
510 lines
25 KiB
Raw Normal View History

$data = [
'home' => 'Heim',
'to the website' => 'Zur Webseite',
'catalog' => 'Katalog',
'feed' => 'Futter',
'hi' => 'Hallo',
'news' => 'Nachrichten',
'top' => 'TOP',
'admin' => 'Administratorin',
2022-01-09 18:44:40 +01:00
'sort' => 'Sortieren',
'facets' => 'Facetten',
'content' => 'Inhalt',
'navigation' => 'Navigation',
'visibility' => 'Sichtweite',
'number' => 'Zahl',
'icon' => 'Symbol',
'template' => 'Schablone',
'settings' => 'Einstellungen',
'security' => 'Sicherheit',
'avatar' => 'Profilfoto',
'understands' => 'Versteht',
'necessarily' => 'Erforderlich zum Ausfüllen ',
'create' => 'Fressen',
'writers' => 'Schriftsteller',
'welcome' => 'Herzlich willkommen',
2022-01-28 05:21:03 +01:00
'create.account' => 'Benutzerkonto erstellen',
'not.registered' => 'Posten, antworten, kommentieren... <br>Sie haben sich noch nicht registriert',
'saw' => 'Gesehen',
'the post' => 'Die Post',
'bodies' => 'Körper',
'thanks' => 'Danke',
'whisper' => 'Flüstern',
'report' => 'Prüfbericht',
'reports' => 'Berichte',
'content.deleted' => '%1$s sters',
'content.added' => '%1$s adăugat',
'content.restored' => '%1$s restaurat',
'time' => 'Timp',
2022-01-18 08:56:51 +01:00
'back' => 'Zurück',
'edit' => 'Bearbeiten',
'save' => 'Speichern',
'add' => 'Hinzufügen',
'add.option' => 'Hinzufügen %1$s',
'edit.option' => 'Bearbeiten %1$s',
'change.saved' => 'Änderung gespeichert',
'successfully' => 'Erfolgreich!',
'desc.formed' => 'Beschreibung wird gebildet',
'being.developed' => 'In Entwicklung',
'activity' => 'Aktivität',
'question.closed' => 'Die Frage ist geschlossen',
'this.draft' => 'Dieser Beitrag ist ein Entwurf',
'no.cover' => 'Noch keine Cover',
'no.invites' => 'Sie haben keine Einladungen erstellt',
'no.content' => 'Entschuldigung, noch kein Inhalt',
'no.dialogs' => 'Entschuldigung, es gibt noch keine Dialoge',
'no.posts' => 'Entschuldigung, noch keine Beiträge',
'no.favorites' => 'Entschuldigung, es gibt noch keine Lesezeichen',
'no.comments' => 'Leider gibt es noch keine Kommentare',
'no.answers' => 'Entschuldigung, noch keine Antworten',
'default' => 'Default',
'qa' => 'Fragen und Antworten',
'answered' => 'Antwortete',
'translation' => 'Übersetzung',
'format.Q&A' => 'Q&A-Format',
'pin' => 'Stift',
2022-01-18 08:56:51 +01:00
2022-01-14 21:53:00 +01:00
'complained about' => 'beschwert ',
'deleted' => 'Gelöscht',
'remote' => 'Fernbedienung',
'email activated' => 'E-Mail aktiviert',
'not activated' => 'Nicht aktiviert',
'like' => 'Mögen',
'i like comments' => 'Ich mag Kommentare',
'i like posts' => 'Ich mag Beiträge',
'by topic' => 'Nach Thema',
'all comments' => 'Alle Kommentare',
'all answers' => 'Alle Antworten',
'recommended' => 'Empfohlen',
'notification' => 'Benachrichtigung',
'notifications' => 'Benachrichtigungen',
'preferences' => 'Einstellungen',
'action' => 'Aktion',
'domain' => 'Domain',
2022-01-14 21:53:00 +01:00
'domains' => 'Domänen',
'posted' => 'Gesendet',
'posted-help' => 'Das gepostete Material ist für die Teilnehmer sichtbar',
'all domains' => 'Alle Domänen',
'blog' => 'Blog',
'blogs' => 'Blogs',
2022-01-14 21:53:00 +01:00
'topics' => 'Themen',
'topic' => 'Thema',
'parent' => 'Elternteil',
'edit topic' => 'Thema bearbeiten',
'authorization' => 'Genehmigung',
2022-01-27 18:59:03 +01:00
'' => 'Anmelden',
2022-01-14 21:53:00 +01:00
'sign out' => 'Ausloggen',
'sign up' => 'Anmelden',
'advertising' => 'Werbung',
'private messages' => 'Private Nachrichten',
'it was read' => 'Es wurde gelesen',
'all messages' => 'Alle Nachrichten',
'send a message' => 'Eine Nachricht schicken',
'dialogues' => 'Dialoge',
'dialogue' => 'Dialog',
'write a message' => 'Eine Nachricht schreiben',
'send' => 'Senden',
'to share' => 'Teilen',
'information' => 'Information',
2022-01-14 21:53:00 +01:00
'review' => 'Rezension',
'contacts' => 'Kontakte',
'city' => 'Stadt',
'remember me' => 'Behalte mich in Erinnerung',
'banned' => 'Verboten',
'ban it' => 'verbiete es',
'unban' => 'Sperre aufheben',
'dumb mode' => 'Dummer Modus',
'reset' => 'Zurücksetzen',
'to create' => 'Erschaffen',
'invited guests' => 'Eingeladene Gäste',
'nickname' => 'Nickname',
'name' => 'Name',
'password' => 'Password',
'new password' => 'New Password',
'repeat' => 'Rv',
'show' => 'Show',
'new' => 'New',
'new ones' => 'New ones',
'old' => 'Old',
'code' => 'Code',
'code error' => 'Code error',
'invite' => 'Invite',
'invites' => 'Invites',
'view' => 'Viewing',
'views' => 'Views',
'profile' => 'Profile',
'title' => 'Title',
'heading' => 'Heading',
'to extract' => 'To extract',
'discussion' => 'Discussion',
'description' => 'Description',
'meta description' => 'Meta description',
'short description' => 'Short description',
'favorites' => 'Favorites',
'long' => 'Long',
'created by' => 'Created by',
'help' => 'Help',
'statistics' => 'Statistics',
'privacy' => 'Privacy',
'about' => 'About',
'about me' => 'About me',
'riddle' => 'Riddle',
'info' => 'Info',
'more' => 'More',
'other' => 'Other',
'social networks' => 'Social Networks',
'official' => 'Official',
'community' => 'Community',
'works on' => 'Works on',
'trust level' => 'Trust Level',
'search' => 'Search',
'to find' => 'To find',
'up' => 'Up',
'user' => 'User',
'users' => 'Users',
'page' => 'Page',
'read' => 'Read',
'reads' => 'Reads',
'reading' => 'I read',
'is reading' => 'Is reading',
'subscribed' => 'Subscribed',
'unsubscribed' => 'Unsubscribed',
'unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe',
'subscribe' => 'Subscribe',
'read more' => 'Read more',
'to approve' => 'To approve',
2022-01-13 17:59:40 +01:00
'approved' => 'Genehmigt',
'off.mute.mode' => 'und deaktivieren Sie die Stummschaltung für den Teilnehmer',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'recover' => 'Recover',
'download' => 'Download',
'successful download' => 'Successful download',
'error in loading' => 'Error in loading',
'password recovery' => 'Password recovery',
'draft' => 'Draft',
'drafts' => 'Drafts',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
'reply' => 'Reply',
'source' => 'Source',
'website' => 'Website',
'websites' => 'Websites',
'sites' => 'Websites',
'related' => 'Related',
'related posts' => 'Related posts',
'related topics' => 'Related topics',
'see more' => 'See more',
'parents' => 'Parents',
'children' => 'Children',
'bound (children)' => 'Bound (children)',
'bound (parents)' => 'Bound (parents)',
'structure' => 'Structure',
'root' => 'Root',
'root-help' => 'The top (main) theme of the tree.',
'upper' => 'Upper',
'subtopics' => 'Subtopics',
'badge' => 'Badge',
'badges' => 'Badges',
'reward the user' => 'Reward the user',
2022-01-18 08:56:51 +01:00
'for example' => 'For example',
'ed' => 'ed',
'add' => 'Add',
'there are' => 'There are',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'no' => 'No',
'all' => 'All',
'you' => 'You',
'from' => 'From',
'by' => 'by',
'in' => 'in',
'on' => 'on',
'for' => 'for',
'my' => 'My',
'by default' => 'By default',
'just me' => 'Just me',
'publications' => 'Publications',
'selected post' => 'Selected post',
'color' => 'Color',
'text' => 'Text',
'author' => 'Author',
'characters' => 'Characters',
'last answer' => 'Last answer',
'comments-desc' => 'All comments (on answers) are in order of priority in the community',
'answers-desc' => 'All responses (to posts) are in order of priority in the community',
'no-auth-comm' => 'You must be logged in to post a comment',
'write-something' => 'Supports Markdown',
'write-response' => 'Write an answer to the question',
'write' => 'Write',
'in-the-profile' => 'In profile',
'add-favorites' => 'Add favorites',
'remove-favorites' => 'Remove favorites',
2021-12-13 19:54:01 +01:00
2021-11-27 12:50:16 +01:00
'language' => 'Lokalisierung',
'ru-language' => 'Russisch (RU)',
'en-language' => 'Englisch (DE)',
'de-language' => 'Deutsch (DE)',
'fr-language' => 'Französisch (FR)',
'zh-language' => 'Chinesisch (ZH)',
'md-language' => 'Moldauisch (MD)',
2021-12-13 19:54:01 +01:00
'repeat the password' => 'Repeat password',
2022-01-13 17:59:40 +01:00
'post.closed' => 'Post closed',
'forgot your password' => 'Forgot your password',
'rules' => 'Site rules',
'privacy policy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'restriction' => 'Restrictions',
'no-invate-txt' => 'Not a user yet? Registration is by invitation only to combat spam and increase accountability. If you know the <a href="/users">current user</a> of the site, ask him for an invitation.',
/* Date and time + Events */
'months' => ['', 'January', 'February', 'Martha', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
'today' => 'Today',
'yesterday' => 'Yesterday',
'num-message' => ['Message', 'Messages', 'Messages'],
'num-comment' => ['Comment', 'Comments', 'Comments'],
'num-answer' => ['Answer', 'Answers', 'Answers'],
'num-post' => ['Post', 'Post', 'Posts'],
'num-view' => ['View', 'View', 'Views'],
'num-website' => ['Website', 'Sites', 'Sites'],
'num-blog' => ['Blog', 'Blogs', 'Blogs'],
'num-up' => ['Vote', 'Votes', 'Votes'],
'comment' => 'Comment',
'comments' => 'Comments',
'answer' => 'Answer',
'answers' => 'Answers',
'message' => 'Message',
'messages' => 'Messages',
'post' => 'Post',
'posts' => 'Posts',
'setting profile page' => 'Setting profile page',
'cover art' => 'Cover art',
'type' => 'Type',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'last' => 'Last',
'cover removed' => 'Cover removed',
'change avatar page' => 'Change avatar page',
'change password page' => 'Change password page',
'recommended size' => 'Recommended size',
/* Notifications */
'i read' => 'I read',
'wrote' => 'Wrote',
'wrote a post' => 'Wrote a post',
'wrote to you' => 'Wrote to you',
'replied to post' => 'Replied to post',
'successfully, log in' => 'Successfully, log in',
'appealed to you' => 'Appealed to you',
'in post' => 'In post',
'in answer' => 'In answer',
'in the comment' => 'In the comment',
'to your answer' => 'To your answer',
/* MSG */
2022-01-13 17:59:40 +01:00
'string.length' => 'Length %1$s should be from %2$s -> %3$s characters ',
'slug.correctness' => '%1$s should contain only Latin letters, numbers',
'url.correctness' => '%1$s address is not correct',
'titles' => 'Titles',
'descriptions' => 'Descriptions',
'url-already-exists' => 'This topic URL already exists',
'url-gaps' => 'Blog are not allowed in the URL',
'select topic' => 'Choose a topic',
'you-question-no' => 'You have already answered this question',
'you need to log in' => 'Login required',
'no-auth-login' => 'For an answer you can <a href="/login">log in</a>',
'you dont have access' => 'You don have access',
'access restricted' => 'Access limited',
'member does not exist' => 'Member does not exist',
'invite created' => 'Invite created',
'invalid' => 'Invalid',
'avatar changed' => 'Avatar changed ',
'cover changed' => 'Cover changed',
'password changed' => 'Password changed successfully',
'old-password-err' => 'Old password is incorrect',
'pass-match-err' => 'Password mismatch',
'login-use-condition' => 'By continuing, you agree to <a href="/info/privacy">Terms of use</a> site',
'user-already' => 'The user is already on the site',
'invate-to-replay' => 'You have already sent an invitation to this user',
'invate.limit.stop' => 'Sie haben die Anzahl der Einladungen erschöpft',
2022-01-13 06:51:50 +01:00
'' => 'For %1$s you have reached the limit %2$s for today',
'limit-add-content-no' => 'You have reached the limit for adding set on the site',
'registration by invite' => 'Registration by invite',
'details are here' => 'Details here',
'breaking the rules' => 'Breaking the rules',
'sections' => 'Sections',
'section' => 'Section',
'pages' => 'Pages',
'go to' => 'Go to',
'frameworks' => 'Frameworks',
'interesting sites' => 'Interesting sites',
'facts' => 'Facts',
'psychology' => 'Psychology',
/* Meta - desc */
'profile.posts.title' => '%1$s — Mitgliederprofil, Beiträge ',
'profile.answers.title' => '%1$s — Teilnehmer antwortet ',
'profile.comments.title' => '%1$s — Teilnehmerkommentare ',
'profile.posts.desc' => '%1$s — Mitgliederprofilseite. Beiträge, Auszeichnungen und Kontakte. %2$s',
'profile.answers.desc' => '%1$s — Seite mit Antworten des Teilnehmers auf Beiträge in Themen und Blogs. %2$s',
'profile.comments.desc' => '%1$s — Teilnehmerkommentare in chronologischer Reihenfolge. %2$s',
'page-number' => ' Page %1$s. ',
'' => 'Popular posts. ',
'' => 'List of popular posts in the community feed (by the number of replies). Topics of interest. Conversations, questions and answers, comments. ',
'main.all.title' => 'All posts. ',
'main.all.desc' => 'List of all posts in the community feed (by number of replies). Conversations, questions and answers, comments. ',
'edit answer' => 'Change the answer',
'enter' => 'Enter',
'enter your password' => 'Enter password',
'enter content' => 'Enter content',
/* web */
'news & media' => 'News & Media',
'social network' => 'Social network',
'internet' => 'Internet',
'software' => 'Software',
'reference info' => 'Reference Information',
'related sites' => 'Related Sites',
'web-cat' => 'Are there in the site directory?',
'web-cat-help' => 'In the site catalog, will be a Category (will become visible)',
/* soft */
'soft-cat' => 'Are there programs in the catalog?',
'soft-cat-help' => 'In the program directory, will be Category (will become visible)',
/* Setting */
'info-setting' => 'Fill in your name, this will help attendees refer to you by name. <br> <br> Tell us something about yourself. You have a great opportunity to open up to please others and seem like an interesting person.',
'info-avatar' => 'Upload an avatar and cover for your profile. <br> <br> When each user has a unique avatar, it becomes much easier to follow the discussions! ',
'info-security' => 'Make sure all your passwords are 8 characters or more, ideally a lot more.',
'info-search' => 'To refine your search, try to find a more precise query.',
'info-login' => 'Authorization gives you the ability to publish posts, reply, comment.',
'info-recover' => 'After clicking the "Reset" button, check your email...',
'info-favorite' => 'Posts, comments and questions in your bookmarks',
'info-preferences' => 'Posts you are subscribed to. You will be notified of all new replies',
'e-mail notification' => 'Notify by Email',
'info-notifications' => 'You can mark all ads as read by clicking on the link: "I have read".',
'info-notification' => 'You can unsubscribe from all notifications by Email in this section',
'message to PM' => 'When the message came to PM',
'contacted via @' => 'When they reached out to me through @',
'linkchange password' => 'Your link to change your password',
'domain-desc' => 'Grouping posts in a community by domain',
'domains-desc' => 'Statistics on domains, links that are used to compile publications on the site. Most visited, popular sites',
'code-incorrect' => 'The code is incorrect or has already been used. Go through the recovery procedure again.',
'yes-email-pass' => 'Now you can use your email and password.',
'code-used' => 'The code is incorrect or has already been used.',
'audits' => 'Audits',
'content-audit' => 'Your message has been sent for review.',
'limit-tl-invitation' => 'Your trust level does not yet allow using invites',
'can send this link' => 'You can send this link ',
'link has been used' => 'Link has been used',
'the link was used to' => 'The link was used to',
'medal for registration' => 'Registration Medal',
'registered' => 'Registered ',
'invitations left' => 'Invitations left',
'no-topic-to-add' => 'You do not have topics to add a post. <a href="/topics">Subscribe</a> to topics',
'site under reconstruction' => 'The site is under reconstruction',
'limiting-mode-1' => 'You cannot publish materials, your account is being verified',
'the dialog does not exist' => 'The specified dialog does not exist',
'the topic does not exist' => 'The specified topic does not exist',
'the site is already there' => 'Such a site is already in the system',
'joined in the early days' => 'Joined in the early days of the community launch',
'the profile is being checked' => 'Your profile is pending',
'nickname-replay' => 'This nickname is already on the site',
'e-mail-replay' => 'This email is already on the site',
'multiple-accounts' => 'Don. t register multiple accounts ',
'password-spaces' => 'Password cannot contain spaces',
'nickname-repeats-characters' => 'There are too many repeating characters in the nickname',
'the code is incorrect' => 'The code is incorrect or has already been used',
'format-cover-post' => 'Width greater than 500px. Orientation horizontal',
'email.password.not.correct' => 'Email or password is not correct',
'account.not.activated' => 'Your account is not activated',
'account.being.verified' => 'Your account is pending',
2022-01-13 17:59:40 +01:00
'email.correctness' => 'Invalid email',
'' => 'This email is not on the site',
'english' => 'English',
'who will be able to post' => 'Who can post',
'design choice' => 'Choice of design',
'work email' => 'Work email (for <b> activation </b> account)',
'new password email' => 'New password has been sent to email',
'check your email' => 'Check your email to activate your account',
'tl-limitation' => 'Your Trust Level (TL) does not allow this action',
'who will be able to post posts' => 'Who can post',
'long name from' => 'Long name from',
'does this violate site rules' => 'This violates the rules of the site',
'flag not included' => 'Flag left out, don use it often',
'invited you' => 'You were invited by a member from this site. Enter invite',
'invite.features' => 'You can invite friends',
'personal-messages-site' => 'Private messages with site members',
'the page does not exist' => 'The page does not exist',
'to main' => 'To main',
'the page has been removed' => 'The page has been removed',
'the command is executed' => 'Command executed',
'you can add more' => 'You can add more',
'recommended posts' => 'recommended posts',
'recommended.posts.desc' => 'Recommended posts in «%1$s» hand - selected. ',
'structure-desc' => 'Topics represented by different trees, structure of topics and their relationship ',
'topic-subscription' => 'Subscribe to topics and read them in the feed',
'stop-blog' => 'This blog URL is reserved',
'users.all' => 'List of participants',
'' => 'List of participants in the order of their activity on the site',
'users.all.desc' => 'Participants in the order of their activity on the site. Ability to view profile data',
2022-01-14 19:12:59 +01:00
'' => 'Neue Mitglieder',
'' => 'Liste der Mitglieder, die sich kürzlich auf der Website angemeldet haben',
'' => 'Mitglieder, die sich kürzlich auf der Website registriert haben. Aktivität, Avatare, Profil anzeigen',
'blogs.all' => 'All blogs ',
'' => 'Blogs created by contributors',
'blogs.all.desc' => 'Blogs in the order of their registration on the site, the ability to view the created blogs, subscribe to them, view statistics',
'' => 'New blogs',
'' => 'Recently added blogs on the site',
'' => 'Blogs on the site added recently. Personal blogs of participants, the ability to subscribe to interesting blogs',
'' => 'My blogs',
'' => 'Blogs I follow or have created',
'' => 'Blogs I Read or Have Created',
'topics.all' => 'All topics',
'' => 'All topics on the site in order of their popularit',
'topics.all.desc' => 'A page of topics arranged in order of popularity. By the number of posts located, the ability to subscribe to blogs ',
'' => 'New Topics',
'' => 'New themes, themes added recently',
'' => 'New themes added to the site recently. Topic statistics and the ability to subscribe to topics',
'' => 'I read ',
'' => 'Topics I follow, I read',
'' => 'Topics that I read or have created',
'' => 'Posts in chronological order...',
'' => 'All posts in the community feed...',
'' => 'Recent active posts...',
'' => 'Alle Kommentare...',
'' => 'Kommentare entfernt...',
'' => 'Alle Antworten...',
'' => 'Gelöschte Antworten...',
'tl0.title' => 'Gast',
'tl1.title' => 'Benutzer',
'tl2.title' => 'Mitglied',
'tl3.title' => 'Bewohner',
'tl4.title' => 'Regulär',
'tl5.title' => 'Führer',
'tl10.title' => 'Mitarbeiter',
2021-12-13 19:54:01 +01:00
return $data;