Werner Schweer 1f9ccfcdce add libmscore
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2012-05-26 14:54:47 +02:00

223 lines
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// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// $Id: figuredbass.h 5526 2012-04-09 10:17:11Z lvinken $
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __FIGUREDBASS_H__
#define __FIGUREDBASS_H__
#include "segment.h"
#include "text.h"
FiguredBass elements are stored in the annotations of a Segment (like for instance Harmony)
FiguredBass is rather simple: it contains only _ticks, telling the duration of the element,
and a list of FiguredBassItem elements which do most of the job. It also maintains a text with the
normalized (made uniform) version of the text, which is used during editing.
Normally, a FiguredBass element is assumed to be styled with the FIGURED_BASS style and it is set
in this way upon creation.
- - - -
FiguredBassItem contains the actually f.b. info; it is made of 4 parts (in this order):
1) prefix: one of [nothing, doubleflat, flat, natural, sharp, doublesharp]
2) digit: one digit from 1 to 9
3) suffix: one of [nothing, doubleflat, flat, natural, sharp, doublesharp, plus, backslash, slash]
4) contLine: true if the item has a continuation line (whose length is determined by parent's _ticks)
and 5 parenthesis flags, one for each position before, between and after the four parts above:
each of them may contain one of [nothing, roundOpen, roundClosed, squaredOpen, squaredClosed].
There is a number of restrictions, implemented at the end of FiguredBassItem::parse().
Currently, no attempt is made to ensure that, if multiple parentheses are present, they are consistent
(matching open and closed parentheses is left to the user).
If an item cannot be parsed, the whole FiguredBass element is kept as entered, possibly un-styled.
If all items can be parsed, each item generates a display text from its properties,
lays it out so that it properly aligns under the chord, draws it at its proper location
and provides its FiguredBass parent with a normalized text for future editing.
FiguredBassItem has not use for formats (italics, bold, ...) and it is never edited directly;
more generally, it is never accessed directly, only via its FiguredBass parent;
so it is derived from SimpleText and returns INVALID as type.
FiguredBass might require formatting (discouraged, but might be necessary for very uncommon cases)
and it is edited (via the normalized text); so it is derived from Text.
// FiguredBassItem
class FiguredBass;
class FiguredBassItem : public SimpleText {
enum FBIAccidental {
FBIAccidNone = 0,
enum FBIParenthesis {
FBIParenthNone = 0,
// configuration tables: to be moved to configuration files?
// static const QChar accidToChar[FBINumOfAccid];
static const QChar normParenthToChar[FBINumOfParenth];
// static const QChar parenthToChar[FBINumOfParenth];
int ord; // the line ordinal of this element in the FB stack
// the parts making a FiguredBassItem up
FBIAccidental prefix; // the accidental coming before the body
int digit; // the main digit (if present)
FBIAccidental suffix; // the accidental coming after the body
bool contLine; // wether the item has continuation line or not
FBIParenthesis parenth[5]; // each of the parenthesis: before, between and after parts
qreal textWidth; // the text width (in raster units), set during layout()
// used by draw()
// part parsing
int parseDigit(QString& str);
int parseParenthesis(QString& str, int parenthIdx);
int parsePrefixSuffix(QString& str, bool bPrefix);
FiguredBassItem(Score * score, int line);
FiguredBassItem(const FiguredBassItem&);
FiguredBassItem &operator=(const FiguredBassItem&);
// standard re-implemented virtual functions
virtual FiguredBassItem* clone() const { return new FiguredBassItem(*this); }
virtual ElementType type() const { return INVALID; }
virtual void draw(QPainter* painter) const;
virtual void layout();
virtual void read(const QDomElement&);
virtual void write(Xml& xml) const;
// read / write MusicXML
void readMusicXML(const QDomElement& de, bool paren);
void writeMusicXML(Xml& xml) const;
bool startsWithParenthesis() const;
// specific API
const FiguredBass * figuredBass() const { return (FiguredBass*)(parent()); }
bool parse(QString& text);
QString normalizedText() const;
// read / write MusicXML support
FiguredBassItem::FBIAccidental MusicXML2FBIAccidental(const QString prefix) const;
QString FBIAccidental2MusicXML(FiguredBassItem::FBIAccidental prefix) const;
// FiguredBassFont
struct FiguredBassFont {
QString family;
QString displayName;
qreal defPitch;
qreal defLineHeight;
QChar displayAccidental[6];
QChar displayParenthesis[5];
QChar displayDigit[2][10][4];
bool read(const QDomElement&);
// FiguredBassItem
class FiguredBass : public Text {
QList<FiguredBassItem> items; // the individual lines of the F.B.
QVector<qreal> _lineLenghts; // lengths of duration indicator lines (in raster units)
bool _onNote; // true if this element is on a staff note | false if it is betweee notes
int _ticks; // the duration (used for cont. lines and for multiple F.B.
// under the same note)
void layoutLines();
// static variables used to manage FiguredBass durations while 'tabbing' during editing
static FiguredBass* currFB; // the starting element of the FB element being worked on;
static int endTick; // the tick where the currFB is supposed to end (internally managed);
static bool bExtTicks; // true if the user asked to extend (or shrink) the current FB
// static (private) functions to configure how FB element durations are managed
static void setCurrFB(FiguredBass* fb) { currFB = fb; }
static void setExtTicks(bool val) { bExtTicks = val;}
FiguredBass(const FiguredBass&);
// a convenience static function to create/retrieve a new FiguredBass into/from its intended parent
static FiguredBass * addFiguredBassToSegment(Segment *seg, int track, int extTicks, bool *pNew);
// static functions for font config files
static bool readConfigFile(const QString& fileName);
static QList<QString> fontNames();
static bool fontData(int nIdx, QString *pFamily, QString *pDisplayName,
qreal * pSize, qreal * pLineHeight);
// standard re-implemented virtual functions
virtual FiguredBass* clone() const { return new FiguredBass(*this); }
virtual ElementType type() const { return FIGURED_BASS; }
virtual void draw(QPainter* painter) const;
virtual void endEdit();
virtual void layout();
virtual void read(const QDomElement&);
virtual void setSelected(bool f);
virtual void setVisible(bool f);
virtual void write(Xml& xml) const;
// read / write MusicXML
void readMusicXML(const QDomElement& de, int divisions);
void writeMusicXML(Xml& xml) const;
// getter /setters
qreal lineLength(int idx) const { if(_lineLenghts.size() > idx)
return 0; }
bool onNote() const { return _onNote; }
void setOnNote(bool val) { _onNote = val; }
Segment * segment() const { return static_cast<Segment*>(parent()); }
int ticks() const { return _ticks; }
void setTicks(int val) { _ticks = val; }
// other methods
// void adjustDuration();
// read / write MusicXML support
bool hasParentheses() const;