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// Copyright (C) 2021-2022, Dmitry Maluev ( All rights reserved.
#pragma once
namespace verus::CGI
struct SamplerDesc
Vector4 _borderColor = Vector4(0);
char _filterMagMinMip[4];
char _addressModeUVW[4];
float _mipLodBias = 0;
float _minLod = 0;
float _maxLod = 15;
void SetFilter(CSZ f) { strcpy(_filterMagMinMip, f); }
void SetAddressMode(CSZ a) { strcpy(_addressModeUVW, a); }
void Set(CSZ f, CSZ a) { SetFilter(f); SetAddressMode(a); }
struct TextureDesc
enum class Flags : UINT32
none = 0,
colorAttachment = (1 << 0), // Texture can be used as a render target.
inputAttachment = (1 << 1), // Texture can be used as an input attachment in a framebuffer (optimization for tiled rendering).
depthSampledR = (1 << 2), // Depth can be sampled in a shader, initial layout will be depthStencilReadOnly.
depthSampledW = (1 << 3), // Depth can be sampled in a shader, initial layout will be depthStencilAttachment.
anyShaderResource = (1 << 4), // Will use xsReadOnly as main layout (any shader can sample this texture).
generateMips = (1 << 5), // Allows GenerateMips calls. Not compatible with BGRA format on some systems.
forceArrayTexture = (1 << 6), // Create array texture even if arrayLayers=1.
sync = (1 << 7), // Load image data synchronously.
exposureMips = (1 << 8), // Internal flag for automatic exposure.
cubeMap = (1 << 9)
Vector4 _clearValue = Vector4(0);
PcSamplerDesc _pSamplerDesc = nullptr;
CSZ _name = nullptr;
CSZ _url = nullptr;
CSZ* _urls = nullptr;
Format _format = Format::unormR8G8B8A8;
int _width = 0;
int _height = 0;
short _depth = 1;
short _mipLevels = 1;
short _arrayLayers = 1;
short _sampleCount = 1;
Flags _flags = Flags::none;
short _texturePart = 0;
short _readbackMip = SHRT_MAX; // -1 means the smallest one, SHRT_MAX means readback is disabled.
TextureDesc(CSZ url = nullptr) : _url(url) {}
void Reset(int w = 0, int h = 0, Format format = Format::unormR8G8B8A8)
*this = TextureDesc();
_format = format;
_width = w;
_height = h;
class BaseTexture : public Object, public IO::AsyncDelegate, public Scheduled
Vector4 _size = Vector4(0);
String _name;
TextureDesc _desc;
UINT64 _initAtFrame = 0;
ImageLayout _mainLayout = ImageLayout::fsReadOnly;
int _part = 0;
int _bytesPerPixel = 0;
virtual ~BaseTexture();
virtual void Init(RcTextureDesc desc) = 0;
virtual void Done() = 0;
bool IsLoaded() const { return _desc._width != 0; }
Str GetName() const { return _C(_name); }
RcTextureDesc GetDesc() const { return _desc; }
RcVector4 GetClearValue() const { return _desc._clearValue; }
Format GetFormat() const { return _desc._format; }
int GetWidth() const { return _desc._width; }
int GetHeight() const { return _desc._height; }
int GetDepth() const { return _desc._depth; }
int GetMipLevelCount() const { return _desc._mipLevels; }
int GetArrayLayerCount() const { return _desc._arrayLayers; }
int GetPart() const { return _part; }
RcVector4 GetSize() const { return _size; }
bool IsSRGB() const;
Format ToTextureBcFormat(IO::RcDDSHeader header, IO::RcDDSHeaderDXT10 header10) const;
void SetLoadingFlags(TextureDesc::Flags flags) { _desc._flags = flags; }
void SetLoadingSamplerDesc(PcSamplerDesc pSamplerDesc) { _desc._pSamplerDesc = pSamplerDesc; }
void LoadDDS(CSZ url, int texturePart = 0);
void LoadDDS(CSZ url, RcBlob blob);
void LoadDDSArray(CSZ* urls);
virtual void Async_WhenLoaded(CSZ url, RcBlob blob) override;
virtual void UpdateSubresource(const void* p, int mipLevel = 0, int arrayLayer = 0, BaseCommandBuffer* pCB = nullptr) = 0;
virtual bool ReadbackSubresource(void* p, bool recordCopyCommand = true, BaseCommandBuffer* pCB = nullptr) = 0;
virtual void GenerateMips(BaseCommandBuffer* pCB = nullptr) = 0;
static int FormatToBytesPerPixel(Format format);
static bool IsSRGBFormat(Format format);
static bool IsBC(Format format);
static bool Is4BitsBC(Format format);
static bool IsDepthFormat(Format format);
class TexturePtr : public Ptr<BaseTexture>
TexturePtr() = default;
TexturePtr(nullptr_t) : Ptr(nullptr) {}
void Init(RcTextureDesc desc);
static TexturePtr From(PBaseTexture p);
class TexturePwn : public TexturePtr
~TexturePwn() { Done(); }
void Done();
template<int COUNT>
class TexturePwns : public Pwns<TexturePwn, COUNT>