2017-03-10 23:57:03 +05:00

35 lines
1,004 B

* Zira project
* theme.php
* (c)2015 http://dro1d.ru
* This file can be used to modify the contents before output
* Requested page: Zira\Router::getRequest();
* Current module: Zira\Router::getModule();
* Current controller: Zira\Router::getController();
* Current action: Zira\Router::getAction();
* Request param: Zira\Router::getParam();
* Content data: Zira\View::$data;
* Content view: Zira\View::$view;
* Content layout: Zira\View::$layout;
* Example 1:
* $layout_data = &Zira\View::getLayoutDataArray();
* $layout_data['styles'] .= Zira\Helper::tag_short('link', array(
* 'rel' => 'stylesheet',
* 'type' => 'text/css',
* 'href' => Zira\Helper::cssThemeUrl('extra.css')
* ))."\r\n";
* Example 2:
* $placeholder_views = &Zira\View::getPlaceholderViewsArray();
* $placeholder_views['content']['zira/comments'] = array();
* Example 3:
* $widgets = &Zira\View::getDbWidgetsArray();
* unset($widgets['sidebar_right']);
return true;