
149 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2021-2022, Dmitry Maluev ( All rights reserved.
#include "Lib.hlsl"
#include "LibDeferredShading.hlsl"
#include ""
CBUFFER(0, UB_ForestVS, g_ubForestVS)
CBUFFER(1, UB_ForestFS, g_ubForestFS)
Texture2D g_texGBuffer0 : REG(t1, space1, t0);
SamplerState g_samGBuffer0 : REG(s1, space1, s0);
Texture2D g_texGBuffer1 : REG(t2, space1, t1);
SamplerState g_samGBuffer1 : REG(s2, space1, s1);
Texture2D g_texGBuffer2 : REG(t3, space1, t2);
SamplerState g_samGBuffer2 : REG(s3, space1, s2);
Texture2D g_texGBuffer3 : REG(t4, space1, t3);
SamplerState g_samGBuffer3 : REG(s4, space1, s3);
struct VSI
VK_LOCATION(8) float2 tc0 : TEXCOORD0; // {psize, angle}
struct VSO
float4 pos : SV_Position;
float2 tc0 : TEXCOORD0;
float2 angles : TEXCOORD1;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float2 psize : PSIZE;
#ifdef _VS
VSO mainVS(VSI si)
VSO so;
const float pointSpriteSize = si.tc0.x;
const float angle = si.tc0.y;
const float3 toEye = -;
const float distToMainCamera = distance(,;
const float nearAlpha = ComputeFade(distToMainCamera, 60.0, 90.0);
const float farAlpha = 1.0 - ComputeFade(distToMainCamera, 900.0, 1000.0);
so.pos = mul(si.pos, g_ubForestVS._matWVP);
so.tc0 = 0.0;
so.color.rgb = RandomColor(si.pos.xz, 0.25, 0.15);
so.color.a = nearAlpha * farAlpha;
so.psize = pointSpriteSize * (g_ubForestVS._viewportSize.yx * g_ubForestVS._viewportSize.z) * g_ubForestVS._matP._m11;
so.psize *= ceil(so.color.a); // Clipping.
float2 paramA = toEye.xy;
float2 paramB = toEye.zz;
paramA.y = max(0.0, paramA.y); // Only upper hemisphere.
paramB.y = length(toEye.xz); // Distance in XZ-plane.
so.angles = (atan2(paramA, paramB) + _PI) * (0.5 / _PI); // atan2(x, z) and atan2(max(0, y), length(toEye.xz)). From 0 to 1.
so.angles.y = (so.angles.y - 0.5) * 4.0; // Choose this quadrant.
so.angles = saturate(so.angles);
so.angles.x = frac(so.angles.x - angle + 0.5); // Turn.
return so;
#ifdef _GS
void mainGS(point VSO si[1], inout TriangleStream<VSO> stream)
VSO so;
so = si[0];
const float2 center = so.pos.xy;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
so.pos.xy = center + _POINT_SPRITE_POS_OFFSETS[i] * so.psize;
float2 ComputeTexCoords(float2 tc, float2 angles)
const float margin = 4.0 / 512.0;
const float tcScale = 1.0 - margin * 2.0;
const float2 tcWithMargin = tc * tcScale + margin;
const float2 frameCount = float2(16, 16);
const float2 frameScale = 1.0 / frameCount;
const float2 frameBias = floor(min(angles * frameCount + 0.5, float2(256, frameCount.y - 0.5)));
return (tcWithMargin + frameBias) * frameScale;
float ComputeMask(float2 tc, float alpha)
const float2 tcCenter = tc - 0.5;
const float grad = 1.0 - saturate(dot(tcCenter, tcCenter) * 4.0);
return saturate(grad + (alpha * 2.0 - 1.0));
#ifdef _FS
#ifdef DEF_DEPTH
void mainFS(VSO si)
const float2 tc = ComputeTexCoords(si.tc0, si.angles);
const float mask = ComputeMask(si.tc0, si.color.a);
const float alpha = g_texGBuffer1.Sample(g_samGBuffer1, tc).a;
clip(alpha * mask - 0.5);
DS_FSO mainFS(VSO si)
DS_FSO so;
const float dither = Dither2x2(si.pos.xy);
const float2 tc = ComputeTexCoords(si.tc0, si.angles);
const float mask = ComputeMask(si.tc0, si.color.a);
const float4 gBuffer0Sam = g_texGBuffer0.Sample(g_samGBuffer0, tc);
const float4 gBuffer1Sam = g_texGBuffer1.Sample(g_samGBuffer1, tc);
const float4 gBuffer2Sam = g_texGBuffer2.Sample(g_samGBuffer2, tc);
const float4 gBuffer3Sam = g_texGBuffer3.Sample(g_samGBuffer3, tc);
so.target0 = gBuffer0Sam;
so.target1 = gBuffer1Sam;
so.target2 = gBuffer2Sam;
so.target3 = gBuffer3Sam;
so.target0.rgb = saturate(gBuffer0Sam.rgb * si.color.rgb * 2.0);
so.target1.a = 1.0;
so.target3.a = max(so.target3.a, AlphaToResolveDitheringMask(gBuffer1Sam.a));
const float fudgeFactor = 1.5;
clip(saturate(gBuffer1Sam.a * fudgeFactor) * mask - (dither + (1.0 / 8.0)));
return so;
//@main:# (VGF)
//@main:#Depth DEPTH (VGF)