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# fuzzy
A tool to [fuzzy search](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Approximate_string_matching) commands, files, or processes based on [percol](https://github.com/mooz/percol), the simplistic interactive filtering tool.
## Additional options
Search for a command in your history and set it as the current command line
Search current processes, and terminate those selected.
Search for a file and print its full path.
Combined with `-f/--file`, open selected file with the default application for it's format.
Search for examples of command line usage. It also has two suboptions:
- `-u/--update`: Update the command list from where to draw examples from
- `-e/--editor`: Modify, or create, a page with usage examples of a given command.
## Install
omf repositories add https://gitlab.com/argonautica/argonautica
omf install fuzzy
### Dependencies
> If any of the following dependencies isn't installed, upon installing fuzzy you'll be prompted to install them.
`percol tldr curl mlocate file sensible-utils xdg-open feedback contains_opts`
## Keybinding configuration
By default, this script binds Alt+H, Alt+T, Alt+O and Alt+C to the additional fish options, passing the current command line as an argument.
bind \eh 'fuzzy --history (commandline)'
bind \et 'fuzzy --terminate (commandline); commandline ""'
bind \eo 'fuzzy --file --open (commandline); commandline ""'
bind \ec 'fuzzy --commands'
Alt+C has a double function: At first, it passes the content of the current command line to `percol --comands`. After selecting an option from `percol --comands`, it jumps between spaces to be filled in with arguments.
To change these keybindings, see `man bind`, and modify the file `$HOME/.local/share/omf/pkg/percol_utils/key_bindings.fish`.