
640 lines
20 KiB

* Zira Editor
* A lightweight PHP Editor
* (C)2019 https://github.com/ziracms/editor
#include "editortabs.h"
#include "editortab.h"
#include "helper.h"
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QDir>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QShortcut>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include "fileiconprovider.h"
#include "settings.h"
EditorTabs::EditorTabs(QTabWidget * widget):
editor = nullptr;
blockSig = false;
connect(tabWidget, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(closeTab(int)));
connect(tabWidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(switchTab(int)));
connect(tabWidget->tabBar(), SIGNAL(tabMoved(int,int)), SLOT(movedTab(int,int)));
Editor * EditorTabs::getActiveEditor()
return editor;
Editor * EditorTabs::getTabEditor(int index)
QWidget * tab = tabWidget->widget(index);
if (tab == nullptr) return nullptr;
EditorTab * editorTab = static_cast<EditorTab *>(tab);
return editorTab->getEditor();
QString EditorTabs::getTabNameFromPath(QString filepath)
QString tabName = filepath;
QRegularExpression regexp = QRegularExpression("[/]([^/]+)$");
QRegularExpressionMatch regexpMatch = regexp.match(filepath);
if (regexpMatch.capturedStart(1)>=0) {
tabName = regexpMatch.captured(1);
return tabName;
void EditorTabs::createTab(QString filepath, bool initHighlight)
if (filepath.size() == 0 || !Helper::fileExists(filepath)) return;
qint64 bytes = Helper::getFileSize(filepath);
if (bytes >= TOO_BIG_FILE_SIZE) {
std::stringstream sizeStream;
sizeStream << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << (bytes * 1.0)/1048576;
QString fileSizeStr = QString::fromStdString(sizeStream.str());
if (!Helper::showQuestion(tr("Open"), tr("File size: %1 MB. Do you really want to open it ?").arg(fileSizeStr))) return;
EditorTab * tab = new EditorTab();
editor = new Editor();
QString tabName = getTabNameFromPath(filepath);
int tabIndex = tabWidget->addTab(tab, tabName);
tabWidget->setTabToolTip(tabIndex, filepath);
connect(editor, SIGNAL(statusBarText(int, QString)), this, SLOT(statusBarTextChangeRequested(int, QString)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(modifiedStateChanged(int, bool)), this, SLOT(editorModifiedStateChanged(int, bool)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(filenameChanged(int, QString)), this, SLOT(filenameChanged(int, QString)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(saved(int)), this, SLOT(saved(int)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(reloaded(int)), this, SLOT(reloaded(int)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(ready(int)), this, SLOT(ready(int)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(showDeclaration(int,QString)), this, SLOT(showDeclaration(int,QString)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(showHelp(int,QString)), this, SLOT(showHelp(int,QString)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(parsePHP(int,QString)), this, SLOT(parsePHP(int,QString)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(parseJS(int,QString)), this, SLOT(parseJS(int,QString)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(parseCSS(int,QString)), this, SLOT(parseCSS(int,QString)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(undoRedoChanged(int)), this, SLOT(undoRedoChanged(int)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(backForwardChanged(int)), this, SLOT(backForwardChanged(int)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(searchInFiles(QString)), this, SLOT(searchInFiles(QString)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(focusIn(int)), this, SLOT(focusIn(int)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(breadcrumbsClick(int)), this, SLOT(breadcrumbsClick(int)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(warning(int,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(warning(int,QString,QString)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(showPopupText(int,QString)), this, SLOT(showPopupText(int,QString)));
connect(editor, SIGNAL(showPopupError(int,QString)), this, SLOT(showPopupError(int,QString)));
QString txt = Helper::loadFile(filepath, editor->getEncoding(), editor->getFallbackEncoding());
QString ext = "";
QRegularExpression regexp = QRegularExpression("[.]([^.]+)$");
QRegularExpressionMatch regexpMatch = regexp.match(filepath);
if (regexpMatch.capturedStart(1)>=0) {
ext = regexpMatch.captured(1);
if (txt.size() >= BIG_FILE_SIZE) editor->setIsBigFile(true);
else editor->setIsBigFile(false);
#if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID)
if (Settings::get("experimental_mode_enabled") != "yes") editor->setIsBigFile(true);
emit tabOpened(tabIndex);
if (initHighlight) {
// let it scroll to requested line first
Editor * currentEditor = editor;
QTimer::singleShot(INIT_HIGHLIGHTER_DELAY, currentEditor, ([currentEditor](){
void EditorTabs::switchTab(int index)
if (index >= 0) {
editor = getTabEditor(index);
if (editor != nullptr) {
} else {
editor = nullptr;
if (!blockSig) emit tabSwitched(index);
void EditorTabs::movedTab(int /*from*/, int /*to*/)
// update indexes
for (int i=0; i<tabWidget->count(); i++) {
Editor * textEditor = getTabEditor(i);
if (textEditor != nullptr) {
void EditorTabs::closeTab(int index)
// check modified
Editor * textEditor = getTabEditor(index);
if (textEditor != nullptr && textEditor->isModified() &&
!Helper::showQuestion(tr("File is not saved"), tr("File \"%1\" is not saved. Close it anyway ?").arg(textEditor->getFileName()))
//QMessageBox::question(tabWidget, tr("File is not saved"), tr("File \"%1\" is not saved. Close it anyway ?").arg(textEditor->getFileName()), QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel) != QMessageBox::Ok
) {
if (textEditor != nullptr) textEditor->setTabIndex(-1);
blockSig = true;
bool isSwitched = false;
if (editor == textEditor) {
editor = nullptr;
isSwitched = true;
QWidget * tab = tabWidget->widget(index);
// switchTab slot called here (emit blocked)
if (tab != nullptr) tab->deleteLater();
// update indexes
for (int i=0; i<tabWidget->count(); i++) {
Editor * textEditor = getTabEditor(i);
if (textEditor != nullptr) {
blockSig = false;
if (isSwitched) {
if (editor != nullptr) emit tabSwitched(editor->getTabIndex());
else emit tabSwitched(-1);
emit tabClosed(index);
void EditorTabs::editorModifiedStateChanged(int index, bool m)
Editor * textEditor = getTabEditor(index);
if (textEditor == nullptr) return;
QString tabText = tabWidget->tabText(index);
if (tabText.size()>1 && tabText.mid(tabText.size()-2)==" *") {
tabText = tabText.mid(0, tabText.size()-2);
if (m) {
tabText += " *";
tabWidget->setTabText(index, tabText);
emit modifiedStateChanged(m);
void EditorTabs::openFile(QString filepath, bool initHighlight)
if (!Helper::fileExists(filepath)) return;
// check open tab
for (int i=0; i<tabWidget->count(); i++){
Editor * textEditor = getTabEditor(i);
if (textEditor != nullptr && textEditor->getFileName() == filepath) {
int tabIndex = textEditor->getTabIndex();
createTab(filepath, initHighlight);
void EditorTabs::open(QString dir)
if (editor != nullptr) editor->hidePopups();
if (dir.size() == 0) dir = QString::fromStdString(Settings::get("file_dialog_path"));
QString filter = tr(Settings::get("file_dialog_filter").c_str());
QString fileName = Helper::getExistingFile(tabWidget, tr("Select file"), dir, filter);
if (fileName.size() > 0) {
void EditorTabs::save()
if (editor != nullptr) editor->save();
void EditorTabs::saveAll()
if (editor == nullptr) return;
Editor * currentEditor = editor;
for (int i=0; i<tabWidget->count(); i++) {
editor = getTabEditor(i);
if (editor != nullptr) {
editor = currentEditor;
void EditorTabs::saveAs()
if (editor == nullptr) return;
QString filename = editor->getFileName();
QFileInfo fInfo(filename);
QString dir = fInfo.dir().absolutePath();
if (dir.size() == 0) {
dir = QString::fromStdString(Settings::get("file_dialog_path"));
if (dir.size() == 0) {
QStringList stddirs = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation);
if (stddirs.size()>0) dir = stddirs.at(0);
if (dir.size() == 0) dir = ".";
std::string filter = Settings::get("file_dialog_filter");
QString ext = editor->getFileExtension();
if (ext.size() > 0) filter = "File (*."+ext.toStdString()+");;All files (*)";
//QString newName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(tabWidget, tr("Save as"), dir, tr(filter.c_str()));
QString newName = Helper::getSaveFileName(tabWidget, tr("Save as"), dir, tr(filter.c_str()));
if (newName.size() > 0) {
void EditorTabs::close()
if (editor == nullptr) return;
int tabIndex = editor->getTabIndex();
void EditorTabs::closeSaved()
int i=0;
while (i<tabWidget->count()) {
Editor * textEditor = getTabEditor(i);
if (textEditor != nullptr && !textEditor->isModified()) {
int tabIndex = textEditor->getTabIndex();
bool EditorTabs::closeWindowAllowed()
for (int i=0; i<tabWidget->count(); i++) {
Editor * textEditor = getTabEditor(i);
if (textEditor != nullptr && textEditor->isModified() &&
!Helper::showQuestion(tr("File is not saved"), tr("File \"%1\" is not saved. Close it anyway ?").arg(textEditor->getFileName()))
//QMessageBox::question(tabWidget, tr("File is not saved"), tr("File \"%1\" is not saved. Close it anyway ?").arg(textEditor->getFileName()), QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel) != QMessageBox::Ok
) {
return false;
return true;
QStringList EditorTabs::getOpenTabFiles()
QStringList files;
for (int i=0; i<tabWidget->count(); i++) {
Editor * tabEditor = getTabEditor(i);
if (tabEditor != nullptr) {
QString file = tabEditor->getFileName();
if (Helper::fileExists(file)) {
return files;
QList<int> EditorTabs::getOpenTabLines()
QList<int> lines;
for (int i=0; i<tabWidget->count(); i++) {
Editor * tabEditor = getTabEditor(i);
if (tabEditor != nullptr) {
int line = tabEditor->getCursorLine();
return lines;
void EditorTabs::setTabLines(QList<int> lines)
for (int i=0; i<lines.size(); i++) {
Editor * tabEditor = getTabEditor(i);
if (tabEditor != nullptr) {
int line = lines.at(i);
int EditorTabs::getCurrentTabIndex()
Editor * tabEditor = getActiveEditor();
if (tabEditor != nullptr) {
return tabEditor->getTabIndex();
return -1;
QString EditorTabs::getCurrentTabFilename()
QString filename = "";
Editor * tabEditor = getActiveEditor();
if (tabEditor != nullptr) {
filename = tabEditor->getFileName();
return filename;
void EditorTabs::setActiveTab(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= tabWidget->count()) return;
Editor * tabEditor = getActiveEditor();
if (tabEditor != nullptr && tabEditor->getTabIndex() == index) {
void EditorTabs::initHighlighters()
for (int i=0; i<tabWidget->count(); i++) {
Editor * tabEditor = getTabEditor(i);
if (tabEditor != nullptr) {
void EditorTabs::showDeclaration(int index, QString name)
if (editor == nullptr || editor->getTabIndex() != index) return;
emit editorShowDeclaration(name);
void EditorTabs::showHelp(int index, QString name)
if (editor == nullptr || editor->getTabIndex() != index) return;
emit editorShowHelp(name);
void EditorTabs::statusBarTextChangeRequested(int index, QString text)
if (editor == nullptr || editor->getTabIndex() != index) return;
emit statusBarText(text);
void EditorTabs::filenameChanged(int index, QString name)
Editor * textEditor = getTabEditor(index);
if (textEditor == nullptr) return;
QString tabName = getTabNameFromPath(name);
tabWidget->setTabText(index, tabName);
tabWidget->setTabToolTip(index, name);
emit editorFilenameChanged(name);
void EditorTabs::saved(int index)
Editor * textEditor = getTabEditor(index);
if (textEditor == nullptr) return;
QString tabText = tabWidget->tabText(index);
if (tabText.indexOf("[")>0) {
tabText = tabText.mid(0, tabText.indexOf("["));
tabWidget->setTabText(index, tabText);
emit editorSaved(index);
void EditorTabs::reloaded(int index)
Editor * textEditor = getTabEditor(index);
if (textEditor == nullptr) return;
QString tabText = tabWidget->tabText(index);
if (tabText.indexOf("[")>0) {
tabText = tabText.mid(0, tabText.indexOf("["));
tabWidget->setTabText(index, tabText);
void EditorTabs::fileBrowserCreated(QString path)
//emit updateProject();
emit gitTabRefreshRequested();
void EditorTabs::fileBrowserRenamed(QString oldpath, QString newpath)
if (oldpath.size() == 0 || newpath.size() == 0) return;
QFileInfo nInfo(newpath);
if (nInfo.isFile()) fileBrowserFileRenamed(oldpath, newpath);
if (nInfo.isDir()) fileBrowserFolderRenamed(oldpath, newpath);
emit gitTabRefreshRequested();
void EditorTabs::fileBrowserFileRenamed(QString oldpath, QString newpath)
bool doEmit = false;
if (editor != nullptr && editor->getFileName() == oldpath) doEmit = true;
for (int i=0; i<tabWidget->count(); i++) {
Editor * textEditor = getTabEditor(i);
if (textEditor != nullptr && textEditor->getFileName() == oldpath) {
int tabIndex = textEditor->getTabIndex();
QString tabName = getTabNameFromPath(newpath);
tabWidget->setTabText(tabIndex, tabName);
tabWidget->setTabToolTip(tabIndex, newpath);
if (doEmit) emit editorFilenameChanged(newpath);
void EditorTabs::fileBrowserFolderRenamed(QString oldpath, QString newpath)
if (oldpath.mid(oldpath.size()-1, 1) == "/") oldpath = oldpath.mid(0, oldpath.size()-1);
if (newpath.mid(newpath.size()-1, 1) == "/") newpath = newpath.mid(0, newpath.size()-1);
bool doEmit = false;
if (editor != nullptr && editor->getFileName().indexOf(oldpath+"/") == 0) doEmit = true;
for (int i=0; i<tabWidget->count(); i++) {
Editor * textEditor = getTabEditor(i);
if (textEditor != nullptr && textEditor->getFileName().indexOf(oldpath+"/") == 0) {
QString editorFilename = textEditor->getFileName();
QString editorNewFilename = newpath + editorFilename.mid(oldpath.size());
int tabIndex = textEditor->getTabIndex();
QString tabName = getTabNameFromPath(editorNewFilename);
tabWidget->setTabText(tabIndex, tabName);
tabWidget->setTabToolTip(tabIndex, editorNewFilename);
if (doEmit) emit editorFilenameChanged(editor->getFileName());
void EditorTabs::fileBrowserDeleted(QString path)
for (int i=0; i<tabWidget->count(); i++){
Editor * textEditor = getTabEditor(i);
if (textEditor != nullptr && textEditor->getFileName() == path) {
if (Helper::showQuestion(tr("Delete"), tr("Close tab with deleted file \"%1\" ?").arg(path))) {
//if (QMessageBox::question(tabWidget, tr("Delete"), tr("Close tab with deleted file \"%1\" ?").arg(path), QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel) == QMessageBox::Ok) {
} else {
emit gitTabRefreshRequested();
void EditorTabs::ready(int index)
Editor * textEditor = getTabEditor(index);
if (textEditor == nullptr) return;
emit editorReady(index);
void EditorTabs::parsePHP(int index, QString text)
if (editor == nullptr || editor->getTabIndex() != index || !editor->isReady()) return;
emit editorParsePHPRequested(index, text);
void EditorTabs::parseJS(int index, QString text)
if (editor == nullptr || editor->getTabIndex() != index || !editor->isReady()) return;
emit editorParseJSRequested(index, text);
void EditorTabs::parseCSS(int index, QString text)
if (editor == nullptr || editor->getTabIndex() != index || !editor->isReady()) return;
emit editorParseCSSRequested(index, text);
void EditorTabs::undoRedoChanged(int index)
if (editor == nullptr || editor->getTabIndex() != index) return;
emit editorUndoRedoChanged();
void EditorTabs::backForwardChanged(int index)
if (editor == nullptr || editor->getTabIndex() != index) return;
emit editorBackForwardChanged();
void EditorTabs::searchInFiles(QString text)
emit editorSearchInFilesRequested(text);
void EditorTabs::searchInFilesRequested()
QString text = "";
if (editor != nullptr) {
QTextCursor curs = editor->textCursor();
text = curs.selectedText();
void EditorTabs::focusIn(int /*index*/)
emit editorFocused();
void EditorTabs::breadcrumbsClick(int index)
if (editor == nullptr || editor->getTabIndex() != index) return;
emit editorBreadcrumbsClick();
QRect EditorTabs::getGeometry()
return tabWidget->geometry();
QRect EditorTabs::getGeometryGlobal()
QRect r = tabWidget->geometry();
QPoint p(r.x(), r.y());
QPoint pG = tabWidget->mapToGlobal(p);
return QRect(pG.x(), pG.y(), r.width(), r.height());
QRect EditorTabs::getGeometryMappedTo(QWidget * parent)
QRect r = tabWidget->geometry();
QPoint p(r.x(), r.y());
QPoint pG = tabWidget->mapTo(parent, p);
return QRect(pG.x(), pG.y(), r.width(), r.height());
void EditorTabs::warning(int index, QString slug, QString text)
Editor * textEditor = getTabEditor(index);
if (textEditor == nullptr) return;
QString tabText = tabWidget->tabText(index);
if (tabText.indexOf("[")>0) tabText = tabText.mid(0, tabText.indexOf("["));
tabWidget->setTabText(index, tabText+" ["+slug+"]");
tabWidget->setTabToolTip(index, text);
void EditorTabs::showPopupText(int index, QString text)
if (editor == nullptr || editor->getTabIndex() != index) return;
emit editorShowPopupTextRequested(text);
void EditorTabs::showPopupError(int index, QString text)
if (editor == nullptr || editor->getTabIndex() != index) return;
emit editorShowPopupErrorRequested(text);
bool EditorTabs::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
if(watched == tabWidget->tabBar() && event->type() == QEvent::Resize) {
emit editorTabsResize();
if (watched == tabWidget && event->type() == QEvent::Resize) {
emit editorPaneResize();
return false;