set -l cmd (status -f | string match -r '[^/]+(?=\.[^/]+$)') function $cmd -V cmd -d 'Display a feedback message' # Parse flags if argparse -n $cmd -x (string join ' -x ' e,E h,{n,s,e,E} | string split ' ') o h n s e E -- $argv 2>&1 | read err err $err reg "Use |$cmd -h| to see examples of valid syntaxes" return 1 end set -l flags $_flag_n $_flag_s $_flag_e $_flag_E # Display instructions if so was asked for if set --query _flag_help source (status filename | xargs dirname)/../ not string length -q (set --names | string match -r "_flag_.+")$argv return $status end # Read piped arguments if not isatty while read -l line set -a argv $line end end # Colorize text set -l creg; set -l cbld switch $cmd case win set creg (set_color normal)(set_color green) set cbld (set_color green --bold) case wrn set creg (set_color normal)(set_color yellow) set cbld (set_color yellow --bold) case err set creg (set_color normal)(set_color red) set cbld (set_color red --bold) case dim set creg (set_color normal)(set_color --dim) set cbld (set_color --bold --dim) case reg set creg (set_color normal) set cbld (set_color --bold) end # Stylize text set -l bold false while string match -qe -- '|' "$argv" if test $bold = false set argv (string replace -- '|' "$cbld" "$argv") set bold true else set argv (string replace -- '|' "$creg" "$argv") set bold false end end # Output text set --query _flag_o and echo -en \r(tput el) 1>&2 switch $cmd case win echo $flags -- $creg"✔ $argv" 1>&2 case wrn echo $flags -- $cbld"! "$creg"$argv" 1>&2 case '*' echo $flags -- $creg"$argv" 1>&2 end set_color normal end