Joachim Schmitz 3adc1ea6ed fix #14764
convert qDebug();abort() to qFatal() and if(cond) abort() to
Q_ASSERT(!cond), esp. for the benefit of Windows, where it is impossible
to set a breakpoint on the abort()
Also modernizing mscoreMessageHandler() and making it more informative
by adding file, line and function to the output.
2014-03-04 13:06:23 +01:00

125 lines
3.6 KiB

// Zerberus
// Zample player
// Copyright (C) 2013 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __ZERBERUS_H__
#define __ZERBERUS_H__
#include <math.h>
#include <atomic>
// #include <mutex>
#include <list>
#include "synthesizer/synthesizer.h"
#include "synthesizer/event.h"
class Voice;
class Channel;
class ZInstrument;
enum class Trigger;
static const int MAX_VOICES = 512;
static const int MAX_CHANNEL = 64;
static const int MAX_TRIGGER = 512;
// VoiceFifo
class VoiceFifo {
Voice* buffer[MAX_VOICES];
std::atomic<int> n;
int writeIdx = 0; // index of next slot to write
int readIdx = 0; // index of slot to read
VoiceFifo() {
n = 0;
void push(Voice* v) {
buffer[writeIdx++] = v;
writeIdx %= MAX_VOICES;
Voice* pop() {
Q_ASSERT(n != 0);
Voice* v = buffer[readIdx++];
readIdx %= MAX_VOICES;
return v;
bool empty() const { return n == 0; }
// Zerberus
class Zerberus : public Ms::Synthesizer {
static bool initialized;
static std::list<ZInstrument*> globalInstruments;
double _masterTuning = 440.0;
std::atomic<bool> busy;
std::list<ZInstrument*> instruments;
Channel* _channel[MAX_CHANNEL];
int allocatedVoices = 0;
VoiceFifo freeVoices;
Voice* activeVoices = 0;
int _loadProgress = 0;
void programChange(int channel, int program);
void trigger(Channel*, int key, int velo, Trigger);
void processNoteOff(Channel*, int pitch);
void processNoteOn(Channel* cp, int key, int velo);
virtual void process(unsigned frames, float*, float*, float*);
virtual void play(const Ms::PlayEvent& event);
bool loadInstrument(const QString&);
ZInstrument* instrument(int program) const;
Voice* getActiveVoices() { return activeVoices; }
Channel* channel(int n) { return _channel[n]; }
int loadProgress() { return _loadProgress; }
void setLoadProgress(int val) { _loadProgress = val; }
virtual void setMasterTuning(double val) { _masterTuning = val; }
virtual double masterTuning() const { return _masterTuning; }
double ct2hz(double c) { return pow(2.0, (c-6900.0) / 1200.0) * _masterTuning; }
virtual const char* name() const;
virtual const QList<Ms::MidiPatch*>& getPatchInfo() const;
virtual Ms::SynthesizerGroup state() const;
virtual void setState(const Ms::SynthesizerGroup&);
virtual void allSoundsOff(int channel);
virtual void allNotesOff(int channel);
virtual bool addSoundFont(const QString&);
virtual bool removeSoundFont(const QString&);
virtual bool loadSoundFonts(const QStringList&);
virtual QStringList soundFonts() const;
virtual Ms::SynthesizerGui* gui();
static QFileInfoList sfzFiles();