Kumar Kartikay a87cc9e6cc Create Score Tree Model
This commit adds virtual functions treeChild, treeParent and
treeChildCount to ScoreElement and implements them in most non-leaf-node
classes. An iterator is also added to ScoreElement class to iterate over
the children of any element.

In this model, Spanners, Beams and Ties are given a single parent, which
is the starting element of the spanner, beam or tie. Also, to ensure
consistency in the model, spanners, beams, and ties appear in the
children list only for their starting element. Children of spanner
elements are SpannerSegments, one for each system the spanner appears
2020-06-23 12:44:57 +05:30

135 lines
4.3 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __TRILL_H__
#define __TRILL_H__
#include "line.h"
namespace Ms {
class Trill;
class Accidental;
// @@ TrillSegment
class TrillSegment final : public LineSegment
std::vector<SymId> _symbols;
void symbolLine(SymId start, SymId fill);
void symbolLine(SymId start, SymId fill, SymId end);
Sid getPropertyStyle(Pid) const override;
TrillSegment(Spanner* sp, Score* s)
: LineSegment(sp, s, ElementFlag::MOVABLE | ElementFlag::ON_STAFF) {}
TrillSegment(Score* s)
: LineSegment(s, ElementFlag::MOVABLE | ElementFlag::ON_STAFF) {}
Trill* trill() const { return (Trill*)spanner(); }
ElementType type() const override { return ElementType::TRILL_SEGMENT; }
TrillSegment* clone() const override { return new TrillSegment(*this); }
void draw(QPainter*) const override;
bool acceptDrop(EditData&) const override;
Element* drop(EditData&) override;
void layout() override;
Element* propertyDelegate(Pid) override;
void add(Element*) override;
void remove(Element*) override;
void scanElements(void* data, void (* func)(void*, Element*), bool all) override;
Shape shape() const override;
std::vector<SymId> symbols() const { return _symbols; }
void setSymbols(const std::vector<SymId>& s) { _symbols = s; }
// @@ Trill
class Trill final : public SLine
Sid getPropertyStyle(Pid) const override;
enum class Type : char {
Type _trillType;
Accidental* _accidental;
MScore::OrnamentStyle _ornamentStyle; // for use in ornaments such as trill
bool _playArticulation;
Trill(Score* s);
// Score Tree functions
ScoreElement* treeParent() const override;
ScoreElement* treeChild(int idx) const override;
int treeChildCount() const override;
Trill* clone() const override { return new Trill(*this); }
ElementType type() const override { return ElementType::TRILL; }
void layout() override;
LineSegment* createLineSegment() override;
void add(Element*) override;
void remove(Element*) override;
void write(XmlWriter&) const override;
void read(XmlReader&) override;
void setTrillType(const QString& s);
void setTrillType(Type tt) { _trillType = tt; }
Type trillType() const { return _trillType; }
void setOrnamentStyle(MScore::OrnamentStyle val) { _ornamentStyle = val; }
MScore::OrnamentStyle ornamentStyle() const { return _ornamentStyle; }
void setPlayArticulation(bool val) { _playArticulation = val; }
bool playArticulation() const { return _playArticulation; }
static QString type2name(Trill::Type t);
QString trillTypeName() const;
QString trillTypeUserName() const;
Accidental* accidental() const { return _accidental; }
void setAccidental(Accidental* a) { _accidental = a; }
Segment* segment() const { return (Segment*)parent(); }
void scanElements(void* data, void (* func)(void*, Element*), bool all=true) override;
QVariant getProperty(Pid propertyId) const override;
bool setProperty(Pid propertyId, const QVariant&) override;
QVariant propertyDefault(Pid) const override;
Pid propertyId(const QStringRef& xmlName) const override;
QString accessibleInfo() const override;
struct TrillTableItem {
Trill::Type type;
const char* name;
QString userName;
extern const TrillTableItem trillTable[];
extern int trillTableSize();
} // namespace Ms