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uc - unsplash collections

A plugin for Oh My Fish.

GPL License Fish Shell Version Oh My Fish Framework


List photo collections on unsplash from where to get a wallpaper at random.


uc [collection number]
Get a random image from a collection and set it as the new background and screensaver wallpaper. If no collection is specified, a random listed collection will be used instead.

uc -a/--add [collection number] ...
Add a new collection to the list.

uc -r/--remove [collection number] ...
Remove a collection from the list.

uc -u/--url [collection number] ...
Present the urls from specified collections.

uc -f/-folder [directory]
Set where images are stored. If no directory is passed, display where they're currently being stored.

uc -c/--cache [number]
Set the size of the image cache.

uc -l/--list [collection/size/description]
Show listed collections.

uc -h/--help
Display these instructions.


omf repositories add https://gitlab.com/argonautica/argonautica 
omf install uc


This script is optimized to work with environment variables available to cron, so that you can change your background and lockscreen wallpapers periodically and automatically. As an example, to change them every 3 hours, use the command crontab -e and append the following line:

0 */3 * * * fish -c uc

For more information on how to schedule tasks using cron, consult this video.


This plugin uses unsplash_wallpaper by cuth to draw wallpapers. If you don't have it installed, you'll be prompted to install it upon the installation of this plugin.