# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # maze.py - module for the maze class # Copyright (C) 2017, 2018 Nguyễn Gia Phong # # This file is part of Brutal Maze. # # Brutal Maze is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Brutal Maze is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with Brutal Maze. If not, see . __doc__ = 'Brutal Maze module for the maze class' from collections import deque from math import pi, log from random import choice, getrandbits, uniform import pygame from .characters import Hero, new_enemy from .constants import ( EMPTY, WALL, HERO, ROAD_WIDTH, MAZE_SIZE, MIDDLE, INIT_SCORE, ENEMIES, MINW, MAXW, SQRT2, SFX_SPAWN, SFX_SLASH_ENEMY, SFX_LOSE, ADJACENT_GRIDS, BG_COLOR, FG_COLOR, CELL_WIDTH, LAST_ROW, HERO_HP, ENEMY_HP, ATTACK_SPEED, HERO_SPEED, BULLET_LIFETIME) from .misc import round2, sign, regpoly, fill_aapolygon, play from .weapons import Bullet def new_cell(bit, upper=True): """Return a half of a cell of the maze based on the given bit.""" if bit: return deque([WALL]*ROAD_WIDTH + [EMPTY]*ROAD_WIDTH) if upper: return deque([WALL] * (ROAD_WIDTH<<1)) return deque([EMPTY] * (ROAD_WIDTH<<1)) def new_column(): """Return a newly generated column of the maze.""" column = deque() upper, lower = deque(), deque() for _ in range(MAZE_SIZE): b = getrandbits(1) upper.extend(new_cell(b)) lower.extend(new_cell(b, False)) for _ in range(ROAD_WIDTH): column.append(upper.__copy__()) for _ in range(ROAD_WIDTH): column.append(lower.__copy__()) return column class Maze: """Object representing the maze, including the characters. Attributes: w, h (int): width and height of the display (in px) fps (float): current frame rate surface (pygame.Surface): the display to draw on distance (float): distance between centers of grids (in px) x, y (int): coordinates of the center of the hero (in px) centerx, centery (float): center grid's center's coordinates (in px) rangex, rangey (list): range of the index of the grids on display score (float): current score map (deque of deque): map of grids representing objects on the maze vx, vy (float): velocity of the maze movement (in pixels per frame) rotatex, rotatey (int): grids rotated bullets (list of Bullet): flying bullets enemy_weights (dict): probabilities of enemies to be created enemies (list of Enemy): alive enemies hero (Hero): the hero next_move (float): time until the hero gets mobilized (in ms) next_slashfx (float): time until next slash effect of the hero (in ms) slashd (float): minimum distance for slashes to be effective sfx_slash (pygame.mixer.Sound): sound effect of slashed enemy sfx_lose (pygame.mixer.Sound): sound effect to be played when you lose """ def __init__(self, fps, size, scrtype, headless): self.fps = fps self.w, self.h = size self.scrtype = scrtype if headless: self.surface = None else: self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode(size, self.scrtype) self.distance = (self.w * self.h / 416) ** 0.5 self.x, self.y = self.w // 2, self.h // 2 self.centerx, self.centery = self.w / 2.0, self.h / 2.0 w, h = (int(i/self.distance/2 + 1) for i in size) self.rangex = list(range(MIDDLE - w, MIDDLE + w + 1)) self.rangey = list(range(MIDDLE - h, MIDDLE + h + 1)) self.score = INIT_SCORE self.map = deque() for _ in range(MAZE_SIZE): self.map.extend(new_column()) self.vx = self.vy = 0.0 self.rotatex = self.rotatey = 0 self.bullets, self.enemies = [], [] self.enemy_weights = {color: MINW for color in ENEMIES} self.add_enemy() self.hero = Hero(self.surface, fps, size) self.map[MIDDLE][MIDDLE] = HERO self.next_move = self.next_slashfx = 0.0 self.slashd = self.hero.R + self.distance/SQRT2 self.sfx_spawn = SFX_SPAWN self.sfx_slash = SFX_SLASH_ENEMY self.sfx_lose = SFX_LOSE def add_enemy(self): """Add enough enemies.""" walls = [(i, j) for i in self.rangex for j in self.rangey if self.map[i][j] == WALL] plums = [e for e in self.enemies if e.color == 'Plum' and e.awake] plum = choice(plums) if plums else None num = log(self.score, INIT_SCORE) while walls and len(self.enemies) < num: x, y = choice(walls) if all(self.map[x + a][y + b] == WALL for a, b in ADJACENT_GRIDS): continue enemy = new_enemy(self, x, y) self.enemies.append(enemy) if plum is None or not plum.clone(enemy): walls.remove((x, y)) else: self.map[x][y] = WALL def get_pos(self, x, y): """Return coordinate of the center of the grid (x, y).""" return (self.centerx + (x - MIDDLE)*self.distance, self.centery + (y - MIDDLE)*self.distance) def get_score(self): """Return the current score.""" return int(self.score - INIT_SCORE) def draw(self): """Draw the maze.""" self.surface.fill(BG_COLOR) if self.next_move <= 0: for i in self.rangex: for j in self.rangey: if self.map[i][j] != WALL: continue x, y = self.get_pos(i, j) square = regpoly(4, self.distance / SQRT2, pi / 4, x, y) fill_aapolygon(self.surface, square, FG_COLOR) for enemy in self.enemies: enemy.draw() if not self.hero.dead: self.hero.draw() bullet_radius = self.distance / 4 for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.draw(bullet_radius) pygame.display.flip() pygame.display.set_caption( 'Brutal Maze - Score: {}'.format(self.get_score())) def rotate(self): """Rotate the maze if needed.""" x = int((self.centerx-self.x) * 2 / self.distance) y = int((self.centery-self.y) * 2 / self.distance) if x == y == 0: return for enemy in self.enemies: self.map[enemy.x][enemy.y] = EMPTY self.map[MIDDLE][MIDDLE] = EMPTY if x: self.centerx -= x * self.distance self.map.rotate(x) self.rotatex += x if y: self.centery -= y * self.distance for d in self.map: d.rotate(y) self.rotatey += y self.map[MIDDLE][MIDDLE] = HERO # Respawn the enemies that fall off the display killist = [] for i, enemy in enumerate(self.enemies): enemy.place(x, y) if enemy.x not in self.rangex or enemy.y not in self.rangey: self.score += enemy.wound enemy.die() killist.append(i) for i in reversed(killist): self.enemies.pop(i) self.add_enemy() # Regenerate the maze if abs(self.rotatex) == CELL_WIDTH: self.rotatex = 0 for _ in range(CELL_WIDTH): self.map.pop() self.map.extend(new_column()) for i in range(-CELL_WIDTH, 0): self.map[i].rotate(self.rotatey) if abs(self.rotatey) == CELL_WIDTH: self.rotatey = 0 for i in range(MAZE_SIZE): b, c = getrandbits(1), (i-1)*CELL_WIDTH + self.rotatex for j, grid in enumerate(new_cell(b)): for k in range(ROAD_WIDTH): self.map[c + k][LAST_ROW + j] = grid c += ROAD_WIDTH for j, grid in enumerate(new_cell(b, False)): for k in range(ROAD_WIDTH): self.map[c + k][LAST_ROW + j] = grid def get_distance(self, x, y): """Return the distance from the center of the maze to the point (x, y). """ return ((self.x-x)**2 + (self.y-y)**2)**0.5 def hit_hero(self, wound, color): """Handle the hero when he loses HP.""" fx = (uniform(0, sum(self.enemy_weights.values())) < self.enemy_weights[color]) if (color == 'Butter' or color == 'ScarletRed') and fx: self.hero.wound += wound * 2.5 elif color == 'Orange' and fx: self.hero.next_heal = max(self.hero.next_heal, 0) + wound*1000 elif color == 'SkyBlue' and fx: self.next_move = max(self.next_move, 0) + wound*1000 else: self.hero.wound += wound if self.enemy_weights[color] + wound < MAXW: self.enemy_weights[color] += wound if self.hero.wound > HERO_HP and not self.hero.dead: self.lose() def slash(self): """Handle close-range attacks.""" for enemy in self.enemies: enemy.slash() if not self.hero.spin_queue: return killist = [] for i, enemy in enumerate(self.enemies): d = self.slashd - enemy.get_distance() if d > 0: wound = d * SQRT2 / self.distance if self.next_slashfx <= 0: play(self.sfx_slash, wound, enemy.get_angle()) self.next_slashfx = ATTACK_SPEED enemy.hit(wound / self.hero.spin_speed) if enemy.wound >= ENEMY_HP: self.score += enemy.wound enemy.die() killist.append(i) for i in reversed(killist): self.enemies.pop(i) self.add_enemy() def track_bullets(self): """Handle the bullets.""" fallen = [] if (self.hero.firing and not self.hero.slashing and self.hero.next_strike <= 0): self.hero.next_strike = ATTACK_SPEED self.bullets.append(Bullet(self.surface, self.x, self.y, self.hero.angle, 'Aluminium')) for i, bullet in enumerate(self.bullets): wound = bullet.fall_time / BULLET_LIFETIME bullet.update(self.fps, self.distance) if wound < 0: fallen.append(i) elif bullet.color == 'Aluminium': x = MIDDLE + round2((bullet.x-self.x) / self.distance) y = MIDDLE + round2((bullet.y-self.y) / self.distance) if self.map[x][y] == WALL and self.next_move <= 0: fallen.append(i) continue for j, enemy in enumerate(self.enemies): if not enemy.awake: continue x, y = enemy.get_pos() if bullet.get_distance(x, y) < self.distance: enemy.hit(wound) if enemy.wound >= ENEMY_HP: self.score += enemy.wound enemy.die() self.enemies.pop(j) play(bullet.sfx_hit, wound, bullet.angle) fallen.append(i) break elif bullet.get_distance(self.x, self.y) < self.distance: if self.hero.spin_queue and self.hero.next_heal <= 0: self.hero.next_strike = (abs(self.hero.spin_queue*self.fps) + ATTACK_SPEED) play(bullet.sfx_missed, wound, bullet.angle + pi) else: self.hit_hero(wound, bullet.color) play(bullet.sfx_hit, wound, bullet.angle + pi) fallen.append(i) for i in reversed(fallen): self.bullets.pop(i) def is_valid_move(self, vx=0.0, vy=0.0): """Return dx or dy if it it valid to move the maze in that velocity, otherwise return 0.0. """ d = self.distance/2 + self.hero.R herox, heroy, dx, dy = self.x - vx, self.y - vy, sign(vx), sign(vy) for gridx in range(MIDDLE - dx - 1, MIDDLE - dx + 2): for gridy in range(MIDDLE - dy - 1, MIDDLE - dy + 2): x, y = self.get_pos(gridx, gridy) if (max(abs(herox - x), abs(heroy - y)) < d and self.map[gridx][gridy] == WALL): return 0.0 for enemy in self.enemies: x, y = self.get_pos(enemy.x, enemy.y) if (max(abs(herox - x), abs(heroy - y)) * 2 < self.distance and enemy.awake): return 0.0 return vx or vy def update(self, fps): """Update the maze.""" self.fps = fps dx = self.is_valid_move(vx=self.vx) self.centerx += dx dy = self.is_valid_move(vy=self.vy) self.centery += dy self.next_move -= 1000.0 / self.fps self.next_slashfx -= 1000.0 / self.fps if dx or dy: self.rotate() for enemy in self.enemies: enemy.wake() for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.place(dx, dy) for enemy in self.enemies: enemy.update() if not self.hero.dead: self.hero.update(fps) self.slash() self.track_bullets() def resize(self, size): """Resize the maze.""" self.w, self.h = size self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode(size, self.scrtype) self.hero.resize(size) offsetx = (self.centerx-self.x) / self.distance offsety = (self.centery-self.y) / self.distance self.distance = (self.w * self.h / 416) ** 0.5 self.x, self.y = self.w // 2, self.h // 2 self.centerx = self.x + offsetx*self.distance self.centery = self.y + offsety*self.distance w, h = int(self.w/self.distance/2 + 1), int(self.h/self.distance/2 + 1) self.rangex = list(range(MIDDLE - w, MIDDLE + w + 1)) self.rangey = list(range(MIDDLE - h, MIDDLE + h + 1)) self.slashd = self.hero.R + self.distance/SQRT2 def isfast(self): """Return if the hero is moving faster than HERO_SPEED.""" return (self.vx**2+self.vy**2)**0.5*self.fps > HERO_SPEED*self.distance def lose(self): """Handle loses.""" self.hero.dead = True self.hero.slashing = self.hero.firing = False self.vx = self.vy = 0.0 play(self.sfx_lose) def reinit(self): """Open new game.""" self.centerx, self.centery = self.w / 2.0, self.h / 2.0 self.score = INIT_SCORE self.map = deque() for _ in range(MAZE_SIZE): self.map.extend(new_column()) self.vx = self.vy = 0.0 self.rotatex = self.rotatey = 0 self.bullets, self.enemies = [], [] self.enemy_weights = {color: MINW for color in ENEMIES} self.add_enemy() self.next_move = self.next_slashfx = 0.0 self.hero.next_heal = self.hero.next_strike = 0 self.hero.slashing = self.hero.firing = self.hero.dead = False self.hero.spin_queue = self.hero.wound = 0.0