Dmitri Ovodok c7ffeba4cf Rework edit drag for lines
Restructure lines anchors rebasing code, allow for reliable line
span change between systems
2020-04-17 00:10:42 +03:00

142 lines
5.8 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __LINE_H__
#define __LINE_H__
#include "spanner.h"
#include "mscore.h"
namespace Ms {
class SLine;
class System;
// @@ LineSegment
/// Virtual base class for segmented lines segments
/// (OttavaSegment, HairpinSegment, TrillSegment...)
/// This class describes one segment of an segmented
/// line object. Line objects can span multiple staves.
/// For every staff a segment is created.
class LineSegment : public SpannerSegment {
virtual void editDrag(EditData&) override;
virtual bool edit(EditData&) override;
QVector<QLineF> gripAnchorLines(Grip) const override;
virtual void startEditDrag(EditData&) override;
void startDrag(EditData&) override;
LineSegment(Spanner* sp, Score* s, ElementFlags f = ElementFlag::NOTHING) : SpannerSegment(sp, s, f) {}
LineSegment(Score* s, ElementFlags f = ElementFlag::NOTHING) : SpannerSegment(s, f) {}
LineSegment(const LineSegment&);
virtual void draw(QPainter*) const = 0;
SLine* line() const { return (SLine*)spanner(); }
virtual void spatiumChanged(qreal, qreal) override;
virtual void localSpatiumChanged(qreal, qreal) override;
friend class SLine;
virtual void read(XmlReader&) override;
bool readProperties(XmlReader&);
virtual Element* propertyDelegate(Pid) override;
Element::EditBehavior normalModeEditBehavior() const override { return Element::EditBehavior::Edit; }
int gripsCount() const override { return 3; }
Grip initialEditModeGrip() const override { return Grip::END; }
Grip defaultGrip() const override { return Grip::MIDDLE; }
std::vector<QPointF> gripsPositions(const EditData& = EditData()) const override;
virtual QVector<QLineF> dragAnchorLines() const override;
QRectF drag(EditData &ed) override;
QPointF leftAnchorPosition(const qreal& systemPositionY) const;
QPointF rightAnchorPosition(const qreal& systemPositionY) const;
Segment* findSegmentForGrip(Grip grip, QPointF pos) const;
static QPointF deltaRebaseLeft(const Segment* oldSeg, const Segment* newSeg);
static QPointF deltaRebaseRight(const Segment* oldSeg, const Segment* newSeg, int staffIdx);
static Fraction lastSegmentEndTick(const Segment* lastSeg, const Spanner* s);
LineSegment* rebaseAnchor(Grip grip, Segment* newSeg);
void rebaseAnchors(EditData&, Grip);
// @@ SLine
/// virtual base class for Hairpin, Trill and TextLine
class SLine : public Spanner {
qreal _lineWidth;
QColor _lineColor { MScore::defaultColor };
Qt::PenStyle _lineStyle { Qt::SolidLine };
qreal _dashLineLen { 5.0 };
qreal _dashGapLen { 5.0 };
bool _diagonal { false };
virtual QPointF linePos(Grip, System** system) const;
SLine(Score* s, ElementFlags = ElementFlag::NOTHING);
SLine(const SLine&);
virtual void layout() override;
virtual SpannerSegment* layoutSystem(System*) override;
bool readProperties(XmlReader& node);
void writeProperties(XmlWriter& xml) const;
virtual LineSegment* createLineSegment() = 0;
void setLen(qreal l);
using Element::bbox;
virtual const QRectF& bbox() const override;
virtual void write(XmlWriter&) const override;
virtual void read(XmlReader&) override;
bool diagonal() const { return _diagonal; }
void setDiagonal(bool v) { _diagonal = v; }
qreal lineWidth() const { return _lineWidth; }
QColor lineColor() const { return _lineColor; }
Qt::PenStyle lineStyle() const { return _lineStyle; }
void setLineWidth(const qreal& v) { _lineWidth = v; }
void setLineColor(const QColor& v) { _lineColor = v; }
void setLineStyle(Qt::PenStyle v) { _lineStyle = v; }
qreal dashLineLen() const { return _dashLineLen; }
void setDashLineLen(qreal val) { _dashLineLen = val; }
qreal dashGapLen() const { return _dashGapLen; }
void setDashGapLen(qreal val) { _dashGapLen = val; }
LineSegment* frontSegment() { return toLineSegment(Spanner::frontSegment()); }
const LineSegment* frontSegment() const { return toLineSegment(Spanner::frontSegment()); }
LineSegment* backSegment() { return toLineSegment(Spanner::backSegment()); }
const LineSegment* backSegment() const { return toLineSegment(Spanner::backSegment()); }
LineSegment* segmentAt(int n) { return toLineSegment(Spanner::segmentAt(n)); }
const LineSegment* segmentAt(int n) const { return toLineSegment(Spanner::segmentAt(n)); }
virtual QVariant getProperty(Pid id) const override;
virtual bool setProperty(Pid propertyId, const QVariant&) override;
virtual QVariant propertyDefault(Pid id) const override;
friend class LineSegment;
} // namespace Ms