Zira Editor is a lightweight PHP Editor for Linux, Android and Raspberry Pi with syntax highlighting and autocomplete. Watch demo and view screenshots: https://ziracms.github.io/editor/en/index.html Main features: - low memory usage - fast parser - syntax highlighting PHP JavaScript CSS HTML - autocomplete PHP built-in functions and classes project classes, functions, variables JS objects, variables CSS selectors, properties HTML tags - flutter / dart support - unused variables check - multiple selection editing - indent guide lines - files browser - file symbols navigator - highlight matching brackets tags php expression (endif; endforeach;) - function arguments display - class auto import - bulk comment in/out - project state saving on exit - F1 Help (PHP manual download required) php function docs php class docs php class method docs - php lint integration (syntax check) - php code sniffer integration - git integration status browser annotations display - sass support - quick access panel (search files + symbols) - go to declaration functions classes class methods - search in files - spell checker plugin (hunspell library should be installed) - terminal emulator plugin (qtermwidget5 library required) - built-in colorpicker - built-in light and dark themes - custom themes support Requirements: Qt 5.11+ (5.12.6 is recommended) hunspell library (optional) qtermwidget5 library (optional) Installation: - download package for your OS from https://github.com/ziracms/editor/releases - unpack and run install.sh (Linux only) Get it for Android on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.github.ziracms.editor2