2021-08-30 17:41:12 +02:00

89 lines
3.7 KiB

* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
* MuseScore-CLA-applies
* MuseScore
* Music Composition & Notation
* Copyright (C) 2021 MuseScore BVBA and others
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "notationtypes.h"
#include "async/notification.h"
#include "async/channel.h"
#include "async/notifylist.h"
#include "retval.h"
namespace mu::notation {
class INotationParts
virtual ~INotationParts() = default;
virtual async::NotifyList<const Part*> partList() const = 0;
virtual async::NotifyList<const Staff*> staffList(const ID& partId) const = 0;
virtual const Part* part(const ID& partId) const = 0;
virtual bool partExists(const ID& partId) const = 0;
virtual const Staff* staff(const ID& staffId) const = 0;
virtual bool staffExists(const ID& staffId) const = 0;
virtual StaffConfig staffConfig(const ID& staffId) const = 0;
virtual ScoreOrder scoreOrder() const = 0;
virtual void setParts(const PartInstrumentList& instruments, const ScoreOrder& order) = 0;
virtual void setScoreOrder(const ScoreOrder& order) = 0;
virtual void setPartVisible(const ID& partId, bool visible) = 0;
virtual bool setVoiceVisible(const ID& staffId, int voiceIndex, bool visible) = 0;
virtual void setStaffVisible(const ID& staffId, bool visible) = 0;
virtual void setPartName(const ID& partId, const QString& name) = 0;
virtual void setPartSharpFlat(const ID& partId, const SharpFlat& sharpFlat) = 0;
virtual void setPartTransposition(const ID& partId, const Interval& transpose) = 0;
virtual void setInstrumentName(const InstrumentKey& instrumentKey, const QString& name) = 0;
virtual void setInstrumentAbbreviature(const InstrumentKey& instrumentKey, const QString& abbreviature) = 0;
virtual void setStaffType(const ID& staffId, StaffType type) = 0;
virtual void setStaffConfig(const ID& staffId, const StaffConfig& config) = 0;
virtual void removeParts(const IDList& partsIds) = 0;
virtual void removeStaves(const IDList& stavesIds) = 0;
enum class InsertMode {
virtual void moveParts(const IDList& sourcePartsIds, const ID& destinationPartId, InsertMode mode = InsertMode::Before) = 0;
virtual void moveStaves(const IDList& sourceStavesIds, const ID& destinationStaffId, InsertMode mode = InsertMode::Before) = 0;
virtual void appendStaff(Staff* staff, const ID& destinationPartId) = 0;
virtual void appendLinkedStaff(Staff* staff, const ID& sourceStaffId, const ID& destinationPartId) = 0;
virtual void insertPart(Part* part, size_t index) = 0;
virtual void replacePart(const ID& partId, Part* newPart) = 0;
virtual void replaceInstrument(const InstrumentKey& instrumentKey, const Instrument& newInstrument) = 0;
virtual void replaceDrumset(const InstrumentKey& instrumentKey, const Drumset& newDrumset) = 0;
virtual async::Notification partsChanged() const = 0;
virtual async::Notification scoreOrderChanged() const = 0;
using INotationPartsPtr = std::shared_ptr<INotationParts>;