
288 lines
10 KiB

class Html
// Blog, topic or category
public static function facets($facet, $type, $url, $css, $choice = true)
if (!$facet) {
return '';
if (!is_array($facet)) {
$facet = preg_split('/(@)/', $facet);
$result = [];
foreach (array_chunk($facet, 3) as $row) {
if ($row[0] == $type) {
if ($type == 'category') {
$result[] = '<a class="' . $css . '" href="' . url($url, ['grouping' => $choice, 'slug' => $row[1]]) . '">' . $row[2] . '</a>';
} else {
$result[] = '<a class="' . $css . '" href="' . url($url, ['slug' => $row[1]]) . '">' . $row[2] . '</a>';
return implode($result);
// Blog, topic or category
public static function addPost($facet)
$url_add = url('content.add', ['type' => 'post']);
if (!empty($facet)) {
if ($facet['facet_user_id'] == UserData::getUserId() || $facet['facet_type'] == 'topic') {
$url_add = $url_add . '/' . $facet['facet_id'];
return '<a title="' . __('app.add_post') . '" href="' . $url_add . '" class="sky"><i class="bi-plus-lg text-xl"></i></a>';
// User's Cover art or thumbnails
public static function image($file, $alt, $style, $type, $size)
$img = $size == 'small' ? PATH_USERS_SMALL_AVATARS . $file : PATH_USERS_AVATARS . $file;
if ($type == 'post') {
$img = $size == 'thumbnails' ? PATH_POSTS_THUMB . $file : PATH_POSTS_COVER . $file;
} elseif ($type == 'logo') {
$img = $size == 'small' ? PATH_FACETS_SMALL_LOGOS . $file : PATH_FACETS_LOGOS . $file;
return '<img class="' . $style . '" src="' . $img . '" title="' . $alt . '" alt="' . $alt . '">';
// Icons, screenshots associated with the site
public static function websiteImage($domain, $type, $alt, $css = '')
$path = $type == 'thumbs' ? PATH_THUMBS : PATH_FAVICONS;
if (file_exists(HLEB_PUBLIC_DIR . $path . $domain . '.png')) {
return '<img class="' . $css . '" src="' . $path . $domain . '.png" title="' . $alt . '" alt="' . $alt . '">';
return '<img class="mr5 ' . $css . '" src="' . $path . 'no-link.png" title="' . $alt . '" alt="' . $alt . '">';
// Cover of users, blog
public static function coverUrl($file, $type)
return $type == 'blog' ? PATH_BLOGS_COVER . $file : PATH_USERS_COVER . $file;
// Localization of dates and events....
public static function langDate($string)
$months = __('app.months');
//Разбиваем дату в массив
$a = preg_split('/[^\d]/', $string);
$today = date('Ymd'); //20210421
if (($a[0] . $a[1] . $a[2]) == $today) {
//Если сегодня
return (__('') . ' ' . $a[3] . ':' . $a[4]);
} else {
$b = explode('-', date("Y-m-d"));
$tom = date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $b[1], $b[2] - 1, $b[0]));
if (($a[0] . $a[1] . $a[2]) == $tom) {
//Если вчера
return (__('app.yesterday') . ' ' . $a[3] . ':' . $a[4]);
} else {
//Если позже
$mm = intval($a[1]);
return ($a[2] . " " . $months[$mm] . " " . $a[0] . " " . $a[3] . ":" . $a[4]);
// Voting for posts, replies, comments and sites
public static function votes($content, $type, $ind, $css = 'bi-heart', $block = '')
$count = $content[$type . '_votes'] > 0 ? $content[$type . '_votes'] : '';
$html = '<div class="flex ' . $block . ' gap-min gray-600"><div class="up-id ' . $css . ' click-no-auth"></div>
<div class="score"> ' . $count . '</div></div>';
if (UserData::getAccount()) {
if ($content['votes_' . $type . '_user_id'] || UserData::getUserId() == $content[$type . '_user_id']) {
$html = '<div class="active flex gap-min ' . $block . '">
<div class="up-id ' . $css . '"></div><div class="score">' . $count . '</div></div>';
} else {
$num_count = empty($count) ? 0 : $count;
$html = '<div id="up' . $content[$type . '_id'] . '" class="voters-' . $ind . ' flex gap-min ' . $block . ' gray-600">
<div data-ind="' . $ind . '" data-id="' . $content[$type . '_id'] . '" data-count="' . $num_count . '" data-type="' . $type . '" class="up-id ' . $css . '"></div><div class="score">' . $count . '</div></div>';
return $html;
// Add/remove from favorites
public static function favorite($content_id, $type, $tid, $ind, $css = '')
$html = '<a class="click-no-auth gray-600 ' . $css . '"><i class="bi-bookmark-plus"></i></a>';
if (UserData::getAccount()) {
$blue = $tid ? 'active' : 'gray-600';
$my = $tid ? 'bi-bookmark-dash' : 'bi-bookmark-plus';
$html = '<a id="favorite_' . $content_id . '" class="add-favorite fav-' . $ind . ' ' . $blue . ' ' . $css . '" data-ind="' . $ind . '" data-id="' . $content_id . '" data-type="' . $type . '"><i class="' . $my . '"></i></a>';
return $html;
// Subscription: groups, blogs, posts, directory
public static function signed($arr)
if (UserData::getAccount()) {
if ($arr['content_user_id'] != UserData::getUserId()) {
$html = '<span data-id="' . $arr['id'] . '" data-type="' . $arr['type'] . '" class="focus-id red">' . __('') . '</span>';
if ($arr['state']) {
$html = '<spanv data-id="' . $arr['id'] . '" data-type="' . $arr['type'] . '" class="focus-id gray-600">' . __('app.unsubscribe') . '</span>';
} else {
$html = '<a href="' . url('login') . '"><span class="focus-id red">' . __('') . '</span></a>';
return $html;
// Page pagination
public static function pagination($pNum, $pagesCount, $sheet, $other)
if ($pNum > $pagesCount) {
return null;
$other = empty($other) ? '' : $other;
$first = empty($other) ? '/' : $other;
if ($sheet == 'all' || $sheet == 'top') {
$page = $other . '/' . $sheet;
$first = $other . '/' . $sheet;
} else {
$page = $other . '';
$html = '<div class="flex gap">';
if ($pNum != 1) {
if (($pNum - 1) == 1) {
$html .= '<a class="p5" href="' . $first . '"><< ' . ($pNum - 1) . '</a>';
} else {
$html .= '<a class="p5" href="' . $page . '/' . ($pNum - 1) . '.html"><< ' . ($pNum - 1) . '</a>';
if ($pagesCount > $pNum) {
$html .= '<div class="bg-green p5-10 white">' . ($pNum) . '</div>';
if ($pagesCount > $pNum) {
if ($pagesCount > $pNum + 1) {
$html .= '<a class="p5" href="' . $page . '/' . ($pNum + 1) . '.html"> ' . ($pNum + 1) . ' </a>';
if ($pagesCount > $pNum + 2) {
$html .= '<a class="p5" href="' . $page . '/' . ($pNum + 2) . '.html"> ' . ($pNum + 2) . '</a>';
if ($pagesCount > $pNum + 3) {
$html .= '...';
$html .= '<a class="p5 lowercase gray-600" href="' . $page . '/' . ($pNum + 1) . '.html">' . __('') . ' ' . ($pNum + 1) . ' >></a>';
$html .= '</div>';
return $html;
// If 2 weeks have not passed since registration, then the nickname is green
public static function loginColor($time)
$diff = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) - strtotime($time);
$tm = floor($diff / 60);
if ($tm > 20160) {
return false;
return true;
// @param array $words: array('пост', 'поста', 'постов')
public static function numWord($value, $words, $show = true)
$num = (int)$value % 100;
if ($num > 19) {
$num = $num % 10;
$out = ($show) ? (int)$value . ' ' : '';
switch ($num) {
case 1:
$out .= $words[0];
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
$out .= $words[1];
$out .= $words[2];
return $out;
public static function formatToHuman($number)
if ($number < 1000) {
return sprintf('%d', $number);
if ($number < 1000000) {
$number = $number / 1000;
return $newVal = number_format($number, 1) . 'k';
if ($number >= 1000000 && $number < 1000000000) {
$number = $number / 1000000;
return $newVal = number_format($number, 1) . 'M';
if ($number >= 1000000000 && $number < 1000000000000) {
$number = $number / 1000000000;
return $newVal = number_format($number, 1) . 'B';
return sprintf('%d%s', floor($number / 1000000000000), 'T+');
// Create random string
public static function randomString($type, int $len = 8)
if ($type = 'crypto') {
return bin2hex(random_bytes($len / 2));
// sha1
return sha1(uniqid((string) mt_rand(), true));
// To be added
public static function sumbit($text)
return '<button type="submit" name="action" class="btn btn-primary" value="submit">' . $text . '</button>';
// To be deleted
public static function remove($text)
return '<button type="submit" name="action" class="btn btn-outline-primary right mr10" value="delete">' . $text . '</button>';