ws ec3be9a99a Replacd integer midi tick values by fractions.
- tick names a position on the time axis
- tick is always a Fraction()
- only Measure() and Segment() (and Tuplet?) have a tick value
- tick() for an generic element return only a sensible value if isMeasure() or isSegment() or isSegment(parent())

- "ticks" names a duration stored in a Fraction()
- the tick value for an Segment is relative to its measure

- rename "duration" to "ticks"
- rename afrac() to tick()
- rename rfrac() to rtick()
- rename some variables, changing "fraction" into "tick"
  (example: actualFraction() into actualTicks())

- Lyrics ticks are written as Fraction, on read if xmlreader sees a "/" it reads a fraction
  else midi ticks for backwards compatibility
2019-02-18 11:46:05 +01:00

399 lines
16 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "score.h"
#include "slur.h"
#include "measure.h"
#include "tuplet.h"
#include "chordrest.h"
#include "rest.h"
#include "segment.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "keysig.h"
#include "clef.h"
#include "utils.h"
namespace Ms {
// checkSlurs
// helper routine to check for sanity slurs
void Score::checkSlurs()
#if 0 //TODO1
foreach(Element* e, _gel) {
if (e->type() != SLUR)
Slur* s = (Slur*)e;
Element* n1 = s->startElement();
Element* n2 = s->endElement();
if (n1 == 0 || n2 == 0 || n1 == n2) {
qDebug("unconnected slur: removing");
if (n1) {
if (n1 == 0)
qDebug(" start at %d(%d) not found", s->tick(), s->track());
if (n2 == 0)
qDebug(" end at %d(%d) not found", s->tick2(), s->track2());
if ((n1 || n2) && (n1==n2))
qDebug(" start == end");
int idx = _gel.indexOf(s);
// checkScore
void Score::checkScore()
if (!firstMeasure())
#if 0
for (Measure* m = firstMeasure(); m; m = m->nextMeasure())
for (Segment* s = firstMeasure()->first(); s;) {
Segment* ns = s->next1();
if (s->segmentType() & (SegmentType::ChordRest)) {
bool empty = true;
foreach(Element* e, s->elist()) {
if (e) {
empty = false;
if (empty) {
// Measure* m = s->measure();
qDebug("checkScore: remove empty ChordRest segment");
// m->remove(s);
s = ns;
ChordRest* lcr = 0;
for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < _staves.size(); ++staffIdx) {
int track = staffIdx * VOICES;
Fraction tick = Fraction(0,1);
Staff* st = staff(staffIdx);
for (Segment* s = firstMeasure()->first(SegmentType::ChordRest); s; s = s->next1(SegmentType::ChordRest)) {
ChordRest* cr = toChordRest(s->element(track));
if (!cr)
if (s->tick() != tick) {
if (lcr) {
Fraction timeStretch = st->timeStretch(lcr->tick());
Fraction f = cr->globalTicks() * timeStretch;
qDebug("Chord/Rest gap at tick %d(%s+%d)-%d(%s) staffIdx %d measure %d (len = %d)",
tick.ticks(), lcr->name(), f.ticks(),
s->tick().ticks(), cr->name(), staffIdx, cr->measure()->no(),
(cr->tick() - tick).ticks());
else {
qDebug("Chord/Rest gap at tick %d-%d(%s) staffIdx %d measure %d (len = %d)",
s->tick().ticks(), cr->name(), staffIdx, cr->measure()->no(),
(cr->tick() - tick).ticks());
#if 0
if (cr->tick() > tick) {
int ttick = tick;
int ticks = cr->tick() - tick;
Fraction f = Fraction::fromTicks(ticks) / st->timeStretch(ttick);
qDebug(" insert %d/%d", f.numerator(), f.denominator());
while (ticks > 0) {
Measure* m = tick2measure(ttick);
int len = ticks;
// split notes on measure boundary
if ((ttick + len) > m->tick() + m->ticks())
len = m->tick() + m->ticks() - ttick;
Fraction timeStretch = st->timeStretch(ttick);
Fraction ff = Fraction::fromTicks(len);
qDebug(" - insert %d/%d", ff.numerator(), ff.denominator());
if (ff.numerator() == 0)
Fraction fff = ff / timeStretch;
for (const Duration& d, toDurationList(fff, true)) {
Rest* rest = new Rest(this);
qDebug(" - Rest %d/%d", d.fraction().numerator(), d.fraction().denominator());
Segment* s = m->getSegment(rest, ttick);
ttick += (d.fraction() * timeStretch).ticks();
ticks -= len;
tick = s->tick();
Fraction timeStretch = st->timeStretch(tick);
Fraction f = cr->globalTicks() * timeStretch;
// qDebug("%s %d + %d = %d", cr->name(), tick, f.ticks(), tick + f.ticks());
tick += f;
lcr = cr;
// sanityCheck - Simple check for score
/// Check that voice 1 is complete
/// Check that voices > 1 contains less than measure duration
bool Score::sanityCheck(const QString& name)
bool result = true;
int mNumber = 1;
QString error;
for (Measure* m = firstMeasure(); m; m = m->nextMeasure()) {
Fraction mLen = m->ticks();
int endStaff = staves().size();
for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < endStaff; ++staffIdx) {
Rest* fmrest0 = 0; // full measure rest in voice 0
Fraction voices[VOICES];
#ifndef NDEBUG
m->setCorrupted(staffIdx, false);
for (Segment* s = m->first(SegmentType::ChordRest); s; s = s->next(SegmentType::ChordRest)) {
for (int v = 0; v < VOICES; ++v) {
ChordRest* cr = toChordRest(s->element(staffIdx * VOICES + v));
if (cr == 0)
voices[v] += cr->actualTicks();
if (v == 0 && cr->isRest()) {
Rest* r = toRest(cr);
if (r->durationType().isMeasure()) {
fmrest0 = r;
if (voices[0] != mLen) {
QString msg = QObject::tr("Measure %1, staff %2 incomplete. Expected: %3; Found: %4").arg(mNumber).arg( staffIdx+1).arg(mLen.print()).arg(voices[0].print());
qDebug() << msg;
error += QString("%1\n").arg(msg);
#ifndef NDEBUG
m->setCorrupted(staffIdx, true);
result = false;
// try to fix a bad full measure rest
if (fmrest0) {
// fmrest0->setDuration(mLen * fmrest0->staff()->timeStretch(fmrest0->tick()));
if (fmrest0->actualTicks() != mLen)
for (int v = 1; v < VOICES; ++v) {
if (voices[v] > mLen) {
QString msg = QObject::tr("Measure %1, staff %2, voice %3 too long. Expected: %4; Found: %5").arg( mNumber).arg(staffIdx + 1).arg(v+1).arg(mLen.print()).arg(voices[v].print());
qDebug() << msg;
error += QString("%1\n").arg(msg);
#ifndef NDEBUG
m->setCorrupted(staffIdx, true);
result = false;
if (!name.isEmpty()) {
QJsonObject json;
if (result) {
json["result"] = 0;
else {
json["result"] = 1;
json["error"] = error.trimmed().replace("\n", "\\n");
QJsonDocument jsonDoc(json);
QFile fp(name);
if (! {
qDebug("Open <%s> failed", qPrintable(name));
return false;
else {
MScore::lastError = error;
return result;
// checkKeys
/// check that key map is in sync with actual keys
bool Score::checkKeys()
bool rc = true;
for (int i = 0; i < nstaves(); ++i) {
Key k = staff(i)->key(Fraction(0,1));
for (Measure* m = firstMeasure(); m; m = m->nextMeasure()) {
Segment* s = m->findSegment(SegmentType::KeySig, m->tick());
if (s) {
Element* element = s->element(i * VOICES);
if (element)
k = toKeySig(element)->key();
if (staff(i)->key(m->tick()) != k) {
qDebug("measure %d (tick %d) : key %d, map %d", m->no(), m->tick().ticks(), int(k),
rc = false;
return rc;
// checkClefs
/// check that clef map is in sync with actual clefs
bool Score::checkClefs()
bool rc = true;
//TODO:ws what about clefs not at measure start?
#if 0
int track = 0;
for (Staff* staff : _staves) {
ClefType clefType = staff->clef(0);
Measure* prevMeasure = 0;
for (Measure* m = firstMeasure(); m; m = m->nextMeasure()) {
if (prevMeasure) {
Segment* segment = prevMeasure->findSegmentR(SegmentType::Clef | SegmentType::HeaderClef, 0);
if (segment) {
Element* e = segment->element(track);
if (e)
clefType = toClef(e)->clefType();
ClefType mapClefType = staff->clef(m->tick());
if (mapClefType != clefType) {
qDebug("measure %d (tick %d) : clef %d, map %d", m->no(), m->tick(), int(clefType), int(mapClefType));
rc = false;
prevMeasure = m;
track += VOICES;
return rc;
// fillGap
void Measure::fillGap(const Fraction& pos, const Fraction& len, int track, const Fraction& stretch)
qDebug("measure %6d pos %d, len %d/%d, stretch %d/%d track %d",
len.numerator(), len.denominator(),
stretch.numerator(), stretch.denominator(),
TDuration d;
if (d.isValid()) {
Rest* rest = new Rest(score());
score()->undoAddCR(rest, this, (pos / stretch) + tick());
// checkMeasure
// after opening / paste and every read operation
// this method checks for gaps and fills them
// with invisible rests
void Measure::checkMeasure(int staffIdx)
if (isMMRest())
int strack = staffIdx * VOICES;
int dtrack = strack + (hasVoices(staffIdx) ? VOICES : 1);
Fraction stretch = score()->staff(staffIdx)->timeStretch(tick());
Fraction f = ticks() * stretch;
for (int track = strack; track < dtrack; track++) {
Fraction expectedPos = Fraction(0,1);
Fraction currentPos = Fraction(0,1);
for (Segment* seg = first(SegmentType::ChordRest); seg; seg = seg->next(SegmentType::ChordRest)) {
Element* e = seg->element(track);
if (!e)
ChordRest* cr = toChordRest(e);
currentPos = seg->rtick() * stretch;
if (currentPos < expectedPos) {
qDebug("in measure overrun %6d at %d-%d track %d", tick().ticks(), (currentPos/stretch).ticks(), (expectedPos/stretch).ticks(), track);
else if (currentPos > expectedPos) {
qDebug("in measure underrun %6d at %d-%d track %d", tick().ticks(), (currentPos/stretch).ticks(), (expectedPos/stretch).ticks(), track);
fillGap(expectedPos, currentPos - expectedPos, track, stretch);
DurationElement* de = cr;
Tuplet* tuplet = cr->topTuplet();
if (tuplet) {
seg = skipTuplet(tuplet);
de = tuplet;
expectedPos = currentPos + de->ticks();
if (f > expectedPos) {
// don't fill empty voices
if (expectedPos.isNotZero())
fillGap(expectedPos, ticks() - expectedPos, track, stretch);
else if (f < expectedPos)
qDebug("measure overrun %6d, %d > %d, track %d", tick().ticks(), expectedPos.ticks(), f.ticks(), track);