODO: how to recover ?
if (tupletDesc.type == MxmlStartStop::STOP && !tuplet) {
qDebug("tuplet stop but no tuplet started"); // TODO
// TODO: how to recover ?
// Tuplet are either started by the tuplet start
// or when the time modification is first found.
if (!tuplet) {
if (tupletDesc.type == MxmlStartStop::START
|| (!tuplet && (actualNotes != 1 || normalNotes != 1))) {
if (tupletDesc.type != MxmlStartStop::START) {
tuplImpl = true;
// report missing start
qDebug("implicit tuplet start cr %p tick %d track %d", cr, cr->tick(), cr->track()); // TODO
tuplImpl = false;
// create a new tuplet
tuplet = new Tuplet(cr->score());
tuplet->setRatio(Fraction(actualNotes, normalNotes));
// TODO type, placement, bracket
// Add chord to the current tuplet.
// Must also check for actual/normal notes to prevent
// adding one chord too much if tuplet stop is missing.
if (tuplet && !(actualNotes == 1 && normalNotes == 1)) {
// Tuplets are stopped by the tuplet stop
// or when the tuplet is filled completely
// (either with knowledge of the normal type
// or as a last resort calculated based on
// actual and normal notes plus total duration)
// or when the time-modification is not found.
if (tuplet) {
if (tupletDesc.type == MxmlStartStop::STOP
|| (tuplImpl && isTupletFilled(tuplet, normalType))
|| (actualNotes == 1 && normalNotes == 1)) {
// set baselen
TDuration td = determineTupletBaseLen(tuplet);
// qDebug("stop tuplet %p basetype %d", tuplet, tupletType);
Fraction f(normalNotes, td.fraction().denominator());
// TODO determine usefulness of following check
int totalDuration = 0;
foreach (DurationElement* de, tuplet->elements()) {
if (de->type() == ElementType::CHORD || de->type() == ElementType::REST) {
if (!(totalDuration && normalNotes)) {
qDebug("MusicXML::import: tuplet stop but bad duration"); // TODO
tuplet = 0;
// addArticulationToChord
static void addArticulationToChord(ChordRest* cr, SymId articSym, QString dir)
Articulation* na = new Articulation(articSym, cr->score());
if (dir == "up") {
else if (dir == "down") {
// addFermataToChord
static void addFermataToChord(ChordRest* cr, SymId articSym, bool up)
Fermata* na = new Fermata(articSym, cr->score());
na->setPlacement(up ? Placement::ABOVE : Placement::BELOW);
// addMordentToChord
Add Mordent to Chord.
static void addMordentToChord(ChordRest* cr, QString name, QString attrLong, QString attrAppr, QString attrDep)
SymId articSym = SymId::noSym; // legal but impossible ArticulationType value here indicating "not found"
if (name == "inverted-mordent") {
if ((attrLong == "" || attrLong == "no") && attrAppr == "" && attrDep == "")
articSym = SymId::ornamentMordent;
else if (attrLong == "yes" && attrAppr == "" && attrDep == "")
articSym = SymId::ornamentTremblement;
else if (attrLong == "yes" && attrAppr == "below" && attrDep == "")
articSym = SymId::ornamentUpPrall;
else if (attrLong == "yes" && attrAppr == "above" && attrDep == "")
articSym = SymId::ornamentPrecompMordentUpperPrefix;
else if (attrLong == "yes" && attrAppr == "" && attrDep == "below")
articSym = SymId::ornamentPrallDown;
else if (attrLong == "yes" && attrAppr == "" && attrDep == "above")
articSym = SymId::ornamentPrallUp;
else if (name == "mordent") {
if ((attrLong == "" || attrLong == "no") && attrAppr == "" && attrDep == "")
articSym = SymId::ornamentMordentInverted;
else if (attrLong == "yes" && attrAppr == "" && attrDep == "")
articSym = SymId::ornamentPrallMordent;
else if (attrLong == "yes" && attrAppr == "below" && attrDep == "")
articSym = SymId::ornamentUpMordent;
else if (attrLong == "yes" && attrAppr == "above" && attrDep == "")
articSym = SymId::ornamentDownMordent;
if (articSym != SymId::noSym) {
Articulation* na = new Articulation(cr->score());
qDebug("unknown ornament: name '%s' long '%s' approach '%s' departure '%s'",
qPrintable(name), qPrintable(attrLong), qPrintable(attrAppr), qPrintable(attrDep)); // TODO
// addMxmlArticulationToChord
Add a MusicXML articulation to a chord as a "simple" MuseScore articulation.
These are the articulations that can be
- represented by an enum ArticulationType
- added to a ChordRest
Return true (articulation recognized and handled)
or false (articulation not recognized).
Note simple implementation: MusicXML syntax is not strictly
checked, the articulations parent element does not matter.
static bool addMxmlArticulationToChord(ChordRest* cr, QString mxmlName)
QMap<QString, SymId> map; // map MusicXML articulation name to MuseScore symbol
map["accent"] = SymId::articAccentAbove;
map["staccatissimo"] = SymId::articStaccatissimoAbove;
map["staccato"] = SymId::articStaccatoAbove;
map["tenuto"] = SymId::articTenutoAbove;
map["turn"] = SymId::ornamentTurn;
map["inverted-turn"] = SymId::ornamentTurnInverted;
map["stopped"] = SymId::brassMuteClosed;
// TODO map["harmonic"] = SymId::stringsHarmonic;
map["up-bow"] = SymId::stringsUpBow;
map["down-bow"] = SymId::stringsDownBow;
map["detached-legato"] = SymId::articTenutoStaccatoAbove;
map["spiccato"] = SymId::articStaccatissimoAbove;
map["snap-pizzicato"] = SymId::pluckedSnapPizzicatoAbove;
map["schleifer"] = SymId::ornamentPrecompSlide;
map["open-string"] = SymId::brassMuteOpen;
map["thumb-position"] = SymId::stringsThumbPosition;
if (map.contains(mxmlName)) {
addArticulationToChord(cr, map.value(mxmlName), "");
return true;
return false;
// convertNotehead
Convert a MusicXML notehead name to a MuseScore headgroup.
static NoteHead::Group convertNotehead(QString mxmlName)
QMap<QString, int> map; // map MusicXML notehead name to a MuseScore headgroup
map["slash"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_SLASH);
map["triangle"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_TRIANGLE_UP);
map["diamond"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_DIAMOND);
map["cross"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_PLUS);
map["x"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_CROSS);
map["circle-x"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_XCIRCLE);
map["inverted triangle"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_TRIANGLE_DOWN);
map["slashed"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_SLASHED1);
map["back slashed"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_SLASHED2);
map["normal"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_NORMAL);
map["do"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_DO);
map["re"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_RE);
map["mi"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_MI);
map["fa"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_FA);
map["fa up"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_FA);
map["so"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_SOL);
map["la"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_LA);
map["ti"] = int(NoteHead::Group::HEAD_TI);
if (map.contains(mxmlName))
return NoteHead::Group(map.value(mxmlName));
qDebug("unknown notehead %s", qPrintable(mxmlName)); // TODO
// default: return 0
return NoteHead::Group::HEAD_NORMAL;
// addTextToNote
Add Text to Note.
static void addTextToNote(int l, int c, QString txt, Tid style, Score* score, Note* note)
if (note) {
if (!txt.isEmpty()) {
TextBase* t = new Fingering(score, style);
qDebug("%s", qPrintable(QString("Error at line %1 col %2: no note for text").arg(l).arg(c))); // TODO
// addFermata
Add a MusicXML fermata.
Note: MusicXML common.mod: "The fermata type is upright if not specified."
static void addFermata(ChordRest* cr, const QString type, const SymId articSym)
if (type == "upright" || type == "")
addFermataToChord(cr, articSym, true);
else if (type == "inverted")
addFermataToChord(cr, articSym, false);
qDebug("unknown fermata type '%s'", qPrintable(type));
// setSLinePlacement
Helper for direction().
SLine placement is modified by changing the first segments user offset
As the SLine has just been created, it does not have any segment yet
static void setSLinePlacement(SLine* sli, const QString placement)
qDebug("setSLinePlacement sli %p type %d s=%g pl='%s'",
sli, sli->type(), sli->score()->spatium(), qPrintable(placement));
#if 0
// calc y offset assuming five line staff and default style
// note that required y offset is element type dependent
if (sli->type() == ElementType::HAIRPIN) {
if (placement == "above") {
const qreal stafflines = 5; // assume five line staff, but works OK-ish for other sizes too
qreal offsAbove = -6 - (stafflines - 1);
qreal y = 0;
y += offsAbove;
// add linesegment containing the user offset
LineSegment* tls= sli->createLineSegment();
//qDebug(" y = %g", y);
y *= sli->score()->spatium();
tls->setUserOff(QPointF(0, y));
else {
sli->setPlacement(placement == "above" ? Placement::ABOVE : Placement::BELOW);
sli->setPlacement(placement == "above" ? Placement::ABOVE : Placement::BELOW);
// handleSpannerStart
// note that in case of overlapping spanners, handleSpannerStart is called for every spanner
// as spanners QMap allows only one value per key, this does not hurt at all
static void handleSpannerStart(SLine* new_sp, int track, QString& placement, int tick, MusicXmlSpannerMap& spanners)
//qDebug("handleSpannerStart(sp %p, track %d, tick %d)", new_sp, track, tick);
setSLinePlacement(new_sp, placement);
spanners[new_sp] = QPair<int, int>(tick, -1);
// handleSpannerStop
static void handleSpannerStop(SLine* cur_sp, int track2, int tick, MusicXmlSpannerMap& spanners)
//qDebug("handleSpannerStop(sp %p, track2 %d, tick %d)", cur_sp, track2, tick);
if (!cur_sp)
spanners[cur_sp].second = tick;
// The MusicXML parser, pass 2
// MusicXMLParserPass2
MusicXMLParserPass2::MusicXMLParserPass2(Score* score, MusicXMLParserPass1& pass1, MxmlLogger* logger)
: _divs(0), _score(score), _pass1(pass1), _logger(logger)
// nothing
// initPartState
Initialize members as required for reading the MusicXML part element.
TODO: factor out part reading into a separate class
TODO: preferably use automatically initialized variables
Note that Qt automatically initializes new elements in QVector (tuplets).
void MusicXMLParserPass2::initPartState(const QString& partId)
_timeSigDura = Fraction(0, 0); // invalid
int nstaves = _pass1.getPart(partId)->nstaves();
_tuplets.resize(nstaves * VOICES);
_tuplImpls.resize(nstaves * VOICES);
_tie = 0;
_lastVolta = 0;
_hasDrumset = false;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL; ++i)
_slurs[i] = SlurDesc();
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BRACKETS; ++i)
_brackets[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DASHES; ++i)
_dashes[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL; ++i)
_ottavas[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL; ++i)
_hairpins[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL; ++i)
_trills[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL; ++i)
_glissandi[i][0] = _glissandi[i][1] = 0;
_pedal = 0;
_pedalContinue = 0;
_harmony = 0;
_tremStart = 0;
_figBass = 0;
// glissandoText = "";
// glissandoColor = "";
_multiMeasureRestCount = -1;
// multi-measure rest state handling
// If any multi-measure rest is found, the "create multi-measure rest" style setting is enabled.
// First measure in a multi-measure rest gets setBreakMultiMeasureRest(true), then count down
// the remaining number of measures.
// The first measure after a multi-measure rest gets setBreakMultiMeasureRest(true).
// For all other measures breakMultiMeasureRest is unchanged (stays default (false)).
// setMultiMeasureRestCount
Set the multi-measure rest counter.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::setMultiMeasureRestCount(int count)
_multiMeasureRestCount = count;
// getAndDecMultiMeasureRestCount
Return current multi-measure rest counter.
Decrement counter if possible (not beyond -1).
int MusicXMLParserPass2::getAndDecMultiMeasureRestCount()
int res = _multiMeasureRestCount;
if (_multiMeasureRestCount >= 0)
return res;
// skipLogCurrElem
Skip the current element, log debug as info.
void MusicXMLParserDirection::skipLogCurrElem()
//_logger->logDebugInfo(QString("skipping '%1'").arg(, &_e);
// skipLogCurrElem
Skip the current element, log debug as info.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::skipLogCurrElem()
//_logger->logDebugInfo(QString("skipping '%1'").arg(, &_e);
// parse
Parse MusicXML in \a device and extract pass 2 data.
Score::FileError MusicXMLParserPass2::parse(QIODevice* device)
Score::FileError res = parse();
//qDebug("MusicXMLParserPass2::parse() res %d", int(res));
return res;
// parse
Start the parsing process, after verifying the top-level node is score-partwise
Score::FileError MusicXMLParserPass2::parse()
bool found = false;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "score-partwise") {
found = true;
else {
_logger->logError("this is not a MusicXML score-partwise file", &_e);
return Score::FileError::FILE_BAD_FORMAT;
if (!found) {
_logger->logError("this is not a MusicXML score-partwise file", &_e);
return Score::FileError::FILE_BAD_FORMAT;
return Score::FileError::FILE_NO_ERROR;
// scorePartwise
Parse the MusicXML top-level (XPath /score-partwise) node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::scorePartwise()
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "score-partwise");
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "part") {
else if ( == "part-list")
// set last measure barline to normal or MuseScore will generate light-heavy EndBarline
// TODO, handle other tracks?
if (_score->lastMeasure()->endBarLineType() == BarLineType::NORMAL)
_score->lastMeasure()->setEndBarLineType(BarLineType::NORMAL, 0);
// partList
Parse the /score-partwise/part-list node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::partList()
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "part-list");
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "score-part")
// scorePart
// Parse the /score-partwise/part-list/score-part node.
// TODO: nothing required for pass 2 ?
void MusicXMLParserPass2::scorePart()
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "score-part");
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "midi-instrument")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "score-instrument")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "part-name")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
// part
Parse the /score-partwise/part node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::part()
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "part");
const QString id = _e.attributes().value("id").toString();
if (!_pass1.hasPart(id)) {
_logger->logError(QString("MusicXMLParserPass2::part cannot find part '%1'").arg(id), &_e);
const MusicXMLDrumset& mxmlDrumset = _pass1.getDrumset(id);
_hasDrumset = hasDrumset(mxmlDrumset);
// set the parts first instrument
QString instrId = _pass1.getInstrList(id).instrument(Fraction(0, 1));
setFirstInstrument(_logger, &_e, _pass1.getPart(id), id, instrId, mxmlDrumset);
// set the part name
auto mxmlPart = _pass1.getMusicXmlPart(id);
if (mxmlPart.getPrintName())
if (mxmlPart.getPrintAbbr())
// try to prevent an empty track name
if (_pass1.getPart(id)->partName() == "")
VoiceList voicelist = _pass1.getVoiceList(id);
// debug: print voice mapper contents
qDebug("voiceMapperStats: part '%s'", qPrintable(id));
for (QMap<QString, Ms::VoiceDesc>::const_iterator i = voicelist.constBegin(); i != voicelist.constEnd(); ++i) {
qDebug("voiceMapperStats: voice %s staff data %s",
qPrintable(i.key()), qPrintable(i.value().toString()));
// read the measures
int nr = 0; // current measure sequence number
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "measure") {
Fraction t = _pass1.getMeasureStart(nr);
if (t.isValid())
measure(id, t);
else {
_logger->logError(QString("no valid start time for measure %1").arg(nr + 1), &_e);
// stop all remaining extends for this part
Measure* lm = _pass1.getPart(id)->score()->lastMeasure();
if (lm) {
int strack = _pass1.trackForPart(id);
int etrack = strack + _pass1.getPart(id)->nstaves() * VOICES;
int lastTick = lm->tick() + lm->ticks();
for (int trk = strack; trk < etrack; trk++)
_extendedLyrics.setExtend(-1, trk, lastTick);
//qDebug("spanner list:");
auto i = _spanners.constBegin();
while (i != _spanners.constEnd()) {
Spanner* sp = i.key();
int tick1 = i.value().first;
int tick2 = i.value().second;
//qDebug("spanner %p tp %hhd tick1 %d tick2 %d track %d track2 %d",
// sp, sp->type(), tick1, tick2, sp->track(), sp->track2());
// determine if the part contains a drumset
// this is the case if any instrument has a midi-unpitched element,
// (which stored in the MusicXMLDrumInstrument pitch field)
// if the part contains a drumset, Drumset drumset is initialized
Drumset* drumset = new Drumset;
const MusicXMLDrumset& mxmlDrumsetAfterPass2 = _pass1.getDrumset(id);
initDrumset(drumset, mxmlDrumsetAfterPass2);
// debug: dump the instrument map
auto il = _pass1.getInstrList(id);
for (auto it = il.cbegin(); it != il.cend(); ++it) {
Fraction f = (*it).first;
qDebug("pass2: instrument map: tick %s (%d) instr '%s'", qPrintable(f.print()), f.ticks(), qPrintable((*it).second));
if (_hasDrumset) {
// set staff type to percussion if incorrectly imported as pitched staff
// Note: part has been read, staff type already set based on clef type and staff-details
// but may be incorrect for a percussion staff that does not use a percussion clef
setStaffTypePercussion(_pass1.getPart(id), drumset);
else {
// drumset is not needed
delete drumset;
// set the instruments for this part
setPartInstruments(_logger, &_e, _pass1.getPart(id), id, _score, _pass1.getInstrList(id), mxmlDrumset);
// findMeasure
In Score \a score find the measure starting at \a tick.
static Measure* findMeasure(Score* score, const int tick)
for (Measure* m = score->firstMeasure(); m; m = m->nextMeasure()) {
if (m->tick() == tick)
return m;
return 0;
// removeBeam
Set beam mode for all elements and remove the beam
static void removeBeam(Beam*& beam)
for (int i = 0; i < beam->elements().size(); ++i)
delete beam;
beam = 0;
// handleBeamAndStemDir
static void handleBeamAndStemDir(ChordRest* cr, const Beam::Mode bm, const Direction sd, Beam*& beam)
if (!cr) return;
// create a new beam
if (bm == Beam::Mode::BEGIN) {
// if currently in a beam, delete it
if (beam) {
qDebug("handleBeamAndStemDir() new beam, removing previous incomplete beam %p", beam);
// create a new beam
beam = new Beam(cr->score());
// add ChordRest to beam
if (beam) {
// verify still in the same track (switching voices in the middle of a beam is not supported)
// and in a beam ...
// (note no check is done on correct order of beam begin/continue/end)
if (cr->track() != beam->track()) {
qDebug("handleBeamAndStemDir() from track %d to track %d -> abort beam",
beam->track(), cr->track());
// reset beam mode for all elements and remove the beam
else if (bm == Beam::Mode::NONE) {
qDebug("handleBeamAndStemDir() in beam, bm Beam::Mode::NONE -> abort beam");
// reset beam mode for all elements and remove the beam
else if (!(bm == Beam::Mode::BEGIN || bm == Beam::Mode::MID || bm == Beam::Mode::END)) {
qDebug("handleBeamAndStemDir() in beam, bm %d -> abort beam", static_cast<int>(bm));
// reset beam mode for all elements and remove the beam
else {
// actually add cr to the beam
// if no beam, set stem direction on chord itself and set beam to auto
if (!beam) {
// terminate the currect beam and add to the score
if (beam && bm == Beam::Mode::END)
beam = 0;
// markUserAccidentals
Check for "superfluous" accidentals to mark them as USER accidentals.
The candidate map alterMap is ordered on note address. Check it here segment after segment.
static void markUserAccidentals(const int firstStaff,
const int staves,
const Key key,
const Measure* measure,
const QMap<Note*, int>& alterMap
QMap<int, bool> accTmp;
AccidentalState currAcc;
SegmentType st = SegmentType::ChordRest;
for (Ms::Segment* segment = measure->first(st); segment; segment = segment->next(st)) {
for (int track = 0; track < staves * VOICES; ++track) {
Element* e = segment->element(firstStaff * VOICES + track);
if (!e || e->type() != Ms::ElementType::CHORD)
Chord* chord = static_cast<Chord*>(e);
foreach (Note* nt, chord->notes()) {
if (alterMap.contains(nt)) {
int alter = alterMap.value(nt);
int ln = absStep(nt->tpc(), nt->pitch());
bool error = false;
AccidentalVal currAccVal = currAcc.accidentalVal(ln, error);
if (error)
if ((alter == -1
&& currAccVal == AccidentalVal::FLAT
&& nt->accidental()->accidentalType() == AccidentalType::FLAT
&& !accTmp.value(ln, false))
|| (alter == 0
&& currAccVal == AccidentalVal::NATURAL
&& nt->accidental()->accidentalType() == AccidentalType::NATURAL
&& !accTmp.value(ln, false))
|| (alter == 1
&& currAccVal == AccidentalVal::SHARP
&& nt->accidental()->accidentalType() == AccidentalType::SHARP
&& !accTmp.value(ln, false))) {
else if (Accidental::isMicrotonal(nt->accidental()->accidentalType())
&& nt->accidental()->accidentalType() < AccidentalType::END) {
// microtonal accidental
accTmp.insert(ln, false);
else {
accTmp.insert(ln, true);
// addGraceChordsAfter
Move \a gac grace chords from grace chord list \a gcl
to the chord \a c grace note after list
static void addGraceChordsAfter(Chord* c, GraceChordList& gcl, int& gac)
if (!c)
while (gac > 0) {
if (gcl.size() > 0) {
Chord* graceChord = gcl.first();
c->add(graceChord); // TODO check if same voice ?
qDebug("addGraceChordsAfter chord %p grace after chord %p", c, graceChord);
// addGraceChordsBefore
Move grace chords from grace chord list \a gcl
to the chord \a c grace note before list
static void addGraceChordsBefore(Chord* c, GraceChordList& gcl)
for (int i = gcl.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
c->add(; // TODO check if same voice ?
// measure
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::measure(const QString& partId,
const Fraction time)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "measure");
QString number = _e.attributes().value("number").toString();
//qDebug("measure %s start", qPrintable(number));
Measure* measure = findMeasure(_score, time.ticks());
if (!measure) {
_logger->logError(QString("measure at tick %1 not found!").arg(time.ticks()), &_e);
// handle implicit measure
if (_e.attributes().value("implicit") == "yes")
// set measure's RepeatFlag to none because musicXML is allowing single measure repeat and no ordering in repeat start and end barlines
Fraction mTime; // current time stamp within measure
Fraction prevTime; // time stamp within measure previous chord
Chord* prevChord = 0; // previous chord
Fraction mDura; // current total measure duration
GraceChordList gcl; // grace chords collected sofar
int gac = 0; // grace after count in the grace chord list
Beam* beam = 0; // current beam
QString cv = "1"; // current voice for chords, default is 1
FiguredBassList fbl; // List of figured bass elements under a single note
// collect candidates for courtesy accidentals to work out at measure end
QMap<Note*, int> alterMap;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "attributes")
attributes(partId, measure, (time + mTime).ticks());
else if ( == "direction") {
MusicXMLParserDirection dir(_e, _score, _pass1, *this, _logger);
dir.direction(partId, measure, (time + mTime).ticks(), _spanners);
else if ( == "figured-bass") {
FiguredBass* fb = figuredBass();
if (fb)
else if ( == "harmony")
harmony(partId, measure, time + mTime);
else if ( == "note") {
Fraction dura;
int alt = -10; // any number outside range of xml-tag "alter"
// note: chord and grace note handling done in note()
// dura > 0 iff valid rest or first note of chord found
Note* n = note(partId, measure, time + mTime, time + prevTime, dura, cv, gcl, gac, beam, fbl, alt);
if (n && !n->chord()->isGrace())
prevChord = n->chord(); // remember last non-grace chord
if (n && n->accidental() && n->accidental()->accidentalType() != AccidentalType::NONE)
alterMap.insert(n, alt);
if (dura.isValid() && dura > Fraction(0, 1)) {
prevTime = mTime; // save time stamp last chord created
mTime += dura;
if (mTime > mDura)
mDura = mTime;
//qDebug("added note %p chord %p gac %d", n, n ? n->chord() : 0, gac);
else if ( == "forward") {
Fraction dura;
if (dura.isValid()) {
mTime += dura;
if (mTime > mDura)
mDura = mTime;
else if ( == "backup") {
Fraction dura;
if (dura.isValid()) {
if (dura <= mTime)
mTime -= dura;
else {
_logger->logError("backup beyond measure start", &_e);
mTime.set(0, 1);
else if ( == "sound") {
QString tempo = _e.attributes().value("tempo").toString();
if (!tempo.isEmpty()) {
double tpo = tempo.toDouble() / 60;
int tick = (time + mTime).ticks();
TempoText* t = new TempoText(_score);
t->setXmlText(QString("%1 = %2").arg(TempoText::duration2tempoTextString(TDuration(TDuration::DurationType::V_QUARTER))).arg(tempo));
_score->setTempo(tick, tpo);
addElemOffset(t, _pass1.trackForPart(partId), "above", measure, tick);
else if ( == "barline")
barline(partId, measure);
else if ( == "print")
qDebug("mTime %s (%s) mDura %s (%s)",
// convert remaining grace chords to grace after
gac = gcl.size();
addGraceChordsAfter(prevChord, gcl, gac);
// fill possible gaps in voice 1
Part* part = _pass1.getPart(partId); // should not fail, we only get here if the part exists
fillGapsInFirstVoices(measure, part);
// can't have beams extending into the next measure
if (beam)
// TODO:
// - how to handle _timeSigDura.isZero (shouldn't happen ?)
// - how to handle unmetered music
if (_timeSigDura.isValid() && !_timeSigDura.isZero())
// mark superfluous accidentals as user accidentals
const int scoreRelStaff = _score->staffIdx(part);
const Key key = _score->staff(scoreRelStaff)->keySigEvent(time.ticks()).key();
markUserAccidentals(scoreRelStaff, part->nstaves(), key, measure, alterMap);
// multi-measure rest handling
if (getAndDecMultiMeasureRestCount() == 0) {
// measure is first measure after a multi-measure rest
Q_ASSERT(_e.isEndElement() && == "measure");
// attributes
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/attributes node.
/* Notes:
* Number of staves has already been set in pass 1
* MusicXML order is key, time, clef
* -> check if it is necessary to insert them in order
void MusicXMLParserPass2::attributes(const QString& partId, Measure* measure, const int tick)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "attributes");
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "clef")
clef(partId, measure, tick);
else if ( == "divisions")
else if ( == "key")
key(partId, measure, tick);
else if ( == "measure-style")
else if ( == "staff-details")
else if ( == "time")
time(partId, measure, tick);
else if ( == "transpose")
// setStaffLines
Set stafflines and barline span for a single staff
static void setStaffLines(Score* score, int staffIdx, int stafflines)
score->staff(staffIdx)->setLines(0, stafflines);
score->staff(staffIdx)->setBarLineTo(0); // default
// staffDetails
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/attributes/staff-details node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::staffDetails(const QString& partId)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "staff-details");
Part* part = _pass1.getPart(partId);
int staves = part->nstaves();
QString number = _e.attributes().value("number").toString();
int n = 1; // default
if (number != "") {
n = number.toInt();
if (n <= 0 || n > staves) {
_logger->logError(QString("invalid staff-details number %1").arg(number), &_e);
n = 1;
n--; // make zero-based
int staffIdx = _score->staffIdx(part) + n;
StringData* t = 0;
if (_score->staff(staffIdx)->isTabStaff(0)) {
t = new StringData;
t->setFrets(25); // sensible default
int staffLines = 0;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "staff-lines") {
// save staff lines for later
staffLines = _e.readElementText().toInt();
// for a TAB staff also resize the string table and init with zeroes
if (t) {
if (0 < staffLines)
t->stringList() = QVector<instrString>(staffLines).toList();
_logger->logError(QString("illegal staff-lines %1").arg(staffLines), &_e);
else if ( == "staff-tuning")
if (staffLines > 0) {
setStaffLines(_score, staffIdx, staffLines);
if (t) {
Instrument* i = part->instrument();
// staffTuning
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/attributes/staff-details/staff-tuning node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::staffTuning(StringData* t)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "staff-tuning");
// ignore <staff-tuning> if not a TAB staff
if (!t) {
_logger->logError("<staff-tuning> on non-TAB staff", &_e);
int line = _e.attributes().value("line").toInt();
int step = 0;
int alter = 0;
int octave = 0;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "tuning-alter")
alter = _e.readElementText().toInt();
else if ( == "tuning-octave")
octave = _e.readElementText().toInt();
else if ( == "tuning-step") {
QString strStep = _e.readElementText();
int pos = QString("CDEFGAB").indexOf(strStep);
if (strStep.size() == 1 && pos >=0 && pos < 7)
step = pos;
_logger->logError(QString("invalid step '%1'").arg(strStep), &_e);
if (0 < line && line <= t->stringList().size()) {
int pitch = MusicXMLStepAltOct2Pitch(step, alter, octave);
if (pitch >= 0)
t->stringList()[line - 1].pitch = pitch;
_logger->logError(QString("invalid string %1 tuning step/alter/oct %2/%3/%4")
// measureStyle
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/measure-style node.
Initializes the "in multi-measure rest" state
void MusicXMLParserPass2::measureStyle(Measure* measure)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "measure-style");
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "multiple-rest") {
int multipleRest = _e.readElementText().toInt();
if (multipleRest > 1) {
_multiMeasureRestCount = multipleRest;
_score->style().set(Sid::createMultiMeasureRests, true);
_logger->logError(QString("multiple-rest %1 not supported").arg(multipleRest), &_e);
// print
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/print node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::print(Measure* measure)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "print");
bool newSystem = _e.attributes().value("new-system") == "yes";
bool newPage = _e.attributes().value("new-page") == "yes";
int blankPage = _e.attributes().value("blank-page").toInt();
// in MScore the break happens _after_ the marked measure:
MeasureBase* pm = measure->prevMeasure(); // We insert VBox only for title, no HBox for the moment
if (pm == 0) {
_logger->logDebugInfo("break on first measure", &_e);
if (blankPage == 1) { // blank title page, insert a VBOX if needed
pm = measure->prev();
if (pm == 0) {
_score->insertMeasure(ElementType::VBOX, measure);
pm = measure->prev();
if (pm) {
if (preferences.getBool(PREF_IMPORT_MUSICXML_IMPORTBREAKS) && (newSystem || newPage)) {
if (!pm->lineBreak() && !pm->pageBreak()) {
LayoutBreak* lb = new LayoutBreak(_score);
lb->setLayoutBreakType(newSystem ? LayoutBreak::Type::LINE : LayoutBreak::Type::PAGE);
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
// direction
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/direction node.
void MusicXMLParserDirection::direction(const QString& partId,
Measure* measure,
const int tick,
MusicXmlSpannerMap& spanners)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "direction");
//qDebug("direction tick %d", tick);
QString placement = _e.attributes().value("placement").toString();
int track = _pass1.trackForPart(partId);
//qDebug("direction track %d", track);
QList<MusicXmlSpannerDesc> starts;
QList<MusicXmlSpannerDesc> stops;
// note: file order is direction-type first, then staff
// this means staff is still unknown when direction-type is handled
// easiest solution is to put spanners on a stop and start list
// and handle these after the while loop
// note that placement is a <direction> attribute (which is currently supported by MS)
// but the <direction-type> children also have formatting attributes
// (currently NOT supported by MS, at least not for spanners when <direction> children)
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "direction-type")
directionType(starts, stops);
else if ( == "staff") {
int nstaves = _pass1.getPart(partId)->nstaves();
QString strStaff = _e.readElementText();
int staff = strStaff.toInt();
if (0 < staff && staff <= nstaves)
track += (staff - 1) * VOICES;
_logger->logError(QString("invalid staff %1").arg(strStaff), &_e);
else if ( == "sound")
handleRepeats(measure, track);
// fix for Sibelius 7.1.3 (direct export) which creates metronomes without <sound tempo="..."/>:
// if necessary, use the value calculated by metronome()
// note: no floating point comparisons with 0 ...
if (_tpoSound < 0.1 && _tpoMetro > 0.1)
_tpoSound = _tpoMetro;
//qDebug("words '%s' rehearsal '%s' metro '%s' tpo %g",
// qPrintable(_wordsText), qPrintable(_rehearsalText), qPrintable(_metroText), _tpoSound);
// create text if any text was found
if (_wordsText != "" || _rehearsalText != "" || _metroText != "") {
TextBase* t = 0;
if (_tpoSound > 0.1) {
_tpoSound /= 60;
t = new TempoText(_score);
t->setXmlText(_wordsText + _metroText);
((TempoText*) t)->setTempo(_tpoSound);
((TempoText*) t)->setFollowText(true);
_score->setTempo(tick, _tpoSound);
else {
if (_wordsText != "" || _metroText != "") {
t = new StaffText(_score);
t->setXmlText(_wordsText + _metroText);
else {
t = new RehearsalMark(_score);
if (!_rehearsalText.contains("<b>"))
_rehearsalText = "<b></b>" + _rehearsalText; // explicitly turn bold off
if (!_hasDefaultY)
t->setPlacement(Placement::ABOVE); // crude way to force placement TODO improve ?
if (_enclosure == "circle") {
else if (_enclosure == "none") {
else if (_enclosure == "rectangle") {
//TODO:ws if (_hasDefaultY) t->textStyle().setYoff(_defaultY);
addElemOffset(t, track, placement, measure, tick);
else if (_tpoSound > 0) {
double tpo = _tpoSound / 60;
TempoText* t = new TempoText(_score);
t->setXmlText(QString("%1 = %2").arg(TempoText::duration2tempoTextString(TDuration(TDuration::DurationType::V_QUARTER))).arg(_tpoSound));
_score->setTempo(tick, tpo);
addElemOffset(t, track, placement, measure, tick);
// do dynamics
// LVIFIX: check import/export of <other-dynamics>unknown_text</...>
for (QStringList::Iterator it = _dynamicsList.begin(); it != _dynamicsList.end(); ++it ) {
Dynamic* dyn = new Dynamic(_score);
if (!_dynaVelocity.isEmpty()) {
int dynaValue = round(_dynaVelocity.toDouble() * 0.9);
if (dynaValue > 127)
dynaValue = 127;
else if (dynaValue < 0)
dynaValue = 0;
dyn->setVelocity( dynaValue );
//TODO:ws if (_hasDefaultY) dyn->textStyle().setYoff(_defaultY);
addElemOffset(dyn, track, placement, measure, tick);
// handle the elems
foreach( auto elem, _elems) {
// TODO (?) if (_hasDefaultY) elem->setYoff(_defaultY);
addElemOffset(elem, track, placement, measure, tick);
// handle the spanner stops first
foreach (auto desc, stops) {
SLine* sp = _pass2.getSpanner(desc);
if (sp) {
handleSpannerStop(sp, track, tick, spanners);
_logger->logError("spanner stop without spanner start", &_e);
// then handle the spanner starts
foreach (auto desc, starts) {
SLine* sp = _pass2.getSpanner(desc);
if (!sp) {
handleSpannerStart(desc.sp, track, placement, tick, spanners);
_logger->logError("spanner already started", &_e);
Q_ASSERT(_e.isEndElement() && == "direction");
// directionType
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/direction/direction-type node.
void MusicXMLParserDirection::directionType(QList<MusicXmlSpannerDesc>& starts,
QList<MusicXmlSpannerDesc>& stops)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "direction-type");
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
_defaultY = _e.attributes().value("default-y").toDouble(&_hasDefaultY) * -0.1;
QString number = _e.attributes().value("number").toString();
int n = 0;
if (number != "") {
n = number.toInt();
if (n <= 0)
_logger->logError(QString("invalid number %1").arg(number), &_e);
n--; // make zero-based
QString type = _e.attributes().value("type").toString();
if ( == "metronome")
_metroText = metronome(_tpoMetro);
else if ( == "words") {
_enclosure = _e.attributes().value("enclosure").toString();
_wordsText += nextPartOfFormattedString(_e);
else if ( == "rehearsal") {
_enclosure = _e.attributes().value("enclosure").toString();
if (_enclosure == "")
_enclosure = "square"; // note different default
_rehearsalText += nextPartOfFormattedString(_e);
else if ( == "pedal")
pedal(type, n, starts, stops);
else if ( == "octave-shift")
octaveShift(type, n, starts, stops);
else if ( == "dynamics")
else if ( == "bracket")
bracket(type, n, starts, stops);
else if ( == "dashes")
dashes(type, n, starts, stops);
else if ( == "wedge")
wedge(type, n, starts, stops);
else if ( == "coda") {
_coda = true;
else if ( == "segno") {
_segno = true;
Q_ASSERT(_e.isEndElement() && == "direction-type");
// sound
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/direction/sound node.
void MusicXMLParserDirection::sound()
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "sound");
_sndCapo = _e.attributes().value("capo").toString();
_sndCoda = _e.attributes().value("coda").toString();
_sndDacapo = _e.attributes().value("dacapo").toString();
_sndDalsegno = _e.attributes().value("dalsegno").toString();
_sndFine = _e.attributes().value("fine").toString();
_sndSegno = _e.attributes().value("segno").toString();
_tpoSound = _e.attributes().value("tempo").toDouble();
_dynaVelocity = _e.attributes().value("dynamics").toString();
// dynamics
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/direction/direction-type/dynamics node.
void MusicXMLParserDirection::dynamics()
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "dynamics");
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "other-dynamics")
else {
// matchRepeat
Do a wild-card match with known repeat texts.
static QString matchRepeat(const QString& lowerTxt)
QString repeat;
QRegExp daCapo("d\\.? *c\\.?|da *capo");
QRegExp daCapoAlFine("d\\.? *c\\.? *al *fine|da *capo *al *fine");
QRegExp daCapoAlCoda("d\\.? *c\\.? *al *coda|da *capo *al *coda");
QRegExp dalSegno("d\\.? *s\\.?|d[ae]l *segno");
QRegExp dalSegnoAlFine("d\\.? *s\\.? *al *fine|d[ae]l *segno *al *fine");
QRegExp dalSegnoAlCoda("d\\.? *s\\.? *al *coda|d[ae]l *segno *al *coda");
QRegExp fine("fine");
QRegExp toCoda("to *coda");
if (daCapo.exactMatch(lowerTxt)) repeat = "daCapo";
if (daCapoAlFine.exactMatch(lowerTxt)) repeat = "daCapoAlFine";
if (daCapoAlCoda.exactMatch(lowerTxt)) repeat = "daCapoAlCoda";
if (dalSegno.exactMatch(lowerTxt)) repeat = "dalSegno";
if (dalSegnoAlFine.exactMatch(lowerTxt)) repeat = "dalSegnoAlFine";
if (dalSegnoAlCoda.exactMatch(lowerTxt)) repeat = "dalSegnoAlCoda";
if (fine.exactMatch(lowerTxt)) repeat = "fine";
if (toCoda.exactMatch(lowerTxt)) repeat = "toCoda";
return repeat;
// findJump
Try to find a Jump in \a repeat.
static Jump* findJump(const QString& repeat, Score* score)
Jump* jp = 0;
if (repeat == "daCapo") {
jp = new Jump(score);
else if (repeat == "daCapoAlCoda") {
jp = new Jump(score);
else if (repeat == "daCapoAlFine") {
jp = new Jump(score);
else if (repeat == "dalSegno") {
jp = new Jump(score);
else if (repeat == "dalSegnoAlCoda") {
jp = new Jump(score);
else if (repeat == "dalSegnoAlFine") {
jp = new Jump(score);
return jp;
// findMarker
Try to find a Marker in \a repeat.
static Marker* findMarker(const QString& repeat, Score* score)
Marker* m = 0;
if (repeat == "segno") {
m = new Marker(score);
// note: Marker::read() also contains code to set text style based on type
// avoid duplicated code
// apparently this MUST be after setTextStyle
else if (repeat == "coda") {
m = new Marker(score);
else if (repeat == "fine") {
m = new Marker(score, Tid::REPEAT_RIGHT);
else if (repeat == "toCoda") {
m = new Marker(score, Tid::REPEAT_RIGHT);
return m;
// handleRepeats
void MusicXMLParserDirection::handleRepeats(Measure* measure, const int track)
// Try to recognize the various repeats
QString repeat = "";
// Easy cases first
if (_coda) repeat = "coda";
if (_segno) repeat = "segno";
// As sound may be missing, next do a wild-card match with known repeat texts
QString txt = MScoreTextToMXML::toPlainText(_wordsText.toLower());
if (repeat == "") repeat = matchRepeat(txt.toLower());
// If that did not work, try to recognize a sound attribute
if (repeat == "" && _sndCoda != "") repeat = "coda";
if (repeat == "" && _sndDacapo != "") repeat = "daCapo";
if (repeat == "" && _sndDalsegno != "") repeat = "dalSegno";
if (repeat == "" && _sndFine != "") repeat = "fine";
if (repeat == "" && _sndSegno != "") repeat = "segno";
// If a repeat was found, assume words is no longer needed
if (repeat != "") _wordsText = "";
qDebug(" txt=%s repeat=%s",
if (repeat != "") {
if (Jump* jp = findJump(repeat, _score)) {
qDebug("jumpsMarkers adding jm %p meas %p",jp, measure);
// TODO jumpsMarkers.append(JumpMarkerDesc(jp, measure));
if (Marker* m = findMarker(repeat, _score)) {
qDebug("jumpsMarkers adding jm %p meas %p",m, measure);
// TODO jumpsMarkers.append(JumpMarkerDesc(m, measure));
// bracket
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/direction/direction-type/bracket node.
void MusicXMLParserDirection::bracket(const QString& type, const int number,
QList<MusicXmlSpannerDesc>& starts, QList<MusicXmlSpannerDesc>& stops)
QStringRef lineEnd = _e.attributes().value("line-end");
QStringRef lineType = _e.attributes().value("line-type");
if (type == "start") {
TextLine* b = new TextLine(_score);
// if (placement == "") placement = "above"; // TODO ? set default
b->setBeginHookType(lineEnd != "none" ? HookType::HOOK_90 : HookType::NONE);
if (lineEnd == "up")
b->setBeginHookHeight(-1 * b->beginHookHeight());
// hack: combine with a previous words element
if (!_wordsText.isEmpty()) {
// TextLine supports only limited formatting, remove all (compatible with 1.3)
_wordsText = "";
if (lineType == "solid")
else if (lineType == "dashed")
else if (lineType == "dotted")
_logger->logError(QString("unsupported line-type: %1").arg(lineType.toString()), &_e);
starts.append(MusicXmlSpannerDesc(b, ElementType::TEXTLINE, number));
else if (type == "stop") {
TextLine* b = static_cast<TextLine*>(_pass2.getSpanner(MusicXmlSpannerDesc(ElementType::TEXTLINE, number)));
if (b) {
b->setEndHookType(lineEnd != "none" ? HookType::HOOK_90 : HookType::NONE);
if (lineEnd == "up")
b->setEndHookHeight(-1 * b->endHookHeight());
stops.append(MusicXmlSpannerDesc(ElementType::TEXTLINE, number));
// dashes
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/direction/direction-type/dashes node.
void MusicXMLParserDirection::dashes(const QString& type, const int number,
QList<MusicXmlSpannerDesc>& starts, QList<MusicXmlSpannerDesc>& stops)
if (type == "start") {
TextLine* b = new TextLine(_score);
// if (placement == "") placement = "above"; // TODO ? set default
// hack: combine with a previous words element
if (!_wordsText.isEmpty()) {
// TextLine supports only limited formatting, remove all (compatible with 1.3)
_wordsText = "";
// TODO brackets and dashes now share the same storage
// because they both use ElementType::TEXTLINE
// use mxml specific type instead
starts.append(MusicXmlSpannerDesc(b, ElementType::TEXTLINE, number));
else if (type == "stop")
stops.append(MusicXmlSpannerDesc(ElementType::TEXTLINE, number));
// octaveShift
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/direction/direction-type/octave-shift node.
void MusicXMLParserDirection::octaveShift(const QString& type, const int number,
QList<MusicXmlSpannerDesc>& starts, QList<MusicXmlSpannerDesc>& stops)
if (type == "up" || type == "down") {
int ottavasize = _e.attributes().value("size").toInt();
if (!(ottavasize == 8 || ottavasize == 15)) {
_logger->logError(QString("unknown octave-shift size %1").arg(ottavasize), &_e);
else {
Ottava* o = new Ottava(_score);
// if (placement == "") placement = "above"; // TODO ? set default
if (type == "down" && ottavasize == 8) o->setOttavaType(OttavaType::OTTAVA_8VA);
if (type == "down" && ottavasize == 15) o->setOttavaType(OttavaType::OTTAVA_15MA);
if (type == "up" && ottavasize == 8) o->setOttavaType(OttavaType::OTTAVA_8VB);
if (type == "up" && ottavasize == 15) o->setOttavaType(OttavaType::OTTAVA_15MB);
starts.append(MusicXmlSpannerDesc(o, ElementType::OTTAVA, number));
else if (type == "stop")
stops.append(MusicXmlSpannerDesc(ElementType::OTTAVA, number));
// pedal
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/direction/direction-type/pedal node.
void MusicXMLParserDirection::pedal(const QString& type, const int /* number */,
QList<MusicXmlSpannerDesc>& starts,
QList<MusicXmlSpannerDesc>& stops)
QStringRef line = _e.attributes().value("line");
QString sign = _e.attributes().value("sign").toString();
if (line != "yes" && sign == "") sign = "yes"; // MusicXML 2.0 compatibility
if (line == "yes" && sign == "") sign = "no"; // MusicXML 2.0 compatibility
if (line == "yes") {
if (type == "start") {
Pedal* p = new Pedal(_score);
if (sign == "yes")
// if (placement == "") placement = "below"; // TODO ? set default
starts.append(MusicXmlSpannerDesc(p, ElementType::PEDAL, 0));
else if (type == "stop")
stops.append(MusicXmlSpannerDesc(ElementType::PEDAL, 0));
else if (type == "change") {
#if 0
// pedal change is implemented as two separate pedals
// first stop the first one
if (pedal) {
handleSpannerStop(pedal, "pedal", track, tick, spanners);
pedalContinue = pedal; // mark for later fixup
pedal = 0;
// then start a new one
pedal = static_cast<Pedal*>(checkSpannerOverlap(pedal, new Pedal(score), "pedal"));
if (placement == "") placement = "below";
handleSpannerStart(pedal, "pedal", track, placement, tick, spanners);
else if (type == "continue") {
// ignore
qDebug("unknown pedal type %s", qPrintable(type));
else {
// TBD: what happens when an unknown pedal type is found ?
Symbol* s = new Symbol(_score);
s->setAlign(Align::LEFT | Align::BASELINE);
if (type == "start")
else if (type == "stop")
_logger->logError(QString("unknown pedal type %1").arg(type), &_e);
// wedge
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/direction/direction-type/wedge node.
void MusicXMLParserDirection::wedge(const QString& type, const int number,
QList<MusicXmlSpannerDesc>& starts, QList<MusicXmlSpannerDesc>& stops)
QStringRef niente = _e.attributes().value("niente");
if (type == "crescendo" || type == "diminuendo") {
Hairpin* h = new Hairpin(_score);
h->setHairpinType(type == "crescendo"
? HairpinType::CRESC_HAIRPIN : HairpinType::DECRESC_HAIRPIN);
if (niente == "yes")
starts.append(MusicXmlSpannerDesc(h, ElementType::HAIRPIN, number));
else if (type == "stop") {
Hairpin* h = static_cast<Hairpin*>(_pass2.getSpanner(MusicXmlSpannerDesc(ElementType::HAIRPIN, number)));
if (niente == "yes")
stops.append(MusicXmlSpannerDesc(ElementType::HAIRPIN, number));
// addSpanner
void MusicXMLParserPass2::addSpanner(const MusicXmlSpannerDesc& d)
if ( == ElementType::HAIRPIN && 0 <= && < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL)
_hairpins[] = d.sp;
else if ( == ElementType::OTTAVA && 0 <= && < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL)
_ottavas[] = d.sp;
else if ( == ElementType::PEDAL && 0 ==
_pedal = d.sp;
else if ( == ElementType::TEXTLINE && 0 <= && < MAX_BRACKETS)
_brackets[] = d.sp;
// getSpanner
SLine* MusicXMLParserPass2::getSpanner(const MusicXmlSpannerDesc& d)
if ( == ElementType::HAIRPIN && 0 <= && < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL)
return _hairpins[];
else if ( == ElementType::OTTAVA && 0 <= && < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL)
return _ottavas[];
else if ( == ElementType::PEDAL && 0 ==
return _pedal;
else if ( == ElementType::TEXTLINE && 0 <= && < MAX_BRACKETS)
return _brackets[];
return 0;
// clearSpanner
void MusicXMLParserPass2::clearSpanner(const MusicXmlSpannerDesc& d)
if ( == ElementType::HAIRPIN && 0 <= && < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL)
_hairpins[] = 0;
else if ( == ElementType::OTTAVA && 0 <= && < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL)
_ottavas[] = 0;
else if ( == ElementType::PEDAL && 0 ==
_pedal = 0;
else if ( == ElementType::TEXTLINE && 0 <= && < MAX_BRACKETS)
_brackets[] = 0;
// metronome
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/direction/direction-type/metronome node.
Convert to text and set r to calculated tempo.
QString MusicXMLParserDirection::metronome(double& r)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "metronome");
r = 0;
QString tempoText;
QString perMinute;
bool parenth = _e.attributes().value("parentheses") == "yes";
if (parenth)
tempoText += "(";
TDuration dur1;
TDuration dur2;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "metronome-note" || == "metronome-relation") {
QString txt = _e.readElementText();
if ( == "beat-unit") {
// set first dur that is still invalid
if (!dur1.isValid()) dur1.setType(txt);
else if (!dur2.isValid()) dur2.setType(txt);
else if ( == "beat-unit-dot") {
if (dur2.isValid()) dur2.setDots(1);
else if (dur1.isValid()) dur1.setDots(1);
else if ( == "per-minute")
perMinute = txt;
if (dur1.isValid())
tempoText += TempoText::duration2tempoTextString(dur1);
if (dur2.isValid()) {
tempoText += " = ";
tempoText += TempoText::duration2tempoTextString(dur2);
else if (perMinute != "") {
tempoText += " = ";
tempoText += perMinute;
if (dur1.isValid() && !dur2.isValid() && perMinute != "") {
bool ok;
double d = perMinute.toDouble(&ok);
if (ok) {
// convert fraction to beats per minute
r = 4 * dur1.fraction().numerator() * d / dur1.fraction().denominator();
if (parenth)
tempoText += ")";
return tempoText;
// determineBarLineType
static bool determineBarLineType(const QString& barStyle, const QString& repeat,
BarLineType& type, bool& visible)
// set defaults
type = BarLineType::NORMAL;
visible = true;
if (barStyle == "light-heavy" && repeat == "backward")
type = BarLineType::END_REPEAT;
else if (barStyle == "heavy-light" && repeat == "forward")
type = BarLineType::START_REPEAT;
else if (barStyle == "light-heavy" && repeat.isEmpty())
type = BarLineType::END;
else if (barStyle == "regular")
type = BarLineType::NORMAL;
else if (barStyle == "dashed")
type = BarLineType::BROKEN;
else if (barStyle == "dotted")
type = BarLineType::DOTTED;
else if (barStyle == "light-light")
type = BarLineType::DOUBLE;
else if (barStyle == "heavy-light")
else if (barStyle == "heavy-heavy")
else if (barStyle == "none") {
type = BarLineType::NORMAL;
visible = false;
else if (barStyle == "") {
if (repeat == "backward")
type = BarLineType::END_REPEAT;
else if (repeat == "forward")
type = BarLineType::START_REPEAT;
else {
qDebug("empty bar type"); // TODO
return false;
else if (barStyle == "tick") {
else if (barStyle == "short") {
else {
qDebug("unsupported bar type <%s>", qPrintable(barStyle)); // TODO
return false;
return true;
// barline
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/barline node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::barline(const QString& partId, Measure* measure)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "barline");
QString loc = _e.attributes().value("location").toString();
if (loc == "")
loc = "right";
QString barStyle;
QString endingNumber;
QString endingType;
QString endingText;
QString repeat;
QString count;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "bar-style")
barStyle = _e.readElementText();
else if ( == "ending") {
endingNumber = _e.attributes().value("number").toString();
endingType = _e.attributes().value("type").toString();
endingText = _e.readElementText();
else if ( == "repeat") {
repeat = _e.attributes().value("direction").toString();
count = _e.attributes().value("times").toString();
if (count.isEmpty()) {
count = "2";
BarLineType type = BarLineType::NORMAL;
bool visible = true;
if (determineBarLineType(barStyle, repeat, type, visible)) {
if (type == BarLineType::START_REPEAT) {
// combine start_repeat flag with current state initialized during measure parsing
else if (type == BarLineType::END_REPEAT) {
// combine end_repeat flag with current state initialized during measure parsing
else {
int track = _pass1.trackForPart(partId);
if (barStyle == "tick") {
BarLine* b = new BarLine(measure->score());
int track = _pass1.trackForPart(partId);
Segment* segment = measure->getSegment(SegmentType::EndBarLine, measure->endTick());
else if (barStyle == "short") {
BarLine* b = new BarLine(measure->score());
int track = _pass1.trackForPart(partId);
Segment* segment = measure->getSegment(SegmentType::EndBarLine, measure->endTick());
else if (loc == "right")
measure->setEndBarLineType(type, track, visible);
else if (measure->prevMeasure())
measure->prevMeasure()->setEndBarLineType(type, track, visible);
doEnding(partId, measure, endingNumber, endingType, endingText);
// doEnding
void MusicXMLParserPass2::doEnding(const QString& partId, Measure* measure,
const QString& number, const QString& type, const QString& text)
if (!(number.isEmpty() && type.isEmpty())) {
if (number.isEmpty())
_logger->logError("empty ending number", &_e);
else if (type.isEmpty())
_logger->logError("empty ending type", &_e);
else {
QStringList sl = number.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
QList<int> iEndingNumbers;
bool unsupported = false;
foreach(const QString &s, sl) {
int iEndingNumber = s.toInt();
if (iEndingNumber <= 0) {
unsupported = true;
if (unsupported)
_logger->logError(QString("unsupported ending number '%1'").arg(number), &_e);
else {
if (type == "start") {
Volta* volta = new Volta(_score);
volta->setText(text.isEmpty() ? number : text);
// LVIFIX TODO also support endings "1 - 3"
_lastVolta = volta;
else if (type == "stop") {
if (_lastVolta) {
_lastVolta->setTick2(measure->tick() + measure->ticks());
_lastVolta = 0;
_logger->logError("ending stop without start", &_e);
else if (type == "discontinue") {
if (_lastVolta) {
_lastVolta->setTick2(measure->tick() + measure->ticks());
_lastVolta = 0;
_logger->logError("ending discontinue without start", &_e);
_logger->logError(QString("unsupported ending type '%1'").arg(type), &_e);
// addSymToSig
Add a symbol defined as key-step \a step , -alter \a alter and -accidental \a accid to \a sig.
static void addSymToSig(KeySigEvent& sig, const QString& step, const QString& alter, const QString& accid)
//qDebug("addSymToSig(step '%s' alt '%s' acc '%s')",
// qPrintable(step), qPrintable(alter), qPrintable(accid));
SymId id = mxmlString2accSymId(accid);
if (id == SymId::noSym) {
bool ok;
double d;
d = alter.toDouble(&ok);
AccidentalType accTpAlter = ok ? microtonalGuess(d) : AccidentalType::NONE;
id = mxmlString2accSymId(accidentalType2MxmlString(accTpAlter));
if (step.size() == 1 && id != SymId::noSym) {
const QString table = "FEDCBAG";
const int line = table.indexOf(step);
// no auto layout for custom keysig, calculate xpos
// TODO: use symbol width ?
const qreal spread = 1.4; // assumed glyph width in space
const qreal x = sig.keySymbols().size() * spread;
if (line >= 0) {
KeySym ks;
ks.sym = id;
ks.spos = QPointF(x, qreal(line) * 0.5);
// addKey
Add a KeySigEvent to the score.
static void addKey(const KeySigEvent key, const bool printObj, Score* score, Measure* measure, const int staffIdx, const int tick)
Key oldkey = score->staff(staffIdx)->key(tick);
// TODO only if different custom key ?
if (oldkey != key.key() || key.custom() || key.isAtonal()) {
// new key differs from key in effect at this tick
KeySig* keysig = new KeySig(score);
keysig->setTrack((staffIdx) * VOICES);
Segment* s = measure->getSegment(SegmentType::KeySig, tick);
// flushAlteredTone
If a valid key-step, -alter, -accidental combination has been read,
convert it to a key symbol and add to the key.
Clear key-step, -alter, -accidental.
static void flushAlteredTone(KeySigEvent& kse, QString& step, QString& alt, QString& acc)
//qDebug("flushAlteredTone(step '%s' alt '%s' acc '%s')",
// qPrintable(step), qPrintable(alt), qPrintable(acc));
if (step == "" && alt == "" && acc == "")
return; // nothing to do
// step and alt are required, but also accept step and acc
if (step != "" && (alt != "" || acc != "")) {
addSymToSig(kse, step, alt, acc);
else {
qDebug("flushAlteredTone invalid combination of step '%s' alt '%s' acc '%s')",
qPrintable(step), qPrintable(alt), qPrintable(acc)); // TODO
// clean up
step = "";
alt = "";
acc = "";
// key
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/attributes/key node.
// TODO: check currKeySig handling
void MusicXMLParserPass2::key(const QString& partId, Measure* measure, const int tick)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "key");
QString strKeyno = _e.attributes().value("number").toString();
int keyno = -1; // assume no number (see below)
if (strKeyno != "") {
keyno = strKeyno.toInt();
if (keyno == 0) {
// conversion error (0), assume staff 1
_logger->logError(QString("invalid key number '%1'").arg(strKeyno), &_e);
keyno = 1;
// convert to 0-based
bool printObject = _e.attributes().value("print-object") != "no";
// for custom keys, a single altered tone is described by
// key-step (required), key-alter (required) and key-accidental (optional)
// none, one or more altered tone may be present
// a simple state machine is required to detect them
KeySigEvent key;
QString keyStep;
QString keyAlter;
QString keyAccidental;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "fifths")
else if ( == "mode") {
QString m = _e.readElementText();
if (m == "none") {
else if (m == "major") {
else if (m == "minor") {
else {
_logger->logError(QString("Unsupported mode '%1'").arg(m), &_e);
else if ( == "cancel")
skipLogCurrElem(); // TODO ??
else if ( == "key-step") {
flushAlteredTone(key, keyStep, keyAlter, keyAccidental);
keyStep = _e.readElementText();
else if ( == "key-alter")
keyAlter = _e.readElementText();
else if ( == "key-accidental")
keyAccidental = _e.readElementText();
flushAlteredTone(key, keyStep, keyAlter, keyAccidental);
int nstaves = _pass1.getPart(partId)->nstaves();
int staffIdx = _pass1.trackForPart(partId) / VOICES;
if (keyno == -1) {
// apply key to all staves in the part
for (int i = 0; i < nstaves; ++i) {
addKey(key, printObject, _score, measure, staffIdx + i, tick);
else if (keyno < nstaves)
addKey(key, printObject, _score, measure, staffIdx + keyno, tick);
// clef
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/attributes/clef node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::clef(const QString& partId, Measure* measure, const int tick)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "clef");
Part* part = _pass1.getPart(partId);
// TODO: check error handling for
// - single staff
// - multi-staff with same clef
QString strClefno = _e.attributes().value("number").toString();
int clefno = 1; // default
if (strClefno != "")
clefno = strClefno.toInt();
if (clefno <= 0 || clefno > part->nstaves()) {
// conversion error (0) or other issue, assume staff 1
// Also for Cubase 6.5.5 which generates clef number="2" in a single staff part
// Same fix is required in pass 1 and pass 2
_logger->logError(QString("invalid clef number '%1'").arg(strClefno), &_e);
clefno = 1;
// convert to 0-based
ClefType clef = ClefType::G;
StaffTypes st = StaffTypes::STANDARD;
QString c;
int i = 0;
int line = -1;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "sign")
c = _e.readElementText();
else if ( == "line")
line = _e.readElementText().toInt();
else if ( == "clef-octave-change") {
i = _e.readElementText().toInt();
if (i && !(c == "F" || c == "G"))
qDebug("clef-octave-change only implemented for F and G key"); // TODO
//some software (Primus) don't include line and assume some default
// it's permitted by MusicXML 2.0 XSD
if (line == -1) {
if (c == "G")
line = 2;
else if (c == "F")
line = 4;
else if (c == "C")
line = 3;
if (c == "G" && i == 0 && line == 2)
clef = ClefType::G;
else if (c == "G" && i == 1 && line == 2)
clef = ClefType::G8_VA;
else if (c == "G" && i == 2 && line == 2)
clef = ClefType::G15_MA;
else if (c == "G" && i == -1 && line == 2)
clef = ClefType::G8_VB;
else if (c == "G" && i == 0 && line == 1)
clef = ClefType::G_1;
else if (c == "F" && i == 0 && line == 3)
clef = ClefType::F_B;
else if (c == "F" && i == 0 && line == 4)
clef = ClefType::F;
else if (c == "F" && i == 1 && line == 4)
clef = ClefType::F_8VA;
else if (c == "F" && i == 2 && line == 4)
clef = ClefType::F_15MA;
else if (c == "F" && i == -1 && line == 4)
clef = ClefType::F8_VB;
else if (c == "F" && i == -2 && line == 4)
clef = ClefType::F15_MB;
else if (c == "F" && i == 0 && line == 5)
clef = ClefType::F_C;
else if (c == "C") {
if (line == 5)
clef = ClefType::C5;
else if (line == 4)
clef = ClefType::C4;
else if (line == 3)
clef = ClefType::C3;
else if (line == 2)
clef = ClefType::C2;
else if (line == 1)
clef = ClefType::C1;
else if (c == "percussion") {
clef = ClefType::PERC;
st = StaffTypes::PERC_DEFAULT;
else if (c == "TAB") {
clef = ClefType::TAB;
st= StaffTypes::TAB_DEFAULT;
qDebug("clef: unknown clef <sign=%s line=%d oct ch=%d>", qPrintable(c), line, i); // TODO
Clef* clefs = new Clef(_score);
int track = _pass1.trackForPart(partId) + clefno * VOICES;
Segment* s = measure->getSegment(tick ? SegmentType::Clef : SegmentType::HeaderClef, tick);
// set the correct staff type
// note that this overwrites the staff lines value set in pass 1
// also note that clef handling should probably done in pass1
int staffIdx = _score->staffIdx(part) + clefno;
int lines = _score->staff(staffIdx)->lines(0);
if (st == StaffTypes::TAB_DEFAULT || (_hasDrumset && st == StaffTypes::PERC_DEFAULT)) {
_score->staff(staffIdx)->setStaffType(0, StaffType::preset(st));
_score->staff(staffIdx)->setLines(0, lines); // preserve previously set staff lines
_score->staff(staffIdx)->setBarLineTo(0); // default
// determineTimeSig
Determine the time signature based on \a beats, \a beatType and \a timeSymbol.
Sets return parameters \a st, \a bts, \a btp.
Return true if OK, false on error.
// TODO: share between pass 1 and pass 2
static bool determineTimeSig(const QString beats, const QString beatType, const QString timeSymbol,
TimeSigType& st, int& bts, int& btp)
// initialize
st = TimeSigType::NORMAL;
bts = 0; // the beats (max 4 separated by "+") as integer
btp = 0; // beat-type as integer
// determine if timesig is valid
if (beats == "2" && beatType == "2" && timeSymbol == "cut") {
st = TimeSigType::ALLA_BREVE;
bts = 2;
btp = 2;
return true;
else if (beats == "4" && beatType == "4" && timeSymbol == "common") {
st = TimeSigType::FOUR_FOUR;
bts = 4;
btp = 4;
return true;
else {
if (!timeSymbol.isEmpty() && timeSymbol != "normal") {
qDebug("determineTimeSig: time symbol <%s> not recognized with beats=%s and beat-type=%s",
qPrintable(timeSymbol), qPrintable(beats), qPrintable(beatType)); // TODO
return false;
btp = beatType.toInt();
QStringList list = beats.split("+");
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
bts +=;
// determine if bts and btp are valid
if (bts <= 0 || btp <=0) {
qDebug("determineTimeSig: beats=%s and/or beat-type=%s not recognized",
qPrintable(beats), qPrintable(beatType)); // TODO
return false;
return true;
// time
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/attributes/time node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::time(const QString& partId, Measure* measure, const int tick)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "time");
QString beats;
QString beatType;
QString timeSymbol = _e.attributes().value("symbol").toString();
bool printObject = _e.attributes().value("print-object") != "no";
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "beats")
beats = _e.readElementText();
else if ( == "beat-type")
beatType = _e.readElementText();
if (beats != "" && beatType != "") {
// determine if timesig is valid
TimeSigType st = TimeSigType::NORMAL;
int bts = 0; // total beats as integer (beats may contain multiple numbers, separated by "+")
int btp = 0; // beat-type as integer
if (determineTimeSig(beats, beatType, timeSymbol, st, bts, btp)) {
_timeSigDura = Fraction(bts, btp);
Fraction fractionTSig = Fraction(bts, btp);
for (int i = 0; i < _pass1.getPart(partId)->nstaves(); ++i) {
TimeSig* timesig = new TimeSig(_score);
int track = _pass1.trackForPart(partId) + i * VOICES;
timesig->setSig(fractionTSig, st);
// handle simple compound time signature
if (beats.contains(QChar('+'))) {
Segment* s = measure->getSegment(SegmentType::TimeSig, tick);
// transpose
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/attributes/transpose node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::transpose(const QString& partId)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "transpose");
Interval interval;
bool diatonic = false;
bool chromatic = false;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
int i = _e.readElementText().toInt();
if ( == "diatonic") {
interval.diatonic = i;
diatonic = true;
else if ( == "chromatic") {
interval.chromatic = i;
chromatic = true;
else if ( == "octave-change") {
interval.diatonic += i * 7;
interval.chromatic += i * 12;
if (chromatic && !diatonic)
interval.diatonic += chromatic2diatonic(interval.chromatic);
// divisions
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/attributes/divisions node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::divisions()
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "divisions");
_divs = _e.readElementText().toInt();
if (!(_divs > 0))
_logger->logError("illegal divisions", &_e);
// isWholeMeasureRest
* Determine whole measure rest.
// By convention, whole measure rests do not have a "type" element
// As of MusicXML 3.0, this can be indicated by an attribute "measure",
// but for backwards compatibility the "old" convention still has to be supported.
// Also verify the rest fits exactly in the measure, as some programs
// (e.g. Cakewalk SONAR X2 Studio [Version:]) leave out
// the type for all rests.
// Sibelius calls all whole-measure rests "whole", even if the duration != 4/4
static bool isWholeMeasureRest(const bool rest, const QString& type, const Fraction dura, const Fraction mDura)
if (!rest)
return false;
if (!dura.isValid())
return false;
if (!mDura.isValid())
return false;
return ((type == "" && dura == mDura)
|| (type == "whole" && dura == mDura && dura != Fraction(1, 1)));
// determineDuration
* Determine duration for a note or rest.
* This includes whole measure rest detection.
static TDuration determineDuration(const bool rest, const QString& type, const int dots, const Fraction dura, const Fraction mDura)
//qDebug("determineDuration rest %d type '%s' dots %d dura %s mDura %s",
// rest, qPrintable(type), dots, qPrintable(dura.print()), qPrintable(mDura.print()));
TDuration res;
if (rest) {
if (isWholeMeasureRest(rest, type, dura, mDura))
else if (type == "") {
// If no type, set duration type based on duration.
// Note that sometimes unusual duration (e.g. 261/256) are found.
else {
else {
if (res.type() == TDuration::DurationType::V_INVALID)
res.setType(TDuration::DurationType::V_QUARTER); // default, TODO: use dura ?
//qDebug("-> dur %hhd (%s) dots %d ticks %s",
// res.type(), qPrintable(, res.dots(), qPrintable(dura.print()));
return res;
// setChordRestDuration
* Set \a cr duration
static void setChordRestDuration(ChordRest* cr, TDuration duration, const Fraction dura)
if (duration.type() == TDuration::DurationType::V_MEASURE) {
else {
// addRest
* Add a rest to the score
* TODO: beam handling
* TODO: display step handling
* TODO: visible handling
* TODO: whole measure rest handling
static Rest* addRest(Score* score, Measure* m,
const int tick, const int track, const int move,
const TDuration duration, const Fraction dura)
Segment* s = m->getSegment(SegmentType::ChordRest, tick);
// Sibelius might export two rests at the same place, ignore the 2nd one
// <?DoletSibelius Two NoteRests in same voice at same position may be an error?>
if (s->element(track)) {
qDebug("cannot add rest at tick %d track %d: element already present", tick, track); // TODO
return 0;
Rest* cr = new Rest(score);
setChordRestDuration(cr, duration, dura);
return cr;
// findOrCreateChord
* Find (or create if not found) the chord at \a tick and \a track.
* Note: staff move is a note property in MusicXML, but chord property in MuseScore
* This is simply ignored here, effectively using the last chords value.
static Chord* findOrCreateChord(Score* score, Measure* m,
const int tick, const int track, const int move,
const TDuration duration, const Fraction dura,
Beam::Mode bm)
//qDebug("findOrCreateChord tick %d track %d dur ticks %d ticks %s bm %hhd",
// tick, track, duration.ticks(), qPrintable(dura.print()), bm);
Chord* c = m->findChord(tick, track);
if (c == 0) {
c = new Chord(score);
// better not to force beam end, as the beam palette does not support it
if (bm == Beam::Mode::END)
setChordRestDuration(c, duration, dura);
Segment* s = m->getSegment(SegmentType::ChordRest, tick);
return c;
// graceNoteType
* convert duration and slash to grace note type
NoteType graceNoteType(const TDuration duration, const bool slash)
NoteType nt = NoteType::APPOGGIATURA;
if (slash)
nt = NoteType::ACCIACCATURA;
if (duration.type() == TDuration::DurationType::V_QUARTER) {
nt = NoteType::GRACE4;
else if (duration.type() == TDuration::DurationType::V_16TH) {
nt = NoteType::GRACE16;
else if (duration.type() == TDuration::DurationType::V_32ND) {
nt = NoteType::GRACE32;
return nt;
// createGraceChord
* Create a grace chord.
static Chord* createGraceChord(Score* score, const int track,
const TDuration duration, const bool slash)
Chord* c = new Chord(score);
c->setNoteType(graceNoteType(duration, slash));
// note grace notes have no durations, use default fraction 0/1
setChordRestDuration(c, duration, Fraction());
return c;
// elementMustBePostponed
Check if handling the current element must be postponed
until after allocating the note.
static bool elementMustBePostponed(const QXmlStreamReader& e)
return == "notations"
|| == "lyric"
|| == "play";
// handleDisplayStep
* convert display-step and display-octave to staff line
static void handleDisplayStep(ChordRest* cr, int step, int octave, int tick, qreal spatium)
if (0 <= step && step <= 6 && 0 <= octave && octave <= 9) {
//qDebug("rest step=%d oct=%d", step, octave);
ClefType clef = cr->staff()->clef(tick);
int po = ClefInfo::pitchOffset(clef);
//qDebug(" clef=%hhd po=%d step=%d", clef, po, step);
int dp = 7 * (octave + 2) + step;
//qDebug(" dp=%d po-dp=%d", dp, po-dp);
cr->setUserYoffset((po - dp + 3) * spatium / 2);
// setNoteHead
Set the notehead parameters.
static void setNoteHead(Note* note, const QColor noteheadColor, const bool noteheadParentheses, const QString& noteheadFilled)
const auto score = note->score();
if (noteheadColor != QColor::Invalid)
if (noteheadParentheses) {
auto s = new Symbol(score);
s = new Symbol(score);
if (noteheadFilled == "no")
else if (noteheadFilled == "yes")
// addFiguredBassElemens
Add the figured bass elements.
static void addFiguredBassElemens(FiguredBassList& fbl, const Fraction noteStartTime, const int msTrack,
const Fraction dura, Measure* measure)
if (!fbl.isEmpty()) {
auto sTick = noteStartTime.ticks(); // starting tick
foreach (FiguredBass* fb, fbl) {
// No duration tag defaults ticks() to 0; set to note value
if (fb->ticks() == 0)
// TODO: set correct onNote value
Segment* s = measure->getSegment(SegmentType::ChordRest, sTick);
sTick += fb->ticks();
// note
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note node.
Note* MusicXMLParserPass2::note(const QString& partId,
Measure* measure,
const Fraction sTime,
const Fraction prevSTime,
Fraction& dura,
QString& currentVoice,
GraceChordList& gcl,
int& gac,
Beam*& currBeam,
FiguredBassList& fbl,
int& alt
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "note");
if (_e.attributes().value("print-spacing") == "no") {
return 0;
bool chord = false;
bool cue = false;
bool small = false;
bool grace = false;
bool rest = false;
int staff = 1;
QString type;
QString voice;
Direction stemDir = Direction::AUTO;
bool noStem = false;
NoteHead::Group headGroup = NoteHead::Group::HEAD_NORMAL;
QColor noteColor = QColor::Invalid;
QColor noteheadColor = QColor::Invalid;
bool noteheadParentheses = false;
QString noteheadFilled;
int velocity = round(_e.attributes().value("dynamics").toDouble() * 0.9);
bool graceSlash = false;
bool printObject = _e.attributes().value("print-object") != "no";
Beam::Mode bm = Beam::Mode::AUTO;
QString instrumentId;
mxmlNoteDuration mnd(_divs, _logger);
mxmlNotePitch mnp(_logger);
while (_e.readNextStartElement() && !elementMustBePostponed(_e)) {
if (mnp.readProperties(_e, _score)) {
// element handled
else if (mnd.readProperties(_e)) {
// element handled
else if ( == "beam")
else if ( == "chord") {
chord = true;
else if ( == "cue") {
cue = true;
else if ( == "grace") {
grace = true;
graceSlash = _e.attributes().value("slash") == "yes";
else if ( == "instrument") {
instrumentId = _e.attributes().value("id").toString();
else if ( == "notehead") {
noteheadParentheses = _e.attributes().value("parentheses") == "yes";
noteheadFilled = _e.attributes().value("filled").toString();
headGroup = convertNotehead(_e.readElementText());
else if ( == "rest") {
rest = true;
else if ( == "staff") {
auto ok = false;
auto strStaff = _e.readElementText();
staff = strStaff.toInt(&ok);
if (!ok) {
// error already reported in pass 1
staff = 1;
else if ( == "stem")
stem(stemDir, noStem);
else if ( == "type") {
small = _e.attributes().value("size") == "cue";
type = _e.readElementText();
else if ( == "voice")
voice = _e.readElementText();
// convert staff to zero-based (in case of error, staff will be -1)
// Bug fix for Sibelius 7.1.3 which does not write <voice> for notes with <chord>
if (!chord)
// remember voice
currentVoice = voice;
else if (voice == "")
// use voice from last note w/o <chord>
voice = currentVoice;
// Assume voice 1 if voice is empty (legal in a single voice part)
if (voice == "")
voice = "1";
// check for timing error(s) and set dura
// keep in this order as checkTiming() might change dura
auto errorStr = mnd.checkTiming(type, rest, grace);
dura = mnd.dura();
if (errorStr != "")
_logger->logError(errorStr, &_e);
// At this point all checks have been done, the note should be added
// note: in case of error exit from here, the postponed <note> children
// must still be skipped
int msMove = 0;
int msTrack = 0;
int msVoice = 0;
if (!_pass1.determineStaffMoveVoice(partId, staff, voice, msMove, msTrack, msVoice)) {
_logger->logDebugInfo(QString("could not map staff %1 voice '%2'").arg(staff + 1).arg(voice), &_e);
// begin experimental fix for postponed <note> children
// TODO test /repair
#if 0
while (_e.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
//qDebug("in second loop element '%s'", qPrintable(;
// skip to either start of next <note> child or end of <note>
// currently at end of last <note> child handled
//qDebug("::note before skip tokenString '%s' name '%s'", qPrintable(_e.tokenString()), qPrintable(;
while (!(_e.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement)
&& !(_e.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement && == "note"));
//qDebug("::note after skip tokenString '%s' name '%s'", qPrintable(_e.tokenString()), qPrintable(;
// end experimental fix for testVoiceMapper*
Q_ASSERT(_e.isEndElement() && == "note");
return 0;
else {
TDuration duration = determineDuration(rest, type, mnd.dots(), dura, Fraction::fromTicks(measure->ticks()));
ChordRest* cr = 0;
Note* note = 0;
// start time for note:
// - sTime for non-chord / first chord note
// - prevTime for others
const Fraction noteStartTime = chord ? prevSTime : sTime;
if (rest) {
int track = msTrack + msVoice;
cr = addRest(_score, measure, noteStartTime.ticks(), track, msMove,
duration, dura);
if (cr) {
if (currBeam) {
if (currBeam->track() == track) {
if (noteColor != QColor::Invalid)
handleDisplayStep(cr, mnp.displayStep(), mnp.displayOctave(), noteStartTime.ticks(), _score->spatium());
else {
Chord* c;
if (!grace) {
// regular note
// if there is already a chord just add to it
// else create a new one
// this basically ignores <chord/> errors
c = findOrCreateChord(_score, measure,
msTrack + msVoice, msMove,
duration, dura, bm);
// handle beam
if (!chord)
handleBeamAndStemDir(c, bm, stemDir, currBeam);
// append any grace chord after chord to the previous chord
Chord* prevChord = measure->findChord(prevSTime.ticks(), msTrack + msVoice);
if (prevChord && prevChord != c)
addGraceChordsAfter(prevChord, gcl, gac);
// append any grace chord
addGraceChordsBefore(c, gcl);
else {
// grace note
// TODO: check if explicit stem direction should also be set for grace notes
// (the DOM parser does that, but seems to have no effect on the autotester)
if (!chord || gcl.isEmpty()) {
c = createGraceChord(_score, msTrack + msVoice, duration, graceSlash);
// the setStaffMove() below results in identical behaviour as 2.0:
// grace note will be at the wrong staff with the wrong pitch,
// seems to use the line value calculated for the right staff
// leaving it places the note at the wrong staff with the right pitch
// this affects only grace notes where staff move differs from
// the main note, e.g. DebuMandSample.xml first grace in part 2
// c->setStaffMove(msMove);
c = gcl.last();
note = new Note(_score);
if (noteColor != QColor::Invalid)
setNoteHead(note, noteheadColor, noteheadParentheses, noteheadFilled);
note->setVisible(printObject); // TODO also set the stem to invisible
if (velocity > 0) {
const MusicXMLDrumset& mxmlDrumset = _pass1.getDrumset(partId);
if (mnp.unpitched()) {
//&& drumsets.contains(partId)
if (_hasDrumset
&& mxmlDrumset.contains(instrumentId)) {
// step and oct are display-step and ...-oct
// get pitch from instrument definition in drumset instead
int pitch = mxmlDrumset[instrumentId].pitch;
note->setPitch(limit(pitch, 0, 127));
// TODO - does this need to be key-aware?
note->setTpc(pitch2tpc(pitch, Key::C, Prefer::NEAREST)); // TODO: necessary ?
else {
//qDebug("disp step %d oct %d", displayStep, displayOctave);
xmlSetPitch(note, mnp.displayStep(), 0, mnp.displayOctave(), 0, _pass1.getPart(partId)->instrument());
else {
int ottavaStaff = (msTrack - _pass1.trackForPart(partId)) / VOICES;
int octaveShift = _pass1.octaveShift(partId, ottavaStaff, noteStartTime);
xmlSetPitch(note, mnp.step(), mnp.alter(), mnp.octave(), octaveShift, _pass1.getPart(partId)->instrument());
// set drumset information
// note that in MuseScore, the drumset contains defaults for notehead,
// line and stem direction, while a MusicXML file contains actuals.
// the MusicXML values for each note are simply copied to the defaults
if (mnp.unpitched()) {
// determine staff line based on display-step / -octave and clef type
ClefType clef = c->staff()->clef(noteStartTime.ticks());
int po = ClefInfo::pitchOffset(clef);
int pitch = MusicXMLStepAltOct2Pitch(mnp.displayStep(), 0, mnp.displayOctave());
int line = po - absStep(pitch);
// correct for number of staff lines
// see ExportMusicXml::unpitch2xml for explanation
// TODO handle other # staff lines ?
int staffLines = c->staff()->lines(0);
if (staffLines == 1) line -= 8;
if (staffLines == 3) line -= 2;
// the drum palette cannot handle stem direction AUTO,
// overrule if necessary
if (stemDir == Direction::AUTO) {
if (line > 4)
stemDir = Direction::DOWN;
stemDir = Direction::UP;
if (drumsets.contains(partId)
&& mxmlDrumset.contains(instrId)) {
mxmlDrumset[instrId].notehead = headGroup;
mxmlDrumset[instrId].line = line;
mxmlDrumset[instrId].stemDirection = sd;
// this should be done in pass 1, would make _pass1 const here
_pass1.setDrumsetDefault(partId, instrumentId, headGroup, line, stemDir);
// accidental handling
//qDebug("note acc %p type %hhd acctype %hhd",
// acc, acc ? acc->accidentalType() : static_cast<Ms::AccidentalType>(0), accType);
Accidental* acc = mnp.acc();
if (!acc && mnp.accType() != AccidentalType::NONE) {
acc = new Accidental(_score);
if (acc) {
// save alter value for user accidental
if (acc->accidentalType() != AccidentalType::NONE)
alt = mnp.alter();
//c->setStemDirection(stemDir); // already done in handleBeamAndStemDir()
cr = c;
// cr can be 0 here (if a rest cannot be added)
// TODO: complete and cleanup handling this case
if (cr) {
if (cue) cr->setSmall(cue); // only once per chord
// handle the postponed children of <note>
// if one of these was found, the first while loop was terminated
// at a StartElement instead of the usual EndElement
QMap<int, Lyrics*> numberedLyrics; // lyrics with valid number
QSet<Lyrics*> extendedLyrics; // lyrics with the extend flag set
MusicXmlTupletDesc tupletDesc;
bool lastGraceAFter = false; // set by notations() if end of grace after sequence found
while (_e.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
//qDebug("in second loop element '%s'", qPrintable(;
if ( == "lyric") {
// lyrics on grace notes not (yet) supported by MuseScore
if (!grace)
lyric(partId, numberedLyrics, extendedLyrics); // TODO: move track handling to addlyric
else {
_logger->logDebugInfo("ignoring lyrics on grace notes", &_e);
else if ( == "notations")
notations(note, cr, noteStartTime.ticks(), tupletDesc, lastGraceAFter);
// skip to either start of next <note> child or end of <note>
// currently at end of last <note> child handled
//qDebug("::note before skip tokenString '%s' name '%s'", qPrintable(_e.tokenString()), qPrintable(;
while (!(_e.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement)
&& !(_e.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement && == "note"));
//qDebug("::note after skip tokenString '%s' name '%s'", qPrintable(_e.tokenString()), qPrintable(;
//qDebug("::note after second loop tokenString '%s' name '%s'", qPrintable(_e.tokenString()), qPrintable(;
// handle grace after state: remember current grace list size
if (grace && lastGraceAFter)
gac = gcl.size();
if (cr) {
if (!chord && !grace) {
// do tuplet if valid time-modification is not 1/1 and is not 1/2 (tremolo)
auto timeMod = mnd.timeMod();
if (timeMod.isValid() && timeMod != Fraction(1, 1) && timeMod != Fraction(1, 2)) {
// find part-relative track
Part* part = _pass1.getPart(partId);
int scoreRelStaff = _score->staffIdx(part); // zero-based number of parts first staff in the score
int partRelTrack = msTrack + msVoice - scoreRelStaff * VOICES;
addTupletToChord(cr, _tuplets[partRelTrack], _tuplImpls[partRelTrack], timeMod, tupletDesc, mnd.normalType());
// add lyrics found by lyric
if (cr) {
// add lyrics and stop corresponding extends
addLyrics(_logger, &_e, cr, numberedLyrics, extendedLyrics, _extendedLyrics);
if (rest) {
// stop all extends
_extendedLyrics.setExtend(-1, cr->track(), cr->tick());
// add figured bass element
addFiguredBassElemens(fbl, noteStartTime, msTrack, dura, measure);
// don't count chord or grace note duration
// note that this does not check the MusicXML requirement that notes in a chord
// cannot have a duration longer than the first note in the chord
if (chord || grace)
dura.set(0, 1);
if (!(_e.isEndElement() && == "note"))
qDebug("name %s line %lld", qPrintable(, _e.lineNumber());
Q_ASSERT(_e.isEndElement() && == "note");
return note;
// notePrintSpacingNo
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note node for a note with print-spacing="no".
These are handled like a forward: only moving the time forward.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::notePrintSpacingNo(Fraction& dura)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "note");
//_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::notePrintSpacingNo", &_e);
bool chord = false;
bool grace = false;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "chord") {
chord = true;
else if ( == "duration")
else if ( == "grace") {
grace = true;
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
// don't count chord or grace note duration
// note that this does not check the MusicXML requirement that notes in a chord
// cannot have a duration longer than the first note in the chord
if (chord || grace)
dura.set(0, 1);
Q_ASSERT(_e.isEndElement() && == "note");
// calcTicks
static Fraction calcTicks(const QString& text, int divs)
Fraction dura(0, 0); // invalid unless set correctly
int intDura = text.toInt();
if (divs > 0)
dura.set(intDura, 4 * divs);
qDebug("illegal or uninitialized divisions (%d)", divs); // TODO
return dura;
// duration
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/duration node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::duration(Fraction& dura)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "duration");
dura.set(0, 0); // invalid unless set correctly
int intDura = _e.readElementText().toInt();
if (intDura > 0) {
if (_divs > 0) {
dura.set(intDura, 4 * _divs);
dura.reduce(); // prevent overflow in later Fraction operations
_logger->logError(QString("illegal or uninitialized divisions (%1)").arg(_divs), &_e);
_logger->logError(QString("illegal duration %1").arg(dura.print()), &_e);
//qDebug("duration %s valid %d", qPrintable(dura.print()), dura.isValid());
// figure
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/harmony/figured-bass/figure node.
Return the result as a FiguredBassItem.
FiguredBassItem* MusicXMLParserPass2::figure(const int idx, const bool paren)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "figure");
FiguredBassItem* fgi = new FiguredBassItem(_score, idx);
// read the figure
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "extend") {
QStringRef type = _e.attributes().value("type");
if (type == "start")
else if (type == "continue")
else if (type == "stop")
else if ( == "figure-number") {
QString val = _e.readElementText();
int iVal = val.toInt();
// MusicXML spec states figure-number is a number
// MuseScore can only handle single digit
if (1 <= iVal && iVal <= 9)
_logger->logError(QString("incorrect figure-number '%1'").arg(val), &_e);
else if ( == "prefix")
else if ( == "suffix")
// set parentheses
if (paren) {
// parenthesis open
if (fgi->prefix() != FiguredBassItem::Modifier::NONE)
fgi->setParenth1(FiguredBassItem::Parenthesis::ROUNDOPEN); // before prefix
else if (fgi->digit() != FBIDigitNone)
fgi->setParenth2(FiguredBassItem::Parenthesis::ROUNDOPEN); // before digit
else if (fgi->suffix() != FiguredBassItem::Modifier::NONE)
fgi->setParenth3(FiguredBassItem::Parenthesis::ROUNDOPEN); // before suffix
// parenthesis close
if (fgi->suffix() != FiguredBassItem::Modifier::NONE)
fgi->setParenth4(FiguredBassItem::Parenthesis::ROUNDCLOSED); // after suffix
else if (fgi->digit() != FBIDigitNone)
fgi->setParenth3(FiguredBassItem::Parenthesis::ROUNDCLOSED); // after digit
else if (fgi->prefix() != FiguredBassItem::Modifier::NONE)
fgi->setParenth2(FiguredBassItem::Parenthesis::ROUNDCLOSED); // after prefix
return fgi;
// figuredBass
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/harmony/figured-bass node.
TODO check description:
// Set the FiguredBass state based on the MusicXML <figured-bass> node de.
// Note that onNote and ticks must be set by the MusicXML importer,
// as the required context is not present in the items DOM tree.
// Exception: if a <duration> element is present, tick can be set.
Return the result as a FiguredBass if valid, non-empty figure(s) are found.
Return 0 in case of error.
FiguredBass* MusicXMLParserPass2::figuredBass()
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "figured-bass");
FiguredBass* fb = new FiguredBass(_score);
bool parentheses = _e.attributes().value("parentheses") == "yes";
QString normalizedText;
int idx = 0;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "duration") {
Fraction dura;
if (dura.isValid() && dura > Fraction(0, 1))
else if ( == "figure") {
FiguredBassItem* pItem = figure(idx++, parentheses);
pItem->setTrack(0 /* TODO fb->track() */);
// add item normalized text
if (!normalizedText.isEmpty())
else {
delete fb;
return 0;
fb->setXmlText(normalizedText); // this is the text to show while editing
if (normalizedText.isEmpty()) {
delete fb;
return 0;
return fb;
// frame
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/harmony/frame node.
Return the result as a FretDiagram.
FretDiagram* MusicXMLParserPass2::frame()
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "frame");
FretDiagram* fd = new FretDiagram(_score);
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "frame-frets") {
int val = _e.readElementText().toInt();
if (val > 0)
_logger->logError(QString("FretDiagram::readMusicXML: illegal frame-fret %1").arg(val), &_e);
else if ( == "frame-note") {
int fret = -1;
int string = -1;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "fret")
fret = _e.readElementText().toInt();
else if ( == "string")
string = _e.readElementText().toInt();
_logger->logDebugInfo(QString("FretDiagram::readMusicXML string %1 fret %2").arg(string).arg(fret), &_e);
if (string > 0) {
if (fret == 0)
fd->setMarker(fd->strings() - string, 79 /* ??? */);
else if (fret > 0)
fd->setDot(fd->strings() - string, fret);
else if ( == "frame-strings") {
int val = _e.readElementText().toInt();
if (val > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < val; ++i)
fd->setMarker(i, 88 /* ??? */);
_logger->logError(QString("FretDiagram::readMusicXML: illegal frame-strings %1").arg(val), &_e);
return fd;
// harmony
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/harmony node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::harmony(const QString& partId, Measure* measure, const Fraction sTime)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "harmony");
int track = _pass1.trackForPart(partId);
// placement:
// in order to work correctly, this should probably be adjusted to account for spatium
// but in any case, we don't support import relative-x/y for other elements
// no reason to do so for chord symbols
#if 0 // TODO:ws
double rx = 0.0; // 0.1 * e.attribute("relative-x", "0").toDouble();
double ry = 0.0; // -0.1 * e.attribute("relative-y", "0").toDouble();
double styleYOff = _score->textStyle(Tid::HARMONY).offset().y();
OffsetType offsetType = _score->textStyle(Tid::HARMONY).offsetType();
if (offsetType == OffsetType::ABS) {
styleYOff = styleYOff * DPMM / _score->spatium();
// TODO: check correct dy handling
// previous code: double dy = -0.1 * e.attribute("default-y", QString::number(styleYOff* -10)).toDouble();
double dy = -0.1 * _e.attributes().value("default-y").toDouble();
bool printObject = _e.attributes().value("print-object") != "no";
QString printFrame = _e.attributes().value("print-frame").toString();
QString printStyle = _e.attributes().value("print-style").toString();
QString kind, kindText, symbols, parens;
QList<HDegree> degreeList;
/* TODO ?
if (harmony) {
qDebug("MusicXML::import: more than one harmony");
FretDiagram* fd = 0;
Harmony* ha = new Harmony(_score);
//TODO:ws ha->setUserOff(QPointF(rx, ry + dy - styleYOff));
Fraction offset;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "root") {
QString step;
int alter = 0;
bool invalidRoot = false;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "root-step") {
// attributes: print-style
step = _e.readElementText();
/* TODO: check if this is required
if (ee.hasAttribute("text")) {
QString rtext = ee.attribute("text");
if (rtext == "") {
invalidRoot = true;
else if ( == "root-alter") {
// attributes: print-object, print-style
// location (left-right)
alter = _e.readElementText().toInt();
if (invalidRoot)
ha->setRootTpc(step2tpc(step, AccidentalVal(alter)));
else if ( == "function") {
// attributes: print-style
else if ( == "kind") {
// attributes: use-symbols yes-no
// text, stack-degrees, parentheses-degree, bracket-degrees,
// print-style, halign, valign
kindText = _e.attributes().value("text").toString();
symbols = _e.attributes().value("use-symbols").toString();
parens = _e.attributes().value("parentheses-degrees").toString();
kind = _e.readElementText();
else if ( == "inversion") {
// attributes: print-style
else if ( == "bass") {
QString step;
int alter = 0;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "bass-step") {
// attributes: print-style
step = _e.readElementText();
else if ( == "bass-alter") {
// attributes: print-object, print-style
// location (left-right)
alter = _e.readElementText().toInt();
ha->setBaseTpc(step2tpc(step, AccidentalVal(alter)));
else if ( == "degree") {
int degreeValue = 0;
int degreeAlter = 0;
QString degreeType = "";
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "degree-value") {
degreeValue = _e.readElementText().toInt();
else if ( == "degree-alter") {
degreeAlter = _e.readElementText().toInt();
else if ( == "degree-type") {
degreeType = _e.readElementText();
if (degreeValue <= 0 || degreeValue > 13
|| degreeAlter < -2 || degreeAlter > 2
|| (degreeType != "add" && degreeType != "alter" && degreeType != "subtract")) {
_logger->logError(QString("incorrect degree: degreeValue=%1 degreeAlter=%2 degreeType=%3")
.arg(degreeValue).arg(degreeAlter).arg(degreeType), &_e);
else {
if (degreeType == "add")
degreeList << HDegree(degreeValue, degreeAlter, HDegreeType::ADD);
else if (degreeType == "alter")
degreeList << HDegree(degreeValue, degreeAlter, HDegreeType::ALTER);
else if (degreeType == "subtract")
degreeList << HDegree(degreeValue, degreeAlter, HDegreeType::SUBTRACT);
else if ( == "frame")
fd = frame();
else if ( == "level")
else if ( == "offset")
offset = calcTicks(_e.readElementText(), _divs);
else if ( == "staff") {
int nstaves = _pass1.getPart(partId)->nstaves();
QString strStaff = _e.readElementText();
int staff = strStaff.toInt();
if (0 < staff && staff <= nstaves)
track += (staff - 1) * VOICES;
_logger->logError(QString("invalid staff %1").arg(strStaff), &_e);
if (fd) {
Segment* s = measure->getSegment(SegmentType::ChordRest, (sTime + offset).ticks());
const ChordDescription* d = 0;
if (ha->rootTpc() != Tpc::TPC_INVALID)
d = ha->fromXml(kind, kindText, symbols, parens, degreeList);
if (d) {
else {
// TODO-LV: do this only if ha points to a valid harmony
// harmony = ha;
Segment* s = measure->getSegment(SegmentType::ChordRest, (sTime + offset).ticks());
// beam
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/beam node.
Sets beamMode in case of begin, continue or end beam number 1.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::beam(Beam::Mode& beamMode)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "beam");
int beamNo = _e.attributes().value("number").toInt();
if (beamNo == 1) {
QString s = _e.readElementText();
if (s == "begin")
beamMode = Beam::Mode::BEGIN;
else if (s == "end")
beamMode = Beam::Mode::END;
else if (s == "continue")
beamMode = Beam::Mode::MID;
else if (s == "backward hook")
else if (s == "forward hook")
_logger->logError(QString("unknown beam keyword '%1'").arg(s), &_e);
// forward
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/forward node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::forward(Fraction& dura)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "forward");
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "duration")
else if ( == "staff")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "voice")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
// backup
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/backup node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::backup(Fraction& dura)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "backup");
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "duration")
// lyric -- parse a MusicXML lyric element
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/lyric node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::lyric(const QString& partId,
QMap<int, Lyrics*>& numbrdLyrics,
QSet<Lyrics*>& extLyrics)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "lyric");
Lyrics* l = new Lyrics(_score);
// TODO in addlyrics: l->setTrack(trk);
bool hasExtend = false;
QString lyricNumber = _e.attributes().value("number").toString();
QColor lyricColor = QColor::Invalid;
QString extendType;
QString formattedText;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "elision") {
// TODO verify elision handling
QString text = _e.readElementText();
if (text.isEmpty())
formattedText += " ";
formattedText += nextPartOfFormattedString(_e);
else if ( == "extend") {
hasExtend = true;
extendType = _e.attributes().value("type").toString();
else if ( == "syllabic") {
QString syll = _e.readElementText();
if (syll == "single")
else if (syll == "begin")
else if (syll == "end")
else if (syll == "middle")
qDebug("unknown syllabic %s", qPrintable(syll)); // TODO
else if ( == "text")
formattedText += nextPartOfFormattedString(_e);
// if no lyric read (e.g. only 'extend "type=stop"'), no further action required
if (formattedText == "") {
delete l;
auto mxmlPart = _pass1.getMusicXmlPart(partId);
auto lyricNo = mxmlPart.lyricNumberHandler().getLyricNo(lyricNumber);
if (lyricNo < 0) {
_logger->logError("invalid lyrics number (<0)", &_e);
delete l;
else if (lyricNo > MAX_LYRICS) {
_logger->logError(QString("too much lyrics (>%1)").arg(MAX_LYRICS), &_e);
delete l;
else if (numbrdLyrics.contains(lyricNo)) {
_logger->logError(QString("duplicate lyrics number (%1)").arg(lyricNumber), &_e);
delete l;
numbrdLyrics[lyricNo] = l;
if (hasExtend && (extendType == "" || extendType == "start"))
//qDebug("formatted lyric '%s'", qPrintable(formattedText));
if (lyricColor != QColor::Invalid)
// slur
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/notations/slur node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::slur(ChordRest* cr, const int tick, const int track, bool& lastGraceAFter)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "slur");
int slurNo = _e.attributes().value("number").toString().toInt();
if (slurNo > 0) slurNo--;
QString slurType = _e.attributes().value("type").toString();
QString lineType = _e.attributes().value("line-type").toString();
if (lineType == "") lineType = "solid";
// PriMus Music-Notation by Columbussoft (build 10093) generates overlapping
// slurs that do not have a number attribute to distinguish them.
// The duplicates must be ignored, to prevent memory allocation issues,
// which caused a MuseScore crash
// Similar issues happen with Sibelius 7.1.3 (direct export)
if (slurType == "start") {
if (_slurs[slurNo].isStart())
// slur start when slur already started: report error
_logger->logError(QString("ignoring duplicate slur start"), &_e);
else if (_slurs[slurNo].isStop()) {
// slur start when slur already stopped: wrap up
Slur* newSlur = _slurs[slurNo].slur();
_slurs[slurNo] = SlurDesc();
else {
// slur start for new slur: init
Slur* newSlur = new Slur(_score);
if (cr->isGrace())
if (lineType == "dotted")
else if (lineType == "dashed")
QString pl = _e.attributes().value("placement").toString();
if (pl == "above")
else if (pl == "below")
else if (slurType == "stop") {
if (_slurs[slurNo].isStart()) {
// slur stop when slur already started: wrap up
Slur* newSlur = _slurs[slurNo].slur();
if (!(cr->isGrace())) {
_slurs[slurNo] = SlurDesc();
else if (_slurs[slurNo].isStop())
// slur stop when slur already stopped: report error
_logger->logError(QString("ignoring duplicate slur stop"), &_e);
else {
// slur stop for new slur: init
Slur* newSlur = new Slur(_score);
if (!(cr->isGrace())) {
// any grace note containing a slur stop means
// last note of a grace after set has been found
if (cr->isGrace())
lastGraceAFter = true;
else if (slurType == "continue")
; // ignore
_logger->logError(QString("unknown slur type %1").arg(slurType), &_e);
// tied
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/notations/tied node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::tied(Note* note, const int track)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "tied");
QString tiedType = _e.attributes().value("type").toString();
if (tiedType == "start") {
if (_tie) {
_logger->logError(QString("Tie already active"), &_e);
else if (note) {
_tie = new Tie(_score);
QString tiedOrientation = _e.attributes().value("orientation").toString();
if (tiedOrientation == "over")
else if (tiedOrientation == "under")
else if (tiedOrientation == "auto")
; // ignore
else if (tiedOrientation == "")
; // ignore
_logger->logError(QString("unknown tied orientation: %1").arg(tiedOrientation), &_e);
QString lineType = _e.attributes().value("line-type").toString();
if (lineType == "dotted")
else if (lineType == "dashed")
_tie = 0;
else if (tiedType == "stop")
; // ignore
_logger->logError(QString("unknown tied type %").arg(tiedType), &_e);
// dynamics
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/notations/dynamics node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::dynamics(QString& placement, QStringList& dynamicslist)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "dynamics");
placement = _e.attributes().value("placement").toString();
// ry = ee.attribute(QString("relative-y"), "0").toDouble() * -.1;
// rx = ee.attribute(QString("relative-x"), "0").toDouble() * .1;
// yoffset = _e.attributes().value("default-y").toDouble(&hasYoffset) * -0.1;
// xoffset = ee.attribute("default-x", "0.0").toDouble() * 0.1;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "other-dynamics")
else {
// articulations
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/notations/articulations node.
Note that some notations attach to notes only in MuseScore,
which means trying to attach them to a rest will crash,
as in that case note is 0.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::articulations(ChordRest* cr, SymId& breath, QString& chordLineType)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "articulations");
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if (addMxmlArticulationToChord(cr, {
else if ( == "breath-mark") {
breath = SymId::breathMarkComma;
// TODO: handle value read (note: encoding unknown, only "comma" found)
else if ( == "caesura") {
breath = SymId::caesura;
else if ( == "doit"
|| == "falloff"
|| == "plop"
|| == "scoop") {
chordLineType =;
else if ( == "strong-accent") {
QString strongAccentType = _e.attributes().value("type").toString();
if (strongAccentType == "up" || strongAccentType == "")
addArticulationToChord(cr, SymId::articMarcatoAbove, "up");
else if (strongAccentType == "down")
addArticulationToChord(cr, SymId::articMarcatoAbove, "down");
_logger->logError(QString("unknown mercato type %1").arg(strongAccentType), &_e);
//qDebug("::notations tokenString '%s' name '%s'", qPrintable(_e.tokenString()), qPrintable(;
// ornaments
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/notations/ornaments node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::ornaments(ChordRest* cr,
QString& wavyLineType,
int& wavyLineNo,
QString& tremoloType,
int& tremoloNr, bool& lastGraceAFter)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "ornaments");
bool trillMark = false;
// <trill-mark placement="above"/>
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if (addMxmlArticulationToChord(cr, {
else if ( == "trill-mark") {
trillMark = true;
else if ( == "wavy-line") {
wavyLineType = _e.attributes().value("type").toString();
wavyLineNo = _e.attributes().value("number").toString().toInt();
if (wavyLineNo > 0) wavyLineNo--;
// any grace note containing a wavy-line stop means
// last note of a grace after set has been found
if (wavyLineType == "stop" && cr->isGrace())
lastGraceAFter = true;
else if ( == "tremolo") {
tremoloType = _e.attributes().value("type").toString();
tremoloNr = _e.readElementText().toInt();
else if ( == "accidental-mark")
else if ( == "delayed-turn") {
// TODO: actually this should be offset a bit to the right
addArticulationToChord(cr, SymId::ornamentTurn, "");
else if ( == "inverted-mordent"
|| == "mordent") {
//qDebug("::notations tokenString '%s' name '%s'", qPrintable(_e.tokenString()), qPrintable(;
// note that mscore wavy line already implicitly includes a trillsym
// so don't add an additional one
if (trillMark && wavyLineType != "start")
addArticulationToChord(cr, SymId::ornamentTrill, "");
// technical
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/notations/technical node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::technical(Note* note, ChordRest* cr)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "technical");
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if (addMxmlArticulationToChord(cr, {
else if ( == "fingering")
// TODO: distinguish between keyboards (style Tid::FINGERING)
// and (plucked) strings (style Tid::LH_GUITAR_FINGERING)
addTextToNote(_e.lineNumber(), _e.columnNumber(), _e.readElementText(),
Tid::FINGERING, _score, note);
else if ( == "fret") {
int fret = _e.readElementText().toInt();
if (note) {
if (note->staff()->isTabStaff(0))
_logger->logError("no note for fret", &_e);
else if ( == "pluck")
addTextToNote(_e.lineNumber(), _e.columnNumber(), _e.readElementText(),
Tid::RH_GUITAR_FINGERING, _score, note);
else if ( == "string") {
QString txt = _e.readElementText();
if (note) {
if (note->staff()->isTabStaff(0))
note->setString(txt.toInt() - 1);
addTextToNote(_e.lineNumber(), _e.columnNumber(), txt,
Tid::STRING_NUMBER, _score, note);
_logger->logError("no note for string", &_e);
else if ( == "pull-off")
//qDebug("::notations tokenString '%s' name '%s'", qPrintable(_e.tokenString()), qPrintable(;
// glissando
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/notations/glissando
and /score-partwise/part/measure/note/notations/slide nodes.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::glissando(Note* note, const int tick, const int ticks, const int track)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && ( == "glissando" || == "slide"));
int n = _e.attributes().value("number").toString().toInt();
if (n > 0) n--;
QString spannerType = _e.attributes().value("type").toString();
int tag = == "slide" ? 0 : 1;
// QString lineType = ee.attribute(QString("line-type"), "solid");
Glissando*& gliss = _glissandi[n][tag];
if (spannerType == "start") {
QColor color(_e.attributes().value("color").toString());
QString glissText = _e.readElementText();
if (gliss) {
_logger->logError(QString("overlapping glissando/slide number %1").arg(n+1), &_e);
else if (!note) {
_logger->logError(QString("no note for glissando/slide number %1 start").arg(n+1), &_e);
else {
gliss = new Glissando(_score);
if (color.isValid())
gliss->setGlissandoType(tag == 0 ? GlissandoType::STRAIGHT : GlissandoType::WAVY);
_spanners[gliss] = QPair<int, int>(tick, -1);
// qDebug("glissando/slide=%p inserted at first tick %d", gliss, tick);
else if (spannerType == "stop") {
if (!gliss) {
_logger->logError(QString("glissando/slide number %1 stop without start").arg(n+1), &_e);
else if (!note) {
_logger->logError(QString("no note for glissando/slide number %1 stop").arg(n+1), &_e);
else {
_spanners[gliss].second = tick + ticks;
// qDebug("glissando/slide=%p second tick %d", gliss, tick);
gliss = 0;
_logger->logError(QString("unknown glissando/slide type %1").arg(spannerType), &_e);
// addArpeggio
static void addArpeggio(ChordRest* cr, const QString& arpeggioType,
MxmlLogger* logger, const QXmlStreamReader* const xmlreader)
// no support for arpeggio on rest
if (!arpeggioType.isEmpty() && cr->type() == ElementType::CHORD) {
Arpeggio* a = new Arpeggio(cr->score());
if (arpeggioType == "none")
else if (arpeggioType == "up")
else if (arpeggioType == "down")
else if (arpeggioType == "non-arpeggiate")
else {
logger->logError(QString("unknown arpeggio type %1").arg(arpeggioType), xmlreader);
delete a;
a = 0;
if ((static_cast<Chord*>(cr))->arpeggio()) {
// there can be only one
delete a;
a = 0;
// addTremolo
static void addTremolo(ChordRest* cr,
const int tremoloNr, const QString& tremoloType, const int ticks,
Chord*& tremStart,
MxmlLogger* logger, const QXmlStreamReader* const xmlreader)
if (!cr->isChord())
if (tremoloNr) {
//qDebug("tremolo %d type '%s' ticks %d tremStart %p", tremoloNr, qPrintable(tremoloType), ticks, _tremStart);
if (tremoloNr == 1 || tremoloNr == 2 || tremoloNr == 3 || tremoloNr == 4) {
if (tremoloType == "" || tremoloType == "single") {
Tremolo* t = new Tremolo(cr->score());
switch (tremoloNr) {
case 1: t->setTremoloType(TremoloType::R8); break;
case 2: t->setTremoloType(TremoloType::R16); break;
case 3: t->setTremoloType(TremoloType::R32); break;
case 4: t->setTremoloType(TremoloType::R64); break;
else if (tremoloType == "start") {
if (tremStart) logger->logError("MusicXML::import: double tremolo start", xmlreader);
tremStart = static_cast<Chord*>(cr);
else if (tremoloType == "stop") {
if (tremStart) {
Tremolo* t = new Tremolo(cr->score());
switch (tremoloNr) {
case 1: t->setTremoloType(TremoloType::C8); break;
case 2: t->setTremoloType(TremoloType::C16); break;
case 3: t->setTremoloType(TremoloType::C32); break;
case 4: t->setTremoloType(TremoloType::C64); break;
t->setChords(tremStart, static_cast<Chord*>(cr));
// fixup chord duration and type
const int tremDur = ticks / 2;
// add tremolo to first chord (only)
else logger->logError("MusicXML::import: double tremolo stop w/o start", xmlreader);
tremStart = 0;
logger->logError(QString("unknown tremolo type %1").arg(tremoloNr), xmlreader);
// addWavyLine
static void addWavyLine(ChordRest* cr, const int tick,
const int wavyLineNo, const QString& wavyLineType,
MusicXmlSpannerMap& spanners, TrillStack& trills,
MxmlLogger* logger, const QXmlStreamReader* const xmlreader)
if (!wavyLineType.isEmpty()) {
const auto ticks = cr->duration().ticks();
const auto track = cr->track();
const auto trk = (track / VOICES) * VOICES; // first track of staff
Trill*& t = trills[wavyLineNo];
if (wavyLineType == "start") {
if (t) {
logger->logError(QString("overlapping wavy-line number %1").arg(wavyLineNo+1), xmlreader);
else {
t = new Trill(cr->score());
spanners[t] = QPair<int, int>(tick, -1);
// qDebug("wedge trill=%p inserted at first tick %d", trill, tick);
else if (wavyLineType == "stop") {
if (!t) {
logger->logError(QString("wavy-line number %1 stop without start").arg(wavyLineNo+1), xmlreader);
else {
spanners[t].second = tick + ticks;
// qDebug("wedge trill=%p second tick %d", trill, tick);
t = 0;
logger->logError(QString("unknown wavy-line type %1").arg(wavyLineType), xmlreader);
// addBreath
static void addBreath(ChordRest* cr, const int tick, SymId breath)
if (breath != SymId::noSym && !cr->isGrace()) {
Breath* b = new Breath(cr->score());
// b->setTrack(trk + voice); TODO check next line
const auto ticks = cr->duration().ticks();
auto seg = cr->measure()->getSegment(SegmentType::Breath, tick + ticks);
// addChordLine
static void addChordLine(Note* note, const QString& chordLineType,
MxmlLogger* logger, const QXmlStreamReader* const xmlreader)
if (chordLineType != "") {
if (note) {
ChordLine* cl = new ChordLine(note->score());
if (chordLineType == "falloff")
if (chordLineType == "doit")
if (chordLineType == "plop")
if (chordLineType == "scoop")
logger->logError(QString("no note for %1").arg(chordLineType), xmlreader);
// notations
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/notations node.
Note that some notations attach to notes only in MuseScore,
which means trying to attach them to a rest will crash,
as in that case note is a nullptr.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::notations(Note* note, ChordRest* cr, const int tick,
MusicXmlTupletDesc& tupletDesc, bool& lastGraceAFter)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "notations");
if (cr) {
lastGraceAFter = false; // ensure default
Measure* measure = cr->measure();
int ticks = cr->duration().ticks();
int track = cr->track();
QString wavyLineType;
int wavyLineNo = 0;
QString arpeggioType;
SymId breath = SymId::noSym;
int tremoloNr = 0;
QString tremoloType;
QString placement;
QStringList dynamicslist;
// qreal rx = 0.0;
// qreal ry = 0.0;
// qreal yoffset = 0.0; // actually this is default-y
// qreal xoffset = 0.0; // not used
// bool hasYoffset = false;
QString chordLineType;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "slur") {
slur(cr, tick, track, lastGraceAFter);
else if ( == "tied") {
tied(note, track);
else if ( == "tuplet") {
else if ( == "dynamics") {
placement = _e.attributes().value("placement").toString();
// ry = ee.attribute(QString("relative-y"), "0").toDouble() * -.1;
// rx = ee.attribute(QString("relative-x"), "0").toDouble() * .1;
// yoffset = _e.attributes().value("default-y").toDouble(&hasYoffset) * -0.1;
// xoffset = ee.attribute("default-x", "0.0").toDouble() * 0.1;
dynamics(placement, dynamicslist);
else if ( == "articulations") {
articulations(cr, breath, chordLineType);
else if ( == "fermata")
else if ( == "ornaments") {
ornaments(cr, wavyLineType, wavyLineNo, tremoloType, tremoloNr, lastGraceAFter);
else if ( == "technical") {
technical(note, cr);
else if ( == "arpeggiate") {
arpeggioType = _e.attributes().value("direction").toString();
if (arpeggioType == "") arpeggioType = "none";
else if ( == "non-arpeggiate") {
arpeggioType = "non-arpeggiate";
else if ( == "glissando" || == "slide") {
glissando(note, tick, ticks, track);
addArpeggio(cr, arpeggioType, _logger, &_e);
addWavyLine(cr, tick, wavyLineNo, wavyLineType, _spanners, _trills, _logger, &_e);
addBreath(cr, tick, breath);
addTremolo(cr, tremoloNr, tremoloType, ticks, _tremStart, _logger, &_e);
addChordLine(note, chordLineType, _logger, &_e);
// more than one dynamic ???
// LVIFIX: check import/export of <other-dynamics>unknown_text</...>
// TODO remove duplicate code (see MusicXml::direction)
for (QStringList::Iterator it = dynamicslist.begin(); it != dynamicslist.end(); ++it ) {
Dynamic* dyn = new Dynamic(_score);
//TODO:ws if (hasYoffset) dyn->textStyle().setYoff(yoffset);
addElemOffset(dyn, track, placement, measure, tick);
else {
_logger->logDebugInfo("no note to attach to, skipping notations", &_e);
Q_ASSERT(_e.isEndElement() && == "notations");
// stem
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/stem node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::stem(Direction& sd, bool& nost)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "stem");
// defaults
sd = Direction::AUTO;
nost = false;
QString s = _e.readElementText();
if (s == "up")
sd = Direction::UP;
else if (s == "down")
sd = Direction::DOWN;
else if (s == "none")
nost = true;
else if (s == "double")
_logger->logError(QString("unknown stem direction %1").arg(s), &_e);
// fermata
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/notations/fermata node.
Note: MusicXML common.mod: "An empty fermata element represents a normal fermata."
void MusicXMLParserPass2::fermata(ChordRest* cr)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "fermata");
QString fermataType = _e.attributes().value("type").toString();
QString fermata = _e.readElementText();
if (fermata == "normal" || fermata == "")
addFermata(cr, fermataType, SymId::fermataAbove);
else if (fermata == "angled")
addFermata(cr, fermataType, SymId::fermataShortAbove);
else if (fermata == "square")
addFermata(cr, fermataType, SymId::fermataLongAbove);
_logger->logError(QString("unknown fermata '%1'").arg(fermata), &_e);
// tuplet
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/notations/tuplet node.
void MusicXMLParserPass2::tuplet(MusicXmlTupletDesc& tupletDesc)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "tuplet");
QString tupletType = _e.attributes().value("type").toString();
// QString tupletPlacement = _e.attributes().value("placement").toString(); not used (TODO)
QString tupletBracket = _e.attributes().value("bracket").toString();
QString tupletShowNumber = _e.attributes().value("show-number").toString();
// ignore possible children (currently not supported)
if (tupletType == "start")
tupletDesc.type = MxmlStartStop::START;
else if (tupletType == "stop")
tupletDesc.type = MxmlStartStop::STOP;
else if (tupletType != "" && tupletType != "start" && tupletType != "stop") {
_logger->logError(QString("unknown tuplet type '%1'").arg(tupletType), &_e);
// set bracket, leave at default if unspecified
if (tupletBracket == "yes")
tupletDesc.bracket = TupletBracketType::SHOW_BRACKET;
else if (tupletBracket == "no")
tupletDesc.bracket = TupletBracketType::SHOW_NO_BRACKET;
// set number, default is "actual" (=NumberType::SHOW_NUMBER)
if (tupletShowNumber == "both")
tupletDesc.shownumber = TupletNumberType::SHOW_RELATION;
else if (tupletShowNumber == "none")
tupletDesc.shownumber = TupletNumberType::NO_TEXT;
tupletDesc.shownumber = TupletNumberType::SHOW_NUMBER;
// MusicXMLParserDirection
MusicXMLParserDirection constructor.
MusicXMLParserDirection::MusicXMLParserDirection(QXmlStreamReader& e,
Score* score,
const MusicXMLParserPass1& pass1,
MusicXMLParserPass2& pass2,
MxmlLogger* logger)
: _e(e), _score(score), _pass1(pass1), _pass2(pass2), _logger(logger),
_hasDefaultY(false), _defaultY(0.0), _coda(false), _segno(false),
_tpoMetro(0), _tpoSound(0)
// nothing