# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # maze.py - module for the maze class # Copyright (C) 2017, 2018 Nguyễn Gia Phong # # This file is part of Brutal Maze. # # Brutal Maze is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Brutal Maze is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with Brutal Maze. If not, see . __doc__ = 'Brutal Maze module for the maze class' from collections import defaultdict, deque import json from math import pi, log from os import path from random import choice, sample, uniform import pygame from .characters import Hero, new_enemy from .constants import ( EMPTY, WALL, HERO, ENEMY, ROAD_WIDTH, WALL_WIDTH, CELL_WIDTH, CELL_NODES, MAZE_SIZE, MIDDLE, INIT_SCORE, ENEMIES, MINW, MAXW, SQRT2, SFX_SPAWN, SFX_SLASH_ENEMY, SFX_LOSE, ADJACENTS, TANGO_VALUES, BG_COLOR, FG_COLOR, COLORS, HERO_HP, ENEMY_HP, ATTACK_SPEED, MAX_WOUND, HERO_SPEED, BULLET_LIFETIME, JSON_SEPARATORS) from .misc import ( round2, sign, deg, around, regpoly, fill_aapolygon, play, json_rec) from .weapons import LockOn class Maze: """Object representing the maze, including the characters. Attributes: w, h (int): width and height of the display (in px) fps (float): current frame rate surface (pygame.Surface): the display to draw on distance (float): distance between centers of grids (in px) x, y (int): coordinates of the center of the hero (in px) centerx, centery (float): center grid's center's coordinates (in px) rangex, rangey (list): range of the index of the grids on display score (float): current score map (deque of deque): map of grids representing objects on the maze vx, vy (float): velocity of the maze movement (in pixels per frame) rotatex, rotatey (int): grids rotated bullets (list of .weapons.Bullet): flying bullets enemy_weights (dict): probabilities of enemies to be created enemies (list of Enemy): alive enemies hero (Hero): the hero destx, desty (int): the grid the hero is moving to stepx, stepy (int): direction the maze is moving target (Enemy or LockOn): target to automatically aim at next_move (float): time until the hero gets mobilized (in ms) glitch (float): time that the maze remain flashing colors (in ms) next_slashfx (float): time until next slash effect of the hero (in ms) slashd (float): minimum distance for slashes to be effective sfx_slash (pygame.mixer.Sound): sound effect of slashed enemy sfx_lose (pygame.mixer.Sound): sound effect to be played when you lose export (list of defaultdict): records of game states export_dir (str): directory containing records of game states export_rate (float): milliseconds per snapshot next_export (float): time until next snapshot (in ms) """ def __init__(self, fps, size, headless, export_dir, export_rate): self.fps = fps self.w, self.h = size if headless: self.surface = None else: self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode(size, pygame.RESIZABLE) self.export_dir = path.abspath(export_dir) if export_dir else '' self.next_export = self.export_rate = export_rate self.export = [] self.distance = (self.w * self.h / 416) ** 0.5 self.x, self.y = self.w // 2, self.h // 2 self.centerx, self.centery = self.w / 2.0, self.h / 2.0 w, h = (int(i/self.distance/2 + 1) for i in size) self.rangex = list(range(MIDDLE - w, MIDDLE + w + 1)) self.rangey = list(range(MIDDLE - h, MIDDLE + h + 1)) self.score = INIT_SCORE self.map = deque(deque(EMPTY for _ in range(MAZE_SIZE * CELL_WIDTH)) for _ in range(MAZE_SIZE * CELL_WIDTH)) for x in range(MAZE_SIZE): for y in range(MAZE_SIZE): self.new_cell(x, y) self.vx = self.vy = 0.0 self.rotatex = self.rotatey = 0 self.bullets, self.enemies = [], [] self.enemy_weights = {color: MINW for color in ENEMIES} self.add_enemy() self.hero = Hero(self.surface, fps, size) self.map[MIDDLE][MIDDLE] = HERO self.destx = self.desty = MIDDLE self.stepx = self.stepy = 0 self.target = LockOn(MIDDLE, MIDDLE, retired=True) self.next_move = self.glitch = self.next_slashfx = 0.0 self.slashd = self.hero.R + self.distance/SQRT2 self.sfx_spawn = SFX_SPAWN self.sfx_slash = SFX_SLASH_ENEMY self.sfx_lose = SFX_LOSE def new_cell(self, x, y): """Draw on the map a new cell whose coordinates are given. For the sake of performance, cell corners are NOT redrawn. """ def draw_bit(bit, dx=0, dy=0): startx, starty = x + CELL_NODES[dx], y + CELL_NODES[dy] height = ROAD_WIDTH if dy else WALL_WIDTH for i in range(ROAD_WIDTH if dx else WALL_WIDTH): for j in range(height): self.map[startx + i][starty + j] = bit x, y = x * CELL_WIDTH, y * CELL_WIDTH draw_bit(WALL) walls = set(sample(ADJACENTS, 2)) walls.add(choice(ADJACENTS)) for i, j in ADJACENTS: draw_bit((WALL if (i, j) in walls else EMPTY), i, j) def add_enemy(self): """Add enough enemies.""" self.enemies = [e for e in self.enemies if e.alive] walls = [(i, j) for i in self.rangex for j in self.rangey if self.map[i][j] == WALL] plums = [e for e in self.enemies if e.color == 'Plum' and e.awake] plum = choice(plums) if plums else None num = log(self.score, INIT_SCORE) while walls and len(self.enemies) < num: x, y = choice(walls) if all(self.map[x + a][y + b] == WALL for a, b in ADJACENTS): continue enemy = new_enemy(self, x, y) self.enemies.append(enemy) if plum is None or not plum.clone(enemy): walls.remove((x, y)) def get_pos(self, x, y): """Return coordinate of the center of the grid (x, y).""" return (self.centerx + (x - MIDDLE)*self.distance, self.centery + (y - MIDDLE)*self.distance) def get_grid(self, x, y): """Return the grid containing the point (x, y).""" return (MIDDLE + round2((x-self.centerx) / self.distance), MIDDLE + round2((y-self.centery) / self.distance)) def get_target(self, x, y): """Return shooting target the grid containing the point (x, y). If the grid is the hero, return a retired target. """ gridx, gridy = self.get_grid(x, y) if gridx == gridy == MIDDLE: return LockOn(gridx, gridy, True) for enemy in self.enemies: if not enemy.isunnoticeable(gridx, gridy): return enemy return LockOn(gridx, gridy) def get_score(self): """Return the current score.""" return int(self.score - INIT_SCORE) def get_color(self): """Return color of a grid.""" return choice(TANGO_VALUES)[0] if self.glitch > 0 else FG_COLOR def draw(self): """Draw the maze.""" self.surface.fill(BG_COLOR) if self.next_move <= 0: for i in self.rangex: for j in self.rangey: if self.map[i][j] != WALL: continue x, y = self.get_pos(i, j) square = regpoly(4, self.distance / SQRT2, pi / 4, x, y) fill_aapolygon(self.surface, square, self.get_color()) for enemy in self.enemies: enemy.draw() if not self.hero.dead: self.hero.draw() bullet_radius = self.distance / 4 for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.draw(bullet_radius) pygame.display.flip() pygame.display.set_caption( 'Brutal Maze - Score: {}'.format(self.get_score())) def isdisplayed(self, x, y): """Return True if the grid (x, y) is in the displayable part of the map, False otherwise. """ return (self.rangex[0] <= x <= self.rangex[-1] and self.rangey[0] <= y <= self.rangey[-1]) def rotate(self): """Rotate the maze if needed.""" x = int((self.centerx-self.x) * 2 / self.distance) y = int((self.centery-self.y) * 2 / self.distance) if x == y == 0: return for enemy in self.enemies: if self.map[enemy.x][enemy.y] == ENEMY: self.map[enemy.x][enemy.y] = EMPTY self.map[MIDDLE][MIDDLE] = EMPTY self.centerx -= x * self.distance self.map.rotate(x) self.rotatex += x self.centery -= y * self.distance for d in self.map: d.rotate(y) self.rotatey += y self.map[MIDDLE][MIDDLE] = HERO if self.map[self.destx][self.desty] != HERO: self.destx += x self.desty += y self.stepx = self.stepy = 0 # Respawn the enemies that fall off the display for i, enemy in enumerate(self.enemies): enemy.place(x, y) if not self.isdisplayed(enemy.x, enemy.y): self.score += enemy.wound enemy.die() self.add_enemy() # LockOn target is not yet updated. if isinstance(self.target, LockOn): self.target.place(x, y, self.isdisplayed) # Regenerate the maze if abs(self.rotatex) == CELL_WIDTH: self.rotatex = 0 for i in range(CELL_WIDTH): self.map[i].rotate(-self.rotatey) for i in range(MAZE_SIZE): self.new_cell(0, i) for i in range(CELL_WIDTH): self.map[i].rotate(self.rotatey) if abs(self.rotatey) == CELL_WIDTH: self.rotatey = 0 self.map.rotate(-self.rotatex) for i in range(MAZE_SIZE): self.new_cell(i, 0) self.map.rotate(self.rotatex) def get_distance(self, x, y): """Return the distance from the center of the maze to the point (x, y). """ return ((self.x-x)**2 + (self.y-y)**2)**0.5 def hit_hero(self, wound, color): """Handle the hero when he loses HP.""" if self.enemy_weights[color] + wound < MAXW: self.enemy_weights[color] += wound if color == 'Orange': # If called by close-range attack, this is FPS-dependant, although # in playable FPS (24 to infinity), the difference within 2%. self.hero.next_heal = abs(self.hero.next_heal * (1 - wound)) elif (uniform(0, sum(self.enemy_weights.values())) < self.enemy_weights[color]): self.hero.next_heal = -1.0 # what doesn't kill you heals you if color == 'Butter' or color == 'ScarletRed': wound *= ENEMY_HP elif color == 'Chocolate': self.hero.highness += wound wound = 0 elif color == 'SkyBlue': self.next_move = max(self.next_move, 0) + wound*1000 wound = 0 if wound and sum(self.hero.wounds) < MAX_WOUND: self.hero.wounds[-1] += wound def slash(self): """Handle close-range attacks.""" for enemy in self.enemies: enemy.slash() if not self.hero.spin_queue: return for enemy in filter(lambda e: e.awake, self.enemies): d = self.slashd - enemy.distance if d > 0: wound = d * SQRT2 / self.distance if self.next_slashfx <= 0: play(self.sfx_slash, wound, enemy.get_angle()) self.next_slashfx = ATTACK_SPEED enemy.hit(wound / self.hero.spin_speed) if enemy.wound >= ENEMY_HP: self.score += enemy.wound enemy.die() self.add_enemy() def track_bullets(self): """Handle the bullets.""" self.bullets.extend(self.hero.shots) fallen = [] block = (self.hero.spin_queue and self.hero.next_heal < 0 and self.hero.next_strike > self.hero.spin_queue / self.fps) for i, bullet in enumerate(self.bullets): wound = bullet.fall_time / BULLET_LIFETIME bullet.update(self.fps, self.distance) gridx, gridy = self.get_grid(bullet.x, bullet.y) if wound <= 0 or not self.isdisplayed(gridx, gridy): fallen.append(i) elif bullet.color == 'Aluminium': active_enemies = [e for e in self.enemies if e.awake] if self.map[gridx][gridy] == WALL and self.next_move <= 0: fallen.append(i) if not active_enemies: continue self.glitch = wound * 1000 enemy = new_enemy(self, gridx, gridy) enemy.awake = True self.map[gridx][gridy] = ENEMY play(self.sfx_spawn, enemy.spawn_volumn, enemy.get_angle()) enemy.hit(wound) self.enemies.append(enemy) continue for enemy in active_enemies: if bullet.get_distance(*enemy.pos) < self.distance: enemy.hit(wound) if enemy.wound >= ENEMY_HP: self.score += enemy.wound enemy.die() self.add_enemy() play(bullet.sfx_hit, wound, bullet.angle) fallen.append(i) break elif bullet.get_distance(self.x, self.y) < self.distance: if block: self.hero.next_strike = (abs(self.hero.spin_queue/self.fps) + ATTACK_SPEED) play(bullet.sfx_missed, wound, bullet.angle + pi) else: self.hit_hero(wound, bullet.color) play(bullet.sfx_hit, wound, bullet.angle + pi) fallen.append(i) for i in reversed(fallen): self.bullets.pop(i) def is_valid_move(self, vx=0.0, vy=0.0): """Return dx or dy if it it valid to move the maze in that velocity, otherwise return 0.0. """ d = self.distance/2 + self.hero.R herox, heroy, dx, dy = self.x - vx, self.y - vy, sign(vx), sign(vy) for gridx in range(MIDDLE - dx - 1, MIDDLE - dx + 2): for gridy in range(MIDDLE - dy - 1, MIDDLE - dy + 2): x, y = self.get_pos(gridx, gridy) if (max(abs(herox - x), abs(heroy - y)) < d and self.map[gridx][gridy] == WALL): return 0.0 for enemy in self.enemies: x, y = self.get_pos(enemy.x, enemy.y) if max(abs(herox - x), abs(heroy - y)) * 2 < self.distance: return 0.0 return vx or vy def expos(self, x, y): """Return position of the given coordinates in rounded percent.""" cx = len(self.rangex)*50 + (x - self.centerx)/self.distance*100 cy = len(self.rangey)*50 + (y - self.centery)/self.distance*100 return round2(cx), round2(cy) def update_export(self, forced=False): """Update the maze's data export and return the last record.""" if self.next_export > 0 and not forced or self.hero.dead: return export = defaultdict(list) export['s'] = self.get_score() if self.next_move <= 0: for y in self.rangey: export['m'].append(''.join( COLORS[self.get_color()] if self.map[x][y] == WALL else '0' for x in self.rangex)) x, y = self.expos(self.x, self.y) export['h'] = [ COLORS[self.hero.get_color()], x, y, deg(self.hero.angle), int(self.hero.next_strike <= 0), int(self.hero.next_heal <= 0)] for enemy in self.enemies: if enemy.isunnoticeable(): continue x, y = self.expos(*enemy.pos) color, angle = COLORS[enemy.get_color()], deg(enemy.angle) export['e'].append([color, x, y, angle]) for bullet in self.bullets: x, y = self.expos(bullet.x, bullet.y) color, angle = COLORS[bullet.get_color()], deg(bullet.angle) if color != '0': export['b'].append([color, x, y, angle]) if self.next_export <= 0: export['t'] = round2(self.export_rate - self.next_export) self.export.append(export) self.next_export = self.export_rate return export def update(self, fps): """Update the maze.""" self.fps = fps self.vx = self.is_valid_move(vx=self.vx) self.centerx += self.vx self.vy = self.is_valid_move(vy=self.vy) self.centery += self.vy self.next_move -= 1000.0 / fps self.glitch -= 1000.0 / fps self.next_slashfx -= 1000.0 / fps self.next_export -= 1000.0 / fps self.rotate() if self.vx or self.vy or self.hero.firing or self.hero.slashing: for enemy in self.enemies: enemy.wake() for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.place(self.vx, self.vy) for enemy in self.enemies: enemy.update() self.track_bullets() if not self.hero.dead: self.hero.update(fps) self.slash() if self.hero.wound >= HERO_HP: self.lose() self.update_export() def resize(self, size): """Resize the maze.""" self.w, self.h = size self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode(size, pygame.RESIZABLE) self.hero.resize(size) offsetx = (self.centerx-self.x) / self.distance offsety = (self.centery-self.y) / self.distance self.distance = (self.w * self.h / 416) ** 0.5 self.x, self.y = self.w // 2, self.h // 2 self.centerx = self.x + offsetx*self.distance self.centery = self.y + offsety*self.distance w, h = int(self.w/self.distance/2 + 1), int(self.h/self.distance/2 + 1) self.rangex = list(range(MIDDLE - w, MIDDLE + w + 1)) self.rangey = list(range(MIDDLE - h, MIDDLE + h + 1)) self.slashd = self.hero.R + self.distance/SQRT2 def set_step(self, check=(lambda x, y: True)): """Work out next step on the shortest path to the destination. Return whether target is impossible to reach and hero should shoot toward it instead. """ if self.stepx or self.stepy and self.vx == self.vy == 0.0: x, y = MIDDLE - self.stepx, MIDDLE - self.stepy if self.stepx and not self.stepy: nextx = x - self.stepx n = self.map[x][y - 1] == EMPTY == self.map[nextx][y - 1] s = self.map[x][y + 1] == EMPTY == self.map[nextx][y + 1] self.stepy = n - s elif not self.stepx and self.stepy: nexty = y - self.stepy w = self.map[x - 1][y] == EMPTY == self.map[x - 1][nexty] e = self.map[x + 1][y] == EMPTY == self.map[x + 1][nexty] self.stepx = w - e return False # Shoot WALL and ENEMY instead if self.map[self.destx][self.desty] != EMPTY: self.stepx = self.stepy = 0 return True # Forest Fire algorithm with step count queue = defaultdict(list, {0: [(self.destx, self.desty)]}) visited, count, distance = set(), 1, 0 while count: if not queue[distance]: distance += 1 x, y = queue[distance].pop() count -= 1 if (x, y) not in visited: visited.add((x, y)) else: continue dx, dy = MIDDLE - x, MIDDLE - y if dx**2 + dy**2 <= 2: self.stepx, self.stepy = dx, dy return False for i, j in around(x, y): if self.map[i][j] == EMPTY and check(i, j): queue[distance + 1].append((i, j)) count += 1 # Failed to find way to move to target self.stepx = self.stepy = 0 return True def isfast(self): """Return if the hero is moving faster than HERO_SPEED.""" return (self.vx**2+self.vy**2)**0.5*self.fps > HERO_SPEED*self.distance def dump_records(self): """Dump JSON records.""" if self.export_dir: with open(json_rec(self.export_dir), 'w') as f: json.dump(self.export, f, separators=JSON_SEPARATORS) def lose(self): """Handle loses.""" self.hero.dead = True self.hero.wound = HERO_HP self.hero.slashing = self.hero.firing = False self.destx = self.desty = MIDDLE self.stepx = self.stepy = 0 self.vx = self.vy = 0.0 play(self.sfx_lose) self.dump_records() def reinit(self): """Open new game.""" self.centerx, self.centery = self.w / 2.0, self.h / 2.0 self.score, self.export = INIT_SCORE, [] self.map = deque(deque(EMPTY for _ in range(MAZE_SIZE * CELL_WIDTH)) for _ in range(MAZE_SIZE * CELL_WIDTH)) for x in range(MAZE_SIZE): for y in range(MAZE_SIZE): self.new_cell(x, y) self.map[MIDDLE][MIDDLE] = HERO self.destx = self.desty = MIDDLE self.stepx = self.stepy = 0 self.vx = self.vy = 0.0 self.rotatex = self.rotatey = 0 self.bullets, self.enemies = [], [] self.enemy_weights = {color: MINW for color in ENEMIES} self.add_enemy() self.next_move = self.next_slashfx = self.hero.next_strike = 0.0 self.target = LockOn(MIDDLE, MIDDLE, retired=True) self.hero.next_heal = -1.0 self.hero.highness = 0.0 self.hero.slashing = self.hero.firing = self.hero.dead = False self.hero.spin_queue = self.hero.wound = 0.0 self.hero.wounds = deque([0.0])