# axuy Minimalist peer-to-peer first-person shooter ![icon](https://git.disroot.org/McSinyx/axuy/raw/branch/master/axuy/icon.png) ## Goals * Written in pure Python and thus be portable * Easy to read codebase as well as easy on resources * Generative visuals * Functional when possible * P2P communication based on calculated *trust* * Modularized for the ease of bot scripting ## Screenshots Since axuy's screenshots would look like some kinky abstract art, I instead document the development progress as short clips on Youtube, [listed in reverse chronological order][yt]. If software freedom is concerned, one may view them using MPV with youtube-dl support. ## Installation The game is still work-in-progress. Preview releases are available on PyPI and can be installed for Python 3.6+ via pip install axuy Unless one is on either Windows or macOS, perse would have to additionally install GLFW version 3.3 (or higher). Axuy can then be launch from the command-line using axuy --port=42069 & axuy --seeder=:42069 There is also `aisample` in `tools` as an automated example with similar command-line interface. For hacking, after having dependenies installed, one may also invoke axuy from the project's root directory by python -m axuy --port=42069 & python -m axuy --seeder=:42069 [yt]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAA9fHINq3sayfxEyZSF2D_rMgDZGyL3N