
273 lines
8.8 KiB

use App\Models\{FacetModel, FileModel};
use App\Models\User\{UserModel, SettingModel};
use Phphleb\Imageresizer\SimpleImage;
// TODO: We need to rewrite this entire class
class UploadImage
public static function set($file, $content_id, $type)
if (!empty($file['images']['name'])) {
self::img($file['images'], $content_id, $type);
if (!empty($file['cover']['name'])) {
self::cover($file['cover'], $content_id, $type);
return false;
public static function img($img, $content_id, $type)
switch ($type) {
case 'facet':
$path_img = HLEB_PUBLIC_DIR . Img::PATH['facets_logo'];
$path_img_small = HLEB_PUBLIC_DIR . Img::PATH['facets_logo_small'];
$pref = 't-';
$default_img = 'topic-default.png';
$path_img = HLEB_PUBLIC_DIR . Img::PATH['avatars'];
$path_img_small = HLEB_PUBLIC_DIR . Img::PATH['avatars_small'];
$pref = 'a-';
$default_img = 'noavatar.png';
$name = $img['name'];
if ($name) {
$filename = $pref . $content_id . '-' . time();
$file = $img['tmp_name'];
$image = new SimpleImage();
$image->resizeAllInCenter(160, 160, "#ffffff");
$image->save($path_img . $filename . '.webp', "webp");
$image->resizeAllInCenter(48, 48, "#ffffff");
$image->save($path_img_small . $filename . '.webp', "webp");
$new_img = $filename . '.webp';
if ($type == 'facet') {
$images = FacetModel::getFacet($content_id, 'id', $type);
$foto = $images['topic_img'] ?? false;
} else {
$images = UserModel::getUser($content_id, 'id');
$foto = $images['avatar'] ?? false;
// Delete the old avatar, except for the default one
// Удалим старую аватарку, кроме дефолтной
if ($foto != $default_img && $foto != $new_img) {
@unlink($path_img . $foto);
@unlink($path_img_small . $foto);
if ($type == 'facet') {
FacetModel::setImg(['facet_id' => $content_id, 'facet_img' => $new_img]);
} else {
SettingModel::setImg(['id' => $content_id, 'avatar' => $new_img, 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
return $new_img;
return false;
public static function postImg($img, $user_id, $type, $content_id)
$path_img = HLEB_PUBLIC_DIR . Img::PATH['posts_content'];
$year = date('Y') . '/';
$month = date('n') . '/';
$file = $img['tmp_name'];
$filename = 'post-' . time();
// For the body of the post, if png then we will not change the file extension
// Для тела поста, если png то не будем менять расширение файла
$file_type = ($img['type'] == 'image/png') ? 'png' : 'webp';
self::createDir($path_img . $year . $month);
$image = new SimpleImage();
$width_h = getimagesize($file);
if ($width_h[0] > 1050) {
$image->save($path_img . $year . $month . $filename . '.' . $file_type, $file_type, 100);
} else {
$image->save($path_img . $year . $month . $filename . '.' . $file_type, $file_type, 100);
$img_post = Img::PATH['posts_content'] . $year . $month . $filename . '.' . $file_type;
'file_path' => $img_post,
'file_type' => $type ?? 'none',
'file_content_id' => $content_id ?? 0,
'file_user_id' => $user_id,
'file_is_deleted' => 0
return $img_post;
// Member cover
public static function cover($cover, $content_id, $type)
switch ($type) {
case 'user':
// 1920px / 350px
$path_cover_img = HLEB_PUBLIC_DIR . Img::PATH['users_cover'];
$path_cover_small = HLEB_PUBLIC_DIR . Img::PATH['users_cover_small'];
$path_cover_img = HLEB_PUBLIC_DIR . Img::PATH['facets_cover'];
$path_cover_small = HLEB_PUBLIC_DIR . Img::PATH['facets_cover_small'];
$pref = 'cover-';
$default_img = 'cover_art.jpeg';
if ($cover) {
$filename = $pref . $content_id . '-' . time();
$file_cover = $cover['tmp_name'];
$image = new SimpleImage();
$image->resize(1720, 350);
$image->save($path_cover_img . $filename . '.webp', "webp");
$image->resize(48, 48);
$image->save($path_cover_small . $filename . '.webp', "webp");
$new_cover = $filename . '.webp';
if ($type == 'user') {
$user = UserModel::getUser($content_id, 'id');
$cover_art = $user['cover_art'];
} else {
$facet = FacetModel::getFacet($content_id, 'id', $type);
$cover_art = $facet['facet_cover_art'];
// Удалим старую, кроме дефолтной
if ($cover_art != $default_img && $cover_art != $new_cover) {
@unlink($path_cover_img . $cover_art);
@unlink($path_cover_small . $cover_art);
// Запишем обложку
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if ($type == 'user') {
SettingModel::setCover(['id' => $content_id, 'cover_art' => $new_cover, 'updated_at' => $date]);
} else {
FacetModel::setCover(['facet_id' => $content_id, 'facet_cover_art' => $new_cover]);
return true;
return false;
// Post cover
public static function coverPost($cover, $post, $redirect, $user_id)
// Width check
$width_h = getimagesize($cover['tmp_name']);
if ($width_h < 500) {
is_return(__('msg.five_width'), 'error', $redirect);
$path = HLEB_PUBLIC_DIR . Img::PATH['posts_cover'];
$year = date('Y') . '/';
$file = $cover['tmp_name'];
$filename = 'c-' . time();
self::createDir($path . $year);
$image = new SimpleImage();
$image->save($path . $year . $filename . '.webp', "webp");
$post_img = $year . $filename . '.webp';
// Delete if there is an old one
$post_content_img = $post['post_content_img'] ?? false;
if ($post_content_img != $post_img) {
@unlink($path . $post_content_img);
FileModel::removal($post_content_img, $user_id);
'file_path' => $post_img,
'file_type' => 'post',
'file_content_id' => $post['post_id'] ?? 0,
'file_user_id' => $user_id,
'file_is_deleted' => 0
return $post_img;
// Удаление обложка поста
public static function coverPostRemove($path_img, $user_id)
unlink(HLEB_PUBLIC_DIR . Img::PATH['posts_cover'] . $path_img);
return FileModel::removal($path_img, $user_id);
// Thumb for post
public static function thumbPost($image)
$ext = pathinfo(parse_url($image, PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (in_array($ext, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'))) {
$path = HLEB_PUBLIC_DIR . Img::PATH['posts_thumb'];
$year = date('Y') . '/';
$filename = 'p-' . time() . '.' . $ext;
$file = 'p-' . time();
self::createDir($path . $year);
$local = $path . $year . $filename;
if (!file_exists($local)) {
copy($image, $local);
$image = new SimpleImage();
$image->save($path . $year . $filename . '.webp', "webp");
if (file_exists($local)) {
return $year . $filename . '.webp';
return false;
static function createDir($path)
if (!is_dir($path)) {
mkdir($path, 0777, true);