# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # characters.py - module for hero and enemy classes # Copyright (C) 2017, 2018 Nguyễn Gia Phong # # This file is part of Brutal Maze. # # Brutal Maze is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Brutal Maze is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with Brutal Maze. If not, see . __doc__ = 'Brutal Maze module for hero and enemy classes' from math import atan, atan2, sin, pi from random import choice, randrange, shuffle from sys import modules from .constants import ( TANGO, HERO_HP, SFX_HEART, HEAL_SPEED, MIN_BEAT, ATTACK_SPEED, ENEMY, ENEMY_SPEED, ENEMY_HP, SFX_SLASH_HERO, MIDDLE, WALL, FIRANGE, AROUND_HERO, ADJACENT_GRIDS, EMPTY, FG_COLOR, SQRT2, MINW) from .misc import sign, cosin, randsign, regpoly, fill_aapolygon, choices, play from .weapons import Bullet class Hero: """Object representing the hero. Attributes: surface (pygame.Surface): the display to draw on x, y (int): coordinates of the center of the hero (in pixels) angle (float): angle of the direction the hero pointing (in radians) color (tuple of pygame.Color): colors of the hero on different HPs R (int): circumradius of the regular triangle representing the hero next_heal (float): ms until the hero gains back healing ability next_beat (float): time until next heart beat (in ms) next_strike (float): time until the hero can do the next attack (in ms) slashing (bool): flag indicates if the hero is doing close-range attack firing (bool): flag indicates if the hero is doing long-range attack dead (bool): flag indicates if the hero is dead spin_speed (float): speed of spinning (in frames per slash) spin_queue (float): frames left to finish spinning wound (float): amount of wound sfx_heart (pygame.mixer.Sound): heart beat sound effect """ def __init__(self, surface, fps, maze_size): self.surface = surface w, h = maze_size self.x, self.y = w >> 1, h >> 1 self.angle, self.color = -pi * 3 / 4, TANGO['Aluminium'] self.R = (w * h / sin(pi*2/3) / 624) ** 0.5 self.next_heal = self.next_beat = self.next_strike = 0.0 self.slashing = self.firing = self.dead = False self.spin_speed = fps / HERO_HP self.spin_queue = self.wound = 0.0 self.sfx_heart = SFX_HEART def update(self, fps): """Update the hero.""" if self.dead: self.spin_queue = 0.0 return old_speed = self.spin_speed self.spin_speed = fps / (HERO_HP-self.wound**0.5) self.spin_queue *= self.spin_speed / old_speed if self.next_heal <= 0: self.wound -= HEAL_SPEED / self.spin_speed / HERO_HP if self.wound < 0: self.wound = 0.0 else: self.next_heal -= 1000.0 / fps if self.next_beat <= 0: play(self.sfx_heart) self.next_beat = MIN_BEAT*(2 - self.wound/HERO_HP) else: self.next_beat -= 1000.0 / fps self.next_strike -= 1000.0 / fps full_spin = pi * 2 / self.get_sides() if self.slashing and self.next_strike <= 0: self.next_strike = ATTACK_SPEED self.spin_queue = randsign() * self.spin_speed self.angle -= sign(self.spin_queue) * full_spin if round(self.spin_queue) != 0: self.angle += sign(self.spin_queue) * full_spin / self.spin_speed self.spin_queue -= sign(self.spin_queue) else: self.spin_queue = 0.0 def get_sides(self): """Return the number of sides the hero has. While the hero is generally a trigon, Agent Orange may turn him into a square. """ return 3 if self.next_heal <= 0 else 4 def update_angle(self, angle): """Turn to the given angle if the hero is not busy slashing.""" if round(self.spin_queue) != 0: return delta = (angle - self.angle + pi) % (pi * 2) - pi unit = pi * 2 / self.get_sides() / self.spin_speed if abs(delta) < unit: self.angle, self.spin_queue = angle, 0.0 else: self.spin_queue = delta / unit def get_color(self): """Return current color of the hero.""" return self.color[int(self.wound)] def draw(self): """Draw the hero.""" trigon = regpoly(self.get_sides(), self.R, self.angle, self.x, self.y) fill_aapolygon(self.surface, trigon, self.get_color()) def resize(self, maze_size): """Resize the hero.""" w, h = maze_size self.x, self.y = w >> 1, h >> 1 self.R = (w * h / sin(pi*2/3) / 624) ** 0.5 class Enemy: """Object representing an enemy. Attributes: maze (Maze): the maze x, y (int): coordinates of the center of the enemy (in grids) angle (float): angle of the direction the enemy pointing (in radians) color (str): enemy's color name awake (bool): flag indicates if the enemy is active next_strike (float): time until the enemy's next action (in ms) move_speed (float): speed of movement (in frames per grid) offsetx, offsety (integer): steps moved from the center of the grid spin_speed (float): speed of spinning (in frames per slash) spin_queue (float): frames left to finish spinning wound (float): amount of wound sfx_slash (pygame.mixer.Sound): sound effect of slashed hero """ def __init__(self, maze, x, y, color): self.maze = maze self.x, self.y = x, y self.maze.map[x][y] = ENEMY self.angle, self.color = pi / 4, color self.awake = False self.next_strike = 0.0 self.move_speed = self.maze.fps / ENEMY_SPEED self.offsetx = self.offsety = 0 self.spin_speed = self.maze.fps / ENEMY_HP self.spin_queue = self.wound = 0.0 self.sfx_slash = SFX_SLASH_HERO def get_pos(self): """Return coordinate of the center of the enemy.""" x, y = self.maze.get_pos(self.x, self.y) step = self.maze.distance * ENEMY_SPEED / self.maze.fps return x + self.offsetx*step, y + self.offsety*step def get_distance(self): """Return the distance from the center of the enemy to the center of the maze. """ return self.maze.get_distance(*self.get_pos()) def place(self, x=0, y=0): """Move the enemy by (x, y) (in grids).""" self.x += x self.y += y self.maze.map[self.x][self.y] = ENEMY def wake(self): """Wake the enemy up if it can see the hero. Return None if the enemy is already awake, True if the function has just woken it, False otherwise. """ if self.awake: return None startx = starty = MIDDLE stopx, stopy, distance = self.x, self.y, self.maze.distance if startx > stopx: startx, stopx = stopx, startx if starty > stopy: starty, stopy = stopy, starty dx = (self.x-MIDDLE)*distance + self.maze.centerx - self.maze.x dy = (self.y-MIDDLE)*distance + self.maze.centery - self.maze.y mind = cosin(abs(atan(dy / dx)) if dx else 0) * distance def get_distance(x, y): return abs(dy*x - dx*y) / (dy**2 + dx**2)**0.5 for i in range(startx, stopx + 1): for j in range(starty, stopy + 1): if self.maze.map[i][j] != WALL: continue x, y = self.maze.get_pos(i, j) if get_distance(x - self.maze.x, y - self.maze.y) <= mind: return False self.awake = True play(self.maze.sfx_spawn, 1 - self.get_distance()/self.maze.get_distance(0, 0)/2, self.get_angle() + pi) return True def fire(self): """Return True if the enemy has just fired, False otherwise.""" if self.maze.hero.dead: return False x, y = self.get_pos() if (self.maze.get_distance(x, y) > FIRANGE*self.maze.distance or self.next_strike > 0 or (self.x, self.y) in AROUND_HERO or self.offsetx or self.offsety or randrange((self.maze.hero.slashing+self.maze.isfast()+1) * 3)): return False self.next_strike = ATTACK_SPEED self.maze.bullets.append( Bullet(self.maze.surface, x, y, self.get_angle() + pi, self.color)) return True def move(self, speed=ENEMY_SPEED): """Return True if it has just moved, False otherwise.""" if self.offsetx: self.offsetx -= sign(self.offsetx) return True if self.offsety: self.offsety -= sign(self.offsety) return True if self.next_strike > 0: return False self.move_speed = self.maze.fps / speed directions = [(sign(MIDDLE - self.x), 0), (0, sign(MIDDLE - self.y))] shuffle(directions) directions.append(choice(ADJACENT_GRIDS)) if self.maze.hero.dead: directions = choice(ADJACENT_GRIDS), for x, y in directions: if (x or y) and self.maze.map[self.x + x][self.y + y] == EMPTY: self.offsetx = round(x * (1 - self.move_speed)) self.offsety = round(y * (1 - self.move_speed)) self.maze.map[self.x][self.y] = EMPTY self.place(x, y) return True return False def get_slash(self): """Return the enemy's close-range damage.""" wound = (self.maze.slashd - self.get_distance()) / self.maze.hero.R return wound if wound > 0 else 0.0 def slash(self): """Return the enemy's close-range damage per frame.""" wound = self.get_slash() / self.spin_speed if self.spin_queue: self.maze.hit_hero(wound, self.color) return wound def get_angle(self, reversed=False): """Return the angle of the vector whose initial point is the center of the screen and terminal point is the center of the enemy. """ x, y = self.get_pos() return atan2(y - self.maze.y, x - self.maze.x) def get_color(self): """Return current color of the enemy.""" return TANGO[self.color][int(self.wound)] if self.awake else FG_COLOR def draw(self): """Draw the enemy.""" if self.maze.next_move > 0 and not self.awake: return radius = self.maze.distance/SQRT2 - self.awake*2 square = regpoly(4, radius, self.angle, *self.get_pos()) fill_aapolygon(self.maze.surface, square, self.get_color()) def update(self): """Update the enemy.""" if self.awake: self.spin_speed, tmp = self.maze.fps / ENEMY_HP, self.spin_speed self.spin_queue *= self.spin_speed / tmp self.next_strike -= 1000.0 / self.maze.fps if not self.spin_queue and not self.fire() and not self.move(): self.spin_queue = randsign() * self.spin_speed if not self.maze.hero.dead: play(self.sfx_slash, self.get_slash(), self.get_angle()) if round(self.spin_queue) != 0: self.angle += sign(self.spin_queue) * pi / 2 / self.spin_speed self.spin_queue -= sign(self.spin_queue) else: self.angle, self.spin_queue = pi / 4, 0.0 def hit(self, wound): """Handle the enemy when it's attacked.""" self.wound += wound def die(self): """Handle the enemy's death.""" if self.awake: self.maze.map[self.x][self.y] = EMPTY if self.maze.enemy_weights[self.color] > MINW + 1.5: self.maze.enemy_weights[self.color] -= 1.5 else: self.maze.map[self.x][self.y] = WALL class Chameleon(Enemy): """Object representing an enemy of Chameleon. Additional attributes: visible (float): time until the Chameleon is visible (in ms) """ def __init__(self, maze, x, y): Enemy.__init__(self, maze, x, y, 'Chameleon') self.visible = 0.0 def wake(self): """Wake the Chameleon up if it can see the hero.""" if Enemy.wake(self) is True: self.visible = 1000.0 / ENEMY_SPEED def draw(self): """Draw the Chameleon.""" if not self.awake or self.visible > 0 or self.spin_queue: Enemy.draw(self) def update(self): """Update the Chameleon.""" Enemy.update(self) if self.awake: self.visible -= 1000.0 / self.maze.fps def hit(self, wound): """Handle the Chameleon when it's attacked.""" self.visible = 1000.0 / ENEMY_SPEED Enemy.hit(self, wound) class Plum(Enemy): """Object representing an enemy of Plum.""" def __init__(self, maze, x, y): Enemy.__init__(self, maze, x, y, 'Plum') def clone(self, other): """Turn the other enemy into a clone of this Plum and return True if that enemy is also a Plum, otherwise return False. """ if other.color != 'Plum': return False other.x, other.y, other.angle = self.x, self.y, self.angle other.awake, other.next_strike = True, self.next_strike other.offsetx, other.offsety = self.offsetx, self.offsety other.spin_queue, other.wound = self.spin_queue, self.wound return True class ScarletRed(Enemy): """Object representing an enemy of Scarlet Red.""" def __init__(self, maze, x, y): Enemy.__init__(self, maze, x, y, 'ScarletRed') def fire(self): """Scarlet Red doesn't shoot.""" return False def move(self): return Enemy.move(self, ENEMY_SPEED * SQRT2) def slash(self): """Handle the Scarlet Red's close-range attack.""" self.wound -= Enemy.slash(self) if self.wound < 0: self.wound = 0.0 def new_enemy(maze, x, y): """Return an enemy of a random type in the grid (x, y).""" color = choices(maze.enemy_weights) try: return getattr(modules[__name__], color)(maze, x, y) except AttributeError: return Enemy(maze, x, y, color)