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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - module for hero and enemy classes
# This file is part of brutalmaze
# brutalmaze is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# brutalmaze is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with brutalmaze. If not, see <>.
# Copyright (C) 2017 Nguyễn Gia Phong
__doc__ = 'brutalmaze module for hero and enemy classes'
from collections import deque
from math import atan, atan2, sin, pi
from random import choice, randrange, shuffle
import pygame
from .constants import *
from .utils import sign, cosin, randsign, regpoly, fill_aapolygon
from .weapons import Bullet
class Hero:
"""Object representing the hero.
surface (pygame.Surface): the display to draw on
x, y (int): coordinates of the center of the hero (in pixels)
angle (float): angle of the direction the hero pointing (in radians)
color (tuple of pygame.Color): colors of the hero on different HPs
R (int): circumradius of the regular triangle representing the hero
next_strike (int): the tick that the hero can do the next attack
slashing (bool): flag indicates if the hero is doing close-range attack
firing (bool): flag indicates if the hero is doing long-range attack
dead (bool): flag indicates if the hero is dead
spin_speed (float): speed of spinning (in frames per slash)
spin_queue (float): frames left to finish spinning
wound (float): amount of wound
def __init__(self, surface, fps):
self.surface = surface
w, h = self.surface.get_width(), self.surface.get_height()
self.x, self.y = w >> 1, h >> 1
self.angle, self.color = pi / 4, TANGO['Aluminium']
self.R = int((w * h / sin(pi*2/3) / 624) ** 0.5)
self.next_strike = 0
self.slashing = self.firing = self.dead = False
self.spin_speed = fps / HERO_HP
self.spin_queue = self.wound = 0.0
def update(self, fps):
"""Update the hero."""
old_speed, time = self.spin_speed, pygame.time.get_ticks()
self.spin_speed = fps / (HERO_HP-self.wound**0.5)
self.spin_queue *= self.spin_speed / old_speed
if not self.dead: self.wound -= HEAL_SPEED / self.spin_speed / HERO_HP
if self.wound < 0: self.wound = 0.0
if self.slashing and time >= self.next_strike:
self.next_strike = time + ATTACK_SPEED
self.spin_queue = randsign() * self.spin_speed
if abs(self.spin_queue) > 0.5:
self.angle += sign(self.spin_queue) * pi / 2 / self.spin_speed
self.spin_queue -= sign(self.spin_queue)
# Follow the mouse cursor
x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
self.angle = atan2(y - self.y, x - self.x)
self.spin_queue = 0.0
trigon = regpoly(3, self.R, self.angle, self.x, self.y)
fill_aapolygon(self.surface, trigon, self.color[int(self.wound)])
except IndexError: # When the hero is wounded over his HP
self.wound = HERO_HP
def die(self):
"""Handle the hero's death."""
self.dead = True
self.slashing = self.firing = False
def resize(self):
"""Resize the hero."""
w, h = self.surface.get_width(), self.surface.get_height()
self.x, self.y = w >> 1, h >> 1
self.R = (w * h / sin(pi*2/3) / 624) ** 0.5
class Enemy:
"""Object representing an enemy.
maze (Maze): the maze
x, y (int): coordinates of the center of the enemy (in grids)
angle (float): angle of the direction the enemy pointing (in radians)
color (tuple of pygame.Color): colors of the enemy on different HPs
awake (bool): flag indicates if the enemy is active
next_strike (int): the tick that the enemy can do the next attack
move_speed (float): speed of movement (in frames per grid)
offsetx, offsety (integer): steps moved from the center of the grid
spin_speed (float): speed of spinning (in frames per slash)
spin_queue (float): frames left to finish spinning
wound (float): amount of wound
def __init__(self, maze, x, y):
self.maze = maze
self.x, self.y = x, y[x][y] = ENEMY
self.angle, self.color = pi / 4, TANGO[choice(ENEMIES)]
self.awake = False
self.next_strike = 0
self.move_speed = self.maze.fps / ENEMY_SPEED
self.offsetx = self.offsety = 0
self.spin_speed = self.maze.fps / ENEMY_HP
self.spin_queue = self.wound = 0.0
def pos(self):
"""Return coordinate of the center of the enemy."""
x, y = self.maze.pos(self.x, self.y)
step = self.maze.distance * HERO_SPEED / self.maze.fps
return x + self.offsetx*step, y + self.offsety*step
def place(self, x=0, y=0):
"""Move the enemy by (x, y) (in grids)."""
self.x += x
self.y += y[self.x][self.y] = ENEMY
def wake(self):
"""Wake the enemy up if it can see the hero."""
if self.awake: return
startx = starty = MIDDLE
stopx, stopy, distance = self.x, self.y, self.maze.distance
if startx > stopx: startx, stopx = stopx, startx
if starty > stopy: starty, stopy = stopy, starty
dx = (self.x-MIDDLE)*distance + self.maze.centerx - self.maze.x
dy = (self.y-MIDDLE)*distance + self.maze.centery - self.maze.y
mind = cosin(abs(atan(dy / dx)) if dx else 0) * distance
def length(x, y): return abs(dy*x - dx*y) / (dy**2 + dx**2)**0.5
for i in range(startx, stopx + 1):
for j in range(starty, stopy + 1):
if[i][j] != WALL: continue
x, y = self.maze.pos(i, j)
if length(x - self.maze.x, y - self.maze.y) <= mind: return
self.awake = True
def fire(self):
"""Return True if the enemy shot the hero, False otherwise."""
x, y = self.pos()
if (self.maze.length(x, y) > FIRANGE*self.maze.distance
or self.next_strike > pygame.time.get_ticks()
or (self.x, self.y) in AROUND_HERO or self.offsetx or self.offsety
or randrange((self.maze.hero.slashing+self.maze.isfast()+1) * 3)):
return False
self.next_strike = pygame.time.get_ticks() + ATTACK_SPEED
self.maze.surface, x, y,
atan2(self.maze.y - y, self.maze.x - x), self.color[0]))
return True
def move(self):
"""Handle the movement of the enemy.
Return True if it moved, False otherwise.
if self.offsetx:
self.offsetx -= sign(self.offsetx)
return True
if self.offsety:
self.offsety -= sign(self.offsety)
return True
if self.next_strike > pygame.time.get_ticks(): return False
self.move_speed = self.maze.fps / ENEMY_SPEED
directions = [(sign(MIDDLE - self.x), 0), (0, sign(MIDDLE - self.y))]
for x, y in directions:
if (x or y) and[self.x + x][self.y + y] == EMPTY:
self.offsetx = round(x * (1 - self.move_speed))
self.offsety = round(y * (1 - self.move_speed))[self.x][self.y] = EMPTY, y)
return True
return False
def update(self):
"""Update the enemy."""
if self.awake:
self.spin_speed, old_speed = self.maze.fps / ENEMY_HP, self.spin_speed
self.spin_queue *= self.spin_speed / old_speed
if not self.spin_queue and not and not self.move():
self.spin_queue = randsign() * self.spin_speed
if abs(self.spin_queue) > 0.5:
self.angle += sign(self.spin_queue) * pi / 2 / self.spin_speed
self.spin_queue -= sign(self.spin_queue)
self.angle, self.spin_queue = pi / 4, 0.0
radious = self.maze.distance/SQRT2 - self.awake*2
square = regpoly(4, radious, self.angle, *self.pos())
color = self.color[int(self.wound)] if self.awake else FG_COLOR
fill_aapolygon(self.maze.surface, square, color)
def hit(self, wound):
"""Handle the enemy when it's hit by a bullet."""
self.wound += wound
def die(self):
"""Handle the enemy's death."""[self.x][self.y] = EMPTY if self.awake else WALL