2018-08-01 11:46:35 +02:00

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// MuseScore
// Linux Music Score Editor
// Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Schweer and others
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "libmscore/box.h"
#include "libmscore/instrtemplate.h"
#include "libmscore/measure.h"
#include "libmscore/page.h"
#include "libmscore/part.h"
#include "libmscore/staff.h"
#include "libmscore/stringdata.h"
#include "libmscore/sym.h"
#include "libmscore/symbol.h"
#include "libmscore/timesig.h"
#include "libmscore/style.h"
#include "libmscore/spanner.h"
#include "libmscore/bracketItem.h"
#include "importmxmllogger.h"
#include "importmxmlnoteduration.h"
#include "importmxmlpass1.h"
#include "importmxmlpass2.h"
#include "preferences.h"
namespace Ms {
// allocateStaves
Allocate MuseScore staff to MusicXML voices.
For each staff, allocate at most VOICES voices to the staff.
// for regular (non-overlapping) voices:
// 1) assign voice to a staff (allocateStaves)
// 2) assign voice numbers (allocateVoices)
// due to cross-staving, it is not a priori clear to which staff
// a voice has to be assigned
// allocate ordered by number of chordrests in the MusicXML voice
// for overlapping voices:
// 1) assign voice to staves it is found in (allocateStaves)
// 2) assign voice numbers (allocateVoices)
static void allocateStaves(VoiceList& vcLst)
// initialize
int voicesAllocated[MAX_STAVES]; // number of voices allocated on each staff
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STAVES; ++i)
voicesAllocated[i] = 0;
// handle regular (non-overlapping) voices
// note: outer loop executed vcLst.size() times, as each inner loop handles exactly one item
for (int i = 0; i < vcLst.size(); ++i) {
// find the regular voice containing the highest number of chords and rests that has not been handled yet
int max = 0;
QString key;
for (VoiceList::const_iterator j = vcLst.constBegin(); j != vcLst.constEnd(); ++j) {
if (!j.value().overlaps() && j.value().numberChordRests() > max && j.value().staff() == -1) {
max = j.value().numberChordRests();
key = j.key();
if (key != "") {
int prefSt = vcLst.value(key).preferredStaff();
if (voicesAllocated[prefSt] < VOICES) {
// out of voices: mark as used but not allocated
// handle overlapping voices
// for every staff allocate remaining voices (if space allows)
// the ones with the highest number of chords and rests get allocated first
for (int h = 0; h < MAX_STAVES; ++h) {
// note: middle loop executed vcLst.size() times, as each inner loop handles exactly one item
for (int i = 0; i < vcLst.size(); ++i) {
// find the overlapping voice containing the highest number of chords and rests that has not been handled yet
int max = 0;
QString key;
for (VoiceList::const_iterator j = vcLst.constBegin(); j != vcLst.constEnd(); ++j) {
if (j.value().overlaps() && j.value().numberChordRests(h) > max && j.value().staffAlloc(h) == -1) {
max = j.value().numberChordRests(h);
key = j.key();
if (key != "") {
int prefSt = h;
if (voicesAllocated[prefSt] < VOICES) {
vcLst[key].setStaffAlloc(prefSt, 1);
// out of voices: mark as used but not allocated
vcLst[key].setStaffAlloc(prefSt, -2);
// allocateVoices
Allocate MuseScore voice to MusicXML voices.
For each staff, the voices are number 1, 2, 3, 4
in the same order they are numbered in the MusicXML file.
static void allocateVoices(VoiceList& vcLst)
int nextVoice[MAX_STAVES]; // number of voices allocated on each staff
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STAVES; ++i)
nextVoice[i] = 0;
// handle regular (non-overlapping) voices
// a voice is allocated on one specific staff
for (VoiceList::const_iterator i = vcLst.constBegin(); i != vcLst.constEnd(); ++i) {
int staff = i.value().staff();
QString key = i.key();
if (staff >= 0) {
// handle overlapping voices
// each voice may be in every staff
for (VoiceList::const_iterator i = vcLst.constBegin(); i != vcLst.constEnd(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < MAX_STAVES; ++j) {
int staffAlloc = i.value().staffAlloc(j);
QString key = i.key();
if (staffAlloc >= 0) {
vcLst[key].setVoice(j, nextVoice[j]);
// copyOverlapData
Copy the overlap data from the overlap detector to the voice list.
static void copyOverlapData(VoiceOverlapDetector& vod, VoiceList& vcLst)
for (VoiceList::const_iterator i = vcLst.constBegin(); i != vcLst.constEnd(); ++i) {
QString key = i.key();
if (vod.stavesOverlap(key))
// MusicXMLParserPass1
MusicXMLParserPass1::MusicXMLParserPass1(Score* score, MxmlLogger* logger)
: _divs(0), _score(score), _logger(logger)
// nothing
// initPartState
Initialize members as required for reading the MusicXML part element.
TODO: factor out part reading into a separate class
TODO: preferably use automatically initialized variables
Note that Qt automatically initializes new elements in QVector (tuplets).
void MusicXMLParserPass1::initPartState(const QString& /* partId */)
_timeSigDura = Fraction(0, 0); // invalid
_firstInstrSTime = Fraction(0, 1);
_firstInstrId = "";
// determineMeasureLength
Determine the length in ticks of each measure in all parts.
Return false on error.
bool MusicXMLParserPass1::determineMeasureLength(QVector<Fraction>& ml) const
// determine number of measures: max number of measures in any part
int nMeasures = 0;
foreach (const MusicXmlPart &part, _parts) {
if (part.nMeasures() > nMeasures)
nMeasures = part.nMeasures();
// determine max length of a specific measure in all parts
for (int i = 0; i < nMeasures; ++i) {
Fraction maxMeasDur;
foreach (const MusicXmlPart &part, _parts) {
if (i < part.nMeasures()) {
Fraction measDurPartJ = part.measureDuration(i);
if (measDurPartJ > maxMeasDur)
maxMeasDur = measDurPartJ;
//qDebug("determineMeasureLength() measure %d %s (%d)", i, qPrintable(maxMeasDur.print()), maxMeasDur.ticks());
return true;
// getVoiceList
Get the VoiceList for part \a id.
Return an empty VoiceList on error.
VoiceList MusicXMLParserPass1::getVoiceList(const QString id) const
if (_parts.contains(id))
return _parts.value(id).voicelist;
return VoiceList();
// getInstrList
Get the MusicXmlInstrList for part \a id.
Return an empty MusicXmlInstrList on error.
MusicXmlInstrList MusicXMLParserPass1::getInstrList(const QString id) const
if (_parts.contains(id))
return _parts.value(id)._instrList;
return MusicXmlInstrList();
// determineMeasureLength
Set default notehead, line and stem direction
for instrument \a instrId in part \a id.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::setDrumsetDefault(const QString& id,
const QString& instrId,
const NoteHead::Group hg,
const int line,
const Direction sd)
if (_drumsets.contains(id)
&& _drumsets[id].contains(instrId)) {
_drumsets[id][instrId].notehead = hg;
_drumsets[id][instrId].line = line;
_drumsets[id][instrId].stemDirection = sd;
// determineStaffMoveVoice
For part \a id, determine MuseScore (ms) staffmove, track and voice from MusicXML (mx) staff and voice
MusicXML staff is 0 for the first staff, 1 for the second.
Note: track is the first track of the ms staff in the score, add ms voice for elements in a voice
Return true if OK, false on error
TODO: finalize
bool MusicXMLParserPass1::determineStaffMoveVoice(const QString& id, const int mxStaff, const QString& mxVoice,
int& msMove, int& msTrack, int& msVoice) const
VoiceList voicelist = getVoiceList(id);
msMove = 0; // TODO
msTrack = 0; // TODO
msVoice = 0; // TODO
// Musicxml voices are counted for all staffs of an
// instrument. They are not limited. In mscore voices are associated
// with a staff. Every staff can have at most VOICES voices.
// The following lines map musicXml voices to mscore voices.
// If a voice crosses two staffs, this is expressed with the
// "move" parameter in mscore.
// Musicxml voices are unique within a part, but not across parts.
//qDebug("voice mapper before: voice='%s' staff=%d", qPrintable(mxVoice), mxStaff);
int s; // staff mapped by voice mapper
int v; // voice mapped by voice mapper
if (voicelist.value(mxVoice).overlaps()) {
// for overlapping voices, the staff does not change
// and the voice is mapped and staff-dependent
s = mxStaff;
v = voicelist.value(mxVoice).voice(s);
else {
// for non-overlapping voices, both staff and voice are
// set by the voice mapper
s = voicelist.value(mxVoice).staff();
v = voicelist.value(mxVoice).voice();
//qDebug("voice mapper mapped: s=%d v=%d", s, v);
if (s < 0 || v < 0) {
qDebug("too many voices (staff=%d voice='%s' -> s=%d v=%d)",
mxStaff + 1, qPrintable(mxVoice), s, v);
return false;
msMove = mxStaff - s;
msVoice = v;
// make score-relative instead on part-relative
Part* part = _partMap.value(id);
int scoreRelStaff = _score->staffIdx(part); // zero-based number of parts first staff in the score
msTrack = (scoreRelStaff + s) * VOICES;
//qDebug("voice mapper after: scoreRelStaff=%d partRelStaff=%d msMove=%d msTrack=%d msVoice=%d",
// scoreRelStaff, s, msMove, msTrack, msVoice);
// note: relStaff is the staff number relative to the parts first staff
// voice is the voice number in the staff
return true;
// hasPart
Check if part \a id is found.
bool MusicXMLParserPass1::hasPart(const QString& id) const
return _parts.contains(id);
// trackForPart
Return the (score relative) track number for the first staff of part \a id.
int MusicXMLParserPass1::trackForPart(const QString& id) const
Part* part = _partMap.value(id);
int scoreRelStaff = _score->staffIdx(part); // zero-based number of parts first staff in the score
return scoreRelStaff * VOICES;
// getMeasureStart
Return the measure start time for measure \a i.
Fraction MusicXMLParserPass1::getMeasureStart(const int i) const
if (0 <= i && i < _measureStart.size())
return Fraction(0, 0); // invalid
// octaveShift
Return the octave shift for part \a id in \a staff at \a f.
int MusicXMLParserPass1::octaveShift(const QString& id, const int staff, const Fraction f) const
if (_parts.contains(id))
return _parts.value(id).octaveShift(staff, f);
return 0;
// skipLogCurrElem
Skip the current element, log debug as info.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::skipLogCurrElem()
_logger->logDebugInfo(QString("skipping '%1'").arg(, &_e);
// createMeasures
Create required measures with correct number, start tick and length for Score \a score.
static void createMeasures(Score* score, const QVector<Fraction>& ml, const QVector<Fraction>& ms)
for (int i = 0; i < ml.size(); ++i) {
Measure* measure = new Measure(score);
// determineMeasureStart
Determine the start ticks of each measure
i.e. the sum of all previous measures length
or start tick measure equals start tick previous measure plus length previous measure
static void determineMeasureStart(const QVector<Fraction>& ml, QVector<Fraction>& ms)
if (!(ms.size() > 0))
return; // no parts read
// first measure starts at t = 0
ms[0] = Fraction(0, 1);
// all others start at start time previous measure plus length previous measure
for (int i = 1; i < ml.size(); i++)
ms[i] = - 1) + - 1);
//for (int i = 0; i < ms.size(); i++)
// qDebug("measurestart ms[%d] %s", i + 1, qPrintable(;
// addText
Add text \a strTxt to VBox \a vbx using Tid \a stl.
static void addText(VBox* vbx, Score* s, QString strTxt, Tid stl)
if (!strTxt.isEmpty()) {
Text* text = new Text(s, stl);
// addText
Add text \a strTxt to VBox \a vbx using Tid \a stl.
Also sets Align and Yoff.
static void addText2(VBox* vbx, Score* s, QString strTxt, Tid stl, Align v, double yoffs)
if (!strTxt.isEmpty()) {
Text* text = new Text(s, stl);
text->setOffset(QPointF(0.0, yoffs));
// doCredits
Create Text elements for the credits read from MusicXML credit-words elements.
Apply simple heuristics using only default x and y to recognize the meaning of credit words
If no credits are found, create credits from meta data.
static void doCredits(Score* score, const CreditWordsList& credits, const int pageWidth, const int pageHeight)
qDebug("page format set (inch) w=%g h=%g tm=%g spatium=%g DPMM=%g DPI=%g",
pf->width(), pf->height(), pf->oddTopMargin(), score->spatium(), DPMM, DPI);
// page width, height and odd top margin in tenths
const double ph = score->styleD(Sid::pageHeight) * 10 * DPI / score->spatium();
const int pw1 = pageWidth / 3;
const int pw2 = pageWidth * 2 / 3;
const int ph2 = pageHeight / 2;
const double pw = pf->width() * 10 * DPI / score->spatium();
const double tm = pf->oddTopMargin() * 10 * DPI / score->spatium();
const double tov = ph - tm;
qDebug("page format set (tenths) w=%g h=%g tm=%g tov=%g", pw, ph, tm, tov);
qDebug("page format (xml, tenths) w=%d h=%d", pageWidth, pageHeight);
qDebug("page format pw1=%d pw2=%d ph2=%d", pw1, pw2, ph2);
// dump the credits
for (ciCreditWords ci = credits.begin(); ci != credits.end(); ++ci) {
CreditWords* w = *ci;
qDebug("credit-words defx=%g defy=%g just=%s hal=%s val=%s words='%s'",
int nWordsHeader = 0; // number of credit-words in the header
int nWordsFooter = 0; // number of credit-words in the footer
for (ciCreditWords ci = credits.begin(); ci != credits.end(); ++ci) {
CreditWords* w = *ci;
double defy = w->defaultY;
// and count #words in header and footer
if (defy > ph2)
} // end for (ciCreditWords ...
// if there are any credit words in the header, use these
// else use the credit words in the footer (if any)
bool useHeader = nWordsHeader > 0;
bool useFooter = nWordsHeader == 0 && nWordsFooter > 0;
//qDebug("header %d footer %d useHeader %d useFooter %d",
// nWordsHeader, nWordsFooter, useHeader, useFooter);
// determine credits height and create vbox to contain them
qreal vboxHeight = 10; // default height in spatium
double miny = pageHeight;
double maxy = 0;
if (pageWidth > 1 && pageHeight > 1) {
for (ciCreditWords ci = credits.begin(); ci != credits.end(); ++ci) {
CreditWords* w = *ci;
double defy = w->defaultY;
if ((useHeader && defy > ph2) || (useFooter && defy < ph2)) {
if (defy > maxy) maxy = defy;
if (defy < miny) miny = defy;
//qDebug("miny=%g maxy=%g", miny, maxy);
if (miny < (ph - 1) && maxy > 1) { // if both miny and maxy set
double diff = maxy - miny; // calculate height in tenths
if (diff > 1 && diff < ph2) { // and size is reasonable
vboxHeight = diff;
vboxHeight /= 10; // height in spatium
vboxHeight += 2.5; // guesstimated correction for last line
//qDebug("vbox height %g sp", vboxHeight);
VBox* vbox = new VBox(score);
QMap<int, CreditWords*> creditMap; // store credit-words sorted on y pos
bool creditWordsUsed = false;
for (ciCreditWords ci = credits.begin(); ci != credits.end(); ++ci) {
CreditWords* w = *ci;
double defx = w->defaultX;
double defy = w->defaultY;
// handle all credit words in the box
if ((useHeader && defy > ph2) || (useFooter && defy < ph2)) {
creditWordsUsed = true;
// composer is in the right column
if (pw2 < defx) {
// found composer
addText2(vbox, score, w->words,
Tid::COMPOSER, Align::RIGHT | Align::BOTTOM,
(miny - w->defaultY) * score->spatium() / (10 * DPI));
// poet is in the left column
else if (defx < pw1) {
// found poet/lyricist
addText2(vbox, score, w->words,
Tid::POET, Align::LEFT | Align::BOTTOM,
(miny - w->defaultY) * score->spatium() / (10 * DPI));
// save others (in the middle column) to be handled later
else {
creditMap.insert(defy, w);
// keep remaining footer text for possible use as copyright
else if (useHeader && defy < ph2) {
// found credit words in both header and footer
// header was used to create a vbox at the top of the first page
// footer is ignored as it conflicts with the default MuseScore footer style
//qDebug("add to copyright: '%s'", qPrintable(w->words));
} // end for (ciCreditWords ...
QMap<int, CreditWords*>::const_iterator ci = creditMap.constBegin();
while (ci != creditMap.constEnd()) {
CreditWords* w = ci.value();
qDebug("creditMap %d credit-words defx=%g defy=%g just=%s hal=%s val=%s words=%s",
// assign title, subtitle and copyright
QList<int> keys = creditMap.uniqueKeys(); // note: ignoring credit-words at the same y pos
// if any credit-words present, the highest is the title
// note that the keys are sorted in ascending order
// -> use the last key
if (keys.size() >= 1) {
CreditWords* w = creditMap.value( - 1));
//qDebug("title='%s'", qPrintable(w->words));
addText2(vbox, score, w->words,
Tid::TITLE, Align::HCENTER | Align::TOP,
(maxy - w->defaultY) * score->spatium() / (10 * DPI));
// add remaining credit-words as subtitles
for (int i = 0; i < (keys.size() - 1); i++) {
CreditWords* w = creditMap.value(;
//qDebug("subtitle='%s'", qPrintable(w->words));
addText2(vbox, score, w->words,
Tid::SUBTITLE, Align::HCENTER | Align::TOP,
(maxy - w->defaultY) * score->spatium() / (10 * DPI));
// use metadata if no workable credit-words found
if (!creditWordsUsed) {
QString strTitle;
QString strSubTitle;
QString strComposer;
QString strPoet;
QString strTranslator;
if (!(score->metaTag("movementTitle").isEmpty() && score->metaTag("workTitle").isEmpty())) {
strTitle = score->metaTag("movementTitle");
if (strTitle.isEmpty())
strTitle = score->metaTag("workTitle");
if (!(score->metaTag("movementNumber").isEmpty() && score->metaTag("workNumber").isEmpty())) {
strSubTitle = score->metaTag("movementNumber");
if (strSubTitle.isEmpty())
strSubTitle = score->metaTag("workNumber");
QString metaComposer = score->metaTag("composer");
QString metaPoet = score->metaTag("poet");
QString metaTranslator = score->metaTag("translator");
if (!metaComposer.isEmpty()) strComposer = metaComposer;
if (metaPoet.isEmpty()) metaPoet = score->metaTag("lyricist");
if (!metaPoet.isEmpty()) strPoet = metaPoet;
if (!metaTranslator.isEmpty()) strTranslator = metaTranslator;
addText(vbox, score, strTitle.toHtmlEscaped(), Tid::TITLE);
addText(vbox, score, strSubTitle.toHtmlEscaped(), Tid::SUBTITLE);
addText(vbox, score, strComposer.toHtmlEscaped(), Tid::COMPOSER);
addText(vbox, score, strPoet.toHtmlEscaped(), Tid::POET);
addText(vbox, score, strTranslator.toHtmlEscaped(), Tid::TRANSLATOR);
if (vbox) {
// fixupSigmap
To enable error handling in pass2, ensure sigmap contains a valid entry at tick = 0.
Required by TimeSigMap::tickValues(), called (indirectly) by Segment::add().
static void fixupSigmap(MxmlLogger* logger, Score* score, const QVector<Fraction>& measureLength)
auto it = score->sigmap()->find(0);
if (it == score->sigmap()->end()) {
// no valid timesig at tick = 0
logger->logDebugInfo("no valid time signature at tick = 0");
// use length of first measure instead time signature.
// if there is no first measure, we probably don't care,
// but set a default anyway.
Fraction tsig = measureLength.isEmpty() ? Fraction(4, 4) :;
score->sigmap()->add(0, tsig);
// parse
Parse MusicXML in \a device and extract pass 1 data.
Score::FileError MusicXMLParserPass1::parse(QIODevice* device)
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::parse device");
auto res = parse();
if (res != Score::FileError::FILE_NO_ERROR)
return res;
// Determine the start tick of each measure in the part
determineMeasureStart(_measureLength, _measureStart);
// Fixup timesig at tick = 0 if necessary
fixupSigmap(_logger, _score, _measureLength);
// Create the measures
createMeasures(_score, _measureLength, _measureStart);
return res;
// parse
Start the parsing process, after verifying the top-level node is score-partwise
Score::FileError MusicXMLParserPass1::parse()
bool found = false;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "score-partwise") {
found = true;
else {
_logger->logError(QString("this is not a MusicXML score-partwise file (top-level node '%1')")
.arg(, &_e);
return Score::FileError::FILE_BAD_FORMAT;
if (!found) {
_logger->logError("this is not a MusicXML score-partwise file, node <score-partwise> not found", &_e);
return Score::FileError::FILE_BAD_FORMAT;
return Score::FileError::FILE_NO_ERROR;
// allStaffGroupsIdentical
Return true if all staves in Part \a p have the same staff group
static bool allStaffGroupsIdentical(Part const* const p)
for (int i = 1; i < p->nstaves(); ++i) {
if (p->staff(0)->staffType(0)->group() != p->staff(i)->staffType(0)->group())
return false;
return true;
// scorePartwise
Parse the MusicXML top-level (XPath /score-partwise) node.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::scorePartwise()
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "score-partwise");
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::scorePartwise", &_e);
MusicXmlPartGroupList partGroupList;
CreditWordsList credits;
int pageWidth = 0; ///< Page width read from defaults
int pageHeight = 0; ///< Page height read from defaults
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "part")
else if ( == "part-list") {
// if any credits are present, they have been read now
// add the credits to the score before adding any measure
// note that a part-list element must always be present
doCredits(_score, credits, pageWidth, pageHeight);
// and read the part list
else if ( == "work") {
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "work-number")
_score->setMetaTag("workNumber", _e.readElementText());
else if ( == "work-title")
_score->setMetaTag("workTitle", _e.readElementText());
else if ( == "identification")
else if ( == "defaults")
defaults(pageWidth, pageHeight);
else if ( == "movement-number")
_score->setMetaTag("movementNumber", _e.readElementText());
else if ( == "movement-title")
_score->setMetaTag("movementTitle", _e.readElementText());
else if ( == "credit")
// add brackets where required
for (int i = 0; i < (int) partGroupList.size(); i++) {
MusicXmlPartGroup* pg = partGroupList[i];
qDebug("part-group span %d start %d type %hhd barlinespan %d",
pg->span, pg->start, pg->type, pg->barlineSpan);
// set of (typically multi-staff) parts containing one or more explicit brackets
// spanning only that part: these won't get an implicit brace later
// e.g. a two-staff piano part with an explicit brace
QSet<Part const* const> partSet;
// handle the explicit brackets
const QList<Part*>& il = _score->parts();
for (int i = 0; i < (int) partGroupList.size(); i++) {
MusicXmlPartGroup* pg = partGroupList[i];
// add part to set
if (pg->span == 1)
partSet <<>start);
// determine span in staves
int stavesSpan = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < pg->span; j++)
stavesSpan +=>start + j)->nstaves();
// add bracket and set the span
// TODO: use group-symbol default-x to determine horizontal order of brackets
Staff* staff =>start)->staff(0);
if (pg->type == BracketType::NO_BRACKET)
staff->setBracketType(0, BracketType::NO_BRACKET);
else {
staff->addBracket(new BracketItem(staff->score(), pg->type, stavesSpan));
if (pg->barlineSpan)
// handle the implicit brackets:
// multi-staff parts w/o explicit brackets get a brace
foreach(Part const* const p, il) {
if (p->nstaves() > 1 && !partSet.contains(p)) {
p->staff(0)->addBracket(new BracketItem(p->score(), BracketType::BRACE, p->nstaves()));
if (allStaffGroupsIdentical(p)) {
// span only if the same types
// identification
Parse the /score-partwise/identification node:
read the metadata.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::identification()
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "identification");
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::identification", &_e);
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "creator") {
// type is an arbitrary label
QString strType = _e.attributes().value("type").toString();
_score->setMetaTag(strType, _e.readElementText());
else if ( == "rights")
_score->setMetaTag("copyright", _e.readElementText());
else if ( == "encoding") {
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
// _score->setMetaTag("encoding", _e.readElementText()); works with DOM but not with pull parser
// temporarily fake the encoding tag (compliant with DOM parser) to help the autotester
if (MScore::debugMode)
_score->setMetaTag("encoding", "MuseScore 0.7.02007-09-10");
else if ( == "source")
_score->setMetaTag("source", _e.readElementText());
else if ( == "miscellaneous")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
// text2syms
Convert SMuFL code points to MuseScore <sym>...</sym>
static QString text2syms(const QString& t)
//QTime time;
// first create a map from symbol (Unicode) text to symId
// note that this takes about 1 msec on a Core i5,
// caching does not gain much
ScoreFont* sf = ScoreFont::fallbackFont();
QMap<QString, SymId> map;
int maxStringSize = 0; // maximum string size found
for (int i = int(SymId::noSym); i < int(SymId::lastSym); ++i) {
SymId id((SymId(i)));
QString string(sf->toString(id));
// insert all syms except space to prevent matching all regular spaces
if (id != SymId::space)
map.insert(string, id);
if (string.size() > maxStringSize)
maxStringSize = string.size();
//qDebug("text2syms map count %d maxsz %d filling time elapsed: %d ms",
// map.size(), maxStringSize, time.elapsed());
// then look for matches
QString in = t;
QString res;
while (in != "") {
// try to find the largest match possible
int maxMatch = qMin(in.size(), maxStringSize);
QString sym;
while (maxMatch > 0) {
QString toBeMatched = in.left(maxMatch);
if (map.contains(toBeMatched)) {
sym = Sym::id2name(map.value(toBeMatched));
if (maxMatch > 0) {
// found a match, add sym to res and remove match from string in
res += "<sym>";
res += sym;
res += "</sym>";
in.remove(0, maxMatch);
else {
// not found, move one char from res to in
res += in.left(1);
in.remove(0, 1);
//qDebug("text2syms total time elapsed: %d ms, res '%s'", time.elapsed(), qPrintable(res));
return res;
// decodeEntities
Decode &#...; in string \a src into UNICODE (utf8) character.
static QString decodeEntities( const QString& src )
QString ret(src);
QRegExp re("&#([0-9]+);");
int pos = 0;
while ( (pos = re.indexIn(src, pos)) != -1 ) {
ret = ret.replace(re.cap(0), QChar(re.cap(1).toInt(0,10)));
pos += re.matchedLength();
return ret;
// nextPartOfFormattedString
// TODO: probably should be shared between pass 1 and 2
Read the next part of a MusicXML formatted string and convert to MuseScore internal encoding.
static QString nextPartOfFormattedString(QXmlStreamReader& e)
//QString lang = e.attribute(QString("xml:lang"), "it");
QString fontWeight = e.attributes().value("font-weight").toString();
QString fontSize = e.attributes().value("font-size").toString();
QString fontStyle = e.attributes().value("font-style").toString();
QString underline = e.attributes().value("underline").toString();
QString fontFamily = e.attributes().value("font-family").toString();
// TODO: color, enclosure, yoffset in only part of the text, ...
QString txt = e.readElementText();
// replace HTML entities
txt = decodeEntities(txt);
QString syms = text2syms(txt);
QString importedtext;
if (!fontSize.isEmpty()) {
bool ok = true;
float size = fontSize.toFloat(&ok);
if (ok)
importedtext += QString("<font size=\"%1\"/>").arg(size);
if (!fontFamily.isEmpty() && txt == syms) {
// add font family only if no <sym> replacement made
importedtext += QString("<font face=\"%1\"/>").arg(fontFamily);
if (fontWeight == "bold")
importedtext += "<b>";
if (fontStyle == "italic")
importedtext += "<i>";
if (!underline.isEmpty()) {
bool ok = true;
int lines = underline.toInt(&ok);
if (ok && (lines > 0)) // 1,2, or 3 underlines are imported as single underline
importedtext += "<u>";
underline = "";
if (txt == syms) {
txt.replace(QString("\r"), QString("")); // convert Windows line break \r\n -> \n
importedtext += txt.toHtmlEscaped();
else {
// <sym> replacement made, should be no need for line break or other conversions
importedtext += syms;
if (underline != "")
importedtext += "</u>";
if (fontStyle == "italic")
importedtext += "</i>";
if (fontWeight == "bold")
importedtext += "</b>";
//qDebug("importedtext '%s'", qPrintable(importedtext));
return importedtext;
// credit
Parse the /score-partwise/credit node:
read the credits for later handling by doCredits().
void MusicXMLParserPass1::credit(CreditWordsList& credits)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "credit");
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::credit", &_e);
QString page = _e.attributes().value("page").toString();
// handle only page 1 credits (to extract title etc.)
// assume no page attribute means page 1
if (page == "" || page == "1") {
// multiple credit-words elements may be present,
// which are appended
// use the position info from the first one
// font information is ignored, credits will be styled
bool creditWordsRead = false;
double defaultx = 0;
double defaulty = 0;
QString justify;
QString halign;
QString valign;
QString crwords;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "credit-words") {
if (!creditWordsRead) {
defaultx = _e.attributes().value("default-x").toString().toDouble();
defaulty = _e.attributes().value("default-y").toString().toDouble();
justify = _e.attributes().value("justify").toString();
halign = _e.attributes().value("halign").toString();
valign = _e.attributes().value("valign").toString();
creditWordsRead = true;
crwords += nextPartOfFormattedString(_e);
else if ( == "credit-type")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
if (crwords != "") {
CreditWords* cw = new CreditWords(defaultx, defaulty, justify, halign, valign, crwords);
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
Q_ASSERT(_e.isEndElement() && == "credit");
// mustSetSize
Determine if i is a style type for which the default size must be set
// The MusicXML specification does not specify to which kinds of text
// the word-font setting applies. Setting all sizes to the size specified
// gives bad results, e.g. for measure numbers, so a selection is made.
// Some tweaking may still be required.
#if 0
static bool mustSetSize(const int i)
i == int(Tid::TITLE)
|| i == int(Tid::SUBTITLE)
|| i == int(Tid::COMPOSER)
|| i == int(Tid::POET)
|| i == int(Tid::INSTRUMENT_LONG)
|| i == int(Tid::INSTRUMENT_SHORT)
|| i == int(Tid::INSTRUMENT_EXCERPT)
|| i == int(Tid::TEMPO)
|| i == int(Tid::METRONOME)
|| i == int(Tid::TRANSLATOR)
|| i == int(Tid::SYSTEM)
|| i == int(Tid::STAFF)
|| i == int(Tid::REPEAT_LEFT)
|| i == int(Tid::REPEAT_RIGHT)
|| i == int(Tid::TEXTLINE)
|| i == int(Tid::GLISSANDO)
|| i == int(Tid::INSTRUMENT_CHANGE);
// updateStyles
Update the style definitions to match the MusicXML word-font and lyric-font.
static void updateStyles(Score* score,
const QString& /*wordFamily*/, const QString& /*wordSize*/,
const QString& lyricFamily, const QString& lyricSize)
//TODO:ws const float fWordSize = wordSize.toFloat(); // note conversion error results in value 0.0
const float fLyricSize = lyricSize.toFloat(); // but avoid comparing float with exact value later
// loop over all text styles (except the empty, always hidden, first one)
// set all text styles to the MusicXML defaults
#if 0 // TODO:ws
for (int i = int(Tid::DEFAULT) + 1; i < int(Tid::TEXT_STYLES); ++i) {
TextStyle ts = score->style().textStyle(TextStyleType(i));
if (i == int(Tid::LYRIC1) || i == int(Tid::LYRIC2)) {
if (lyricFamily != "")
if (fLyricSize > 0.001)
else {
if (wordFamily != "")
if (fWordSize > 0.001 && mustSetSize(i))
if (lyricFamily != "") {
score->style().set(Sid::lyricsOddFontFace, lyricFamily);
score->style().set(Sid::lyricsEvenFontFace, lyricFamily);
if (fLyricSize > 0.001) {
score->style().set(Sid::lyricsOddFontSize, QVariant(fLyricSize));
score->style().set(Sid::lyricsEvenFontSize, QVariant(fLyricSize));
// defaults
Parse the /score-partwise/defaults node:
read the general score layout settings.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::defaults(int& pageWidth, int& pageHeight)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "defaults");
//_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::defaults", &_e);
double millimeter = _score->spatium()/10.0;
double tenths = 1.0;
QString lyricFontFamily;
QString lyricFontSize;
QString wordFontFamily;
QString wordFontSize;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "appearance")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "scaling") {
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "millimeters")
millimeter = _e.readElementText().toDouble();
else if ( == "tenths")
tenths = _e.readElementText().toDouble();
double _spatium = DPMM * (millimeter * 10.0 / tenths);
else if ( == "page-layout") {
PageFormat pf;
pageLayout(pf, millimeter / (tenths * INCH), pageWidth, pageHeight);
//TODO:ws if (preferences.musicxmlImportLayout)
// _score->setPageFormat(pf);
else if ( == "system-layout") {
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "system-dividers")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "system-margins")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "system-distance") {
Spatium val(_e.readElementText().toDouble() / 10.0);
_score->style().set(Sid::minSystemDistance, val);
//qDebug("system distance %f", val.val());
else if ( == "top-system-distance")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "staff-layout") {
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "staff-distance") {
Spatium val(_e.readElementText().toDouble() / 10.0);
_score->style().set(Sid::staffDistance, val);
else if ( == "music-font")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "word-font") {
wordFontFamily = _e.attributes().value("font-family").toString();
wordFontSize = _e.attributes().value("font-size").toString();
else if ( == "lyric-font") {
lyricFontFamily = _e.attributes().value("font-family").toString();
lyricFontSize = _e.attributes().value("font-size").toString();
else if ( == "lyric-language")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
qDebug("word font family '%s' size '%s' lyric font family '%s' size '%s'",
qPrintable(wordFontFamily), qPrintable(wordFontSize),
qPrintable(lyricFontFamily), qPrintable(lyricFontSize));
updateStyles(_score, wordFontFamily, wordFontSize, lyricFontFamily, lyricFontSize);
_score->setDefaultsRead(true); // TODO only if actually succeeded ?
// pageLayout
Parse the /score-partwise/defaults/page-layout node:
read the page layout.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::pageLayout(PageFormat& pf, const qreal conversion,
int& pageWidth, int& pageHeight)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "page-layout");
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::pageLayout", &_e);
qreal _oddRightMargin = 0.0;
qreal _evenRightMargin = 0.0;
QSizeF size;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "page-margins") {
QString type = _e.attributes().value("type").toString();
if (type == "")
type = "both";
qreal lm = 0.0, rm = 0.0, tm = 0.0, bm = 0.0;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "left-margin")
lm = _e.readElementText().toDouble() * conversion;
else if ( == "right-margin")
rm = _e.readElementText().toDouble() * conversion;
else if ( == "top-margin")
tm = _e.readElementText().toDouble() * conversion;
else if ( == "bottom-margin")
bm = _e.readElementText().toDouble() * conversion;
pf.twosided = type == "odd" || type == "even";
if (type == "odd" || type == "both") {
pf.oddLeftMargin = lm;
_oddRightMargin = rm;
pf.oddTopMargin = tm;
pf.oddBottomMargin = bm;
if (type == "even" || type == "both") {
pf.evenLeftMargin = lm;
_evenRightMargin = rm;
pf.evenTopMargin = tm;
pf.evenBottomMargin = bm;
else if ( == "page-height") {
double val = _e.readElementText().toDouble();
size.rheight() = val * conversion;
// set pageHeight and pageWidth for use by doCredits()
pageHeight = static_cast<int>(val + 0.5);
else if ( == "page-width") {
double val = _e.readElementText().toDouble();
size.rwidth() = val * conversion;
// set pageHeight and pageWidth for use by doCredits()
pageWidth = static_cast<int>(val + 0.5);
pf.size = size;
qreal w1 = size.width() - pf.oddLeftMargin - _oddRightMargin;
qreal w2 = size.width() - pf.evenLeftMargin - _evenRightMargin;
pf.printableWidth = qMax(w1, w2); // silently adjust right margins
// partList
Parse the /score-partwise/part-list:
create the parts and for each part set id and name.
Also handle the part-groups.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::partList(MusicXmlPartGroupList& partGroupList)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "part-list");
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::partList", &_e);
int scoreParts = 0; // number of score-parts read sofar
MusicXmlPartGroupMap partGroups;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "part-group")
partGroup(scoreParts, partGroupList, partGroups);
else if ( == "score-part") {
// createPart
Create the part, set its \a id and insert it in PartMap \a pm.
Part name (if any) will be set later.
static void createPart(Score* score, const QString& id, PartMap& pm)
Part* part = new Part(score);
pm.insert(id, part);
Staff* staff = new Staff(score);
// TODO TBD tuplets.resize(VOICES); // part now contains one staff, thus VOICES voices
// partGroupStart
typedef std::map<int,MusicXmlPartGroup*> MusicXmlPartGroupMap;
Store part-group start with number \a n, first part \a p and symbol / \a s in the partGroups
map \a pgs for later reference, as at this time insufficient information is available to be able
to generate the brackets.
static void partGroupStart(MusicXmlPartGroupMap& pgs, int n, int p, QString s, bool barlineSpan)
//qDebug("partGroupStart number=%d part=%d symbol=%s", n, p, qPrintable(s));
if (pgs.count(n) > 0) {
qDebug("part-group number=%d already active", n);
BracketType bracketType = BracketType::NO_BRACKET;
if (s == "")
; // ignore (handle as NO_BRACKET)
else if (s == "none")
; // already set to NO_BRACKET
else if (s == "brace")
bracketType = BracketType::BRACE;
else if (s == "bracket")
bracketType = BracketType::NORMAL;
else if (s == "line")
bracketType = BracketType::LINE;
else if (s == "square")
bracketType = BracketType::SQUARE;
else {
qDebug("part-group symbol=%s not supported", qPrintable(s));
MusicXmlPartGroup* pg = new MusicXmlPartGroup;
pg->span = 0;
pg->start = p;
pg->barlineSpan = barlineSpan,
pg->type = bracketType;
pgs[n] = pg;
// partGroupStop
Handle part-group stop with number \a n and part \a p.
For part group n, the start part, span (in parts) and type are now known.
To generate brackets, the span in staves must also be known.
static void partGroupStop(MusicXmlPartGroupMap& pgs, int n, int p,
MusicXmlPartGroupList& pgl)
if (pgs.count(n) == 0) {
qDebug("part-group number=%d not active", n);
pgs[n]->span = p - pgs[n]->start;
//qDebug("partgroupstop number=%d start=%d span=%d type=%hhd",
// n, pgs[n]->start, pgs[n]->span, pgs[n]->type);
// partGroup
Parse the /score-partwise/part-list/part-group node.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::partGroup(const int scoreParts,
MusicXmlPartGroupList& partGroupList,
MusicXmlPartGroupMap& partGroups)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "part-group");
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::partGroup", &_e);
bool barlineSpan = true;
int number = _e.attributes().value("number").toInt();
if (number > 0) number--;
QString symbol = "";
QString type = _e.attributes().value("type").toString();
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "group-name")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "group-abbreviation")
symbol = _e.readElementText();
else if ( == "group-symbol")
symbol = _e.readElementText();
else if ( == "group-barline") {
if (_e.readElementText() == "no")
barlineSpan = false;
if (type == "start")
partGroupStart(partGroups, number, scoreParts, symbol, barlineSpan);
else if (type == "stop")
partGroupStop(partGroups, number, scoreParts, partGroupList);
_logger->logError(QString("part-group type '%1' not supported").arg(type), &_e);
// findInstrument
Find the first InstrumentTemplate with musicXMLid instrSound
and a non-empty set of channels.
#if 0 // not used
static const InstrumentTemplate* findInstrument(const QString& instrSound)
const InstrumentTemplate* instr = nullptr;
for (const InstrumentGroup* group : instrumentGroups) {
for (const InstrumentTemplate* templ : group->instrumentTemplates) {
if (templ->musicXMLid == instrSound && !templ->channel.isEmpty()) {
return templ;
return instr;
// scorePart
Parse the /score-partwise/part-list/score-part node:
create the part and sets id and name.
Note that a part is created even if no part-name is present
which is invalid MusicXML but is (sometimes ?) generated by NWC2MusicXML.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::scorePart()
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "score-part");
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::scorePart", &_e);
QString id = _e.attributes().value("id").toString();
if (_parts.contains(id)) {
_logger->logError(QString("duplicate part id '%1'").arg(id), &_e);
else {
_parts.insert(id, MusicXmlPart(id));
_drumsets.insert(id, MusicXMLDrumset());
createPart(_score, id, _partMap);
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "part-name") {
// Element part-name contains the displayed (full) part name
// It is displayed by default, but can be suppressed (print-object=”no”)
// As of MusicXML 3.0, formatting is deprecated, with part-name in plain text
// and the formatted version in the part-name-display element
_parts[id].setPrintName(!(_e.attributes().value("print-object") == "no"));
QString name = _e.readElementText();
else if ( == "part-name-display") {
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "part-abbreviation") {
// Element part-name contains the displayed (abbreviated) part name
// It is displayed by default, but can be suppressed (print-object=”no”)
// As of MusicXML 3.0, formatting is deprecated, with part-name in plain text
// and the formatted version in the part-abbreviation-display element
_parts[id].setPrintAbbr(!(_e.attributes().value("print-object") == "no"));
QString name = _e.readElementText();
else if ( == "part-abbreviation-display")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "score-instrument")
else if ( == "midi-device") {
if (!_e.attributes().hasAttribute("port")) {
_e.readElementText(); // empty string
QString instrId = _e.attributes().value("id").toString();
QString port = _e.attributes().value("port").toString();
// If instrId is missing, the device assignment affects all
// score-instrument elements in the score-part
if (instrId.isEmpty()) {
for (auto it = _drumsets[id].cbegin(); it != _drumsets[id].cend(); ++it)
_drumsets[id][it.key()].midiPort = port.toInt() - 1;
else if (_drumsets[id].contains(instrId))
_drumsets[id][instrId].midiPort = port.toInt() - 1;
_e.readElementText(); // empty string
else if ( == "midi-instrument")
Q_ASSERT(_e.isEndElement() && == "score-part");
// scoreInstrument
Parse the /score-partwise/part-list/score-part/score-instrument node.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::scoreInstrument(const QString& partId)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "score-instrument");
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::scoreInstrument", &_e);
QString instrId = _e.attributes().value("id").toString();
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "ensemble")
else if ( == "instrument-name") {
QString instrName = _e.readElementText();
qDebug("partId '%s' instrId '%s' instrName '%s'",
_drumsets[partId].insert(instrId, MusicXMLDrumInstrument(instrName));
// Element instrument-name is typically not displayed in the score,
// but used only internally
if (_drumsets[partId].contains(instrId))
_drumsets[partId][instrId].name = instrName;
else if ( == "instrument-sound") {
QString instrSound = _e.readElementText();
if (_drumsets[partId].contains(instrId))
_drumsets[partId][instrId].sound = instrSound;
else if ( == "virtual-instrument") {
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "virtual-library") {
QString virtualLibrary = _e.readElementText();
if (_drumsets[partId].contains(instrId))
_drumsets[partId][instrId].virtLib = virtualLibrary;
else if ( == "virtual-name") {
QString virtualName = _e.readElementText();
if (_drumsets[partId].contains(instrId))
_drumsets[partId][instrId].virtName = virtualName;
Q_ASSERT(_e.isEndElement() && == "score-instrument");
// midiInstrument
Parse the /score-partwise/part-list/score-part/midi-instrument node.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::midiInstrument(const QString& partId)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "midi-instrument");
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::midiInstrument", &_e);
QString instrId = _e.attributes().value("id").toString();
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "midi-bank")
else if ( == "midi-channel") {
int channel = _e.readElementText().toInt();
if (channel < 1) {
_logger->logError(QString("incorrect midi-channel: %1").arg(channel), &_e);
channel = 1;
else if (channel > 16) {
_logger->logError(QString("incorrect midi-channel: %1").arg(channel), &_e);
channel = 16;
if (_drumsets[partId].contains(instrId))
_drumsets[partId][instrId].midiChannel = channel - 1;
else if ( == "midi-program") {
int program = _e.readElementText().toInt();
// Bug fix for Cubase 6.5.5 which generates <midi-program>0</midi-program>
// Check program number range
if (program < 1) {
_logger->logError(QString("incorrect midi-program: %1").arg(program), &_e);
program = 1;
else if (program > 128) {
_logger->logError(QString("incorrect midi-program: %1").arg(program), &_e);
program = 128;
if (_drumsets[partId].contains(instrId))
_drumsets[partId][instrId].midiProgram = program - 1;
else if ( == "midi-unpitched") {
if (_drumsets[partId].contains(instrId))
_drumsets[partId][instrId].pitch = _e.readElementText().toInt() - 1;
else if ( == "volume") {
double vol = _e.readElementText().toDouble();
if (vol >= 0 && vol <= 100) {
if (_drumsets[partId].contains(instrId))
_drumsets[partId][instrId].midiVolume = static_cast<int>((vol / 100) * 127);
_logger->logError(QString("incorrect midi-volume: %1").arg(vol), &_e);
else if ( == "pan") {
double pan = _e.readElementText().toDouble();
if (pan >= -90 && pan <= 90) {
if (_drumsets[partId].contains(instrId))
_drumsets[partId][instrId].midiPan = static_cast<int>(((pan + 90) / 180) * 127);
_logger->logError(QString("incorrect midi-volume: %g1").arg(pan), &_e);
Q_ASSERT(_e.isEndElement() && == "midi-instrument");
// setNumberOfStavesForPart
Set number of staves for part \a partId to the max value
of the current value \a staves.
static void setNumberOfStavesForPart(Part* const part, const int staves)
if (staves > part->nstaves())
// part
Parse the /score-partwise/part node:
read the parts data to determine measure timing and octave shifts.
Assign voices and staves.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::part()
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "part");
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::part", &_e);
const QString id = _e.attributes().value("id").toString();
if (!_parts.contains(id)) {
_logger->logError(QString("cannot find part '%1'").arg(id), &_e);
VoiceOverlapDetector vod;
Fraction time; // current time within part
Fraction mdur; // measure duration
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "measure") {
measure(id, time, mdur, vod);
time += mdur;
// Bug fix for Cubase 6.5.5..9.5.10 which generate <staff>2</staff> in a single staff part
setNumberOfStavesForPart(_partMap.value(id), _parts[id].maxStaff());
// allocate MuseScore staff to MusicXML voices
// allocate MuseScore voice to MusicXML voices
// calculate the octave shifts
// set first instrument for multi-instrument part starting with rest
if (_firstInstrId != "" && _firstInstrSTime > Fraction(0, 1))
_parts[id]._instrList.setInstrument(_firstInstrId, Fraction(0, 1));
// determine the lyric numbers for this part
// debug: print results
//qDebug("%s", qPrintable(_parts[id].toString()));
//qDebug("lyric numbers: %s", qPrintable(_parts[id].lyricNumberHandler().toString()));
qDebug("instrument map:");
for (auto& instr: _parts[id]._instrList) {
qDebug("%s %s", qPrintable(instr.first.print()), qPrintable(instr.second));
qDebug("voiceMapperStats: new staff");
VoiceList& vl = _parts[id].voicelist;
for (auto i = vl.constBegin(); i != vl.constEnd(); ++i) {
qDebug("voiceMapperStats: voice %s staff data %s",
qPrintable(i.key()), qPrintable(i.value().toString()));
// measureDurationAsFraction
Determine a suitable measure duration value given the time signature
by setting the duration denominator to be greater than or equal
to the time signature denominator
static Fraction measureDurationAsFraction(const Fraction length, const int tsigtype)
if (tsigtype <= 0)
// invalid tsigtype
return length;
Fraction res = length;
while (res.denominator() < tsigtype) {
res.setNumerator(res.numerator() * 2);
res.setDenominator(res.denominator() * 2);
return res;
// measure
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure node:
read the measures data as required to determine measure timing, octave shifts
and assign voices and staves.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::measure(const QString& partId,
const Fraction cTime,
Fraction& mdur,
VoiceOverlapDetector& vod)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "measure");
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::measure", &_e);
QString number = _e.attributes().value("number").toString();
Fraction mTime; // current time stamp within measure
Fraction mDura; // current total measure duration
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "attributes")
attributes(partId, cTime + mTime);
else if ( == "barline")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "note") {
Fraction dura;
// note: chord and grace note handling done in note()
note(partId, cTime + mTime, dura, vod);
if (dura.isValid()) {
mTime += dura;
if (mTime > mDura)
mDura = mTime;
else if ( == "forward") {
Fraction dura;
if (dura.isValid()) {
mTime += dura;
if (mTime > mDura)
mDura = mTime;
else if ( == "backup") {
Fraction dura;
if (dura.isValid()) {
if (dura <= mTime)
mTime -= dura;
else {
_logger->logError("backup beyond measure start", &_e);
mTime.set(0, 1);
else if ( == "direction")
direction(partId, cTime + mTime);
else if ( == "harmony")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "print")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "sound")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
qDebug("mTime %s (%s) mDura %s (%s)",
// debug vod
// vod.dump();
// copy overlap data from vod to voicelist
copyOverlapData(vod, _parts[partId].voicelist);
// measure duration fixups
// fix for PDFtoMusic Pro v1.3.0d Build BF4E (which sometimes generates empty measures)
// if no valid length found and length according to time signature is known,
// use length according to time signature
if (mDura.isZero() && _timeSigDura.isValid() && _timeSigDura > Fraction(0, 1))
mDura = _timeSigDura;
// if necessary, round up to an integral number of 1/64s,
// to comply with MuseScores actual measure length constraints
// TODO: calculate in fraction
int length = mDura.ticks();
int correctedLength = length;
if ((length % (MScore::division/16)) != 0) {
correctedLength = ((length / (MScore::division/16)) + 1) * (MScore::division/16);
mDura = Fraction::fromTicks(correctedLength);
// set measure duration to a suitable value given the time signature
if (_timeSigDura.isValid() && _timeSigDura > Fraction(0, 1)) {
int btp = _timeSigDura.denominator();
if (btp > 0)
mDura = measureDurationAsFraction(mDura, btp);
// set return value(s)
mdur = mDura;
// set measure number and duration
qDebug("part %s measure %s dura %s (%d)",
qPrintable(partId), qPrintable(number), qPrintable(mdur.print()), mdur.ticks());
_parts[partId].addMeasureNumberAndDuration(number, mdur);
// attributes
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/attributes node.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::attributes(const QString& partId, const Fraction cTime)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "attributes");
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::attributes", &_e);
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "clef")
else if ( == "divisions")
else if ( == "key")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "instruments")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "staff-details")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "staves")
else if ( == "time")
else if ( == "transpose")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
// clef
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/attributes/clef node.
Set the staff type based on clef type
TODO: check if staff type setting could be simplified
void MusicXMLParserPass1::clef(const QString& partId)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "clef");
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::clef", &_e);
QString number = _e.attributes().value("number").toString();
int n = 0;
if (number != "") {
n = number.toInt();
if (n <= 0) {
_logger->logError(QString("invalid number %1").arg(number), &_e);
n = 0;
n--; // make zero-based
StaffTypes staffType = StaffTypes::STANDARD;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "line")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "sign") {
QString sign = _e.readElementText();
if (sign == "TAB")
staffType = StaffTypes::TAB_DEFAULT;
else if (sign == "percussion")
staffType = StaffTypes::PERC_DEFAULT;
Part* part = getPart(partId);
int staves = part->nstaves();
int staffIdx = _score->staffIdx(part);
// TODO: changed for #55501, but now staff type init is shared between pass 1 and 2
// old code: if (0 <= n && n < staves && staffType != StaffTypes::STANDARD)
if (0 <= n && n < staves && staffType == StaffTypes::TAB_DEFAULT)
_score->staff(staffIdx + n)->setStaffType(0, StaffType::preset(staffType));
// determineTimeSig
Determine the time signature based on \a beats, \a beatType and \a timeSymbol.
Sets return parameters \a st, \a bts, \a btp.
Return true if OK, false on error.
// TODO: share between pass 1 and pass 2
static bool determineTimeSig(MxmlLogger* logger, const QXmlStreamReader* const xmlreader,
const QString beats, const QString beatType, const QString timeSymbol,
TimeSigType& st, int& bts, int& btp)
// initialize
st = TimeSigType::NORMAL;
bts = 0; // the beats (max 4 separated by "+") as integer
btp = 0; // beat-type as integer
// determine if timesig is valid
if (beats == "2" && beatType == "2" && timeSymbol == "cut") {
st = TimeSigType::ALLA_BREVE;
bts = 2;
btp = 2;
return true;
else if (beats == "4" && beatType == "4" && timeSymbol == "common") {
st = TimeSigType::FOUR_FOUR;
bts = 4;
btp = 4;
return true;
else {
if (!timeSymbol.isEmpty() && timeSymbol != "normal") {
logger->logError(QString("time symbol '%1' not recognized with beats=%2 and beat-type=%3")
.arg(timeSymbol).arg(beats).arg(beatType), xmlreader);
return false;
btp = beatType.toInt();
QStringList list = beats.split("+");
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
bts +=;
// determine if bts and btp are valid
if (bts <= 0 || btp <=0) {
logger->logError(QString("beats=%1 and/or beat-type=%2 not recognized")
.arg(beats).arg(beatType), xmlreader);
return false;
return true;
// time
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/attributes/time node.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::time(const Fraction cTime)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "time");
QString beats;
QString beatType;
QString timeSymbol = _e.attributes().value("symbol").toString();
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "beats")
beats = _e.readElementText();
else if ( == "beat-type")
beatType = _e.readElementText();
if (beats != "" && beatType != "") {
// determine if timesig is valid
TimeSigType st = TimeSigType::NORMAL;
int bts = 0; // total beats as integer (beats may contain multiple numbers, separated by "+")
int btp = 0; // beat-type as integer
if (determineTimeSig(_logger, &_e, beats, beatType, timeSymbol, st, bts, btp)) {
_timeSigDura = Fraction(bts, btp);
_score->sigmap()->add(cTime.ticks(), _timeSigDura);
// divisions
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/attributes/divisions node.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::divisions()
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "divisions");
_divs = _e.readElementText().toInt();
if (!(_divs > 0))
_logger->logError("illegal divisions", &_e);
// staves
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/attributes/staves node.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::staves(const QString& partId)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "staves");
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::staves", &_e);
int staves = _e.readElementText().toInt();
if (!(staves > 0 && staves <= MAX_STAVES)) {
_logger->logError("illegal staves", &_e);
setNumberOfStavesForPart(_partMap.value(partId), staves);
// direction
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/direction node
to be able to handle octave-shifts, as these must be interpreted
in musical order instead of in MusicXML file order.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::direction(const QString& partId, const Fraction cTime)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "direction");
// note: file order is direction-type first, then staff
// this means staff is still unknown when direction-type is handled
QList<MxmlOctaveShiftDesc> starts;
QList<MxmlOctaveShiftDesc> stops;
int staff = 0;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "direction-type")
directionType(cTime, starts, stops);
else if ( == "staff") {
int nstaves = getPart(partId)->nstaves();
QString strStaff = _e.readElementText();
staff = strStaff.toInt() - 1;
if (0 <= staff && staff < nstaves)
; //qDebug("direction staff %d", staff + 1);
else {
_logger->logError(QString("invalid staff %1").arg(strStaff), &_e);
staff = 0;
// handle the stops first
foreach (auto desc, stops) {
if (_octaveShifts.contains(desc.num)) {
MxmlOctaveShiftDesc prevDesc = _octaveShifts.value(desc.num);
if ( == MxmlOctaveShiftDesc::Type::UP
|| == MxmlOctaveShiftDesc::Type::DOWN) {
// a complete pair
_parts[partId].addOctaveShift(staff, prevDesc.size, prevDesc.time);
_parts[partId].addOctaveShift(staff, -prevDesc.size, desc.time);
_logger->logError("double octave-shift stop", &_e);
_octaveShifts.insert(desc.num, desc);
// then handle the starts
foreach (auto desc, starts) {
if (_octaveShifts.contains(desc.num)) {
MxmlOctaveShiftDesc prevDesc = _octaveShifts.value(desc.num);
if ( == MxmlOctaveShiftDesc::Type::STOP) {
// a complete pair
_parts[partId].addOctaveShift(staff, desc.size, desc.time);
_parts[partId].addOctaveShift(staff, -desc.size, prevDesc.time);
_logger->logError("double octave-shift start", &_e);
_octaveShifts.insert(desc.num, desc);
// directionType
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/direction/direction-type node.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::directionType(const Fraction cTime,
QList<MxmlOctaveShiftDesc>& starts,
QList<MxmlOctaveShiftDesc>& stops)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "direction-type");
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "octave-shift") {
QString number = _e.attributes().value("number").toString();
int n = 0;
if (number != "") {
n = number.toInt();
if (n <= 0)
_logger->logError(QString("invalid number %1").arg(number), &_e);
n--; // make zero-based
if (0 <= n && n < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL) {
short size = _e.attributes().value("size").toShort();
QString type = _e.attributes().value("type").toString();
//qDebug("octave-shift type '%s' size %d number %d", qPrintable(type), size, n);
MxmlOctaveShiftDesc osDesc;
handleOctaveShift(cTime, type, size, osDesc);
osDesc.num = n;
if ( == MxmlOctaveShiftDesc::Type::UP
|| == MxmlOctaveShiftDesc::Type::DOWN)
else if ( == MxmlOctaveShiftDesc::Type::STOP)
else {
_logger->logError(QString("invalid octave-shift number %1").arg(number), &_e);
Q_ASSERT(_e.isEndElement() && == "direction-type");
// handleOctaveShift
void MusicXMLParserPass1::handleOctaveShift(const Fraction cTime,
const QString& type, short size,
MxmlOctaveShiftDesc& desc)
MxmlOctaveShiftDesc::Type tp = MxmlOctaveShiftDesc::Type::NONE;
short sz = 0;
switch (size) {
case 8: sz = 1; break;
case 15: sz = 2; break;
_logger->logError(QString("invalid octave-shift size %1").arg(size), &_e);
if (!cTime.isValid() || cTime < Fraction(0, 1))
_logger->logError("invalid current time", &_e);
if (type == "up")
tp = MxmlOctaveShiftDesc::Type::UP;
else if (type == "down") {
tp = MxmlOctaveShiftDesc::Type::DOWN;
sz *= -1;
else if (type == "stop")
tp = MxmlOctaveShiftDesc::Type::STOP;
else {
_logger->logError(QString("invalid octave-shift type '%1'").arg(type), &_e);
desc = MxmlOctaveShiftDesc(tp, sz, cTime);
// setFirstInstr
void MusicXMLParserPass1::setFirstInstr(const QString& id, const Fraction stime)
// check for valid arguments
if (id == "" || !stime.isValid() || stime < Fraction(0, 1))
// check for no instrument found yet or new earliest start time
// note: compare using <= to catch instrument at t=0
if (_firstInstrId == "" || stime <= _firstInstrSTime) {
_firstInstrId = id;
_firstInstrSTime = stime;
// note
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note node.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::note(const QString& partId,
const Fraction sTime,
Fraction& dura,
VoiceOverlapDetector& vod)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "note");
//_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::note", &_e);
if (_e.attributes().value("print-spacing") == "no") {
//float alter = 0;
bool chord = false;
bool grace = false;
//int octave = -1;
bool bRest = false;
int staff = 1;
//int step = 0;
QString type;
QString voice = "1";
QString instrId;
mxmlNoteDuration mnd(_divs, _logger);
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if (mnd.readProperties(_e)) {
// element handled
else if ( == "accidental")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "beam")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "chord") {
chord = true;
else if ( == "cue")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "grace") {
grace = true;
else if ( == "instrument") {
instrId = _e.attributes().value("id").toString();
else if ( == "lyric") {
const auto number = _e.attributes().value("number").toString();
else if ( == "notations")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "notehead")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "pitch")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "rest") {
bRest = true;
else if ( == "staff") {
auto ok = false;
auto strStaff = _e.readElementText();
staff = strStaff.toInt(&ok);
Part* part = _partMap.value(partId);
if (!ok || staff <= 0 || staff > part->nstaves())
_logger->logError(QString("illegal staff '%1'").arg(strStaff), &_e);
else if ( == "stem")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "tie")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "type")
type = _e.readElementText();
else if ( == "unpitched")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "voice")
voice = _e.readElementText();
// convert staff to zero-based
// multi-instrument handling
setFirstInstr(instrId, sTime);
QString prevInstrId = _parts[partId]._instrList.instrument(sTime);
bool mustInsert = instrId != prevInstrId;
qDebug("tick %s (%d) staff %d voice '%s' previnst='%s' instrument '%s' mustInsert %d",
staff + 1,
if (mustInsert)
_parts[partId]._instrList.setInstrument(instrId, sTime);
// check for timing error(s) and set dura
// keep in this order as checkTiming() might change dura
auto errorStr = mnd.checkTiming(type, bRest, grace);
dura = mnd.dura();
if (errorStr != "")
_logger->logError(errorStr, &_e);
// don't count chord or grace note duration
// note that this does not check the MusicXML requirement that notes in a chord
// cannot have a duration longer than the first note in the chord
if (chord || grace)
dura.set(0, 1);
// store result
if (dura.isValid() && dura > Fraction(0, 1)) {
// count the chords
if (!_parts.value(partId).voicelist.contains(voice)) {
VoiceDesc vs;
_parts[partId].voicelist.insert(voice, vs);
// determine note length for voice overlap detection
vod.addNote(sTime.ticks(), (sTime + dura).ticks(), voice, staff);
Q_ASSERT(_e.isEndElement() && == "note");
// notePrintSpacingNo
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note node for a note with print-spacing="no".
These are handled like a forward: only moving the time forward.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::notePrintSpacingNo(Fraction& dura)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "note");
//_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::notePrintSpacingNo", &_e);
bool chord = false;
bool grace = false;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "chord") {
chord = true;
else if ( == "duration")
else if ( == "grace") {
grace = true;
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
// don't count chord or grace note duration
// note that this does not check the MusicXML requirement that notes in a chord
// cannot have a duration longer than the first note in the chord
if (chord || grace)
dura.set(0, 1);
Q_ASSERT(_e.isEndElement() && == "note");
// duration
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/duration node.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::duration(Fraction& dura)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "duration");
//_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::duration", &_e);
dura.set(0, 0); // invalid unless set correctly
int intDura = _e.readElementText().toInt();
if (intDura > 0) {
if (_divs > 0) {
dura.set(intDura, 4 * _divs);
dura.reduce(); // prevent overflow in later Fraction operations
_logger->logError("illegal or uninitialized divisions", &_e);
_logger->logError("illegal duration", &_e);
//qDebug("duration %s valid %d", qPrintable(dura.print()), dura.isValid());
// forward
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/forward node.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::forward(Fraction& dura)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "forward");
//_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::forward", &_e);
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "duration")
else if ( == "staff")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "voice")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
// backup
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/backup node.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::backup(Fraction& dura)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "backup");
//_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::backup", &_e);
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "duration")
// timeModification
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/time-modification node.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::timeModification(Fraction& timeMod)
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "time-modification");
//_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::timeModification", &_e);
int intActual = 0;
int intNormal = 0;
QString strActual;
QString strNormal;
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "actual-notes")
strActual = _e.readElementText();
else if ( == "normal-notes")
strNormal = _e.readElementText();
intActual = strActual.toInt();
intNormal = strNormal.toInt();
if (intActual > 0 && intNormal > 0)
timeMod.set(intNormal, intActual);
else {
timeMod.set(1, 1);
_logger->logError(QString("illegal time-modification: actual-notes %1 normal-notes %2")
.arg(strActual).arg(strNormal), &_e);
// rest
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/rest node.
void MusicXMLParserPass1::rest()
Q_ASSERT(_e.isStartElement() && == "rest");
//_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::rest", &_e);
while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "display-octave")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
else if ( == "display-step")
_e.skipCurrentElement(); // skip but don't log
} // namespace Ms