
367 lines
13 KiB

* Zira Editor
* A lightweight PHP Editor
* (C)2019 https://github.com/ziracms/editor
#include "git.h"
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QDateTime>
const QString GIT_DIRECTORY = ".git";
const QString GIT_STATUS_COMMAND = "status";
const QString GIT_ANNOTATION_COMMAND = "blame";
const QString GIT_DIFF_COMMAND = "diff";
const QString GIT_COMMIT_COMMAND = "commit";
const QString GIT_PUSH_COMMAND = "push";
const QString GIT_PULL_COMMAND = "pull";
const QString GIT_CLONE_COMMAND = "clone";
Git::Git(Settings * settings, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
cmdTpl = "<div><b>%1</b> %2</div><div>&nbsp;</div>";
lineTpl = "<div>%1</div>";
errorTpl = "<span style=\"color:"+QString::fromStdString(settings->get("git_output_error_color"))+"\">%1</span>";
msgTpl = "<span style=\"color:"+QString::fromStdString(settings->get("git_output_message_color"))+"\">%1</span>";
infoTpl = "<span style=\"color:"+QString::fromStdString(settings->get("git_output_info_color"))+"\">%1</span>";
bool Git::isCommandSafe(QString command)
if (command == "reset" || command == "revert" || command == "pull") return false;
return true;
void Git::showStatus(QString path)
emit runGitCommand(path, "status", QStringList());
void Git::showStatusShort(QString path, bool outputResult, bool silent)
emit runGitCommand(path, "status", QStringList() << "--short" << "--porcelain", outputResult, silent);
void Git::showLog(QString path)
emit runGitCommand(path, "log", QStringList() << "-n" << "100");
void Git::showLastCommitDiffTree(QString path)
emit runGitCommand(path, "diff-tree", QStringList() << "--name-status" << "--no-commit-id" << "-r" << "HEAD");
void Git::showUncommittedDiffAll(QString path)
emit runGitCommand(path, "diff", QStringList());
void Git::showUncommittedDiffCurrent(QString path, QString fileName)
emit runGitCommand(path, "diff", QStringList() << fileName);
void Git::showUncommittedDiffCurrentUnified(QString path, QString fileName, bool outputResult, bool silent)
emit runGitCommand(path, "diff", QStringList() << "--unified=0" << "--no-color" << fileName, outputResult, silent);
void Git::showLastCommitDiffAll(QString path)
emit runGitCommand(path, "diff", QStringList() << "-r" << "HEAD~" << "HEAD");
void Git::showLastCommitDiffCurrent(QString path, QString fileName)
emit runGitCommand(path, "diff", QStringList() << "-r" << "HEAD~" << "HEAD" << fileName);
void Git::resetAll(QString path)
emit runGitCommand(path, "reset", QStringList());
void Git::resetCurrent(QString path, QString fileName)
emit runGitCommand(path, "reset", QStringList() << fileName);
void Git::resetHardUncommitted(QString path)
emit runGitCommand(path, "reset", QStringList() << "--hard" << "HEAD");
void Git::resetToPreviousCommit(QString path)
emit runGitCommand(path, "reset", QStringList() << "HEAD~");
void Git::resetHardToPreviousCommit(QString path)
emit runGitCommand(path, "reset", QStringList() << "--hard" << "HEAD~");
void Git::revertLastCommit(QString path)
emit runGitCommand(path, "revert", QStringList() << "HEAD");
void Git::addAll(QString path)
emit runGitCommand(path, "add", QStringList() << ".");
void Git::addCurrent(QString path, QString fileName)
emit runGitCommand(path, "add", QStringList() << fileName);
void Git::commit(QString path, QString msg)
emit runGitCommand(path, "commit", QStringList() << "-m" << msg);
void Git::addAndCommit(QString path, QString msg)
commit(path, msg);
void Git::pushOriginMaster(QString path)
emit runGitCommand(path, "push", QStringList() << "origin" << "master");
void Git::pullOriginMaster(QString path)
emit runGitCommand(path, "pull", QStringList() << "origin" << "master");
void Git::initialize(QString path)
emit runGitCommand(path, "init", QStringList());
void Git::addRemoteURL(QString path, QString url)
emit runGitCommand(path, "remote", QStringList() << "add" << "origin" << url);
void Git::changeRemoteURL(QString path, QString url)
emit runGitCommand(path, "remote", QStringList() << "set-url" << "origin" << url);
void Git::clone(QString path, QString url)
emit runGitCommand(path, "clone", QStringList() << url);
void Git::showAnnotation(QString path, QString fileName, bool outputResult, bool silent)
emit runGitCommand(path, "blame", QStringList() << "--line-porcelain" << fileName, outputResult, silent);
QString Git::highlightCommand(QString & text)
int p = text.indexOf(" ");
if (p <= 0) return text;
QString path = text.mid(0, p);
QString cmd = text.mid(p+1);
return cmdTpl.arg(path).arg(infoTpl.arg(cmd));
QString Git::highlightOutput(QString & output)
QString result = "";
QStringList outputList = output.split("\n");
for (int i=0; i<outputList.size(); i++) {
QString lineText = outputList.at(i);
lineText.replace("<", "&lt;");
lineText.replace(">", "&gt;");
// skip qt messages
if (lineText == "Icon theme \"ubuntu-mono-dark\" not found.") continue;
if (lineText == "Icon theme \"Mint-X\" not found.") continue;
if (lineText == "Icon theme \"elementary\" not found.") continue;
if (lineText == "Icon theme \"gnome\" not found.") continue;
if (lineText == "Changes not staged for commit:" || lineText == "Untracked files:" || lineText == "Unstaged changes after reset:") {
lineText = errorTpl.arg(lineText);
} else if (lineText == "Changes to be committed:") {
lineText = msgTpl.arg(lineText);
} else if (lineText.indexOf("---") == 0) {
lineText = infoTpl.arg(lineText);
} else if (lineText.indexOf("+++") == 0) {
lineText = infoTpl.arg(lineText);
} else if (lineText.indexOf("-") == 0) {
lineText = errorTpl.arg(lineText);
} else if (lineText.indexOf("+") == 0) {
lineText = msgTpl.arg(lineText);
} else if (lineText.indexOf("commit ") == 0) {
lineText = infoTpl.arg(lineText);
} else if (lineText.indexOf("Author: ") == 0 || lineText.indexOf("Date: ") == 0) {
lineText = msgTpl.arg(lineText);
} else if (lineText.indexOf("no changes added to commit") == 0) {
lineText = infoTpl.arg(lineText);
} else if (lineText.indexOf("fatal:") == 0 || lineText.indexOf("error:") == 0 || lineText.indexOf("CONFLICT") == 0 || lineText.indexOf("failed") >= 0) {
lineText = errorTpl.arg(lineText);
} else if (lineText.indexOf("hint:") == 0) {
lineText = infoTpl.arg(lineText);
lineText.replace("\t", " ");
lineText.replace(" ", "&nbsp;&nbsp;");
if (lineText.isEmpty()) lineText = "&nbsp;";
result += lineTpl.arg(lineText);
return result;
QHash<int, Git::Annotation> Git::parseAnnotationOutput(QString & output)
QHash<int, Git::Annotation> annotations;
if (output.size() > 0) {
int p = 0, offset = 0;
QString lineStr;
bool isAnnotationStart = true, isAnnotationEnd = false;
int line = -1;
QString k = "", v = "";
QDateTime ts;
QString author = "", authorDate = "", committer = "", committerDate = "", comment = "", commitID = "", file = "";
do {
p = output.indexOf("\n", offset);
if (p < 0) {
lineStr = output.mid(offset).trimmed();
} else {
lineStr = output.mid(offset, p-offset).trimmed();
offset = p + 1;
if (!isAnnotationStart && isAnnotationEnd) {
isAnnotationStart = true;
isAnnotationEnd = false;
int s = lineStr.indexOf(" ");
if (s < 0) continue; // boundary ?
if (isAnnotationStart) {
isAnnotationStart = false;
author = ""; authorDate = ""; committer = ""; committerDate = ""; comment = ""; commitID = ""; file = "";
QStringList lineStrParts = lineStr.split(" ");
if (lineStrParts.size() < 3 || lineStrParts.at(0).size() != 40) break; // something wrong
commitID = lineStrParts.at(0);
line = lineStrParts.at(2).toInt();
k = lineStr.mid(0, s);
v = lineStr.mid(s+1);
if (k == "author") {
author += v;
} else if (k == "author-mail") {
author += v;
} else if (k == "author-time") {
authorDate += ts.toString("yyyy, MMMM d");
} else if (k == "author-tz") {
//authorDate += " "+v;
} else if (k == "committer") {
committer += v;
} else if (k == "committer-mail") {
committer += v;
if (v == "<not.committed.yet>") {
committer = "<"+tr("you")+">";
comment = tr("not committed yet");
} else if (k == "committer-time") {
committerDate += ts.toString("yyyy, MMMM d");
} else if (k == "committer-tz") {
//committerDate += " "+v;
} else if (k == "summary" && comment.size() == 0) {
comment = v;
} else if (k == "filename") {
file = v;
isAnnotationEnd = true;
if (isAnnotationEnd) {
Git::Annotation annotation;
annotation.line = line;
annotation.author = author;
annotation.authorDate = authorDate;
annotation.committer = committer;
annotation.committerDate = committerDate;
annotation.comment = comment;
annotation.commitID = commitID;
annotation.file = file;
annotations.insert(line, annotation);
} while(p >= 0);
return annotations;
QHash<int, Git::DiffLine> Git::parseDiffUnifiedOutput(QString & output, QString & fileName)
QHash<int,Git::DiffLine> mLines;
QStringList lines = output.split("\n");
QRegularExpression expr("^[@][@]\\s([-][0-9,]+)\\s([+][0-9,]+)\\s[@][@]");
QRegularExpressionMatch m;
QString delPart = "", addPart = "";
int delLine = 0, addLine = 0, delCount = 0, addCount = 0, p = -1, lineInt = 0;
QString fileA = "", fileB = "";
for (QString line : lines) {
if (line.indexOf("--- a/") == 0 && line.size() > 6 && fileA.size() == 0) fileA = line.mid(6);
if (line.indexOf("+++ b/") == 0 && line.size() > 6 && fileB.size() == 0) fileB = line.mid(6);
if (fileA.size() == 0 || fileB.size() == 0) continue;
if (fileA != fileB) break; // something wrong
fileName = fileB;
if (line.indexOf("@@") != 0) continue;
m = expr.match(line);
if (m.capturedStart(0) != 0) continue;
delPart = line.mid(m.capturedStart(1), m.capturedLength(1));
addPart = line.mid(m.capturedStart(2), m.capturedLength(2));
if (delPart.indexOf("-") != 0) continue;
delPart = delPart.mid(1);
if (addPart.indexOf("+") != 0) continue;
addPart = addPart.mid(1);
p = delPart.indexOf(",");
if (p > 0) {
delLine = delPart.mid(0, p).toInt();
delCount = delPart.mid(p+1).toInt();
} else {
delLine = delPart.toInt();
delCount = 1;
p = addPart.indexOf(",");
if (p > 0) {
addLine = addPart.mid(0, p).toInt();
addCount = addPart.mid(p+1).toInt();
} else {
addLine = addPart.toInt();
addCount = 1;
if (delLine <= 0 || addLine <= 0) continue;
if (addCount > 0) {
for (int i=0; i<addCount; i++) {
lineInt = addLine + i;
Git::DiffLine mLine;
mLine.line = lineInt;
mLine.isDeleted = false;
mLine.isModified = true;
mLine.file = fileB;
mLines.insert(lineInt, mLine);
} else if (delCount > addCount) {
lineInt = delLine;
Git::DiffLine mLine;
mLine.line = lineInt;
mLine.isDeleted = true;
mLine.isModified = false;
mLine.file = fileB;
mLines.insert(lineInt, mLine);
return mLines;