function apt -w apt if string match -qvr '^(update|list|search)$' $argv[1] command apt $argv return $status end # Source dependencies and declare variables source (status filename | command xargs dirname)/../ -n apt apt grep or return 1 set -l tmp (mktemp) set -l tmp2 (mktemp) function apt_main -V tmp -V tmp2 # "update" option if string match -q update $argv[1] command apt list 2>/dev/null | string match -ar '^\S+(?=/)' > $tmp if type -qf termux-info command apt update else command sudo apt update end or return 1 command apt list 2>/dev/null | string match -ar '^\S+(?=/)' > $tmp2 if set -U _apt_new (diff $tmp $tmp2 | string match -ar '(?<=> )[^/]+') set_color green echo (count $_apt_new) new packages available end if set -U _apt_old (diff $tmp $tmp2 | string match -ar '(?<=< ).+') set_color red test (count $_apt_old) = 1 and echo package $_apt_old removed from repository or echo packages (string join ', ' $_apt_old), removed from repositories end set_color normal return 0 end set -lx GREP_COLORS 'ms=01;32' # "new" filter function apt_new -V tmp -V tmp2 -V GREP_COLORS if test -z "$_apt_new" err 'No new packages available. Try updating your repositories.' return 1 end for i in $_apt_new string match -q list $argv and grep -P "^$i(?=/)" $tmp >> $tmp2 or grep -P "^$i(?=/)" -A 2 $tmp >> $tmp2 end end # "installed" filter function apt_installed -V tmp -V tmp2 -V GREP_COLORS string match -q list $argv and grep -P 'installed]$' $tmp > $tmp2 or grep -P 'installed]$' -A 2 $tmp > $tmp2 end # "repo" filter function apt_repo -V tmp -V tmp2 -V GREP_COLORS set -l packages (command find "$PREFIX"/var/lib/apt/lists/ -maxdepth 1 -type f \ | command grep -P -- "[^/]+_dists_("{$argv[2..-1]}")_[^/]+Packages\$" \ | command xargs grep -hoP '(?<=^Package: ).+') if test -z "$packages" err "apt: No results where found for |"(string join '|, |' $argv[2..-1])"|" return 1 end for package in $packages string match -q list $argv[1] and grep -P "^$package(?=/)" $tmp >> $tmp2 or grep -P "^$package(?=/)" -A 2 $tmp >> $tmp2 end end # parse flags if argparse -n apt -x n,o -x n,i 'n/new' 'i/installed' \ 'o/old' 'r/repo=+' 'h/help' -- $argv 2>&1 | read err err $err return 1 end # "help" option if set --query _flag_help source (dirname (status -f))/../ $argv[1] test -n "$argv[2..-1]" return $status end # Apply filters and display result if set --query _flag_old if test -z "$_apt_old" err 'No record of packages removed from repositories as of yet.' return 1 end command printf '%s\n' $_apt_old > $tmp else if not command apt $argv 2>$tmp2 | command tail +3 >$tmp err "apt: "(command tail -1 $tmp2) return 1 end rm $tmp2 set -x GREP_COLORS 'ms=01;32' end set --query _flag_new and apt_new $argv[1] set --query _flag_installed and apt_installed $argv[1] set --query _flag_repo and apt_repo $argv[1] $_flag_repo set --names | string match -qr '^_flag_(new|installed|repo)$' and command mv -f $tmp2 $tmp string match -q list and grep -P '^\S+(?=/)' $tmp or grep -P '^\S+(?=/)' -A 2 $tmp end apt_main $argv set -l exit_status $status functions -e (functions | string match -ar '^apt_.+') command rm "$tmp" "$tmp2" 2>/dev/null test "$exit_status" = 0 end