2020-04-29 16:19:23 +01:00

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// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __HARMONY_H__
#define __HARMONY_H__
#include "text.h"
#include "pitchspelling.h"
#include "realizedharmony.h"
namespace Ms {
struct ChordDescription;
class ParsedChord;
// TextSegment
struct TextSegment {
QFont font;
QString text;
qreal x, y; // Position of segments relative to each other.
QPointF offset; // Offset for placing within the TextBase.
bool select;
qreal width() const;
QRectF boundingRect() const;
QRectF tightBoundingRect() const;
QPointF pos() const { return QPointF(x, y) + offset; };
TextSegment() { select = false; x = y = 0.0; }
TextSegment(const QFont& f, qreal _x, qreal _y) : font(f), x(_x), y(_y), select(false) {}
TextSegment(const QString&, const QFont&, qreal x, qreal y);
void set(const QString&, const QFont&, qreal x, qreal y, QPointF offset);
void setText(const QString& t) { text = t; }
// @@ Harmony
/// root note and bass note are notated as "tonal pitch class":
/// <table>
/// <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>bb</td><td> b</td><td> -</td><td> #</td><td>##</td></tr>
/// <tr><td>C</td> <td> 0</td><td> 7</td><td>14</td><td>21</td><td>28</td></tr>
/// <tr><td>D</td> <td> 2</td><td> 9</td><td>16</td><td>23</td><td>30</td></tr>
/// <tr><td>E</td> <td> 4</td><td>11</td><td>18</td><td>25</td><td>32</td></tr>
/// <tr><td>F</td> <td>-1</td><td> 6</td><td>13</td><td>20</td><td>27</td></tr>
/// <tr><td>G</td> <td> 1</td><td> 8</td><td>15</td><td>22</td><td>29</td></tr>
/// <tr><td>A</td> <td> 3</td><td>10</td><td>17</td><td>24</td><td>31</td></tr>
/// <tr><td>B</td> <td> 5</td><td>12</td><td>19</td><td>26</td><td>33</td></tr></table>
// @P baseTpc int bass note as "tonal pitch class"
// @P id int harmony identifier
// @P rootTpc int root note as "tonal pitch class"
struct RenderAction;
class HDegree;
enum class HarmonyType {
class Harmony final : public TextBase {
int _rootTpc; // root note for chord
int _baseTpc; // bass note or chord base; used for "slash" chords
// or notation of base note in chord
int _id; // >0 = id of matched chord from chord list, if applicable
// -1 = invalid chord
// <-10000 = private id of generated chord or matched chord with no id
QString _function; // numeric representation of root for RNA or Nashville
QString _userName; // name as typed by user if applicable
QString _textName; // name recognized from chord list, read from score file, or constructed from imported source
ParsedChord* _parsedForm; // parsed form of chord
bool showSpell = false; // show spell check warning
HarmonyType _harmonyType; // used to control rendering, transposition, export, etc.
qreal _harmonyHeight; // used for calculating the the height is frame while editing.
RealizedHarmony _realizedHarmony; //the realized harmony used for playback
QList<HDegree> _degreeList;
QList<QFont> fontList; // temp values used in render()
QList<TextSegment*> textList; // rendered chord
bool _leftParen, _rightParen; // include opening and/or closing parenthesis
bool _play; // whether or not to play back the harmony
mutable QRectF _tbbox;
NoteSpellingType _rootSpelling, _baseSpelling;
NoteCaseType _rootCase, _baseCase; // case as typed
NoteCaseType _rootRenderCase, _baseRenderCase; // case to render
void determineRootBaseSpelling();
void draw(QPainter*) const override;
void drawEditMode(QPainter* p, EditData& ed) override;
void render(const QString&, qreal&, qreal&);
void render(const QList<RenderAction>& renderList, qreal&, qreal&, int tpc, NoteSpellingType noteSpelling = NoteSpellingType::STANDARD, NoteCaseType noteCase = NoteCaseType::AUTO);
Sid getPropertyStyle(Pid) const override;
Segment* getParentSeg() const;
Harmony* findInSeg(Segment* seg) const;
Harmony(Score* = 0);
Harmony(const Harmony&);
Harmony* clone() const override { return new Harmony(*this); }
ElementType type() const override { return ElementType::HARMONY; }
void setId(int d) { _id = d; }
int id() const { return _id; }
void setPlay(bool p) { _play = p; }
bool play() const { return _play; }
void setBaseCase(NoteCaseType c) { _baseCase = c; }
void setRootCase(NoteCaseType c) { _rootCase = c; }
bool leftParen() const { return _leftParen; }
bool rightParen() const { return _rightParen; }
void setLeftParen(bool leftParen) { _leftParen = leftParen; }
void setRightParen(bool rightParen) { _rightParen = rightParen; }
Harmony* findNext() const;
Harmony* findPrev() const;
Fraction ticksTilNext(bool stopAtMeasureEnd = false) const;
const ChordDescription* descr() const;
const ChordDescription* descr(const QString&, const ParsedChord* pc = 0) const;
const ChordDescription* getDescription();
const ChordDescription* getDescription(const QString&, const ParsedChord* pc = 0);
const ChordDescription* generateDescription();
RealizedHarmony& realizedHarmony();
const RealizedHarmony& getRealizedHarmony();
void determineRootBaseSpelling(NoteSpellingType& rootSpelling, NoteCaseType& rootCase,
NoteSpellingType& baseSpelling, NoteCaseType& baseCase);
void textChanged();
void layout() override;
void layout1() override;
bool isEditable() const override { return true; }
void startEdit(EditData&) override;
bool edit(EditData&) override;
void endEdit(EditData&) override;
bool isRealizable() const;
QString hFunction() const { return _function; }
QString hUserName() const { return _userName; }
QString hTextName() const { return _textName; }
int baseTpc() const { return _baseTpc; }
void setBaseTpc(int val) { _baseTpc = val; }
int rootTpc() const { return _rootTpc; }
void setRootTpc(int val) { _rootTpc = val; }
void setTextName(const QString& s) { _textName = s; }
void setFunction(const QString& s) { _function = s; }
QString rootName();
QString baseName();
void addDegree(const HDegree& d);
int numberOfDegrees() const;
HDegree degree(int i) const;
void clearDegrees();
const QList<HDegree>& degreeList() const;
const ParsedChord* parsedForm();
HarmonyType harmonyType() const { return _harmonyType; }
void setHarmonyType(HarmonyType val);
void write(XmlWriter& xml) const override;
void read(XmlReader&) override;
QString harmonyName() const;
void render();
const ChordDescription* parseHarmony(const QString& s, int* root, int* base, bool syntaxOnly = false);
const QString& extensionName() const;
QString xmlKind() const;
QString musicXmlText() const;
QString xmlSymbols() const;
QString xmlParens() const;
QStringList xmlDegrees() const;
void resolveDegreeList();
qreal baseLine() const override;
const ChordDescription* fromXml(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QList<HDegree>&);
const ChordDescription* fromXml(const QString& s, const QList<HDegree>&);
const ChordDescription* fromXml(const QString& s);
void spatiumChanged(qreal oldValue, qreal newValue) override;
void localSpatiumChanged(qreal oldValue, qreal newValue) override;
void setHarmony(const QString& s);
void calculateBoundingRect();
qreal xShapeOffset() const;
QString userName() const override;
QString accessibleInfo() const override;
QString generateScreenReaderInfo() const;
QString screenReaderInfo() const override;
bool acceptDrop(EditData&) const override;
Element* drop(EditData&) override;
QVariant getProperty(Pid propertyId) const override;
bool setProperty(Pid propertyId, const QVariant& v) override;
QVariant propertyDefault(Pid id) const override;
} // namespace Ms