2022-03-07 02:06:11 +03:00

234 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2021-2022, Dmitry Maluev ( All rights reserved.
#include "Lib.hlsl"
#include "LibColor.hlsl"
#include "LibDeferredShading.hlsl"
#include "LibSurface.hlsl"
#include ""
ConstantBuffer<UB_GrassVS> g_ubGrassVS : register(b0, space0);
ConstantBuffer<UB_GrassFS> g_ubGrassFS : register(b0, space1);
Texture2D g_texHeightVS : register(t1, space0);
SamplerState g_samHeightVS : register(s1, space0);
Texture2D g_texNormalVS : register(t2, space0);
SamplerState g_samNormalVS : register(s2, space0);
Texture2D g_texMLayerVS : register(t3, space0);
SamplerState g_samMLayerVS : register(s3, space0);
Texture2D g_texAlbedo : register(t1, space1);
SamplerState g_samAlbedo : register(s1, space1);
struct VSI
VK_LOCATION(16) int4 patchPos : INSTDATA0;
uint vertexID : SV_VertexID;
struct VSO
float4 pos : SV_Position;
float2 tc0 : TEXCOORD0;
float3 tcOffset_phaseShift : TEXCOORD1;
float4 normal_top : TEXCOORD2;
float2 psize : PSIZE;
#ifdef _VS
VSO mainVS(VSI si)
VSO so;
const float phase = g_ubGrassVS._phase_mapSideInv_bushMask.x;
const float mapSideInv = g_ubGrassVS._phase_mapSideInv_bushMask.y;
const float bushMask = g_ubGrassVS._phase_mapSideInv_bushMask.z;
const float3 warp =;
const float turbulence = g_ubGrassVS._warp_turb.w;
const uint bushID = si.vertexID;
const uint bushID = si.vertexID >> 3; // 8 vertices per bush.
// <FromTextures>
float3 inPos;
float3 pos;
float2 center;
float2 pointSpriteSize = 1.f;
float groundHeight;
float3 normal;
float2 tc0;
bool bushMaskOK = true;
inPos = * (1.f / 1000.f);
pos = inPos + float3(si.patchPos.x, 0, si.patchPos.z);
center = * (1.f / 1000.f) + si.patchPos.xz;
pointSpriteSize = inPos.y;
pos = float3(center.x, 0.45f * pointSpriteSize.y, center.y);
const float distToEye = distance(pos + float3(0, si.patchPos.y * 0.01f, 0),;
const float geomipsLod = log2(clamp(distToEye * (2.f / 100.f), 1.f, 18.f));
const float texelCenter = 0.5f * mapSideInv;
const float mipTexelCenter = texelCenter * exp2(geomipsLod);
const float2 tcMap = pos.xz * mapSideInv + 0.5f;
const float2 tcUniform = center * mapSideInv + 0.5f;
groundHeight = UnpackTerrainHeight(g_texHeightVS.SampleLevel(g_samHeightVS, tcMap + mipTexelCenter, geomipsLod).r);
pos.y += groundHeight;
const float4 rawNormal = g_texNormalVS.SampleLevel(g_samNormalVS, tcUniform + texelCenter, 0.f);
normal = float3(rawNormal.x, 0, rawNormal.y) * 2.f - 1.f;
normal.y = ComputeNormalZ(normal.xz);
const float layer = g_texMLayerVS.SampleLevel(g_samMLayerVS, tcUniform, 0.f).r * 4.f;
const float uShift = frac(layer) - (16.f / 256.f);
const float vShift = floor(layer) * 0.25f;
float vShiftAlt = 0.f;
if (!(bushID & 0xF))
vShiftAlt = 0.5f; // Every 16th bush uses alternative texture.
tc0 = * (1.f / 100.f) + float2(uShift, vShift + vShiftAlt);
// Cull blank bushes:
const int mainLayer = round(layer * 4.f);
const int ibushMask = asint(bushMask);
if (!((ibushMask >> mainLayer) & 0x1))
bushMaskOK = false;
// </FromTextures>
// <Special>
float phaseShift = 0.f;
float2 windWarp = 0.f;
float top = 0.f;
phaseShift = frac(si.pos.w * (1.f / 100.f));
windWarp = 0.f;
top = 0.28f;
if (inPos.y >= 0.1f)
phaseShift = frac(si.pos.w * (1.f / 100.f));
windWarp = warp.xz * (1.f + turbulence * sin((phase + phaseShift) * (_PI * 2.f)));
top = 1.f;
// </Special>
// <Warp>
float3 posWarped = pos;
const float distToEye = -mul(float4(posWarped, 1), g_ubGrassVS._matWV).z;
const float distant = saturate((distToEye - 50.f) * (1.f / 50.f)); // [50 to 100] -> [0 to 1].
const float distExt = saturate((distToEye - 25.f) * (1.f / 25.f)); // [25 to 50] -> [0 to 1].
const float cliff = dot(normal.xz, normal.xz);
float hide = cliff + step(groundHeight, 1.f) + distant;
if (!bushMaskOK)
hide = 1.f;
posWarped.xz -= normal.xz;
const float distExtInv = 1.f - distExt;
posWarped.xz += windWarp * 0.5f;
hide += distExtInv * distExtInv;
posWarped.xz += windWarp;
posWarped.y -= dot(windWarp, windWarp);
hide += distExt * distExt;
hide = saturate(hide);
pointSpriteSize = lerp(pointSpriteSize, float2(0.f, pointSpriteSize.y), hide);
posWarped = lerp(posWarped, float3(center.x, posWarped.y, center.y), hide); // Optimize by morphing to center point.
// </Warp>
const float3 posW = mul(float4(posWarped, 1), g_ubGrassVS._matW).xyz;
so.pos = mul(float4(posW, 1), g_ubGrassVS._matVP);
so.tc0 = tc0;
so.tcOffset_phaseShift = float3(0, 0, phaseShift); = mul(normal, (float3x3)g_ubGrassVS._matWV);
so.normal_top.w = top;
so.psize = 1.f;
so.tcOffset_phaseShift.xy = tc0;
so.psize = pointSpriteSize * (g_ubGrassVS._viewportSize.yx * g_ubGrassVS._viewportSize.z) * g_ubGrassVS._matP._m11;
#else += float3(0, 0, top * top * 0.25f);
return so;
#ifdef _GS
void mainGS(point VSO si[1], inout TriangleStream<VSO> stream)
VSO so;
so = si[0];
const float2 center = so.pos.xy;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
so.pos.xy = center + _POINT_SPRITE_POS_OFFSETS[i] * so.psize;
so.tc0.xy = _POINT_SPRITE_TEX_COORDS[i];
#ifdef _FS
DS_FSO mainFS(VSO si)
DS_FSO so;
float2 tc = si.tc0;
tc = si.tc0 * 0.23f + si.tcOffset_phaseShift.xy;
const float4 rawAlbedo = g_texAlbedo.Sample(g_samAlbedo, tc);
const float3 normal = normalize(;
const float gray = Grayscale(rawAlbedo.rgb);
const float mask = saturate((gray - 0.25f) * 2.f + 0.2f);
const float top = si.normal_top.w;
const float specMask = saturate(top * top * (mask + si.tcOffset_phaseShift.z * 0.1f));
const float gloss = lerp(4.f, 12.f, specMask);
DS_SetAlbedo(so, rawAlbedo.rgb);
DS_SetSpecMask(so, specMask);
DS_SetNormal(so, normal);
DS_SetEmission(so, 0.f, 0.f);
DS_SetMotionBlurMask(so, 1.f);
DS_SetLamScaleBias(so, float2(1.2f, -0.2f), 0.f);
DS_SetMetallicity(so, 0.05f, 0.f);
DS_SetGloss(so, gloss);
clip(rawAlbedo.a - 0.5f);
return so;
//@main:#Billboards BILLBOARDS (VGF)