
45 lines
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Screen width: 640
Screen height: 480
# FPS should not be greater than refresh rate.
Maximum FPS: 60
Muted: no
# Volume must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
Music volume: 1.0
# Touch-friendly control
Touch: no
# Input values should be either from Mouse1 to Mouse3 or a keyboard key
# and they are case-insensitively read.
# Aliases for special keys are listed here (without the K_ part):
# Key combinations are not supported.
New game: F2
Toggle pause: p
Toggle mute: m
Move left: a
Move right: d
Move up: w
Move down: s
Long-range attack: Mouse1
Close-range attack: Mouse3
# Directory to write record of game states, leave blank to disable.
# Number of snapshots per second. This is preferably from 3 to 60.
Frequency: 30
# Enabling remote control will disable control via keyboard and mouse.
Enable: no
Host: localhost
Port: 42069
# Timeout on blocking socket operations, in seconds.
Timeout: 1.0
# Disable graphics and sound (only if socket server is enabled).
Headless: no