Improved Help - added a very basic guide and external links. Very simple autoindent implemented in editor - new lines line up with previous lines "New" includes placeholders for description and version. Refresh button on PluginManager forces modifications to be picked up Make plugins stay on top while using Run Indenting and layout tweaks, removed blank line. More indenting/layout stuff. ... yet more layout fixes... Push to retrigger travis-ci
136 lines
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136 lines
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// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2012 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __QMLPLUGIN_H__
#define __QMLPLUGIN_H__
#include "config.h"
#include "libmscore/mscore.h"
namespace Ms {
class MsProcess;
class Score;
class Element;
class MScore;
class MuseScoreCore;
extern int version();
extern int majorVersion();
extern int minorVersion();
extern int updateVersion();
// QmlPlugin
// @@ MuseScore
// @P menuPath QString where the plugin is placed in menu
// @P filePath QString source file path, without the file name (read only)
// @P version QString version of this plugin
// @P description QString human readable description, displayed in Plugin Manager
// @P pluginType QString type may be dialog, dock, or not defined.
// @P dockArea QString where to dock on main screen. left,top,bottom, right(default)
// @P requiresScore bool whether the plugin requires an existing score to run
// @P division int number of MIDI ticks for 1/4 note (read only)
// @P mscoreVersion int complete version number of MuseScore in the form: MMmmuu (read only)
// @P mscoreMajorVersion int 1st part of the MuseScore version (read only)
// @P mscoreMinorVersion int 2nd part of the MuseScore version (read only)
// @P mscoreUpdateVersion int 3rd part of the MuseScore version (read only)
// @P mscoreDPI qreal (read only)
// @P curScore Ms::Score* current score, if any (read only)
// @P scores array[Ms::Score] all currently open scores (read only)
class QmlPlugin : public QQuickItem {
Q_PROPERTY(QString menuPath READ menuPath WRITE setMenuPath)
Q_PROPERTY(QString filePath READ filePath)
Q_PROPERTY(QString version READ version WRITE setVersion)
Q_PROPERTY(QString description READ description WRITE setDescription)
Q_PROPERTY(QString pluginType READ pluginType WRITE setPluginType)
Q_PROPERTY(QString dockArea READ dockArea WRITE setDockArea)
Q_PROPERTY(bool requiresScore READ requiresScore WRITE setRequiresScore)
Q_PROPERTY(int division READ division)
Q_PROPERTY(int mscoreVersion READ mscoreVersion)
Q_PROPERTY(int mscoreMajorVersion READ mscoreMajorVersion)
Q_PROPERTY(int mscoreMinorVersion READ mscoreMinorVersion)
Q_PROPERTY(int mscoreUpdateVersion READ mscoreUpdateVersion)
Q_PROPERTY(qreal mscoreDPI READ mscoreDPI)
Q_PROPERTY(Ms::Score* curScore READ curScore)
//TODO-ws Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<Ms::Score> scores READ scores)
MuseScoreCore* msc;
QString _menuPath;
QString _pluginType;
QString _dockArea;
bool _requiresScore;
QString _version;
QString _description;
QFile logFile;
QString _filePath; // the path of the source file, without file name
void run();
QmlPlugin(QQuickItem* parent = 0);
void setMenuPath(const QString& s) { _menuPath = s; }
QString menuPath() const { return _menuPath; }
void setVersion(const QString& s) { _version = s; }
QString version() const { return _version; }
void setDescription(const QString& s) { _description = s; }
QString description() const { return _description; }
void setFilePath(const QString s) { _filePath = s; }
QString filePath() const { return _filePath; }
void setPluginType(const QString& s) { _pluginType = s; }
QString pluginType() const { return _pluginType; }
void setDockArea(const QString& s) { _dockArea = s; }
QString dockArea() const { return _dockArea; }
void runPlugin() { emit run(); }
void setRequiresScore(bool b) { _requiresScore = b; }
bool requiresScore() const { return _requiresScore; }
int division() const { return MScore::division; }
int mscoreVersion() const { return Ms::version(); }
int mscoreMajorVersion() const { return majorVersion(); }
int mscoreMinorVersion() const { return minorVersion(); }
int mscoreUpdateVersion() const { return updateVersion(); }
qreal mscoreDPI() const { return DPI; }
Score* curScore() const;
QQmlListProperty<Score> scores();
Q_INVOKABLE Ms::Score* newScore(const QString& name, const QString& part, int measures);
Q_INVOKABLE Ms::Element* newElement(int);
Q_INVOKABLE void cmd(const QString&);
Q_INVOKABLE Ms::MsProcess* newQProcess();
Q_INVOKABLE bool writeScore(Ms::Score*, const QString& name, const QString& ext);
Q_INVOKABLE Ms::Score* readScore(const QString& name, bool noninteractive = false);
Q_INVOKABLE void closeScore(Ms::Score*);
Q_INVOKABLE void log(const QString&);
Q_INVOKABLE void logn(const QString&);
Q_INVOKABLE void log2(const QString&, const QString&);
Q_INVOKABLE void openLog(const QString&);
Q_INVOKABLE void closeLog();
} // namespace Ms