2016-11-19 11:51:21 +01:00

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// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __TABLATURE_H__
#define __TABLATURE_H__
#include "xml.h"
namespace Ms {
class Chord;
class Note;
// StringData
// defines the string of an instrument
struct instrString {
int pitch; // the pitch of the string
bool open; // true: string is open | false: string is fretted
bool operator==(const instrString& d) const { return d.pitch == pitch && == open; }
class StringData {
// QList<int> stringTable { 40, 45, 50, 55, 59, 64 }; // guitar is default
// int _frets = 19;
QList<instrString> stringTable { }; // no strings by default
int _frets = 0;
static bool bFretting;
bool convertPitch(int pitch, int pitchOffset, int* string, int* fret) const;
int fret(int pitch, int string, int pitchOffset) const;
int getPitch(int string, int fret, int pitchOffset) const;
void sortChordNotes(QMap<int, Note *>& sortedNotes, const Chord* chord, int pitchOffset, int* count) const;
StringData() {}
StringData(int numFrets, int numStrings, int strings[]);
StringData(int numFrets, QList<instrString>& strings);
bool convertPitch(int pitch, Staff* staff, int tick, int* string, int* fret) const;
int fret(int pitch, int string, Staff* staff, int tick) const;
void fretChords(Chord * chord) const;
int getPitch(int string, int fret, Staff* staff, int tick) const;
static int pitchOffsetAt(Staff* staff, int tick);
int strings() const { return stringTable.size(); }
QList<instrString> stringList() const { return stringTable; }
QList<instrString>& stringList() { return stringTable; }
int frets() const { return _frets; }
void setFrets(int val) { _frets = val; }
void read(XmlReader&);
void write(XmlWriter&) const;
void writeMusicXML(XmlWriter& xml) const;
bool operator==(const StringData& d) const { return d._frets == _frets && d.stringTable == stringTable; }
} // namespace Ms